15 resultados para Pliability


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Background: Crustaceans represent an attractive model to study biomineralization and cuticle matrix formation, as these events are precisely timed to occur at certain stages of the moult cycle. Moulting, the process by which crustaceans shed their exoskeleton, involves the partial breakdown of the old exoskeleton and the synthesis of a new cuticle. This cuticle is subdivided into layers, some of which become calcified while others remain uncalcified. The cuticle matrix consists of many different proteins that confer the physical properties, such as pliability, of the exoskeleton. Results: We have used a custom cDNA microarray chip, developed for the blue swimmer crab Portunus pelagicus, to generate expression profiles of genes involved in exoskeletal formation across the moult cycle. A total of 21 distinct moult-cycle related differentially expressed transcripts representing crustacean cuticular proteins were isolated. Of these, 13 contained copies of the cuticle_1 domain previously isolated from calcified regions of the crustacean exoskeleton, four transcripts contained a chitin_bind_4 domain (RR consensus sequence) associated with both the calcified and un-calcified cuticle of crustaceans, and four transcripts contained an unannotated domain (PfamB_109992) previously isolated from C. pagurus. Additionally, cryptocyanin, a hemolymph protein involved in cuticle synthesis and structural integrity, also displays differential expression related to the moult cycle. Moult stage-specific expression analysis of these transcripts revealed that differential gene expression occurs both among transcripts containing the same domain and among transcripts containing different domains. Conclusion: The large variety of genes associated with cuticle formation, and their differential expression across the crustacean moult cycle, point to the complexity of the processes associated with cuticle formation and hardening. This study provides a molecular entry path into the investigation of the gene networks associated with cuticle formation.


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Poly(methyl vinyl ether-co-maleic anhydride) formed films from aqueous formulations with characteristics that are ideal as a basis for producing a drug-containing bioadhesive delivery system when plasticized with a monohydroxyl functionalized plasticizer. Hence, films containing a novel plasticizer, tripropylene glycol methyl ether (TPME), maintained their adhesive strength and tensile properties when packaged in aluminized foil for extended periods of time. Films plasticized with commonly used polyhydric alcohols, such as the glycerol in this study, underwent an esterification reaction that led to polymer crosslinking, as shown in NMR studies. These revealed the presence of peaks in the ester/carbonyl region, suggesting that glyceride residue formation had been initiated. Given the polyfunctional nature of glycerol, progressive esterification would result in a polyester network and an accompanying profound alteration in the physical characteristics. Indeed, films became brittle over time with a loss of both the aqueous solubility and bioadhesion to porcine skin. In addition, a swelling index was measurable after 7 days, a property not seen with those films containing TPME. This change in bioadhesive strength and pliability was independent of the packaging conditions, rendering the films that contain glycerol as unsuitable as a basis for topical bioadhesive delivery of drug substances. Consequently, films containing TPME have potential as an alternative formulation strategy.


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Flexibilidade anterior do tronco (FAT) é um componente importante dos exames clínico e de aptidão física utilizado como indicador da função vertebral. O teste mais utilizado para sua quantificação é o sentar-e-alcançar (TSA), que considerara como padrão de normalidade o toque das mãos nos pés, com critérios e parâmetros de análise que independem das variáveis. Neste estudo, investigou-se a FAT em adolescentes, após o pico da velocidade de crescimento em estatura, em função do sexo, da velocidade de execução e dos dados antropométricos. Os índices foram obtidos em centímetros; o peso corporal em kg. Participaram 102 adolescentes, sendo 45 mulheres e 57 homens, entre 16 e 20 anos de idade. Resultados indicam que o fator sexo, dados antropométricos e a velocidade de execução do teste influenciam os índices de flexibilidade; a avaliação da função vertebral não pode ter como critério de normalidade atingir os pés pelo TSA, e que a velocidade rápida leva a melhores resultados. em resumo, os resultados indicam que tocar os pés, é um critério que exclui da normalidade da função vertebral aproximadamente 50% dos adolescentes. Assim, o critério para tomada de decisão quanto ao encaminhamento do adolescente para recuperação de maiores índices de flexibilidade precisa ser revisto.


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This study investigated the flexural strength of eight fiber posts (one carbon fiber, one carbon/quartz fiber, one opaque quartz fiber, two translucent quartz fiber, and three glass fiber posts). Eighty fiber posts were used and divided into eight groups (n = 10): G1: C-POST (Bisco); G2: ÆSTHETI-POST (Bisco); G3: ÆSTHETI-PLUS (Bisco); G4: LIGHT-POST (Bisco); G5: D.T. LIGHT-POST (Bisco); G6: PARAPOST WHITE (Coltene); G7: FIBERKOR (Pentron); G8: REFORPOST (Angelus). All of the samples were tested using the three-point bending test. The averages obtained were submitted to the ANOVA and to Tukey's test (p < 0.05). The mean values (MPa) of the groups ÆSTHETI-POST - carbon/ quartz fiber post (Bisco) and ÆSTHETI-PLUS - quartz fiber post (Bisco) were statistically similar and higher than the mean values of the other groups. The mean values of the groups C-POST - carbon fiber post (Bisco), LIGHT-POST - translucent quartz fiber post (Bisco), D.T. LIGHT-POST - double tapered translucent quartz fiber post (Bisco), PARAPOST WHITE - glass fiber post (Coltene) and FIBREKOR - glass fiber post (Pentron) were similar and higher than the group REFORPOST - glass fiber post (Angelus). Copyright © 2005 by the American Association of Endodontists.


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Purpose: Fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) posts can be air-abraded to obtain good attachment to the resin cement. This study tested the effect of silica coating on the flexural strength of carbon, opaque, and translucent quartz FRC posts. Materials and Methods: Six experimental groups of FRC posts (n = 10 per group) were tested, either as received from the manufacturer or after chairside silica coating (30-μm CoJet-Sand). Results: There was no significant difference in the flexural strength of nonconditioned (504 to 525 MPa) and silica-coated (514 to 565 MPa) specimens (P > .05) (analysis of variance). The type of post did have a significant effect on flexural strength (P < .05). Conclusion: Chairside silica coating did not affect the flexural strength of both carbon and quartz FRC posts.


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Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of thermal and mechanical cycling alone or in combination, on the flexural strength of ceramic and metallic frameworks cast in gold alloy or titanium. Methods: Metallic frameworks (25 mm × 3 mm × 0.5 mm) (N = 96) cast in gold alloy or commercial pure titanium (Ti cp) were obtained using acrylic templates. They were airborne particle-abraded with 150 μm aluminum oxide at the central area of the frameworks (8 mm × 3 mm). Bonding agent and opaque were applied on the particle-abraded surfaces and the corresponding ceramic for each metal was fired onto them. The thickness of the ceramic layer was standardized by positioning the frameworks in a metallic template (height: 1 mm). The specimens from each ceramic-metal combination (N = 96, n = 12 per group) were randomly assigned into four experimental fatigue conditions, namely water storage at 37 °C for 24 h (control group), thermal cycling (3000 cycles, between 4 and 55 °C, dwell time: 10 s), mechanical cycling (20,000 cycles under 10 N load, immersion in distilled water at 37 °C) and, thermal and mechanical cycling. A flexural strength test was performed in a universal testing machine (crosshead speed: 1.5 mm/min). Data were statistically analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (α = 0.05). Results: The mean flexural strength values for the ceramic-gold alloy combination (55 ± 7.2 MPa) were significantly higher than those of the ceramic-Ti cp combination (32 ± 6.7 MPa) regardless of the fatigue conditions performed (p < 0.05). Mechanical and thermo-mechanical fatigue decreased the flexural strength results significantly for both ceramic-gold alloy (52 ± 6.6 and 53 ± 5.6 MPa, respectively) and ceramic-Ti cp combinations (29 ± 6.8 and 29 ± 6.8 MPa, respectively) compared to the control group (58 ± 7.8 and 39 ± 5.1 MPa, for gold and Ti cp, respectively) (p < 0.05) (Tukey's test). While ceramic-Ti cp combinations failed adhesively at the metal-opaque interface, gold alloy frameworks exhibited a residue of ceramic material on the surface in all experimental groups. Significance: Mechanical and thermo-mechanical fatigue conditions decreased the flexural strength values for both ceramic-gold alloy and ceramic-Ti cp combinations with the results being significantly lower for the latter in all experimental conditions. © 2007 Academy of Dental Materials.


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This study evaluated the effect of microwave energy on the hardness, impact strength and flexural strength of the Clássico, Onda-Cryl and QC-20 acrylic resins. Aluminum die were embedded in metallic or plastic flasks with type III dental stone, in accordance with the traditional packing technique. A mixing powder/liquid ratio was used according to the manufacturer's instructions. After polymerization in water batch at 74°C for 9 h, boiling water for 20 min or microwave energy at 900 W for 10 min, the specimens were deflasked after flask cooling at room temperature, and submitted to finishing. Specimens non-disinfected and disinfected by microwave irradiation were submitted to hardness, impact and flexural strength tests. Each specimen was immersed in distilled water and disinfected in a microwave oven calibrated to 650 W for 3 min. Knoop hardness test was performed with 25 g load for 10 s, impact test was carried out using the Charpy system with 40 kpcm, and 3-point bending test with a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min until fracture. Data were submitted to statistical analysis by ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). Disinfection by microwave energy decreased the hardness of Clássico and Onda-Cryl acrylic resins, but no effect was observed on the impact and flexural strength of all tested resins.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of radiotherapy on the radiopacity and flexural strength of composite resin. Forty Z250 composite resin specimens were polymerized using a halogen light-curing unit and divided into 5 groups, in accordance with the radiotherapy dose: G1- without irradiation, G2- 30 Gy, G3- 40 Gy, G4- 50 Gy and GS- 60 Gy Digital images were obtained using a GE 100 X-ray. Radiopacity values were obtained with the Digora digital imaging system and the flexural strength was evaluated with an EMIC universal testing machine. Data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey 's test. G1 presented the highest radiopacity value, followed by G3, G5, G4 and G2. For flexural strength, G1 presented the lowest value, followed by G2, G5, G3 and G4. Differences were no significant (p>0.05). The commonly used dosage of radiotherapy treatment, did not cause alteration in the radiopacity and flexural strength of resin-based composites.


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The aim of this study was to examine the effect of different acid etching times on the surface roughness and flexural strength of a lithium disilicate-based glass ceramic. Ceramic bar-shaped specimens (16 mm x 2 mm x 2 mm) were produced from ceramic blocks. All specimens were polished and sonically cleaned in distilled water. Specimens were randomly divided into 5 groups (n=15). Group A (control) no treatment. Groups B-E were etched with 4.9% hydrofluoric acid (HF) for 4 different etching periods: 20 s, 60 s, 90 s and 180 s, respectively. Etched surfaces were observed under scanning electron microscopy. Surface profilometry was used to examine the roughness of the etched ceramic surfaces, and the specimens were loaded to failure using a 3-point bending test to determine the flexural strength. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). All etching periods produced significantly rougher surfaces than the control group (p<0.05). Roughness values increased with the increase of the etching time. The mean flexural strength values were (MPa): A=417 ± 55; B=367 ± 68; C=363 ± 84; D=329 ± 70; and E=314 ± 62. HF etching significantly reduced the mean flexural strength as the etching time increased (p=0.003). In conclusion, the findings of this study showed that the increase of HF etching time affected the surface roughness and the flexural strength of a lithium disilicate-based glass ceramic, confirming the study hypothesis.


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Aim To assess the dimensional characteristics, flexibility and torsional behaviour of nickel-titanium retreatment instruments. Methodology Using image analysis software and high-resolution digital images, the instrument length, tip angle, diameter at 3mm from the tip and the distance between the blades (pitch length) of the following eight instruments were measured (n=12 for each measurement parameter): the ProTaper Universal retreatment (PTU-R) D1, D2 and D3 instruments; the R-Endo R1, R2 and R3 retreatment instruments; and the Mtwo retreatment (Mtwo-R) sizes 25 and 15 retreatment instruments. Maximum torque and the angular deflection at fracture as well as the bending moment at 45° were measured (n=12) according to the International Standards Organisation (ISO) specification number 3630-1. Data were analysed using the analysis of variance (α=0.05). Results The length of the active part of the instruments was found to vary according to the depth of the canal into which they were designed to reach. The pitch length also increased along the active length. The PTU-R D1 and the Mtwo-R instruments had active tips. Measurements of the bending moment at 45° revealed that the Mtwo-R 15 instrument was the most flexible, whereas the PTU-R D1 was the least flexible. The maximum torque tended to increase as the instrument diameter at 3mm from the tip increased, whereas the angular deflection at fracture varied in the opposite direction. Conclusions The geometrical characteristics of the retreatment instruments and their flexibility and torsion behaviour were consistent with their intended clinical application. © 2011 International Endodontic Journal.


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Rationale and aim: This paper has the object to present the impact of nuts' and seeds' injuries withdrawing data from the Susy Safe registry, highlighting that as for other foreign bodies the main item efficiently and substantially susceptible to changes to decrease the accidents' rates is the education of adults and children, that can be shared with parents both from pediatricians and general practitioners. Indeed labeling and age related warnings have also a fundamental relevance in prevention. Methods: The present study draws its data from the Susy Safe registry. Details on injuries are entered in the Susy Safe Web-registry through a standardized case report form, that includes information regarding: children age and gender, features of the object, circumstances of injury (presence of parents and activity) and hospitalization's details (lasting, complications and removal details). Cases are prospectively collected using the Susy Safe system from 06/2005; moreover, also information regarding past consecutive cases available in each centre adhering to the project have been entered in the Susy Safe registry. Results: Nuts and seeds are one of the most common food item retrieved in foreign bodies injuries in children. In Susy Safe registry they represent the 38% in food group, and almost the 10% in general cases. Trachea, bronchi and lungs were the main location of FB's retrieval, showing an incidence of 68%. Hospitalization occurred in 83% of cases, showing the major frequency for foreign bodies located in trachea. This location was also the principal site of complications, with a frequency of 68%. There were no significant associations between these outcomes and the age class of the children. The most common complications seen (22.4%) was bronchitis, followed by pneumonia (19.7%). Adult presence was recorded as positive in 71.2% of cases, showing an association (p value 0.009) between the adult supervision and the hospitalization outcome. On the contrary there was a non significant association between adult presence and the occurrence of complications. In 80.7% of cases, the incident happened while the child was eating. Among those cases, 88.6% interested trachea, lungs and bronchi. Conclusions: Food-related aspiration injuries are common events for young children, particularly under 4 years of age, and may lead to severe complication. There is a need to study in more depth specific characteristics of foreign bodies associated with increased hazard, such as size, shape, hardness or firmness, lubricity, pliability and elasticity, in order to better identify risky foods, and more precisely described the pathogenetic pathway. Parents are not adequately conscious and aware toward this risk; therefore, the number and severity of the injuries could be reduced by educating parents and children. Information about food safety should be included in all visits to pediatricians in order to make parents able to understand, select, and identify key characteristics of hazardous foods and better control the hazard level of various foods. Finally, preventive measures including warning labels on high-risk foods could be implemented. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Il presente lavoro si propone principalmente di fornire un’analisi delle declinazioni assunte dal principio di continuità nel diritto amministrativo, tentando di metterne in luce al contempo le basi fondanti che caratterizzano ogni principio generale e le sfumature più attuali emerse dall’elaborazione della dottrina e della giurisprudenza più recenti. Partendo dal fondamentale presupposto secondo cui la maggior parte degli interpreti si è interessata al principio di continuità in campo amministrativo con prevalente riferimento all’ambito organizzativo-strutturale, si è tentato di estendere l’analisi sino a riconoscervi una manifestazione di principi chiave della funzione amministrativa complessivamente intesa quali efficienza, buon andamento, realizzazione di buoni risultati. La rilevanza centrale della continuità discende dalla sua infinita declinabilità, ma in questo lavoro si insiste particolarmente sul fatto che di essa possono darsi due fondamentali interpretazioni, tra loro fortemente connesse, che si influenzano reciprocamente: a quella che la intende come segno di stabilità perenne, capace di assicurare certezza sul modus operandi delle pubbliche amministrazioni e tutela degli affidamenti da esse ingenerati, si affianca una seconda visione che ne privilegia invece l’aspetto dinamico, interpretandola come il criterio che impone alla P.A. di assecondare la realtà che muta, evolvendo contestualmente ad essa, al fine di assicurare la permanenza del risultato utile per la collettività, in ossequio alla sua missione di cura. In questa prospettiva, il presente lavoro si propone di analizzare, nella sua prima parte, i risultati già raggiunti dall’elaborazione esegetica in materia di continuità amministrativa, con particolare riferimento alle sue manifestazioni nel campo dell’organizzazione e dell’attività amministrative, nonché ad alcune sue espressioni concrete nel settore degli appalti e dei servizi pubblici. La seconda parte è invece dedicata a fornire alcuni spunti ed ipotesi per nuove interpretazioni del principio in chiave sistematica, in relazione a concetti generali quali il tempo, lo spazio e il complessivo disegno progettuale della funzione amministrativa.


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How might we begin to explore the concept of the “sustainable city” in a world often characterized as dynamic, fluid, and contested? Debates about the sustainable city are too often dominated by a technological discourse conducted among professional experts, but this technocratic framing is open to challenge. For some critics, sustainability is a meaningless notion, yet for others its semantic pliability opens up discursive spaces through which to explore interconnections across time, space, and scale. Thus, while enacting sustainability in policy and practice is an arduous task, we can productively ask how cultural imaginations might be stirred and shaken to make sustainability accessible to a wider public who might join the conversation. What role, we ask, can and should the arts play in wider debates about sustainability in the city today? We explore a coproduced artwork in the northeast of England in order to explain how practice-led research methods were put into dialogue with the social sciences to activate new perspectives on the politics, aesthetics, and practices of sustainability. The case is presented to argue that creative material experimentations can be used as an active research inquiry through which ideas can be tested without knowing predefined means or ends. The case shows how such creativity acts as a catalyst to engage a heterogeneous mix of actors in the redefinition of urban spaces, juxtaposing past and present, with the ephemeral and the (seemingly) durable.


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Aim. Circumcision is the most common procedure for phimosis. In recent years, the value of foreskin properties as well as aesthetic reasons determined to other operations preserving the foreskin. We report 5-years experience with a technique that preserve the physical foreskin appearance intact. Patients and methods. Fifty-two patients, eligible to undergo phimosis surgery, underwent prepuce-sparing plasty and simple running suture. Evaluation of results was made with photos comparative and verified by using presence/absence of recurrence, scarring evaluation, and VAS for patient satisfaction. Results. Forty-eight patients reported no complications. There were no cases of bleeding, infection, pathological scarring, phimosis recurrence. The scar showed a good pliability and a thin thickness. Patient satisfaction was high. Conclusions. The association of prepuce-sparing plasty and simple running suture highlighted an effective and easy method for the correction of acquired phimosis in adult patients, with excellent functional and cosmetic results.