999 resultados para Polarization microscopy


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The pattern of availability of free DNA phosphates, and the kind of DNA-protein complex arrangement, both induced by nuclear basic proteins, and the richness in arginine residues in these proteins were investigated cytochemically and cytophysically in spermatozoa of the South-American Hylidae species, Hyla fuscovaria and Hyla biobeba. The aim was to demonstrate differences at the level of sperm histones in two species of Hyla until recently considered to be congeneric. The results indicated differences in the spermatozoal nuclear basic proteins and DNA-protein complexes when the two species were compared. The spermatozoa of Hyla biobeba were assumed to be likely to contain a Bloch's ''type 3'' protein type (intermediate sperm basic protein), similarly to Hyla species of North and Central America. on the other hand, the data obtained for the spermatozoa of Hyla fuscovaria indicated that they contain a protamine or protamine-like protein, differing from Hyla biobeba and Hyla species of North and Central America. It is suggested that the differences reported here may be genus-specific, since Hyla fuscovaria has recently been reclassified as Scinax fuscovaria based on parameters other than sperm histone types. These findings are in agreement with the general view of a wide variability in sperm nuclear proteins in the Anura group.


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The relationship between liquid crystal orientational ordering and optical diffraction properties is investigated for a two-dimensional square photonic lattice fabricated in a polymer-dispersed liquid crystal (PDLC) composite. Modifications of the nematic director field in the liquid crystal domains were induced by an external applied voltage and by heating over the nematic-isotropic (N-I) phase transition. They were studied by optical polarization microscopy and by analysing far-field optical diffraction patterns. The intensities of various diffraction orders (from the zeroth up to the eighth diffraction order) were monitored with a CCD camera, and their variations were correlated with the modifications of the director field.


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Seeds of Bixa orellana (L.) have a sclerified palisade cell layer, which constitutes a natural barrier to water uptake. In fact, newly fully developed B. orellana seeds are highly impermeable to water and thereby dormant. The purpose of this work is to investigate, from a developmental point of view, the histochemical and physical changes in the cell walls of the seed coat that are associated with the water impermeability. Seed coat samples were analyzed by histochemical and polarization microscopy techniques, as well as by fractionation/HPAEC-PAD. For histochemical analysis the tissue samples were fixed, dehydrated, embedded in paraffin and the slides were dewaxed and tested with appropriate stains for different cell wall components. Throughout the development of B. orellana seeds, there was a gradual thickening of the seed coat at the palisade region. This thickening was due to the deposition of cellulose and hemicelluloses in the palisade layer cell walls, which resulted in a highly water impermeable seed coat. The carbohydrate composition of the cell walls changed dramatically at the late developmental stages due to the intense deposition of hemicelluloses. Hemicelluloses were mainly deposited in the outer region of the palisade layer cell walls and altered the birefringent pattern of the walls. Xylans were by far the most abundant hemicellulosic component of the cell walls. Deposition of cellulose and hemicelluloses, especially xylans, could be responsible for the impermeability to water observed in fully developed B. orellana seeds.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The subject of this study was to observe the rat subcutaneous connective tissue reaction to implanted dentin tubes filled with mineral trioxide aggregate, Portland cement or calcium hydroxide. The animals were sacrificed after 7 or 30 days and the undecalcified specimens were prepared for histological analysis with polarized light and Von Kossa technique for mineralized tissues. The results were similar for the studied materials. At the tube openings, there were Von Kossa-positive granules that were birefringent to polarized light. Next to these granulations, there was an irregular tissue like a bridge that was Von Kossa-positive. The dentin walls of the tubes exhibited in the tubules a structure highly birefringent to polarized light, usually like a layer and at different depths. The mechanism of action of the studied materials has some similarity.


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The present study focuses on establishing patterns of collagen fibers distribution in prostatic nodular hyperplasia and adenocarcinomas, in comparison with the normal tissue. Sections of prostatic transurethral resection were subjected to Gömöri's method for collagen fibers and reticulin and analyzed under ordinary and polarized light microscopy. Controls and hyperplastic regions present collagen fibers with variable thickness that run in different directions, establishing a tridimensional network. These fibers exhibit birefringence and dichroism thus demonstrating their fibrillar integrity. On the other hand, increased variability in collagen fiber distribution and anisotropical properties occur in adenocarcinomas evaluated in accordance with the Gleason's score. In some of their areas, a well-defined collagen network delimitates the base of transformed epithelial cells whereas in other areas the collagen fibers are disorganized and do not establish a boundary between the epithelial structures and the stroma. In these areas, collagen is found in the stroma. It was also observed that adenocarcinoma tumor cells rest on a scaffold of thin and dendritic collagen fibers. Collagen fibers of the prostatic stroma of the adenocarcinomas may show a modification in arrangement and fibrillar compactness. In prostatic nodular hyperplasia, there is no change in collagen molecular integrity, since collagen affinity for silver and collagen birefringence are similar to controls. In adenocarcinoma with high dedifferentiation degree, thin and branched strongly argyrophilic and birefringent collagen fibers are detected in regions of cell proliferation. In the adjacent stroma, hyaline plaques are indicative of matrix degradation or remodellation.


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Aqueous dispersions of monoolein (MO) with a commercial hydrophobically modified ethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose ether (HMEHEC) have been investigated with respect to the morphologies of the liquid crystalline nanoparticles. Only very low proportions of HMEHEC are accepted in the cubic and lamellar phases of the monoolein-water system. Due to the broad variation of composition and size of the commercial polymer, no other single-phase regions were found in the quasi-ternary system. Interactions of MO with different fractions of the HMEHEC sample induced the formation of lamellar and reversed hexagonal phases, identified from SAXD, polarization microscopy, and cryogenic TEM examinations. In excess water (more than 90 wt %) coarse dispersions are formed more or less spontaneously, containing particles of cubic phase from a size visible by the naked eye to small particles observed by cryoTEM. At high polymer/MO ratios, vesicles were frequently observed, often oligo-lamellar with inter-lamellar connections. After homogenization of the coarse dispersions in a microfluidizer, the large particles disappeared, apparently replaced by smaller cubic particles, often with vesicular attachments on the surfaces, and by vesicles or vesicular particles with a disordered interior. At the largest polymer contents no proper cubic particles were found directly after homogenization but mainly single-walled defected vesicles with a peculiar edgy appearance. During storage for 2 weeks, the dispersed particles changed toward more well-shaped cubic particles, even in dispersions with the highest polymer contents. In some of the samples with low polymer/MO ratio, dispersed particles of the reversed hexagonal type were found. A few of the homogenized samples were freeze-dried and rehydrated. Particles of essentially the same types, but with a less well-developed cubic character, were found after this treatment. © 2007 American Chemical Society.


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The objective of this in vitro study was to evaluate demineralization around restorations. Class V preparations were made on the buccal and lingual surfaces of each tooth. TPH (Group 1), Fuji II LC (Group 2), Tetric (Group 3), Dyract (Group 4), GS 80 (Group 5) and Chelon Fil (Group 6) were randomly placed in equal numbers of teeth. The teeth were submitted to a pH-cycling model associated with a thermocycling model. Sections were made and the specimens were examined for the presence of demineralization under polarized light microscopy. Demineralization was significantly reduced with Chelon Fil (Group 6). Furthermore, a similar inhibitory effect on the development of demineralization was observed in Groups 2, 4 and 5.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Studies on the collagen system of the human myocardium are still limited compared to those on small laboratory animals. The aim of this work was to observe the collagen tissue of the myocardium of the human heart as a function of age. The types of collagen, as well as the density of collagen tissue and the diameter of collagen fibrils, were examined. Fragments of the left ventricular wall from 15 hearts, 5 from children, 5 from young adults, and 5 from elderly individuals, were analyzed by using the Picrosirius-polarization method and by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results showed the presence of collagen type III and collagen type I, both in the endomysium and perimysium of the 3 groups studied. Measurements of collagen content in myocardial tissue displayed that both endomysial and perimysial collagen increase in number and thickness in the adult and elderly. These histochemical results coincided with the observations obtained with the electron microscope in showing an increase in the number of collagen fibrils with a large diameter in the adult and elderly hearts. The present results on cardiac collagen may be important for assessing the pathogenesis of several cardiopathies in the hearts of children, young adults, and the elderly.


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Purpose: To investigate the effects of hypercholesterolemic diet on the collagen composition of urinary bladder wall. Materials and methods: Forty-five female 4-week-old Wistar rats were divided into three groups: 1) control group fed a normal diet (ND); 2) model of bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) group fed a ND; and 3) group fed a HCD (1.25% cholesterol). Total serum cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and body weight were assessed at baseline. Four weeks later, group 2 underwent a surgical procedure resulting in a partial BOO, while groups 1 and 3 underwent a sham similar surgical procedure. Six weeks later, all animals had their bladders removed; serum cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels and body weights were measured. Morphological and morphometric analysis was performed by Picrosirius staining and collagen types I and III were identified by immunofluorescence. Statistical analysis was completed and significance was considered when p<0.05. Results: Rats fed an HCD exhibited a significant increase in LDL cholesterol levels (p<0.001) and body weight (p=0.017), when compared to the groups fed a ND during the ten-week study period. Moreover, the HCD induced morphological alterations of the bladder wall collagen, regarding thin collagen fibers and the amounts of type III collagen when compared to the control group (p=0.002 and p=0.016, respectively), resembling the process promoted in the BOO model. Conclusions: A hyper-cholesterolemic diet in Wistar rats promoted morphological changes of the bladder types of collagen, as well as increases in body weight and LDL cholesterol.


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OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a concordância entre as técnicas de microscopia de polarização e microscopia confocal na avaliação do fuso meiótico de oócitos humanos maturados in vivo. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo que avaliou oócitos com o primeiro corpúsculo polar extruído obtidos de mulheres inférteis submetidas à estimulação ovariana para realização de injeção intracitoplasmática de espermatozoide. Os oócitos com o primeiro corpúsculo polar extruído foram avaliados por meio da microscopia de polarização e, imediatamente após, foram fixados e corados para avaliação dos microtúbulos e cromatina pela microscopia confocal de alto desempenho. Foram comparadas as técnicas de microscopia de polarização e confocal, de acordo com a visualização ou não do fuso meiótico pela microscopia de polarização e a presença ou não de anomalias meióticas à análise pela microscopia confocal. Foram calculados os intervalos de confiança, o índice de Kappa e a concordância entre as metodologias, considerando a análise da microscopia de imunofluorescência como padrão-ouro para avaliação de normalidade do fuso e distribuição cromossômica oocitária. RESULTADOS: Observou-se que 72,7% dos oócitos em metáfase II com fuso celular não visível à polarização apresentaram anormalidades meióticas à análise confocal e que 55,6% dos oócitos em metáfase II com fuso celular visível à polarização apresentaram-se como oócitos anormais à análise confocal. Somente 44,4% dos oócitos com fuso celular visível à polarização apresentaram-se como normais à análise confocal. A concordância entre os métodos foi de 51,1% (Kappa: 0,11; IC95% -0,0958 - 0,319). CONCLUSÕES: A baixa concordância entre a microscopia de polarização e a confocal na avaliação do fuso meiótico oocitário sugere que a visualização do fuso meiótico de oócitos humanos em metáfase II pela microscopia de polarização tem limitado o valor preditivo de normalidade meiótica oocitária.


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Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wurden Ionomere durch aufeinanderfolgende polymeranaloge Reaktionen eines Reaktivesterpolymers mit verschiedenen primären bzw. sekundären Aminen synthetisiert. Polarisationsmikroskopische Untersuchungen zeigten, dass diese Ionomere sowohl über thermotrope als auch über lyotrope flüssigkristalline Eigenschaften verfügen. Anschließend wurden mit der 'self-assembly'-Methode Multischichtfilme aus den Ionomeren und hochgeladenen Polyelektrolyten sowie aus entgegengesetzt geladenen Ionomeren aufgebaut. Bei Röntgen-reflexionsmessungen an den Multischichtfilmen konnten winkelabhängige Modulationen der Strahlungsintensität beobachtet werden. Es ist zu vermuten, dass es sich bei diesen Modulationen um Überlagerungen von Kiessig-Ringen und Bragg-Peaks handelt, was ein Indiz dafür ist, dass regel-mäßige Subschichten in den Filmen existieren. Das Konzept der polymeranalogen Reaktionen eines Reaktivesterpolymers mit verschiedenen primären Aminen wurde außerdem dazu benutzt, Polymere zur Modifikation von Cadmiumselenid-Nanokristallen herzustellen. Hierbei konnte zum einen gezeigt werden, dass Nanokristalle direkt mit aminogruppenhaltigen Polymeren modifiziert werden können, zum anderen ist es auch möglich kationische Ionomere auf Nanokristallen mit Mercaptoessigsäure-Liganden zu adsorbieren. Im letzten Teil der Arbeit wurden ionische triazinhaltige Polymere hergestellt und elektrochemisch charakterisiert. Die hergestellten Polymere sind sehr leicht reduzierbar. Anschließend wurden aus den triazinhaltigen Polymeren und entgegengesetzt geladenen Polyelektrolyten ebenfalls Multischichtfilme hergestellt.


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Norcamphor (C7H10O) was subjected to plane strain simple shear in a see-through deformation rig at four different strain rate and temperature conditions. Two transient stages in the microfabric evolution to steady state are distinguished. The grain scale mechanisms associated with the microstructural and textural evolution vary with the applied temperature, strain rate and strain. In high-temperature-low-strain-rate experiments, computer integrated polarization microscopy reveals that the texture evolution is closely related to the crystallographic rotation paths and rotation rates of individual grains. High c-axis rotation rates at low to intermediate shear strains are related to the development of a symmetrical c-axis cross girdle by the end of the first transient stage (γ = 1.5 to 2). During the second transient stage (γ = 1.5 to 6), the cross girdle yields to an oblique c-axis single girdle as c-axis rotation rates decrease and the relative activity of grain boundary migration recrystallization increases. Steady state (γ > 8) is characterized by a stable end orientation of the sample texture and the cyclic growth, rotation and consumption of individual grains within the aggregate.