855 resultados para Polcyclic hydrocarbons, Mutagenicity, Metabolism


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Kanzerogene polyaromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAKs), wie Benzo[a]pyren, besitzen eine Bay-Region mit ortho-kondensiertem Benzoring. Dadurch ist die enzymatische Bildung von Bay-Region-Dihydrodiolepoxiden (Oxiranylring in der sterisch abgeschirmten Molekülbucht) möglich, die als ultimal kanzerogene Metaboliten der PAKs gelten. Diese lösen durch DNA-Modifikation Primärläsionen aus, die, sofern sie nicht enzymatisch repariert werden, bei der DNA-Replikation Fehler verursachen (Mu-tationen). Der Mehrstufenprozeß der Kanzerogenese (Promotion und Progression) führt schließlich zur neoplastischen Entartung der Zelle. Benzo[ghi]perylen (BghiP) repräsentiert eine Gruppe von PAKs, die keine „klassische“ Bay-Region besitzen und daher keine vicinalen Dihydrodiolepoxiden bilden können. Trotzdem ist BghiP mutagen, z. B. in den Stämmen TA98 und TA100 von Salmonella typhimurium (1,3- bzw. 4,3 his+-Revertanten/nmol) nach metabolischer Aktivierung mit der postmitochondrialen Fraktion von Ratten nach Behandlung mit 3-Methylcholanthren. Hemmung der mikrosomalen Epoxidhydrolase (mEH) mit 1,1,1-Trichlor-2-propenoxid (TCPO) steigert die bakterielle Mutagenität von BghiP im Stamm TA98 um das 4-fache, was Arenoxide als ultimale Mutagene wahrscheinlich macht. Dieses Ergebnis wird au-ßerdem durch Untersuchung der DNA-Bindung mit dem Verfahren des 32P-Postlabelings bestätigt (Dr. Fickler, Institut für Toxikologie, Universität Mainz). Danach bildete mikrosomal aktiviertes BghiP drei Addukte (ein Hauptaddukt, zwei Nebenaddukte), die durch Hemmung der mEH mit TCPO verstärkt wurden (das Hauptaddukt um 29%). Um den für die bakterielle Mutagenität von BghiP verantwortlichen Metaboliten zu identifizieren, wurde die mikrosomale Biotransformaton von BghiP aufgeklärt. Umsetzung von BghiP mit Lebermikrosomen von Ratten nach Behandlung mit Aroclor 1254 lieferte 17 mit Ethylacetat extrahierbare Metaboliten. Zwölf dieser Metaboliten konnten durch eine Kombination von chromatographischen, spektroskopi-schen und biochemischen Methoden identifiziert werden. Daraus ergeben sich zwei Biotransformati-onswege: Weg I beginnt mit einem Angriff von Cytochrom P450-abhängigen Monooxygenasen an Position 7 und der Bildung des 7-Phenols. Dieses wird dann in das 7,8- bzw. 7,10-Diphenol überführt, die schließlich zu den mehrkernigen Chinonen an der 7,8- bzw. 7,10-Position oxidiert werden. Im Bio-transformationsweg II werden die K-Regionen von BghiP durch Cytochrom P450 funktionalisiert. Zu-nächst entstehen das auf indirektem Weg identifizierte 3,4-Oxid und das 3,4,11,12-Bisoxid, die in mikrosomalen Umsetzungen von BghiP nur nach Hemmung der mEH gebildet werden. Enzymatische Hydrolyse des 3,4-Oxides ergibt das trans-3,4-Dihydrodiol, das zum 3,4-Chinon oxidiert wird. Ebenso entsteht aus dem 3,4,11,12-Bisoxid das trans-3,4-trans-11,12-Bisdihydrodiol, aus dem durch Oxidati-on das trans-3,4-Dihydrodiol-11,12-Chinon hervorgeht. Untersuchung der stereoselektiven enzymati-schen Bildung der K-Region-trans-Di¬hydrodiole ergaben eine präferentielle Entstehung der 3R,4R- bzw. 3R,4R,11R,12R-Enantiomere. Untersuchungen der bakteriellen Mutagenität der Hauptmetaboliten 3,4-Dihydrodiol und dem 7-Phenol machte deutlich, dass beide Biotransformationswege I und II von BghiP zur bakteriellen Mutagenität beitragen. Das 7-Phenol aus Weg I ist ein proximales Mutagen, was auch von Phenolen anderer PAKs bekannt ist. Das 3,4-Dihydrodiol aus Weg II wird so schwach zu Mutagenen aktiviert, dass dem vermutlich gebildete 3,4-Dihydrodiol-11,12-oxid keine große Bedeutung als ultimales Mutagen von BghiP zukommt. Die Bestimmung der direkten mutagenen Aktivität (ohne metabolische Aktivierung) der mutmaßlich ultimal mutagenen Arenoxide von BghiP ergab, dass die des 3,4,11,12-Bisarenoxides sehr gering war (1,3 his+-Revertanten/nmol im Stamm TA98). Das 3,4-Oxid hingegen bewirkte einen deutlichen gentoxischen Effekt in den Stämmen TA98 und TA100 (5,5 bzw. 10 his+-Revertanten/nmol). Dies wurde durch die Bestimmung der DNA-Bindung mit dem 32P-Postlabeling, in dem das 3,4-Oxid für das Hauptaddukt von BghiP verantwortlich gemacht werden konnte, bestätigt. Daher kommt dem 3,4-Oxid als ultimales Mutagen die größte Bedeutung für die Gentoxizität von BghiP zu. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit lassen bei PAKs ohne Bay-Region auf Arenoxide schließen, die eine notwendige Voraussetzung für DNA-Bindung und Mutagenität sind.


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Human activities have resulted in the release and introduction into the environment of a plethora of aromatic chemicals. The interest in discovering how bacteria are dealing with hazardous environmental pollutants has driven a large research community and has resulted in important biochemical, genetic, and physiological knowledge about the degradation capacities of microorganisms and their application in bioremediation, green chemistry, or production of pharmacy synthons. In addition, regulation of catabolic pathway expression has attracted the interest of numerous different groups, and several catabolic pathway regulators have been exemplary for understanding transcription control mechanisms. More recently, information about regulatory systems has been used to construct whole-cell living bioreporters that are used to measure the quality of the aqueous, soil, and air environment. The topic of biodegradation is relatively coherent, and this review presents a coherent overview of the regulatory systems involved in the transcriptional control of catabolic pathways. This review summarizes the different regulatory systems involved in biodegradation pathways of aromatic compounds linking them to other known protein families. Specific attention has been paid to describing the genetic organization of the regulatory genes, promoters, and target operon(s) and to discussing present knowledge about signaling molecules, DNA binding properties, and operator characteristics, and evidence from regulatory mutants. For each regulator family, this information is combined with recently obtained protein structural information to arrive at a possible mechanism of transcription activation. This demonstrates the diversity of control mechanisms existing in catabolic pathways.


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The aim of this study was to identify genes involved in solute and matric stress mitigation in the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-degrading Novosphingobium sp. strain LH128. The genes were identified using plasposon mutagenesis and by selection of mutants that showed impaired growth in a medium containing 450 mM NaCl as a solute stress or 10% (wt/vol) polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000 as a matric stress. Eleven and 14 mutants showed growth impairment when exposed to solute and matric stresses, respectively. The disrupted sequences were mapped on a draft genome sequence of strain LH128, and the corresponding gene functions were predicted. None of them were shared between solute and matric stress-impacted mutants. One NaCl-affected mutant (i.e., NA7E1) with a disruption in a gene encoding a putative outer membrane protein (OpsA) was susceptible to lower NaCl concentrations than the other mutants. The growth of NA7E1 was impacted by other ions and nonionic solutes and by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), suggesting that opsA is involved in osmotic stress mitigation and/or outer membrane stability in strain LH128. NA7E1 was also the only mutant that showed reduced growth and less-efficient phenanthrene degradation in soil compared to the wild type. Moreover, the survival of NA7E1 in soil decreased significantly when the moisture content was decreased but was unaffected when soluble solutes from sandy soil were removed by washing. opsA appears to be important for the survival of strain LH128 in soil, especially in the case of reduced moisture content, probably by mitigating the effects of solute stress and retaining membrane stability.


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The capacity of fungi to serve as vectors for the dispersion of pollutant-degrading bacteria was analyzed in laboratory model systems mimicking water-saturated (agar surfaces) and unsaturated soil environments (glass-bead-filled columns). Two common soil fungi (Fusarium oxysporum and Rhexocercosporidium sp.) forming hydrophilic and hydrophobic mycelia, respectively, and three polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon degrading bacteria (Achromobacter sp. SK1, Mycobacterium frederiksbergense LB501TG, and Sphingomonas sp. L138) were selected based on the absence of mutual antagonistic effects. It was shown that fungal hyphae act as vectors for bacterial transport with mobilization strongly depending on the specific microorganisms chosen: The motile strain Achromobacter sp. SK1 was most efficiently spread along hyphae of hydrophilic F. oxysporum in both model systems with transport velocities of up to 1 cm d(-1), whereas no dispersion of the two nonmotile strains was observed in the presence of F. oxysporum. By contrast, none of the bacteria was mobilized along the hydrophobic mycelia of Rhexocercosporidium sp. growing on agar surfaces. In column experiments however, strain SK1 was mobilized by Rhexocercosporidium sp. It is hypothesized that bacteria may move by their intrinsic motilitythrough continuous (physiological) liquid films forming around fungal hyphae. The results of this study suggest that the specific stimulation of indigenous fungi may be a strategy to mobilize pollutant-degrading bacteria leading to their homogenization in polluted soil thereby improving bioremediation.


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The BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene) mixture is an environmental pollutant that has a high potential to contaminate water resources, especially groundwater. The bioremediation process by microorganisms has often been used as a tool for removing BTEX from contaminated sites. The application of biological assays is useful in evaluating the efficiency of bioremediation processes, besides identifying the toxicity of the original contaminants. It also allows identifying the effects of possible metabolites formed during the biodegradation process on test organisms. In this study, we evaluated the genotoxic and mutagenic potential of five different BTEX concentrations in rat hepatoma tissue culture (HTC) cells, using comet and micronucleus assays, before and after biodegradation. A mutagenic effect was observed for the highest concentration tested and for its respective non-biodegraded concentration. Genotoxicity was significant for all non-biodegraded concentrations and not significant for the biodegraded ones. According to our results, we can state that BTEX is mutagenic at concentrations close to its water solubility, and genotoxic even at lower concentrations, differing from some described results reported for the mixture components, when tested individually. Our results suggest a synergistic effect for the mixture and that the biodegradation process is a safe and efficient methodology to be applied at BTEX-contaminated sites. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous priority pollutants that tend to be trapped in aquatic sediments due to their high hydrophobicity. Nonetheless, the differential toxicological effects and mechanisms between the various classes of PAHs and their mixtures, as they invariably occur in the environment, are scarcely known, especially under ecologically-relevant scenarios. This thesis aimed at establishing a bridge between the study of mechanistic pathways and environmental monitoring of carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic PAHs, by introducing ecological-relevance in the research with model PAHs. A first bioassay conducted in situ with the mussel Mytilus edulis demonstrated that, dredging operations in harbours increase PAH bioavailability, eliciting genotoxicity, and showed that established environmental guidelines underestimate risk. Subsequent ex situ bioassays were performed with the carcinogenic benzo[b]fluoranthene (B[b]F) and non-carcinogenic phenantrene (Phe), selected following preceding results, and revealed that low-moderate concentrations of these PAHs in spiked sediments induce genotoxic effects to the clam Ruditapes decussatus, therefore contradicting the general notion that bivalves are less sensitive to PAHs than vertebrates due to inefficient bioactivation. Also, it was demonstrated that passive samplers permit inferring on PAH bioavailability but not on bioaccumulation or toxic effects. On the other hand, sea basses (Dicentrarchus labrax), yielded a complex pattern of effects and responses, relatively to genotoxicity, oxidative stress and production of specific metabolites, especially when exposed to mixtures of the PAHs which led to additive, if not synergistic, effects. It was shown that Phe may elicit significant genotoxicity especially in presence of B[b]F, even though the low, albeit realistic, exposure concentrations diluted dose- and time-independent relationships. The present work demonstrated that environmental quality guidelines underestimate the effects of PAHs in realistic scenarios and showed that the significant genotoxic and histopathological effects caused by mixed PAHs may not be reflected by oxidative stress- or CYP-related biomarkers. Besides important findings on the metabolism of PAH mixtures, the work calls for the need to re-evaluate the criteria for assessing risk and for the disclosure of more efficient indicators of toxicological hazard.


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The link between energy consumption and economic growth has been widely studied in the economic literature. Understanding this relationship is important from both an environmental and a socio-economic point of view, as energy consumption is crucial to economic activity and human environmental impact. This relevance is even higher for developing countries, since energy consumption per unit of output varies through the phases of development, increasing from an agricultural stage to an industrial one and then decreasing for certain service based economies. In the Argentinean case, the relevance of energy consumption to economic development seems to be particularly important. While energy intensity seems to exhibit a U-Shaped curve from 1990 to 2003 decreasing slightly after that year, total energy consumption increases along the period of analysis. Why does this happen? How can we relate this result with the sustainability debate? All these questions are very important due to Argentinean hydrocarbons dependence and due to the recent reduction in oil and natural gas reserves, which can lead to a lack of security of supply. In this paper we study Argentinean energy consumption pattern for the period 1990-2007, to discuss current and future energy and economic sustainability. To this purpose, we developed a conventional analysis, studying energy intensity, and a non conventional analysis, using the Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism (MuSIASEM) accounting methodology. Both methodologies show that the development process followed by Argentina has not been good enough to assure sustainability in the long term. Instead of improving energy use, energy intensity has increased. The current composition of its energy mix, and the recent economic crisis in Argentina, as well as its development path, are some of the possible explanations.


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Sphingomonas wittichii RW1 is a bacterium isolated for its ability to degrade the xenobiotic compounds dibenzodioxin and dibenzofuran (DBF). A number of genes involved in DBF degradation have been previously characterized, such as the dxn cluster, dbfB, and the electron transfer components fdx1, fdx3, and redA2. Here we use a combination of whole genome transcriptome analysis and transposon library screening to characterize RW1 catabolic and other genes implicated in the reaction to or degradation of DBF. To detect differentially expressed genes upon exposure to DBF, we applied three different growth exposure experiments, using either short DBF exposures to actively growing cells or growing them with DBF as sole carbon and energy source. Genome-wide gene expression was examined using a custom-made microarray. In addition, proportional abundance determination of transposon insertions in RW1 libraries grown on salicylate or DBF by ultra-high throughput sequencing was used to infer genes whose interruption caused a fitness loss for growth on DBF. Expression patterns showed that batch and chemostat growth conditions, and short or long exposure of cells to DBF produced very different responses. Numerous other uncharacterized catabolic gene clusters putatively involved in aromatic compound metabolism increased expression in response to DBF. In addition, only very few transposon insertions completely abolished growth on DBF. Some of those (e.g., in dxnA1) were expected, whereas others (in a gene cluster for phenylacetate degradation) were not. Both transcriptomic data and transposon screening suggest operation of multiple redundant and parallel aromatic pathways, depending on DBF exposure. In addition, increased expression of other non-catabolic genes suggests that during initial exposure, S. wittichii RW1 perceives DBF as a stressor, whereas after longer exposure, the compound is recognized as a carbon source and metabolized using several pathways in parallel.


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Nitric oxide (NO) is a cellular messenger which is mutagenic in bacteria and human TK6 cells and induces deamination of 5-methylcytosine (5meC) residues in vitro. The aims of this study were: (i) to investigate whether NO induces 5meC deamination in codon 248 of the p53 gene in cultured human bronchial epithelial cells (BEAS-2B); and (ii) to compare NO mutagenicity to that of ethylnitrosourea (ENU), a strong mutagen. Two approaches were used: (i) a novel genotypic assay, using RFLP/PCR technology on purified exon VII sequence of the p53 gene; and (ii) a phenotypic (HPRT) mutation assay using 6-thioguanine selection. BEAS-2B cells were either exposed to 4 mM DEA/NO (Et2N[N2O2]Na, an agent that spontaneously releases NO into the medium) or transfected with the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) gene. The genotypic mutation assay, which has a sensitivity of 1 x 10(-6), showed that 4 mM ENU induces detectable numbers of G --> A transitions in codon 248 of p53 while 5-methylcytosine deamination was not detected in either iNOS-transfected cells or cells exposed to 4 mM DEA/NO. Moreover, ENU was dose-responsively mutagenic in the phenotypic HPRT assay, reaching mutation frequencies of 24 and 96 times that of untreated control cells at ENU concentrations of 4 and 8 mM respectively; by contrast, 4 mM DEA/NO induced no detectable mutations in this assay, nor were any observed in cells transfected with murine iNOS. We conclude that if NO is at all promutagenic in these cells, it is significantly less so than the ethylating mutagen, ENU.


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Toluene is converted to benzyl alcohol by the fungi Mortierella isabellina and Helminthosporium species; in the latter case, the product is further metabolized. Toluene-a -d 1 , toluene-a,a-d2, and toluene-a,a,a-d 3 have been used with Mortierellaisabellina in a series of experiments to determine both primary and secondary deuterium kinetic isotope effects for the enzymic benzylic hydroxylation reaction. The values obtained, intermolecular primary kH/kD = intramolecular p rim a r y kH r kD = 1. 0 2 + O. 0 5, and sec 0 n dar y k H I kD = 1. 37 .:!. 0.05, suggest a mechanism for the reaction involving benzylic proton removal from a radical intermediate in a non-symmetrical transition state. 2H NMR (30.7 MHz) studies using ethylbenzene-l,1-d 2 , 3 -fluoroethylbenzene-l,1-d 2 , 4 -fluoroethylbenzene-l,1-d 2 , and toluene-dB as substrates with Mortierella isabellina suggest, based on the observable differences in rates of conversion between the substrates, that the hydroxylation of hydrocarbons at the benzylic position proceeds via a one electron abstraction from the aromatic ring, giving a radical cation. A series of 1,3-oxathiolanes (eight) were incubated with Mortierella isabellina , Helminthosporium , Rhizopus arrhizus , and Aspergillus niger . Sulphoxides were obtained from Mortierella isabellina and Rhizopus arrhizus using the substrates 2-phenyl-, 2-methyl-2-phenyl-, and 2-phenyl-2-tert. butyl-l,3-oxathiolane. The relative stereochemistry of 2-methyl-2-phenyl-l,3-oxathiolan-l-oxide was assigned based on lH decoupling, n.O.e, 1 and H NMR experiments. The lH NMR (200 MHz) of the methylene protons of 2-methyl-2-phenyl-l,3-oxathiolan-l-oxide was used as a diagnostic standard in assigning the relative stereochemistry of 2-phenyl-l,3-oxathiolan-l-oxide and 2-phenyl-2-tert. butyl-l,3-oxathiolan-l-oxide. The sulphoxides obtained were consistent with an oxidation occurring from the opposite side of the molecule to the phenyl substituent.


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During sugar cane harvesting season, which occurs from May to November of each year, the crops are burnt, cut, and transported to the mills. There are reports showing that mutagenic activity and PAH content increase during harvesting season in some areas of Sao Paulo State in comparison with nonharvesting periods. The objective of this work was to preliminarily characterize the mutagenic activity of the total organic extracts as well as corresponding organic fractions of airborne particulate matter (PM) collected twice from two cities, Araraquara (ARQ) and Piracicaba (PRB), during sugar cane harvesting season using the Salmonella/microsome microssuspension assay. One sample collected in Sao Paulo metropolitan area was also included. The mutagenicity of the total extracts ranged from 55 to 320 revertants per cubic meter without the addition of S9 and from not detected to 57 revertants per cubic meter in the presence of S9 in areas with sugar cane plantations. Of the three fractions analyzed, the most polar ones (nitro and oxy) were the most potent. A comparison of the response of TA98 with YG1041 and the increased potencies without S9 indicated that nitro compounds are causing the observed effect. More studies are necessary to verify the sources of the mutagenic activity such as burning of vegetal biomass and combustion of heavy duty vehicles used to transport the sugar cane to the mills. The Salmonella/microsome assay can be an important tool to monitor the atmosphere for mutagenicity during sugar cane harvesting season.


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Urban particulate matter (UPM) contributes to lung cancer incidence. Here, we have studied the mutagenic activity and DNA adduct-forming ability of fractionated UPM extractable organic matter (EOM). UPM was collected with a high-volume sampler in June 2004 at two sites, one at street level adjacent to a roadway and the other inside a park within the urban area of the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. UPM was extracted using dichloromethane, and the resulting EOM was separated by HPLC to obtain PAH, nitro-PAH, and oxy-PAH fractions which were tested for mutagenicity with the Salmonella strains TA98 and YG1041 with and without S9 metabolic activation. The PAH fraction from both sites showed negligible mutagenic activity in both strains. The highest mutagenic activity was found for the nitro-PAH fraction using YG1041 without metabolic activation; however, results were comparable for both sites. The nitro-PAH and oxy-PAH fractions were incubated with calf thymus DNA under reductive conditions appropriate for the activation of nitro aromatic compounds, then DNA adduct patterns and levels were determined with thin-layer chromatography (TLC) (32)p-postlabeling method using two enrichment procedures-nuclease PI digestion and butanol extraction. Reductively activated fractions from both sites produced diagonal radioactive zones (DRZ) of putative aromatic DNA adducts on thin layer plates with both enrichment procedures. No such DRZ were observed in control experiments using fractions from unexposed filters or from incubations without activating system. Total adduct levels produced by the nitro-PAH fractions were similar for both sites ranging from 30 to 45 adducts per 10(8) normal nucleotides. In contrast, the DNA binding of reductively activated oxy-PAH fractions was three times higher and the adduct pattern consisted of multiple discrete spots along the diagonal line on the thin layer plates. However, DNA adduct levels were not significantly different between the sampling sites. Both samples presented the same levels of mutagenic activity. The response in the Salmonella assay was typical of nitroaromatics. Although, more mutagenic activity was related to the nitro-PAH fraction in the Salmonella assay, the oxy-PAH fractions showed the highest DNA adduct levels. More studies are needed to elucidate the nature of the genotoxicants occurring in Sao Paulo atmospheric samples. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Black yeast members of the Herpotrichiellaceae present a complex ecological behavior: They are often isolated from rather extreme environments polluted with aromatic hydrocarbons, while they are also regularly involved in human opportunistic infections. A selective technique to promote the in vitro growth of herpotrichiellaceous fungi was applied to investigate their ecophysiology. Samples from natural ecological niches and man-made environments that might contain black yeasts were enriched on an inert solid support at low humidity and under a controlled atmosphere rich in volatile aromatic hydrocarbons. Benzene, toluene, and xylene were provided separately as the sole carbon and energy source via the gas phase. The assayed isolation protocol was highly specific toward mesophilic Exophiala species (70 strains of this genus out of 71 isolates). Those were obtained predominantly from creosote-treated railway ties (53 strains), but isolates were also found on wild berries (11 strains) and in guano-rich soil samples (six strains). Most of the isolates were obtained on toluene (43 strains), but enrichments on xylene and benzene also yielded herpotrichiellaceous fungi (17 and 10 isolates, respectively). Based upon morphological characterizations and DNA sequences of the full internal transcriber spacers (ITS) and the 8.5S rRNA genes, the majority of the obtained isolates were affiliated to the recently described species Exophiala xenobiotica (32 strains) and Exophiala bergeri (nine strains). Members of two other phylogenetic groups (24 and two strains, respectively) somewhat related to E. bergeri were also found, and a last group (three strains) corresponded to an undescribed Exophiala species. © 2010 The Author(s).