842 resultados para Polarization Mode Dispersion


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This paper reviews the fundamental concepts and basic theory of polarization mode dispersion (PMD) in optical fibers. It introduces a unified notation and methodology to link the various views and concepts in Jones space and Stokes space. The discussion includes the relation between Jones vectors and Stokes vectors, rotation matrices, the definition and representation of PMD vectors, the laws of infinitesimal rotation, and the rules for PMD vector concatenation.


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Dynamical behaviors and frequency characteristics of an active mode-locked laser with a quarter wave plate (QWP) are numerically studied by using a set pf vectorial laser equation. Like a polarization self-modulated laser, a frequency shift of half the cavity mode spacing exists between the eigen-modes in the two neutral axes of QWP. Within the active medium, the symmetric gain and cavity structure maintain the pulse's circular polarization with left-hand and right-hand in turn for each round trip. Once the left-hand or right-hand circularly polarized pulse passes through QWP, its polarization is linear and the polarized direction is in one of the directions of i45o with respect to the neutral axes of QWP. The output components in the directions of i45" from the mirror close to QWP are all linearly polarized with a period of twice the round-trip time.


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In this paper, polarization properties and propagation characteristics of polymer photonic crystal fibres with elliptical core and non-hexagonal symmetry structure are investigated by using the full vectorial plane wave method. The results how that the birefringence of the fibreis induced by asymmetries of both the cladding and the core. Moreover, by adjusting the non-symmetrical ratio factor of cladding eta from 0.4 to 1 in step 0.1, we find the optimized design parameters f the fibre with high birefringence and limited polarization mode dispersion, operating in a single mode regime at an appropriate wavelength range. The range of wavelength approaches the visible and near-infrared which is consistent with the communication windows of polymer optical fibres.


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In this thesis we perform a detailed analysis of the state of polarization (SOP) of light scattering process using a concatenation of ber-coil based polarization controllers (PCs). We propose a polarization-mode dispersion (PMD) emulator, built through the concatenation of bercoil based PCs and polarization-maintaining bers (PMFs), capable of generate accurate rst- and second-order PMD statistics. We analyze the co-propagation of two optical waves inside a highbirefringence ber. The evolution along the ber of the relative SOP between the two signals is modeled by the de nition of the degree of co-polarization parameter. We validate the model for the degree of co-polarization experimentally, exploring the polarization dependence of the four-wave mixing e ect into a ber with high birefringence. We also study the interaction between signal and noise mediated by Kerr e ect in optical bers. A model accurately describing ampli ed spontaneous emission noise in systems with distributed Raman gain is derived. We show that the noise statistics depends on the propagation distance and on the signal power, and that for distances longer than 120 km and signal powers higher than 6 mW it deviates signi catively from the Gaussian distribution. We explore the all-optical polarization control process based on the stimulated Raman scattering e ect. Mapping parameters like the degree of polarization (DOP), we show that the preferred ampli cation of one particular polarization component of the signal allows a polarization pulling over a wavelength range of 60 nm. The e ciency of the process is higher close to the maximum Raman gain wavelength, where the DOP is roughly constant for a wavelength range of 15 nm. Finally, we study the polarization control in quantum key distribution (QKD) systems with polarization encoding. A model for the quantum bit error rate estimation in QKD systems with time-division multiplexing and wavelength-division multiplexing based polarization control schemes is derived.


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We experimentally revisit a technique of low-cost multiparameter monitor for optical performance monitoring based on low frequency polarization modulation. A simplified calibration procedure, which significantly reduces the mathematical complexity and processing effort is proposed. Validation is achieved by carrying out relative optical power, wavelength, and differential group delay measurements. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 54:18201824, 2012; View this article online at wileyonlinelibrary.com. DOI 10.1002/mop.26956


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We present a simultaneous optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) and differential group delay (DGD) monitoring method based on degree of polarization (DOP) measurements in optical communications systems. For the first time in the literature (to our best knowledge), the proposed scheme is demonstrated to be able to independently and simultaneously extract OSNR and DGD values from the DOP measurements. This is possible because the OSNR is related to maximum DOP, while DGD is related to the ratio between the maximum and minimum values of DOP. We experimentally measured OSNR and DGD in the ranges from 10 to 30 dB and 0 to 90 ps for a 10 Gb/s non-return-to-zero signal. A theoretical analysis of DOP accuracy needed to measure low values of DGD and high OSNRs is carried out, showing that current polarimeter technology is capable of yielding an OSNR measurement within 1 dB accuracy, for OSNR values up to 34 dB, while DGD error is limited to 1.5% for DGD values above 10 ps. For the first time to our knowledge, the technique was demonstrated to accurately measure first-order polarization mode dispersion (PMD) in the presence of a high value of second-order PMD (as high as 2071 ps(2)). (C) 2012 Optical Society of America


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Results of full numerical simulations of a guiding-centre soliton system with randomly birefringent SMF fibre are shown and analysed. It emerges that the soliton system becomes unstable even for small amounts of PMD.


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Results of full numerical simulations of a guiding-centre soliton system with randomly birefringent SMF fibre are shown and analysed. It emerges that the soliton system becomes unstable even for small amounts of PMD.


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Having a fixed differential-group delay (DGD) term b′ in the coarse-step method results in a repetitive pattern in the autocorrelation function (ACF). We solve this problem by inserting a varying DGD term at each integration step. Furthermore we compute the range of values needed for b′ and simulate the phenomenon of polarisation mode dispersion for different statistical distributions of b′. We examine systematically the modified coarse-step method compared to the analytical model, through our simulation results. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this thesis is to present numerical investigations of the polarisation mode dispersion (PMD) effect. Outstanding issues on the side of the numerical implementations of PMD are resolved and the proposed methods are further optimized for computational efficiency and physical accuracy. Methods for the mitigation of the PMD effect are taken into account and simulations of transmission system with added PMD are presented. The basic outline of the work focusing on PMD can be divided as follows. At first the widely-used coarse-step method for simulating the PMD phenomenon as well as a method derived from the Manakov-PMD equation are implemented and investigated separately through the distribution of a state of polarisation on the Poincaré sphere, and the evolution of the dispersion of a signal. Next these two methods are statistically examined and compared to well-known analytical models of the probability distribution function (PDF) and the autocorrelation function (ACF) of the PMD phenomenon. Important optimisations are achieved, for each of the aforementioned implementations in the computational level. In addition the ACF of the coarse-step method is considered separately, based on the result which indicates that the numerically produced ACF, exaggerates the value of the correlation between different frequencies. Moreover the mitigation of the PMD phenomenon is considered, in the form of numerically implementing Low-PMD spun fibres. Finally, all the above are combined in simulations that demonstrate the impact of the PMD on the quality factor (Q=factor) of different transmission systems. For this a numerical solver based on the coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equation is created which is otherwise tested against the most important transmission impairments in the early chapters of this thesis.


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A novel technique for determining the polarisation mode dispersion in optical fibres is described. The technique makes use of a sinusoidally frequency modulated source, and is applied to the measurement of the beat length of highly birefringent monomode fibre. The temporal delay between the two modes of the fibre is measured with a resolution of approximately ±0.6 ps.


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We have experimentally investigated the mode dispersion property and refractive index sensitivity of dual-peak long-period fiber gratings (LPGs) that were sensitized by hydrofluoric acid (HF) etching. The nature of the coupled cladding modes close to the dispersion turning point makes the dual-peak LPGs ultrasensitive to cladding property, permitting a fine tailoring of the mode dispersion and index sensitivity by the light cladding etching method using HF acid of only 1% concentration. As an implementation of an optical biosensor, the etched device was used to detect the concentration of hemoglobin protein in a sugar solution, showing a sensitivity as high as 20 nm/1%.