9 resultados para Pleurodema alium
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Detailed characterizations of the karyotypes of the Brazilian leptodactylid frogs Pleurodema diplolistris, the only species of Pleurodema not studied cytogenetically so far, and Physalaemus nattereri, a species in the Ph. biligonigerus group, are presented. Both karyotypes had 2n = 22 and their chromosomes had a very similar morphology, except for pair 11, which was metacentric in Pl. diplolistris and telocentric in Ph. nattereri. The localization of nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) and heterochromatic bands allowed the differentiation of chromosomes that were morphologically indistinguishable between these species, such as pairs 1, 3 and 10, which showed interstitial C-bands in Ph. nattereri, and pair 8, that had an NOR and an adjacent C-band in Pl. diplolistris. Pair 8 also has NOR-bearing chromosomes in many other Pleurodema species. However, in these species, the NOR is located proximal to the centromere on the short arm, while in Pl. diplolistris it occurred distally on the long arm, a condition that may be considered a derived state. In Ph. nattereri, the NOR occurred on chromosome I 1 and differed from the other species of the Ph. biligonigerus group. In contrast, C-banding revealed a heterochromatic block near the centromere on the short arm of pair 3, a characteristic common to all members of this group of Physalaemus.
Contiene además: "Principis Federici Caesii ... De caeli vnitate, tenvitate, fusaque & peruia stellarum motibus natura ... ad ... Robertum Bellarminum ... epistola": pp. [775]-784
El trabajo se realizó en el laboratorio del Programa Nacional de Postcosecha / INTA , de Junio de 1997 a Diciembre de 1997. El objetivo fue generar información sobre los productos botánicos; Paraíso (Melia Azederach L ), Zorrillo (Petiveria Alliceae L), Tabaco (Nicotiana tabacum,L), Amarguito (Tecoma stan L), Ajo (Alium sativum L) y el producto natural ceniza de diferentes especies de madera, para el control de plagas en granos almacenados. Para ejecutar el estudio se utilizó una población de gorgojos de frijol y maíz existente en el laboratorio del Programa Nacional de Postcosecha /INTA. El frijol y el maíz previo a ser utilizado para el cultivo y bioensayo se fumigó en un silo metálico de un quintal de capacidad con fosfamina siguiendo las recomendaciones del Programa Nacional de Postcosecha. La forma de utilización de los productos fue; Paraíso (5%), semilla seca a la sombra y molida, Zorrillo (5%), raices seca a la sombra y molida, Tabaco (5%),venas seca a la sombra y molida, Amarguito (5%), hojas seca a la sombra y molida, Ajo (4%), bulbo seco a la sombra y molido y ceniza (25%) de diferentes especies de madera, la cual fue recolectada de diferentes de productores, se utilizó el producto Actellic 2% como testigo comparativo. Se utilizó frascos plástico de dos litros de volumen como unidad experimental en las cuales se introdujeron 1500 granos de maíz y frijol, se utilizaron tres repeticiones por tratamiento. Se utilizaron gorgojos de dos semana de edad. En el bioensayo del frijol el mejor tratamiento de los productos evaluados fue el Paraíso (5%), presentando un porcentaje de daño final del 46% y un porcentaje de pérdida de peso final de 9%, los productos que mostraron menor infestación inicial fue la ceniza y el Amarguito presentando una infestación inicial de 6 y 25 insectos respectivamente. En el bioensayo del maíz el mejor de los tratamientos evaluados fue la ceniza 25%, la cual presentó un porcentaje de daño final de 1.33%, un porcentaje de pérdida de peso final de 0.21%, los tratamientos donde hubo menor infestación inicial fue en el Amarguito y el Tabaco con 15 y 18 insectos respectivamente.
Légendier disposé dans l'ordre du calendrier liturgique du 20 juillet au 25 novembre et contenant les saints suivants: ss. Margarita, Maria Magdelene, Jacobus major ap., Stephanus, Laurentius, Hippolytus, assumptio b. Mariae, Bartholomaeus, Augustinus, Johannes Baptista, Aegidius, nativitas b. Mariae, Gorgonius, Protus et Hyacinthus, exaltatio s. Crucis, Euphemia, Matthaeus, Mauritius, Cosmas et Damianus, Michael archangelus, Hieronymus, Leodegarius, Dionysius, Lucas, Simon et Judas, Martinus, Caecilia, Clemens, Catharina. F. 1-130. Legendarius. F. 1-3v. "... passio sancte Margarete virginis"; cf. B.H.L. n° 5306. F. 3v-6v. "... vita sancte Marie Magdalene" [ODO Cluniacensis abbas, sermo 2, excerptum] (P.L. 133, 714B-719C); cf. B.H.L. n° 5440. F. 6v-8v. "... passio sancti Jacobi [majoris] apostoli" incomplet des lignes finales par lacune matérielle, à partir de "decollandi erant dixit [Jacobus...]" [Virtutes apostolorum, de s. Jacobo majore] (Mombritius, 2a ed., II, 37-40 lig. 15); cf. B.H.L. n° 4057; C.A.N.T. n° 272. F. 9-12. "Inventio sancti Stephani prothomartyris" [LUCIANUS presbyter, interprete AVITO presbytero Bracarensi ]. "Domino venerabili Nimpsio [sic] episcopo... [Julianus exponctué et corrigé en] Lucianus... Revelationem que mihi ostensa est...-... aperire dignatus est..." recensio mixta suivie d'un court épilogue: "Bovem appellatum... declarata sunt"; cf. C.P.L. n° 575; B.H.L. Suppl. n° 7851n (E. Vanderlinden, Rev. des études byzantines, IV, 1946, 190-216, version A'; ne fait pas partie des mss. recensés pour l'édition). F. 12-16. "... passio sancti [Sixti et sancti] Laurentii". "In illo tempore Decius Caesar et Valerianus prefectus jusserunt...-... participati sunt omnes"; cf. B.H.L. Suppl. n° 7801 avec var. incipit et n° 4754. F. 16-18. "... passio sancti Ypoliti et sociorum ejus". "Egressus itaque Ypolitus post tercium diem...-... vivere male et regnare cum Christo "; cf. B.H.L. n° 3961 avec var. incipit et explicit. F. 18-31. "... [sermo] beati Ieronimi in assumptione sancte Virginis" [PASCHASIUS RADBERTUS, De Adsumptione b. Mariae] (C.C.C.M., LVI C 109-162; édité aussi parmi les apocryphes de saint Jérôme, P.L., XXX, 126-147); cf. C.P.L. n° 633, ep. 9 (18-29). F. 29-31. Addition contemporaine : "In vigilia assumptionis beate Marie legatur: Secundum Lucam (Lc 11, 27). [M]agne devocionis et fidei...-... ubera que suxisti" [BEDA, In Lc, l. IV, excerptum] divisé en trois paragraphes, correspondant sans doute à trois leçons (P.L., XCII, 479 C-480 B; C.C.S.L., CXX, 236-237 lig. 213-244) (29). — "Sermo iste legatur in nativitate beate Marie virginis"; cf. infra f. 56v. "[A]pprobate consuetudinis est apud christianos...-... pacta cessare" [FULBERTUS CARNOTENSIS, sermo 4] incomplet de la fin qui a été laissée en blanc (P.L. CXLI, 320-324 A; J.M. Canal, dans Rech. théol. anc. méd., XXX (1963), 56-61 lig. 168); ne fait pas partie des mss. répertoriés par J.M. Canal, ibid., XXIX (1962), 36-37; division marginale en neuf, puis en trois fois trois leçons; en marge du titre, une note difficilement lisible identifie l'auteur: "sermo Fulberti ep. Carnotensis" (29v-31). F. 32-35. "... vita [sic pro passio] sancti Bartholomei apostoli" [Virtutes apostolorum, de s. Bartholomaeo]; cf. B.H.L. Suppl. n° 1002a; C.A.N.T. n° 259. F. 35-49v. "[Vita s.] Augustini episcopi", sans prologue [POSSIDIUS]. "Ex provincia affricana civitate...-... perfruar"; cf. B.H.L. n° 785; C.P.L. n° 358 (35-49a lig. 7); suivi de la liste des livres de s. Augustin dans l'ordre des Retractations : "Libros vero quod edidit hic breviter enumerare vel annotare non omissi. Et hoc indicium librorum omnium sancti Augustini. Contra paganos achademicos [sic] libri III. De beata vita liber I. De ordine sacro libri II. De soliloquiis...-... et gratia liber. Requievit autem... V. kal. septembris..." (C.C.S.L., LVII (1984), 1-4, var.); texte proche du ms. lat. 5276, ff. 136v-137, répertorié par A. Wilmart, Miscellanea Agostiniana, Roma, 1931, 157 (Testi e studi, 2) (49a lig. 7-49v). F. 49v-52v. "Inventio capitis sancti Johannis Baptiste"; cf. B.H.L. n° 4296 (49v-51). — "De translatione ejusdem [Angeriacum]"; cf. B.H.L. n° 4297 (51-52v). F. 52v-56v. "... vita sancti Egidii"; cf. B.H.L. n° 93. F. 56v-59v. "De nativitate sancte Marie". "Petis a me petitiunculam opere...-... prefationem habuisse"; cf. B.H.L. Suppl. n° 5345 (56v a-b lig. 27) ; suivi de: "Petitis a me...-... scribi potuerunt. Igitur beata et gloriosissima semper virgo Maria..-... docuerunt Dominum..." (éd. parmi les apocryphes de s. Jérôme, P.L., XXX, 2a ed., 307-317); cf. B.H.L. n° 5344-5343; C.P.L., n° 633, ep. 50 (56v b lig. 27-59v). L'attribution à Paschase Radbert des deux lettres regroupées en une seule faite par C. Lambot, dans Rev. bénéd., XLVI (1934), 271-282, est réfutée par R. Beyers, dans Rev. Théol. et Philos., CXXII (1990), 171-188. Voir sa nouv. éd. dans CC Apocrypha, 10. F. 59v-61v. "Passio sancti Gorgonii [et Dorothei]; cf. B.H.L. n° 3617. F. 61v-62. "[Passio ss.] Prothi et Jacincti"; cf. B.H.L. n° 6977. F. 62-63v. "De exaltatione sancte Crucis". "Tempore illo postquam Constantino Augusto contra Maxentium..."; cf. B.H.L. n° 4178, avec var. incipit. F. 64-68v. "[Passio s.] Eufemie virginis". "Quinto persecutionis anno Diocletiani...-... Completum est autem martyrium... Prisco proconsule Europe..."; cf. B.H.L. n° 2709, avec var. explicit. F. 68v-72v. "[Passio] sancti Mathei apostoli" [Virtutes apostolorum, de s. Jacobo majore]; cf. C.A.N.T. n° 270; B.H.L. n° 5690, avec var. explicit de l'épilogue: "Zaroes autem...-... passio eorum ostendit". F. 72v-76. "[Passio s.] [Marcii corrigé en] Mauricii con [sic] sociis suis" [s. EUCHERIUS LUGDUNENSIS] sans le prologue; cf. B.H.L. n° 5738; C.P.L. n° 490. F. 76-79v. "[Passio ss.] Cosme et Damiani"; cf. B.H.L. Suppl. n° 1975. F. 79v-80. "[In festivitate s.] Michaelis archangeli". "Angelorum quippe et hominum naturam...-... medicina Dei." [GREGORIUS MAGNUS, Hom. in Ev., 34, excerptum]; C.P.L. n° 1711 (P.L., LXXVI, 1249 C-1251 A, §§ 6, fin-9 début) divisé en 8 paragraphes; une interpolation a été ajoutée dans la marge inférieure du f. 79v par une main contemporaine qui a également numéroté les paragraphes en IX leçons, le texte ajouté formant la lectio IIa : "[N]ovem esse angelorum ordines ad Dei judicia...-... principantur."; il s'agit d'un court extrait du sermon Legimus in ecclesiasticis historiis édité par J. E. Cross, dans Traditio, 33 (1977), 108-109 lig. 41-47 (Beda, Homilia subditia 71, P.L., XCIV, 453 C); cf. C.P.P.M., I, 4046. F. 80-82v. "[Vita s.] Jeronimi presbiteri". "Hieronimus noster [corrigé en: presbiter] in oppido Stridonis...-... etatis sue anno in Domino requievit cui..." extraits de la Vie apocryphe de Gennadius (P.L., XXII, 175-184, passim, avec var.); cf. C.P.L. n° 623; B.H.L. n° 3869; Lambert, B.H.M., IIIA, 630 (80-81b lig. 26); suivi du miracle du lion extrait de la Vie du Ps. Sebastianus Casinensis: "Contigit autem hujusmodi miraculum in monasterio... Quadam namque die ingens leo... - asserendo narrantur" (P.L., XXII, 210 lig. 11-213 lig. 11); cf. C.P.L. n° 622; B.H.L. n° 3872 avec var. incipit; Lambert, B.H.M., IIIA, 630 (81b lig. 26-82v). F. 82v-88v. "[Vita s.] Leodegarii". "Igitur sanctus Leodegarius ex progenie...-... postmodum cecum. ... adnecteret opera ibidem" [URSINUS LOGOGIACENSIS] sans le prologue et incomplet de la fin (C.C.S.L., CXVII, 589-632 lig. 14, avec var.); cf. C.P.L. n° 1079a; B.H.L. n° 4851; suivi d'un court extrait omis à sa place plus haut dans le texte: "Deinde vero ire ceperunt... Dei opera ibidem" (ed. cit., 631 § 31 lig. 3-7). F. 88v-98. "[Passio] sancti Dyonisii martyris", texte incomplet par suite de la perte de 2 ff. entre les ff. 96 et 97, le texte s'arrête à "...fideliter adhe[-rebat]" et reprend à "[Domitia-]no per tres Cesares..." (P.L., CVI, 23-40 C et 48 A-50); cf. B.H.L. n° 2175. F. 98-100v. "[Laudatio s.] Luce evvangeliste". "Gloriosus igitur evvangelista Jhesu Christi Lucas natione Syrus...-... ubique confluunt qui ..." [PAULUS DIACONUS, hom. 59] incomplet du prologue (P.L., XCV, 1530-1535, avec var.); cf. B.H.L. n° 4974, d'après ce ms. F. 100v-106. "[Passio ss.] Symonis et Jude apostolorum" avec l'épilogue [ABDIAS, Virtutes Simonis et Judae Thaddaei]; cf. B.H.L. n° 7750-7751; C.A.N.T. n° 284. F. 106-107v. "[Laudatio] sancti Martini archiepiscopi" [ALCUINUS, De vita s. Martini, pars I]; cf. B.H.L. n° 5625. — GREGORIUS TURONENSIS, De virtutibus s. Martini; cf. B.H.L. n° 5618; seule l'adresse du prologue, introduite par une initiale filigranée, a été copiée au bas du f. 107v, col. b: "Domnis sanctis et in Christi amore dulcissimis fratribus... Gregorius peccator", le texte lui-même manque, soit en raison de la perte du cahier suivant, soit qu'il n'ait pas été copié. F. 108-115v. "[Passio s.] Cecilie virginis et martyris"; cf. B.H.L. Suppl. n° 1495a. F. 115v-118v. "[Passio s.] Clementis pape". [Prologus] "Postquam igitur beatus Petrus apostolus in Antiochia cathedram... -... passio secuta est"; cf. B.H.L. Suppl. n° 1849, d'après ce ms. (115v-116a, lig. 11); — "Tunc sanctus Clemens romane ecclesie episcopus disciplinam...-... Cersone Licie provincie"; C.P.L. n° 2177; B.H.L. n° 1848 (Mombritius, 2a ed., I, 341-344, var. à l'incipit et à l'explicit); suivi de: "Oremus fratres ut Dominus... participes. Per..." (116a, lig. 11-118v). F.118v-130. "[Passio] sancte Katerine virginis et martyris"; cf. B.H.L. n° 1663, sans le prologue. F. 130-130v. Additions. Table des saints contenus dans le volume, XIVe s. (130). — Prière latine en 10 strophes de deux vers, XVe s.: "Jhesu tue matris prece ab Orci me serva nece...-... ab inferi atris" (130v).
The Pitimbu River is located at the oriental portion of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, including three importants cities named Macaíba, Parnamirim e Natal. Although its high importance as a water source, which supplys great part of the South Zone of the Natal city, this river receives a large quantity of domestic and industrial waste water without treatment. The Pitimbu River headhas its river-head located in the city of Macaiba, goes through Parnamirim, then it flowing into at the Jiqui Lake in Natal. The aim of this study was to evaluate, qualitatively and quantitatively, the environmental quality of the Pitimbu River by genotoxicity bio-assays, which are important tools for genetics toxicological evaluation. In this work, five samples sites, distributed along the river, were used to collect water samples. Another point site, located near Jiqui lake, was used to collect drinkable water, which was treated by CAERN, the water treatment entreprise of Rio Grande do Norte. The following assays where used to evaluate the quality of these samples: Allium cepa assay; Comet assay; Micronuclei (MN) assay; and Ames test. For the Allium cepa assay, sixteen specimes where used for each water sample from the sample sites. In this assay both microscopic, like cytogenetic damage, and macroscopic aspects, as morphological variation were evaluated. Red blood cells from periferical blood of the Crenicichla menezesi native specie were used not only for the MN assay, but also for the Comet assay. These fishes were collected at different points on the Pitimbu River and the negative control was developed using fishes of the same species that were bring to the laboratory and maintained for 100 days in the optimal experimental conditions. For the Ames test, TA100, YG1042, TA98 and YG1041 strains were used in the directed method without metabolic activation. The results found by the Allium cepa assay showed that two water sample sites induced increase of mitotic index (IM). Additionally, compared to the control, all the water samples increased the chromossomal aberrations frequency and/or micronucleus. Among the sample sites, two also showed an abnormal growth rate in its root and two samples induced morphological alteration. With the MN test in red blood cells, a high frequence of MN was observed in tree sample. By comparing all the results obtained on the water sample points and with the negative control, a significant variation on the MN frequency was observed. Positive results were also observed for the same sample to water test by the Comet assay. These results allow concluding that the proposed specie Crenicichla menezesi has a good profile as a bio-indicator for the evaluation of environmental water quality and the MN and comet test can be usuful for in situ evaluation. By the Ames test, it was possible to detect the mutagenic activity on the waters from the Pitimbu River in different levels of mutagenicity. This result suggests that this river has several substances that induced changes directly to the DNA. The mechanisms involved to this phenomenon could be by both processes, by changing of the reading frame and by nucleotide substitution. These data set indicate the presence of mutagenic agents, which can represent in risk to biot and human beens
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A helmintofauna tem papel central no ecossistema, pois afeta a ecologia, evolução, crescimento e regulação da população de hospedeiros e, consequentemente, toda a biodiversidade. Neste estudo foram selecionados anuros pertencentes a uma guilda, de acordo com o modo reprodutivo e sítio de vocalização, e foi estudada a supracomunidade de parasitas associadas a estes anfíbios. Em janeiro de 2009 foram coletados 60 anuros no Pantanal Sul- Matogrossense, sub-região Miranda-Abobral no município de Corumbá, MS. As espécies de anuros coletadas foram Rhinella granulosa, R. schineideri, Pseudis paradoxa, P. limellum, Pleurodema fuscomaculata e Physalaemus albonotatus. Os anuros foram necropsiados e analisados quanto à presença de helmintos. Dezesseis espécies de helmintos foram identificadas em 50 indivíduos hospedeiros (prevalência total = 83,3%). Dentre os parasitas foram encontradas três espécies de trematódeos (Catadiscus marinholutzi, Catadiscus propinquus e Glypthelmins palmipedis), uma espécie de cestoda, Cylindrotaenia americana, dez espécies de nematóides (Aplectana sp., Contracecum sp.,Cosmocerca podicipinus, Cosmocercidae, Falcaustra mascula, Physaloptera sp., Ochoterenella sp., Oswaldocruzia subauricularis, Physalopteroides venancioi sp. e Rhabdias sp.) e cistos de acantocéfalo. Os trematódeos foram encontrados apenas em P. paradoxa e P. albonotatus, enquanto C. americana foi encontrada apenas em P. fuscomaculata. As espécies Aplectana sp. e Falcaustra máscula foi encontrada apenas em R. schineideri. O único indivíduo encontrado em P. limellum foi da espécie Physalopteroides venancoi. As suprapopulações de parasitas se mostraram mais agregadas em R. granulosa e P. paradoxa, onde seus hábitos de vida e hábitos alimentares podem influenciar na comunidade parasitária. Logo o tamanho do hospedeiro pode influenciar na sua ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)