903 resultados para Polarity Interval
This paper contains magnetobiostratigraphic correlation charts for each of the four sites occupied during DSDP Leg 72. Microfossil zonal boundaries and magnetic polarity determinations for Sites 515 through 518 are summarized in Figures 1 through 4, respectively. Our discussion focuses on the correlations derived for the Paleogene and late Cretaceous (Coniacian-Maestrichtian) of Site 516, because of the value of this site as a stratigraphic reference section for the South Atlantic.
Cores recovered at Sites 986 and 987 comprise glacial fan sedimentation associated with the Svalbard-Barents Sea and Greenland Ice Sheets, respectively. At Site 986, the top 150 m and the basal 250 m yielded interpretable magnetic stratigraphies. The record from the intervening 550 m is compromised by drilling-related core deformation, poor recovery, and numerous debris flows. The uppermost 150 m appears to record the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary and the Jaramillo Subchron. The base of the drilled section (at ~950 meters below seafloor [mbsf]) is interpreted to lie within the Matuyama Chron (age <2.58 Ma) with an apparent normal polarity interval in the ~730-750 mbsf interval. Dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy and Sr isotopic ratios are consistent with a Matuyama age for the base of the drilled section and with the normal polarity interval as the Olduvai Subchron. On the other hand, the last occurrence of Neogloboquadrina atlantica (sinistral) and the last common occurrence of the warm-dwelling Globigerina bulloides at 647-650 mbsf in Hole 986D indicate an age for this level of ~2.3 Ma, inconsistent with the designation of the Olduvai Subchron in the ~730-750 mbsf interval. If the age at 647-650 mbsf in Hole 986D is taken as 2.3 Ma and the base of the hole lies within the Matuyama Chron, then the sedimentation rate in the basal 300 m of the cored section averages 1 m/k.y. At Site 987, the magnetic stratigraphy is fairly unambiguous throughout the section and yields an age of 7.5 Ma (Chron 4n) for the base of the drilled section. The paucity of calcareous and siliceous microfossils precludes biostratigraphic corroboration of the magnetostratigraphic interpretation, although dinoflagellate cysts provide general support, particularly at the base of the section. The age model indicates relatively low sedimentation rates (~5 cm/k.y.) at the base of the section with rates at least four to five times greater during intervals of debris flows at ~5-4.6 and ~2.6 Ma.
P>Reconstruction of the South Atlantic opening has long been a matter of debate and several models have been proposed. One problem in tracing properly the Atlantic history arises from the existence of a long interval without geomagnetic reversals, the Cretaceous Normal Superchron, for which ages are difficult to assign. Palaeomagnetism may help in addressing this issue if high-quality palaeomagnetic poles are available for the two drifting continental blocks, and if precise absolute ages are available. In this work we have investigated the Cabo Magmatic Province, northeastern Brazil, recently dated at 102 +/- 1 Ma (zircon fission tracks, Ar39/Ar40). All volcanic and plutonic rocks showed stable thermal and AF demagnetization patterns, and exhibit primary magnetic signatures. AMS data also support a primary origin for the magnetic fabric and is interpreted to be contemporaneous of the rock formation. The obtained pole is located at 335.9 degrees E/87.9 degrees S (N = 24; A(95) = 2.5; K = 138) and satisfies modern quality criteria, resulting in a reference pole for South America at similar to 100 Ma. This new pole also gives an insight to test and discuss the kinematic models currently proposed for the South Atlantic opening during mid-Cretaceous.
P>Reconstruction of the South Atlantic opening has long been a matter of debate and several models have been proposed. One problem in tracing properly the Atlantic history arises from the existence of a long interval without geomagnetic reversals, the Cretaceous Normal Superchron, for which ages are difficult to assign. Palaeomagnetism may help in addressing this issue if high-quality palaeomagnetic poles are available for the two drifting continental blocks, and if precise absolute ages are available. In this work we have investigated the Cabo Magmatic Province, northeastern Brazil, recently dated at 102 +/- 1 Ma (zircon fission tracks, Ar39/Ar40). All volcanic and plutonic rocks showed stable thermal and AF demagnetization patterns, and exhibit primary magnetic signatures. AMS data also support a primary origin for the magnetic fabric and is interpreted to be contemporaneous of the rock formation. The obtained pole is located at 335.9 degrees E/87.9 degrees S (N = 24; A(95) = 2.5; K = 138) and satisfies modern quality criteria, resulting in a reference pole for South America at similar to 100 Ma. This new pole also gives an insight to test and discuss the kinematic models currently proposed for the South Atlantic opening during mid-Cretaceous.
We present a high-resolution magnetostratigraphy and relative paleointensity (RPI) record derived from the upper 85 meters of IODP Site U1336, an equatorial Pacific early to middle Miocene succession recovered during Expedition 320/321. The magnetostratigraphy is well resolved with reversals typically located to within a few centimeters resulting in a well-constrained age model. The lowest normal polarity interval, from 85 to 74.87 meters, is interpreted as the upper part of Chron C6n (18.614-19.599 Ma). Another 33 magnetozones occur from 74.87 to 0.85 m, which are interpret to represent the continuous sequence of chrons from Chron C5Er (18.431-18.614 Ma) up to the top of Chron C5An.1n (12.014 Ma). We identify three new possible subchrons within Chron C5Cn.1n, Chron 5Bn.1r, and C5ABn. Sedimentation rates vary from about 7 to 15 m/Myr with a mean of about 10 m/Myr. We observe rapid, apparent changes in the sedimentation rate at geomagnetic reversals between ~16 and 19 Ma that indicate a calibration error in geomagnetic polarity timescale (ATNTS2004). The remanence is carried mainly by non-interacting particles of fine-grained magnetite, which have FORC distributions characteristic of biogenic magnetite. Given the relative homogeneity of the remanence carriers throughout the 85-m-thick succession and the quality with which the remanence is recorded, we have constructed a relative paleointensity (RPI) record that provides new insights into middle Miocene geomagnetic field behavior. The RPI record indicates a gradual decline in field strength between 18.5 Ma and 14.5 Ma, and indicates no discernible link between RPI and either chron duration or polarity state.
Paleomagnetic results from sediments acquired from the continental margin at DSDP Sites 548, 549, 550, and 551 are described. Where possible, the results were used to construct a polarity reversal stratigraphy for the sections sampled, thus enabling the biostratigraphic dating of the sediments to be refined. Several sections in this study were found to be suitable for magnetostratigraphic work, in particular the upper Paleocene to middle Eocene sediments from Site 549, which contained rich faunal assemblages. These sediments are underlain by a thick sequence of Cretaceous sediments that formed during the Long Cretaceous normal polarity interval. Sediments that formed during the later part of this magnetically quiet interval were also recovered at Site 550. Three short reverse polarity intervals were also recovered at this site; they lie directly over basement and are thought to represent a mixed-polarity interval of late Albian age. They may therefore provide important evidence concerning the age of the earliest sediments at this site. In addition, measurements of the magnetic susceptibility and intensity of remanent magnetism proved to be of interest. A significant decrease in the susceptibility and intensity values close to the early/middle Eocene boundary was noted at Sites 548 and 549. This decrease may be correlated with the results from Holes 400A and 401, which were drilled on DSDP Leg 48 in the northeast Bay of Biscay. The decrease may represent an abrupt reduction in the supply of terrigenous material at the end of the early Eocene, reflecting, perhaps, a change in sediment transport processes at that time
We correlated Miocene d18O increases at Ocean Drilling Program Site 747 with d18O increases previously identified at North Atlantic Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 563 and 608. The d18O increases have been directly tied to the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale (GPTS) at Site 563 and 608, and thus our correlations at Site 747 provide a second-order correlation to the GPTS. Comparison of the oxygen isotope record at Site 747 with records at Sites 563 and 608 indicates that three as-yet-undescribed global Miocene d18O increases may be recognized and used to define stable isotope zones. The d18O maxima associated with the bases of Zones Mila, Milb, and Mi7 have magnetochronologic age estimates of 21.8, 18.3, and 8.5 Ma, respectively. The correlation of a d18O maximum at 70 mbsf at Site 747 to the base of Miocene isotope Zone Mi3 (13.6 Ma) provides a revised interpretation of four middle Miocene normal polarity intervals observed between 77 and 63 mbsf at Hole 747A. Oxygen isotope stratigraphy indicates that the reversed polarity interval at 70 mbsf, initially interpreted as Chronozone C5AAr, should be C5ABr. Instead of a concatenated Chronozone C5AD-C5AC with distinct Chronozones C5AB, C5AA, and C5A (as in the preliminary interpretation), d18O stratigraphy suggests that these normal polarity intervals are Chronozones C5AD, C5AC, and C5AB, whereas Chronozones C5AA-C5A are concatenated. This interpretation is supported by the d13C correlations. The upper Miocene magnetostratigraphic record at Hole 747A is ambiguous. Two upper Miocene d18O events at Site 747 can be correlated to the oxygen isotope records at Site 563 and 608 using the magnetostratigraphy derived at Hole 747B. Our chronostratigraphic revisions highlight the importance of stable isotope stratigraphy in attaining an integrated stratigraphic framework for the Miocene.
Magnetic polarity stratigraphies for Sites 980-984 are based on shipboard measurements from the pass-through magnetometer after alternating field (AF) demagnetization at a peak field of 25 mT and shore-based stepwise AF demagnetization of discrete samples. The characteristic magnetization component was determined after AF demagnetization removed the steep downward drill-string-related magnetic overprint. Peak AF fields in the 20-30 mT range were required to resolve the component, carried by magnetite, that was used to produce unambiguous Pliocene-Pleistocene magnetic stratigraphies at all five sites. At Sites 980 and 983, magnetic stratigraphies were resolved to the base of the recovered advanced hydraulic piston corer (APC) section, which lies in the Matuyama Chron (1r.2r) and Olduvai Subchron (2n), respectively. At Sites 981 and 982, magnetization intensities decrease sharply in the normal polarity zone corresponding to the Gauss Chron (2An), and magnetic stratigraphies below this level could not be resolved. At Site 984, the resolution of magnetic stratigraphy was curtailed at ~250 meters below seafloor (Olduvai Subchron) by core deformation at the base of the APC section and in the underlying extended core barrel section. As the magnetic stratigraphies at all four sites are unequivocal, polarity chron interpretations can be made without aid from the biostratigraphy. Mean sedimentation rates within polarity chrons have been calculated and Pliocene-Pleistocene biomagnetostratigraphic correlations tested.
The full suite of magnetic polarity chrons from Subchron M''-2r'' (early Albian) through Chron C13r (latest Eocene) were resolved at one or more Ocean Drilling Program sites on the Blake Nose salient of the Florida continental margin. These sediments preserve diverse assemblages of calcareous and siliceous microfossils; therefore, the composite suite provides a reference section for high-resolution correlation of biostratigraphic datums to magnetic polarity chrons of the Late Cretaceous and Paleogene. Relative condensation or absence of polarity zones at different sites along the transect enhance the recognition and dating of depositional sequences and unconformities within the margin succession. A stable paleolatitude of ~25°N was maintained from the late Aptian through Eocene.
At Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1090 (subantarctic South Atlantic), benthic foraminiferal stable isotope data (from Cibicidoides and Oridorsalis) span the late Oligocene through early Miocene (~24-16 Ma) at a temporal resolution of ~5 ky. Over the same interval, a magnetic polarity stratigraphy can be unequivocally correlated to the geomagnetic polarity time scale (GPTS), thereby providing direct correlation of the isotope record to the GPTS. In an initial age model, we use the newly derived age of the Oligocene/Miocene (O/M) boundary of 23.0 Ma of Shackleton et al. (2000, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(2000)28<447:ACAFTO>2.0.CO;2), revised to the new astronomical calculation (La2003) of Laskar et al (2004, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2004.04.005) to recalculate the spline ages of Cande and Kent (1995, doi:10.1029/94JB03098). We then tune the Site 1090 dekta18O record to obliquity using La2003. In this manner, we are able to refine the ages of polarity chrons C7n through C5Cn.1n. The new age model is consistent, within one obliquity cycle, with previously tuned ages for polarity chrons C7n through C6Bn from Shackleton et al. (2000) when rescaled to La2003. The results from Site 1090 provide independent evidence for the revised age of the Oligocene/Miocene boundary of 23.0 Ma. For early Miocene polarity chrons C6AAr through C5Cn, our obliquity-scale age model is the first to allow a direct calibration to the GPTS. The new ages are generally within one obliquity cycle of those obtained by rescaling the Cande and Kent (1995) interpolation using the new age of the O/M boundary (23.0 Ma) and the same middle Miocene control point (14.8 Ma) used by Cande and Kent (1995).
There exist uniquely ergodic affine interval exchange transformations of [0,1] with flips which have wandering intervals and are such that the support of the invariant measure is a Cantor set.
In this study we have used fluorescence spectroscopy to determine the post-mortem interval. Conventional methods in forensic medicine involve tissue or body fluids sampling and laboratory tests, which are often time demanding and may depend on expensive analysis. The presented method consists in using time-dependent variations on the fluorescence spectrum and its correlation with the time elapsed after regular metabolic activity cessation. This new approach addresses unmet needs for post-mortem interval determination in forensic medicine, by providing rapid and in situ measurements that shows improved time resolution relative to existing methods. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America
Given the polarity dependent effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in facilitating or inhibiting neuronal processing, and tDCS effects on pitch perception, we tested the effects of tDCS on temporal aspects of auditory processing. We aimed to change baseline activity of the auditory cortex using tDCS as to modulate temporal aspects of auditory processing in healthy subjects without hearing impairment. Eleven subjects received 2mA bilateral anodal, cathodal and sham tDCS over auditory cortex in a randomized and counterbalanced order. Subjects were evaluated by the Random Gap Detection Test (RGDT), a test measuring temporal processing abilities in the auditory domain, before and during the stimulation. Statistical analysis revealed a significant interaction effect of time vs. tDCS condition for 4000 Hz and for clicks. Post-hoc tests showed significant differences according to stimulation polarity on RGDT performance: anodal improved 22.5% and cathodal decreased 54.5% subjects' performance, as compared to baseline. For clicks, anodal also increased performance in 29.4% when compared to baseline. tDCS presented polarity-dependent effects on the activity of the auditory cortex, which results in a positive or negative impact in a temporal resolution task performance. These results encourage further studies exploring tDCS in central auditory processing disorders.
Based on solvation studies of polymers, the sum (1: 1) of the electron acceptor (AN) and electron donor (DN) values of solvents has been proposed as an alternative polarity scale. To test this, the electron paramagnetic resonance isotropic hyperfine splitting constant, a parameter known to be dependent on the polarity/proticity of the medium, was correlated with the (AN+DN) term using three paramagnetic probes. The linear regression coefficient calculated for 15 different solvents was approximately 0.9, quite similar to those of other well-known polarity parameters, attesting to the validity of the (AN+DN) term as a novel ""two-parameter"" solvent polarity scale.