138 resultados para Poliéster
Os materiais poliméricos tem sido uma das causas dos problemas ambientais discutidos em todo mundo nos últimos tempos. Como uma das soluções para esse problema, estão os polímeros biodegradáveis que são materiais que se degradam pela ação de microorganismos. Uma Indústria sediada no Brasil lançou recentemente um poliéster biodegradável que surge boa alternativa para o crescimento no mercado dos polímeros biodegradáveis, principalmente por possuir em sua composição matéria prima de fonte renovável. Neste trabalho foram preparados compósitos com matriz de poliéster biodegradável e fibra de coco verde com e sem modificação química por acetilação em misturador interno Haake. Foi estudada a biodegradabilidade em solo simulado do polímero puro e de seus compósitos e foram avaliadas as propriedades térmicas, morfológicas e mecânicas do polímero puro e de alguns de seus compósitos. O teste de biodegradabilidade foi feito pelo enterro das amostras em solo simulado por períodos distintos, variando de duas a dezessete semanas, seguindo a Norma ASTM G 160 03. Após cada período de teste, as amostras foram retiradas do solo e analisadas por microscopia ótica (MO), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), análise termogravimétrica (TGA), calorimetria diferencial de varredura (DSC), espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (FTIR) e análise mecânica de tração. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que tanto o polímero puro quanto os seus compósitos sofreram biodegradação, a presença da fibra apenas atrasa o processo de biodegradação, as fibras de coco tiveram uma boa afinidade com a matriz polimérica, a incorporação de 5% fibra de coco na matriz torna o compósito mais rígido e a incorporação da fibra e o processo de biodegradação alteram as características da fase cristalina no material polimérico.
A utilização de polímeros biodegradáveis é uma das formas de minimizar o grande volume de descartes de materiais poliméricos que tendem a aumentar cada vez mais causando dano ao meio ambiente. Existem vários métodos de avaliação de biodegradação de polímeros que podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento de novos materiais biodegradáveis. Nessa dissertação foi avaliada a biodegradação do compósito de matriz de polímero comercial à base de poliéster e amido e fibra de coco verde. Foram usados dois métodos, em solo simulado e em ambiente marinho. A biodegradação dos compósitos foi avaliada através das análises de: Perda de massa, Microscopia ótica (MO), Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV), Calorimetria Diferencial de Varredura (DSC), Análise Termogravimétrica (TGA) e Espectroscopia na região do Infravermelho (FTIR). Além disso, foi realizada uma comparação entre desempenho de biodegradação do material nos dois ambientes. A velocidade de biodegradação no ambiente marinho é maior do que no solo simulado
O uso de polímeros e de compósitos biodegradáveis se apresenta como uma solução para o problema gerado pelo descarte de grandes quantidades de resíduos plásticos no ambiente. Os polímeros convencionais, além de não biodegradáveis, tem como fonte um material não-renovável, o petróleo. Os polímeros biodegradáveis, produzidos a partir de materiais renováveis, frequentemente apresentam como desvantagem o alto custo e propriedades nem sempre satisfatórias. Neste contexto, os compósitos poliméricos se apresentam como uma alternativa, pela possibilidade de incorporar cargas, tanto de origem vegetal como mineral, para alterar propriedades, adequando-as à finalidade do material. Além disso, para viabilizá-los economicamente, há o uso de cargas de baixo custo, como resíduos agrícolas. Neste estudo foram elaborados compósitos de poli(adipato-co-tereftalato de butileno) e amido (ECOBRAS) com palha de milho, em diferentes concentrações. Foi utilizada a palha de milho in natura, resíduo agrícola abundante, como forma de reduzir os custos e aumentar a proporção de produtos naturais usados, considerando que o ECOBRAS já possui amido em sua composição. O ensaio de tração e análises de DSC, TGA, FTIR, MO e MEV foram utilizadas para caracterizar e avaliar as propriedades dos compósitos. A matriz polimérica e os compósitos foram submetidos ao ensaio de biodegradabilidade através do enterro em solo simulado, segundo a norma ASTM G 160-03, por períodos variando de 2 a 15 semanas. Após cada período de enterro, foram determinadas a perda de massa e a morfologia dos corpos de prova e foram realizadas análises de TGA e FTIR. Os compósitos apresentaram menor resistência à tração que a matriz polimérica. No ensaio de biodegradabilidade, todos os compósitos foram considerados biodegradáveis, embora o acréscimo de palha tenha aumentado o tempo de degradação
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Estruturas
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Química Analítica Ambiental) UANL, 2010.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Química Analítica Ambiental) UANL, 2011.
Tesis (Maestro en Ciencias de la Ingeniería Mecánica con especialidad en Materiales) UANL, 2014.
Os compostos de concreto polímero vem se tornando, em países desenvolvidos, uma boa opção para a construção civil, especialmente onde se necessita resistência elevada, cura rápida e boa durabilidade. Grande parte destes compostos são produzidos com as resinas epóxi e poliéster, em especial, a isoftálica. No Brasil, entretanto, não se tem conhecimento da aplicação e nem mesmo de grupos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento sistematizados, atuando na área, possivelmente devido ao desconhecimento das propriedades, da metodologia de produção e do alto custo do concreto polímero. Diante deste panorama, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo produzir e analisar composições de concreto polímero de custos reduzidos, utilizando como aglomerante a resina poliéster ortoftálica, em função de seu custo, e a resina poliéster isoftálica, que tem sido tradicionalmente utilizada. Inicialmente foram determinadas a resistência à compressão axial e absorção de água em composições de concreto polímero, com variados teores de resina, visando a escolha de um teor de aglomerante mínimo. Na segunda parte do programa experimental foi analisada a influência do teor de cinza volante (fíler) e do tipo de resina na resistência à compressão axial, na resistência à tração na flexão, no comportamento frente ao ataque químico, no módulo de elasticidade e no desgaste por abrasão. A microestrutura das amostras que sofreram ataque químico foi analisada em microscópio eletrônico de varredura. Os resultados mostraram que os concretos polímeros de resina poliéster isoftálica e ortoftálica exibiram bom comportamento mecânico e químico. A cinza volante contribui tanto no aspecto mecânico, quanto no químico. Constatou-se que a resina ortoftálica, quando utilizada simultaneamente com areia e cinza volante, exibe comportamento semelhante à resina isoftálica no concreto polímero, apesar das propriedades da resina poliéster ortoftálica serem inferiores as da isoftálica.
This work addresses the production of lightweight concrete building elements, such as plates, prefabricated slabs for pre-molded and panels of fencing, presenting a singular concrete: the Lightweight Concrete, with special properties such low density and good strength, by means of the joint use of industrial waste of thermosetting unsaturated polyesters and biodegradable foaming agent, named Polymeric Lightweight Concrete. This study covered various features of the materials used in the composition of the Polymeric Lightweight Concrete, using a planning of factorial design 23, aiming at studying of the strength, production, dosage processes, characterization of mechanical properties and microstructural analysis of the transition zone between the light artificial aggregate and the matrix of cement. The results of the mechanical strength tests were analyzed using a computational statistics tool (Statistica software) to understand the behavior and obtain the ideal quantity of each material used in the formula of the Polymeric Lightweight Concrete. The definition of the ideal formula has the purpose of obtaining a material with the lowest possible dry density and resistance to compression in accordance with NBR 12.646/92 (≥ 2.5 MPa after 28 days). In the microstructural characterization by scanning electron microscopy it was observed an influence of the materials in the process of cement hydration, showing good interaction between the wrinkled face of the residue of unsaturated polyesters thermosetting and putty and, consequently, the final strength. The attaining of an ideal formula, given the Brazilian standards, the experimental results obtained in the characterization and comparison of these results with conventional materials, confirmed that the developed Polymeric Lightweight Concrete is suitable for the production of building elements that are advantageous for construction
A polyester film has a vast application field, due some properties that are inherent of this kind of material such as, good mechanical resistance, chemical resistance to acids and bases and low production cost. However, this material has some limitations as low superficial tension, flat surface, low affinity to dyers, and poor adhesion which impede the use of the same ones for some finality as good wettability. Among the existent techniques to increase the superficial tension, plasma as energy source is the more promising technique, because of their versatility and for not polluting the environment. The plasma surface polymeric modification has been used for many researchers, because it does not affect the environment with toxic agents, the alterations remains only at nanometric layers and this technique shows expressive results. Then, due to its good acceptance, polyester films were treated with oxygen plasma varying the treatment time from 10 to 60 min with an increase of 10 min to each subsequent treatment. Also, the samples were treated with a gas mixture (nitrogen + oxygen) varying the percentage of each gas the mixture from 0 to 100%, the treatment time remaining constant to all treatments (10 min). After plasma treatment the samples were characterized by contact angle, surface tension, Raman spectroscopy, Infrared attenuated total reflection (IR-ATR) and atomic force microscopy, with the aim to study the wettability increase of treated polyester films as its variables. In the (O2/N2) plasma treatment of polyester films can be observed an increase of superficial roughness superior to those treated by O2 plasma. By the other hand, the chemical modification through the implantation of polar groups at the surface is obtained more easily using O2 plasma treatment
This work reports the influence of the poly (ethylene terephthalate) textile surface modification by plasmas of O2 and mixtures (N2 + O2), on their physical and chemical properties. The treatment was carried out in a vacuum chamber. Some parameters remained constant during all treatment, such as: Voltage 470 V; Pressure 1,250 Mbar; Current: 0, 10 A and gas flow: 10 cm3/min. Other parameters, such as working gas composition and treatment time, were modified as the following: to the O2 plasma modified samples only the treatment time was changed (10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 minutes). To the plasma with O2 and N2 only the chemical concentrations were changed. Through Capillary tests (vertical) an increase in textile wettability was observed as well as its influence on aging time and its consequence on wettability. The surface functional groups created after plasma treatments were investigated using X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). The surface topography was examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM)
With the objective to promote sustainable development, the fibres found in nature in abundance, which are biodegradable, of low cost in comparison to synthetic fibres are being used in the manufacture of composites. The mechanical behavior of the curauá and pineapple leaf fibre (PALF) composites in different proportions, 25% x 75% (P1), 50% x 50% (P2) e 75% x 25% (P3) were respectively studied, being initially treated with a 2% aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide. Mechanical analyses indicated that with respect to studies of traction, for the combination of P1 and P3, better results of 22.17 MPa and 16.98 MPa, were obtained respectively, which are higher than that of the combination P2. The results of the same pattern were obtained for analysis of bending resistance where P1 is 1.21% and P3 represents 0.96%. In the case of resistance to bending, best results were obtained for the combination P1 at 49.07 MPa. However, when Young's modulus values were calculated, the values were different to the pattern of the results of other tests, where the combination P2 with the value of 4.06 GPa is greater than the other combinations. This shows that the PALF had a greater influence in relation to curauá fibre. The analysis of the results generally shows that in combinations of two vegetable fibers of cellulosic origin, the fiber which shows higher percentage (75%) is the best option than to the composition of 50%/50%. In the meantime, according to the results obtained in this study, in the case where the application should withstand bending loads, the better composition would be 50%/50%
The use of composite materials and alternative is being increased every day, as it becomes more widespread awareness that the use of renewable and not harmful to the environment is part of a new environmentally friendly model. Since its waste (primarily fiberglass) can not be easily recycled by the difficulty that still exists in this process, since they have two phases mixed, a polymeric matrix thermoset difficult to recycle because it is infusible and phase of fiber reinforcements. Thermoset matrix composites like Polyester + fiberglass pose a threat due to excessive discharge. Aiming to minimize this problem, aimed to reuse the composite Polyester + fiber glass, through the wastes obtained by the grinding of knifes and balls. These residues were incorporated into the new composite Polyester/Fiberglass for hot compression mold and compared tribological to composites with filler CaCO3, generally used as filler, targeting a partial replacement of CaCO3 by such waste. The composites were characterized by thermal analysis (TGA, DSC and DMA), by the surface integrity (roughness determination, contact angle and surface energy), mechanical properties (hardness) and tribological tests (wear and coefficient of dynamic friction) in order to evaluate the effect of loads and characterize these materials for applications that can take, in the tribological point of view since waste Polyester + fiberglass has great potential for replacement of CaCO3
In the present research work, composites were prepared using pine apple leaf fibres (PALF) as reinforcement with unsaturated polyester resin as matrix, incorporating with fire retardant at different compositions. The PALF was obtained from the decortication of pine apple leaves obtained from Ramada 4 from Ielmo Marinho in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The unsaturated polyester resin and the catalyzer were bought from the local establishment. The fire retardant, aluminium tri-hydroxide - Al(OH)3 was donated by Alcoa Alumínio S.A and was used in the proportions of 20%, 40% and 60% w/w. Initially the fibres were treated with 2% NaOH for 1 hour, to remove any impurities present on the fibre surface, such as wax, fat, pectin and pectate, in order to have a better adsorption of the fibres with the matrix as well as the flame retardant. The fibre mat was prepared in a mat preparator by immersion, developed in the Textile Engineering Laboratory, at the UFRN. The composites (300x300x3 mm) were prepared by compression molding and the samples (150x25x3 mm) for analysis of the properties were cut randomly using a laser cutter. Some of the cut samples were used to measure the smoke emission and fire resistance using UL94 standard. Mechanical tension-extension and flexural properties were carried in CTGás RN and the Laboratório de Metais e Ensaios Mecânicos Engenharia de Materiais UFRN , as well as SEM studies were carried out at Núcleo de Estudos em Petróleo e Gás Natural - UFRN . From the observed results, it was noted that, there was no marked influence of the fire retardant on the mechanical properties. Also in the water absorption test, the quantity of water absorbed was less in the sample with higher concentration of fire retardant. It was also observed that the increase in the proportion of the fire retardant increased the time of burning, may be due to the compactness of the composite due to the presence of fire retardant as a filling material even though it was meant to reduce the rate of inflammability of the composite
Use of natural fibres as a reinforcement material in the manufacture of composites show a series of advantages: availability, biodegradability, low weight and regeneration in relation to synthetic fibres, thus justifying its utilization. In the present research work, composites were developed with chicken feathers (KF), using unsaturated polyester resin as matrix, for diversified applications, mainly in the furniture/timber industry.At present, in Brazil the chicken feathers are used as part of the animal feed, even though this material possesses low aggregated value. The chicken feathers are hollow, light and resistant. After washing with water at room temperature, a part of the chicken feathers were treated with 2% NaOH. Composites were manufactured using treated and untreated chicken feathers with unsaturated orthothalic polyester resin and 1% peroxide as catalyser, obtained in the commerce. Samples with size 150x25x3 mm for mechanical tests were cut by laser in the composite plate. Mechanical analyses were carried out in the Laboratório de Metais e Ensaios Mecânicos UFRN. All the analyses were in accordance with ASTM standards. SEM analyses were also carried out on the samples.In the analyses of the results obtained, it was observed that the composites made with untreated chicken feathers showed better results (Traction 11.406 MPa and 9.107 MPa Bending 34.947 and 20.918 MPa for samples with and without treatment respectively) compared to the composite with treated feathers. Very low values of the water absorption results, evidenced the impermeability characteristic of the feathers. From the SEM images, the structure, fracture and the fibre/matrix adsorption can be evidenced. In the flammability test, it was observed that despite the feathers having sulfur as a constituent, natural inhibitor of flame, no burning support of the composites, because the manufacturing process of the composite