990 resultados para Poisson-Boltzmann equation


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The analytical solution of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation in an electrolyte with four ionic species (2:2:1:1), in the presence of a charged planar membrane or surface is presented. The function describing the mean electrical potential provides a convenient description that helps the understanding of electrical processes of biological interest.


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The Poisson-Boltzmann equation (PBE), with specific ion-surface interactions and a cell model, was used to calculate the electrostatic properties of aqueous solutions containing vesicles of ionic amphiphiles. Vesicles are assumed to be water- and ion-permeable hollow spheres and specific ion adsorption at the surfaces was calculated using a Volmer isotherm. We solved the PBE numerically for a range of amphiphile and salt concentrations (up to 0.1 M) and calculated co-ion and counterion distributions in the inside and outside of vesicles as well as the fields and electrical potentials. The calculations yield results that are consistent with measured values for vesicles of synthetic amphiphiles.


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Neste trabalho, a partição iônica e o potencial de membrana em um eritrócito são analisados via equação de Poisson-Boltzmann modificada, considerando as interações não eletrostáticas presentes entre os íons e macromoléculas, assim como, o potencial β. Este potencial é atribuído à diferença de potencial químico de referência entre os meios intracelular e extracelular e ao transporte ativo de íons. O potencial de Gibbs-Donnan via equação de Poisson-Boltzmann na presença de carga fixa em um sistema contendo uma membrana semipermeável também é estudado. O método de aproximação paraboloide em elementos finitos em um sistema estacionário e unidimensionalé aplicado para resolver a equação de Poisson-Boltzmann em coordenadas cartesianas e esféricas. O parâmetro de dispersão relativo às interações não eletrostáticas écalculado via teoria de Lifshitz. Os resultados em relação ao potencial de Gibbs-Donnan mostram-se adequados, podendo ser calculado pela equação de Poisson-Boltzmann. No sistema contendo um eritrócito, quando o potencial β é considerado igual a zero, não se verifica a diferença iônica observada experimentalmente entre os meios intracelular e extracelular. Dessa forma, os potenciais não eletrostáticos calculados via teoria de Lifshitz têm apenas uma pequena influência no que se refere à alta concentração de íon K+ no meio intracelular em relação ao íon Na+


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A stable aqueous electrolyte film is formed between a mercury drop and a flat mica surface due to electrical double-layer repulsion when a negative potential is applied to the mercury. Film thickness has been measured as a function of applied potential while keeping the film pressure constant. By making measurements in this way, it is possible to map the data directly according to the Poisson-Boltzmann equation. An excellent fit to the data is obtained, providing direct evidence for this classical equation and its use as the basis of the Gouy-Chapman model of the diffuse double layer in electrolyte solutions.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A model describing dissociation of monoprotonic acid and a method for the determination of its pK value are presented. The model is based on a mean field approximation. The Poisson-Boltzmann equation, adopting spherical symmetry, is numerically solved, and the solution of its linearized form is written. By use of the pH values of a dilution experiment of galacturonic acid as the entry data, the proposed method allowed estimation of the value of pK = 3.25 at a temperature of 25 degrees C. Values for the complex dimensions and dissociation degree are calculated using experimental pH values for solution concentration values ranging from 0.1 to 60 mM. The present analysis leads to the conclusion that the Poisson-Boltzmann equation or its linear form is equally suited for the description of such systems.


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The study of the H+ concentration at the micellar interface is a convenient system for modeling the distribution of H+ at interfaces. We have synthesized salicylic acid derivatives to analyze the proton dissociation of both the carboxylic and phenol groups of' the probes, determining spectrophotometrically the apparent pK(a)'s (pK(ap)) in sodium dodecyl Sulfate, SDS, micelles with and without added salt. The synthesized probes were 2-hydroxy-5-(2-trimethylammoniumacetyl)benzoate; 2-hydroxy-5-(2-dimethylhexadecylammoniumacetyl)benzoate- 2-hydroxy-5-(2-dimethylhexadecylammoniumhexanoyl)benzoate-, 2-hydroxy-5-(2-diniethylhexadecylammoniumundecanoyl)betizoate; 2-hydroxy-5-acetylbenzoic acids and 2-hydroxy-5-dodecanoylbenzoic acid. Upon incorporation into SDS micelles the pK(ap)'s of both carboxylic and phenol groups increased by ca. 3 pH units and NaCl addition caused a decrease in the probe-incorporated pKap. The experimental results were fitted with a cell model Poisson-Boltzmann (P-B) equation taking in consideration the effect of salt on the aggregation number of SDS and using the distance of' the dissociating group as a parameter. The conformations of the probes were analyzed theoretically using two dielectric constants, e.g., 2 and 78. Both the P-B analysis and conformation calculations can be interpreted by assuming that the acid groups dissociate very close to, or at, the interface. Our results are consistent with the assumption that the intrinsic pK(a)'s of both carboxylic and phenol groups of the salicylic acid probes used here can be taken as those in water. Using this assumption the micellar and salt effects on the pKap's of the (trialkylammonium)benzoate probes were described accurately using a cell model P-B analysis. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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‘Best’ solutions for the shock-structure problem are obtained by solving the Boltzmann equation for a rigid sphere gas by applying minimum error criteria on the Mott-Smith ansatz. The use of two such criteria minimizing respectively the local and total errors, as well as independent computations of the remaining error, establish the high accuracy of the solutions, although it is shown that the Mott-Smith distribution is not an exact solution of the Boltzmann equation even at infinite Mach number. The minimum local error method is found to be particularly simple and efficient. Adopting the present solutions as the standard of comparison, it is found that the widely used v2x-moment solutions can be as much as a third in error, but that results based on Rosen's method provide good approximations. Finally, it is shown that if the Maxwell mean free path on the hot side of the shock is chosen as the scaling length, the value of the density-slope shock thickness is relatively insensitive to the intermolecular potential. A comparison is made on this basis of present results with experiment, and very satisfactory quantitative agreement is obtained.


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The classical Chapman-Enskog expansion is performed for the recently proposed finite-volume formulation of lattice Boltzmann equation (LBE) method D.V. Patil, K.N. Lakshmisha, Finite volume TVD formulation of lattice Boltzmann simulation on unstructured mesh, J. Comput. Phys. 228 (2009) 5262-5279]. First, a modified partial differential equation is derived from a numerical approximation of the discrete Boltzmann equation. Then, the multi-scale, small parameter expansion is followed to recover the continuity and the Navier-Stokes (NS) equations with additional error terms. The expression for apparent value of the kinematic viscosity is derived for finite-volume formulation under certain assumptions. The attenuation of a shear wave, Taylor-Green vortex flow and driven channel flow are studied to analyze the apparent viscosity relation.


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We propose a lattice Boltzmann model for the wave equation. Using a lattice Boltzmann equation and the Chapman-Enskog expansion, we get 1D and 2D wave equations with truncation error of order two. The numerical tests show the method can be used to simulate the wave motions.


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Propomos uma idealização da situação em que uma macromolécula é ionizada em um solvente. Neste modelo a área da superfície da molécula é suposta ser grande com respeito a seu diâmetro. A molécula é considerada como um dielétrico com uma distribuição de cargas em sua superfície. Utilizando as condições de transmissão, a distribuição de Boltzmann no solvente e resultados recentes sobre espaços de Sobolev no contexto de espaços métricos, bem como de integração sobre superfícies irregulares, o problema é formulado em forma variacional. Resultados clássicos do cálculo de variações permitem a resolução analítica do problema.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)