6 resultados para Pluviometry


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The aim of this paper is to quantitatively characterize the climatology of daily precipitation indices in Catalonia (northeastern Iberian Peninsula) from 1951 to 2003. This work has been performed analyzing a subset of the ETCCDI (Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices) precipitation indices calculated from a new interpolated dataset of daily precipitation, namely SPAIN02, regular at 0.2° horizontal resolution (around 20 km) and from two high-quality stations: the Ebro and Fabra observatories. Using a jack-knife technique, we have found that the sampling error of the SPAIN02 regional averaged is relatively low. The trend analysis has been implemented using a Circular Block Bootstrap procedure applicable to non-normal distributions and autocorrelated series. A running trend analysis has been applied to analyze the trend persistence. No general trends at a regional scale are observed, considering the annual or the seasonal regional averaged series of all the indices for all the time windows considered. Only the consecutive dry days index (CDD) at annual scale shows a locally coherent spatial trend pattern; around 30% of the Catalonia area has experienced an increase of around 2¿3 days decade¿1. The Ebro and Fabra observatories show a similar CDD trend, mainly due to the summer contribution. Besides this, a significant decrease in total precipitation (around ¿10 mm decade¿1) and in the index "highest precipitation amount in five-day period" (RX5DAY, around ¿5 mm decade¿1), have been found in summer for the Ebro observatory.


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Se han estudiado metódicamente todos 1os episodios de inundaciones que han afectado a Cataluña en la última mitad de siglo, especialmente el de noviembre de 1982, insistiendo en la distribución espacial de la lluvia y su conexin con la orografa. Para ello, a partir de los radiosondeos de Palma de Mallorca se ha analizado la inestabilidad convectiva obteniéndose los ascensos mínimos necesarios para la inestabilización. Asimismo, se han trazado las lineas de corriente en la baja troposfera lo que ha permitido conocer la dirección del flujo dominante. Se incluye también alguna inforrnación de carácter hidrológico.


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La comarca d’Osona ha disposat sempre d’aigua abundant i de bona qualitat, però en els darrers anys s’ha observat un increment del contingut de nitrats a les aigües subterrànies. Des de 1988 i fins a l’actualitat es mostreja puntualment l’aigua d’algunes fonts i se n’analitzen els nitrats. En aquest estudi s’analitza l’evolució del contingut de nitrats i com ha afectat a la mineralització de l’aigua d’aquestes fonts i en quin estat es troben actualment. La legislació actual (RD 140/2003) considera que valors de nitrats a l’aigua de consum superiors a 50 mg/l poden provocar problemes de salut pública.


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Daily Precipitation Concentration Index (CI) was used in this paper to investigate the statistical structure of daily precipitation across Europe based on 530 daily rainfall series for the period 1971-2010. Annual CI shows a North- West to South-East gradient (excluding Turkey and Greece). The same gradient is also observed in winter, spring and autumn, while in summer the gradient is North-South. Highest annual and seasonal daily concentrations of rainfall were detected in the western Mediterranean basin, mainly along Spanish and French coastlands. Latitude and distance from the sea seems to play a major role on spatial CI distribution; at subregional scale also relief plays an important role. The Mann-Kendall test did not identify uniform significant pattern in temporal trend across Europe for 1971-2010 period. The only broad areas with increasing annual and seasonal CI values are located in northern and south-western France and northern coastlands of the Iberian Peninsula. This findings suggest that daily precipitation distribution has not significantly changed during the 1971-2010 over Europe.


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El estudio climático del régimen pluviométrico, y al mismo tiempo de la variabilidad de las precipitaciones, ha acaparado un punto de atención prioritario de las investigaciones que, sobre Climatología Mediterránea, han visto la luz para la fachada oriental de la península Ibérica durante los últimos lustros. Empero, no son muchos los trabajos que se han preocupado en cuantificar de forma estadística la precipitación en función de la causa atmosférica que la ha originado. En estrecha relación con ello, la presente investigación plantea un catálogo manual de clasificación de las situaciones atmosféricas que causan precipitación en la provincia de Alicante, distinguiendo tres grandes grupos: Episodios atlánticos, convectivos y mediterráneos. Bajo este planteamiento metodológico y algún otro más adicional, se analiza el comportamiento y características de todos los sucesos atmosféricos con precipitación ≥ 10 mm durante la década 1991-2000, para un total de seis observatorios meteorológicos. Se destaca el dominio de las lluvias mediterráneas en todos ellos, el importante peso de las precipitaciones de origen convectivo en el interior y, a grandes rasgos, la pobre eficacia pluviométrica de las situaciones atlánticas para la totalidad del territorio alicantino.


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This study presents a catalogue of synoptic patterns of torrential rainfall in northeast of the Iberian Peninsula (IP). These circulation patterns were obtained by applying a T-mode Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to a daily data grid (NCEP/NCAR reanalysis) at sea level pressure (SLP). The analysis made use of 304 days which recorded >100 mm in one or more stations in provinces of Barcelona, Girona and Tarragona (coastland area of Catalonia) throughout the 1950-2005 period. The catalogue comprises 7 circulation patterns showing a great variety of atmospheric conditions and seasonal or monthly distribution. Likewise, we computed the mean index value of the Western Mediterranean Oscillation index (WeMOi) for the synoptic patterns obtained by averaging all days grouped in each pattern. The results showed a clear association between the negative values of this teleconnection index and torrential rainfall in northeast of the IP. We therefore put forward the WeMO as an essential tool for forecasting heavy rainfall in northeast of Spain