498 resultados para Pneumatic conveying
Studies regarding the field of this work aim to substitute industrial mechanical conveyors with pneumatic conveyors to overcome the disadvantages in solids flow regulation and risks posed to production and health. The experimental part of this work examines how the granular material properties, fluidizing airflow rate, equipment geometry, and pressures along the pipes affect the mass flow rate through the system. The results are compared with those obtained from previous experiments conducted with alumina. Experiments were carried out with a pilot scale downer-riser system at Outotec Research Center Frankfurt. Granular materi-als used in this work are named as sand, ilmenite, iron ore 1 and iron ore 2.
The rotary valve is a widely used mechanical device in many solids-handling industrial processes. However, it may also be responsible for most of the attrition effects occurring in a typical process. In this study, the attrition effects occurring in a rotary valve operating as a stand-alone device and as part of a pneumatic conveying system were investigated. In the former case granular attrition was carried out at three different rotary valve speeds and the experimental results obtained were found to be in good agreement with the Gwyn correlation. In the latter case three typical air flow rates were used in the pneumatic conveying system. The size distribution of the attrition product obtained at the lowest air flow rate used was not adequately described by the Gwyn correlation. The attrition process and mechanisms involved were analysed and the minimum size of the attrition product obtained from both modes of operations was found to be similar.
This paper presents a comparative study of the critical pickup and saltation velocities of particles in horizontal pipelines for pneumatic conveying design. A comparative study is performed using different existing correlations in the literature for the determination of the minimum velocity of transport as a function of the particle and pipe diameter, particle density, solid mass flow rate and particle sphericity. Their limitations and difficulties in predicting those critical velocities are analyzed. For the pickup velocity, an experimental study was also carried out in order to support the analysis. Recommendations are presented on the use of such correlations.
Particle concentration is a principal factor that affects erosion rate of solid surfaces under particle impact, such as pipe bends in pneumatic conveyors; it is well known that a reduction in the specific erosion rate occurs under high particle concentrations, a phenomenon referred to as the “shielding effect”. The cause of shielding is believed to be increased likelihood of inter-particulate collisions, the high collision probability between incoming and rebounding particles reducing the frequency and the severity of particle impacts on the target surface. In this study, the effects of particle concentration on erosion of a mild steel bend surface have been investigated in detail using three different particulate materials on an industrial scale pneumatic conveying test rig. The materials were studied so that two had the same particle density but very different particle size, whereas two had very similar particle size but very different particle density. Experimental results confirm the shielding effect due to high particle concentration and show that the particle density has a far more significant influence than the particle size, on the magnitude of the shielding effect. A new method of correcting for change in erosivity of the particles in repeated handling, to take this factor out of the data, has been established, and appears to be successful. Moreover, a novel empirical model of the shielding effects has been used, in term of erosion resistance which appears to decrease linearly when the particle concentration decreases. With the model it is possible to find the specific erosion rate when the particle concentration tends to zero, and conversely predict how the specific erosion rate changes at finite values of particle concentration; this is critical to enable component life to be predicted from erosion tester results, as the variation of the shielding effect with concentration is different in these two scenarios. In addition a previously unreported phenomenon has been recorded, of a particulate material whose erosivity has steadily increased during repeated impacts.
The erosion processes resulting from flow of fluids (gas-solid or liquid-solid) are encountered in nature and many industrial processes. The common feature of these erosion processes is the interaction of the fluid (particle) with its boundary thus resulting in the loss of material from the surface. This type of erosion in detrimental to the equipment used in pneumatic conveying systems. The puncture of pneumatic conveyor bends in industry causes several problems. Some of which are: (1) Escape of the conveyed product causing health and dust hazard; (2) Repairing and cleaning up after punctures necessitates shutting down conveyors, which will affect the operation of the plant, thus reducing profitability. The most common occurrence of process failure in pneumatic conveying systems is when pipe sections at the bends wear away and puncture. The reason for this is particles of varying speed, shape, size and material properties strike the bend wall with greater intensity than in straight sections of the pipe. Currently available models for predicting the lifetime of bends are inaccurate (over predict by 80%. The provision of an accurate predictive method would lead to improvements in the structure of the planned maintenance programmes of processes, thus reducing unplanned shutdowns and ultimately the downtime costs associated with these unplanned shutdowns. This is the main motivation behind the current research. The paper reports on two aspects of the first phases of the study-undertaken for the current project. These are (1) Development and implementation; and (2) Testing of the modelling environment. The model framework encompasses Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) related engineering tools, based on Eulerian (gas) and Lagrangian (particle) approaches to represent the two distinct conveyed phases, to predict the lifetime of conveyor bends. The method attempts to account for the effect of erosion on the pipe wall via particle impacts, taking into account the angle of attack, impact velocity, shape/size and material properties of the wall and conveyed material, within a CFD framework. Only a handful of researchers use CFD as the basis of predicting the particle motion, see for example [1-4] . It is hoped that this would lead to more realistic predictions of the wear profile. Results, for two, three-dimensional test cases using the commercially available CFD PHOENICS are presented. These are reported in relation to the impact intensity and sensitivity to the inlet particle distributions.
Luokittuminen erilaisine mekanismeineen aiheuttaa yleisesti ongelmia, kun on kysymyksessä kiintoaineen väliaikainenkin varastointi siilossa. Sitä voidaan vähentää kiintoaineiden, prosessin ja laitesuunnittelun muutoksilla. Tässä työssä tutkittiin mahdollisuuksia vähentää ilmeniitin luokittumista sen jauhatuspiirin ilmakiertoa optimoimalla. Suljetun kuivajauhatuspiirin keskeisimmäksi laitteeksi voitaisiin ajatella siinä oleva luokitin, joka voi olla esim. sykloni. Tässä piirissä tapahtuva kiintoaineen liikkuminen voidaan saada aikaiseksi esim. pneumaattisella kuljetuksella. Ilmeniitin jauhatus tapahtuu suljetussa kuivajauhatuspiirissä, jonka ajavana voimana on siinä oleva ilmakierto. Piirin oleellisia laitteita ovat kuulamylly, luokitin, erotussykloni ja pölykaappi sekä kiertoilma- ja poistoilmapuhaltimet. Ilmakierron optimointia varten suoritettiin kahden vastaavan jauhatuspiirin ainetasemääritykset. Lisäksi määritettiin yhden isomman piirin perustila. Jauhatuspiirien ainetasemäärityksissä määritettiin niiden massa- ja ilmavirrat sekä kiertokuorma ja luokittimen erotusterävyys, kuten myös ilmeniitin hiukkaskokojakaumat. Perustilamittauksissa määritettiin ainoastaan piirin ilmavirrat ja ilmeniitin hiukkaskokojakaumat. Optimointimittauksissa pienennettiin pikkumyllypiirin ilmamäärät vastaamaan kutakuinkin vastaavan toisen piirin määriä. Tällä yritettiin selvittää näiden toisiaan vastaavien piirien ilmamäärien ja varsinkin kiertokuormien eroavuutta. Tämä ilmamäärien pienentäminen ei tuottanut mainittavampaa muutosta piirin ainetaseisiin, joten voitaneen todeta, että piirin ilmamääriä pienentämällä saadaan aikaiseksi säästöjä, lähinnä kiertoilmapuhaltimen tehon alennuksen kautta.
The Petrobras produced green petroleum coke (GPC) is a carbon rich fuel, virtually ash-free, with low sulfur content, and is a fuel suitable to replace metallurgical coke in blast furnaces. The GPC was tested in a pulverized coal injection simulator built in the Volta Redonda research center. It presented a low burning efficiency due to low volatile material content and high substitution rate by the carbon content. The tests were carried out in blast furnaces with ≤ 50% Petrobras GPC in the coal blends. The injected coal/CVP mixtures produced no negative side effects in the blast furnace grinding systems, pneumatic conveying, or operating process. The mixture burning process inside the blast furnace showed a decrease in fuel consumption, with a significant reduction in metallurgical coke consumption. The industrial-scale tests of the GPC mixtures did not reach the 70% maximum for lack of the GPC feedstock, which is necessary to continue with standard coal mixtures.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A velocidade de transporte é um dos mais importantes parâmetros no transporte pneumático de sólidos. O êxito no transporte de materiais particulados depende da predição ou da determinação da velocidade mínima de transporte. Uma velocidade acima daquela necessária ao transporte estável das partículas sólidas conduz a um grande consumo de energia devido ao aumento na perda de pressão do sistema, degradação dos sólidos e abrasão dos sólidos e da tubulação. Já uma velocidade abaixo desse valor limite certamente resultará na deposição das partículas sólidas para o fundo da tubulação e conseqüentemente o entupimento desta. Neste trabalho, uma técnica para medir a velocidade mínima de captura de partículas sólidas em uma tubulação na direção horizontal em um sistema de Transporte Pneumático é desenvolvida. Ela baseia-se em observações visuais do comportamento das partículas ao ocorrer a captura, em medidas da velocidade de operação do gás e da massa das partículas capturadas. É realizada ainda a análise qualitativa de alguns parâmetros que influenciam na velocidade de captura das partículas, permitindo uma maior compreensão dos fenômenos envolvidos.
Drying is a major and challenging step in the pre-treatment of biomass for production of second generation synfuels for transport. The biomass feedstocks are mostly wet and need to be dried from 30 to 60 wt% moisture content to about 10-15 wt%. The present survey aims to define and evaluate a few of the most promising optimised concepts for biomass pre-treatment scheme in the production of second generation synfuels for transport. The most promising commercially available drying processes were reviewed, focusing on the applications, operational factors and emissions of dryers. The most common dryers applied now for biomass in bio-energy plants are direct rotary dryers, but the use of steam drying techniques is increasing. Steam drying systems enable the integration of the dryer to existing energy sources. In addition to integration, emissions and fire or explosion risks have to be considered when selecting a dryer for the plant. In steam drying there will be no gaseous emissions, but the aqueous effluents need often treatment. Concepts for biomass pre-treatment were defined for two different cases including a large-scale wood-based gasification synfuel production and a small-scale pyrolysis process based on wood chips and miscanthus bundles. For the first case a pneumatic conveying steam dryer was suggested. In the second case the flue gas will be used as drying medium in a direct or indirect rotary dryer.
This work objectified to evaluate the efficiency of two meter mechanism of corn seeds when submitted to different forward speed and soil management system during the non-tillage seeding. It was used a factorial design in randomized blocks. The factors whose effects were examined were related to the seeders with pneumatic and horizontal disk meter mechanisms for the distribution of the seeds, to the set tractor-seeder forward speeds (4.4; 8.0 and 9.8 km h-1), and to the soil management system considering the corn no-tillage seeding over minimum tillage with chisel plow and the no-tillage system for the seeding of oat culture (Avena strigosa Schreb). It was verified that the forward speed didn't influence the initial and final stands of plants but it interfered in the regularity of longitudinal distribution of plants. The smallest speed provided the largest percentile of normal spacing between plants. The pneumatic meter mechanism presented better performance than the horizontal disk perforated in the longitudinal distribution of plants. About corn productivity aspect it's indifferent the recommendation of use for pneumatic and perforated horizontal disk meter mechanism of seeds.
This work objectified to evaluate the efficiency of two meter mechanism of corn seeds when submitted to different forward speed and soil management system during the non-tillage seeding. It was used a factorial design in randomized blocks. The factors whose effects were examined were related to the seeders with pneumatic and horizontal disk meter mechanisms for the distribution of the seeds, to the set tractor-seeder forward speeds (4.4; 8.0 and 9.8 km h(-1)), and to the soil management system considering the corn no-tillage seeding over minimum tillage with chisel plow and the no-tillage system for the seeding of oat culture (Avena strigosa Schreb). It was verified that the forward speed didn't influence the initial and final stands of plants but it interfered in the regularity of longitudinal distribution of plants. The smallest speed provided the largest percentile of normal spacing between plants. The pneumatic meter mechanism presented better performance than the horizontal disk perforated in the longitudinal distribution of plants. About corn productivity aspect it's indifferent the recommendation of use for pneumatic and perforated horizontal disk meter mechanism of seeds.
Experimental characterization and modelling of a servo-pneumatic system for a knee loading apparatus
The new knee test rig developed in University of Bologna used pneumatic cylinder as actuator system. Specific characterization and modelling about the pneumatic cylinder and the related devices are needed in better controlling the test rig. In this thesis, an experimental environment for the related device is set up with data acquisition system using Real-time Windows Target, Simulink, MatLab. Based on the experimental data, a fitted model for the pneumatic cylinder friction is found.