79 resultados para Plesionika edwardsii


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Estudos Integrados dos Oceanos, 15 de Janeiro de 2009, Universidade dos Açores.


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A bibliographic revision on the fisheries research in the Canary, Madeira, and the Azores Islands related to stock assessment of the striped soldier shrimp (Plesionika edwardsii) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Pandalidae) was made. Biological information –reproduction, growth, mortality, recruitment– of the target species, selective technological developments –multiple semi-floating shrimp traps–, and know-how gained by the ICCM can give support to elaborate and execute an ICCM-INDP joint project, in order to explore and assess its insular stocks in the Capeverdian deepwaters (150-300 m). In the frame of the UE Trans-national Cooperation Programme MAC (2007- 2013), the next coming call for proposals seems to be an adequate source to fund it. This project should include some activities for the valorisation and promotion of this new shellfish product, as well as for scientific-technical and social divulgation, and for giving advice to the decision-makers. Lastly, with the aim of developing a new fishing activity in the Cape Verdes on a responsible and sustainable basis, authors have scheduled a second study phase. This should consist of a process of technology transfer, followed by an experimental fishing pilot project including a study on biological and commercial viability with the participation of the Capeverdian fishing sector.


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The present study is the first attempt to understand population characteristics of the deep-sea pandalid shrimp, P. quasigrandis and to assess the status of these resources off Kerala coast.Total mortality coefficient (Z) of P. quasigrandis estimated by various methods.Natural mortality coefficient (M) calculated was 0.65 and 1.02 by Pauly‟sempirical formula and Srinaths‟s formula respectively The deep-sea shrimp P. quasigrandis exploited from the present fishing ground and their monetary return has started showing a declining trend. By observing the current yield and economic return, there is no further scope for increasing the catch from the present fishing ground. The study indicated that majority of the deep-sea shrimp trawlers, especially targeted for pandalid shrimps still concentrated off Kollam area (Quilon Bank). Even though researchers had located several potential deep-sea fishing grounds based on exploratory surveys in Indian EEZ , fishermen are unaware of these fishing grounds located and hence sharing the information about new potential deep-sea fishing grounds could avert the possible stock decline due to the intensive targeted deep-sea shrimp fishery in the Quilon Bank. Hence, the present study recommended that part of the effort from existing fishing grounds may be shifted to newly located deep-sea fishing grounds which will help in a sustainableexploitation of deep-sea resources off Kerala coast.


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Mem. presentés à l'Acad. sci. St. Petersburg par div. sav. IV. 1845. 495-602.


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O Complexo de Áreas Protegidas do Leste da Ilha da Boa Vista (CAPLBV) inclui áreas terrestres, costeiras e marinhas bem como algumas colinas de baixa altitude em suas zonas terrestres (como a Ponta de Chã de Tarafe e o Monumento Natural de Monte Estância) na parte oriental da ilha da Boa Vista e estende-se por uma vasta área desde a Ponta de Ajudante a sul até a Ponta de Chã de Tarafe a norte. A biodiversidade da ilha da Boa Vista é caracterizada pela existência de várias comunidades de fauna e flora representativas dos ecossistemas costeiros e marinhos de Cabo Verde, da qual se destaca a tartaruga marinha Caretta caretta que aqui tem a sua principal área de desova em Cabo Verde. A vegetação costeira inclui Sporobolus spicatus, Cakile maritima, Sesuvium sesuvioides, Zygophylum fontanesii e Zygophylum simplex, sendo que as espécies mais representativas nas áreas lagunares são Arthrocnemum glaucum, Zygophylum waterlotii, Zygophylum fontanesii, Sporobolus minutus, Sporobolus spicatus e Cyperus bulbosus. A avifauna associada inclui Charadrius alexandrinus, Himantopus himantopus, Arenaria interpres, Pluvialis squatarola, Tringa nebularia, Ardea cinerea, Egretta garcetta, Ibis bulbucus, Platalea leucorodia, Pandion haliaetus, Fregata magnificens, Calonectris edwardsii, Sula leucogaster, Phaethon aethereus, Pelagodroma marina e Oceanodroma castro. As comunidades de corais ao longo da costa da ilha da Boa Vista, nomeadamente no ilhéu de Sal Rei e na baía das Gatas são das mais diversificadas e abundantes de todo o território de Cabo Verde (Cabo Verde 2000, 2001). As espécies do género Conus apresentam uma elevada diversidade e um elevado grau de endemismo. Várias espécies de tubarões e peixes pelágicos bem como mamíferos marinhos se reproduzem nas águas costeiras da Boa Vista. O presente relatório tem como objectivo caracterizar o ambiente terrestre, costeiro e marinho em geral, identificar e avaliar a situação da biodiversidade na área proposta para fazer parte do CAPLBV e nas áreas circundantes, através do levantamento, com recurso à pesquisa bibliográfica e saídas de campo, da diversidade e abundância da flora e fauna, em especial das espécies em vias de extinção e as endémicas, das espécies com importância ecológica no contexto internacional decorrente da posição biogeográfica do arquipélago e das espécies com importância ecológica e económica para a ilha da Boa Vista bem como para o arquipélago de Cabo Verde.


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El crucero "Localización, Concentración y Distribución de los Langostinos Rojos de Profundidad", se desarrolló entre el 18 de julio y el 06 de agosto de 1996, utilizando una red de arrastre tipo Gran ton, modelo 400/130. Se exploró el área comprendida entre Puerto Pizarro y Huarmey a profundidades entre 254 y 1 021 m. A partir de la información obtenida en el rastreo acústico, realizado en el área citada y del conocimiento de la existencia de dos biocenosis en la zona arquibentónica, una al norte y la otra al sur del Banco de Máncora, se determinó realizar el estudio sistemático y bioecológico del recurso objetivo, en el área comprendida entre 03°24' a 04°05'S y 81"00' a 81"25'W. • En esta área de evaluación, la captura estuvo constituida por peces (86,92%), crustáceos (8,04 %), moluscos (2,78%), equinodermos (1,20%), onidarios (1 ,00%), poríferos (0,03%), anélidos (0,03%), briozoarios (0,00 1%) y sipuncúlidos (0,004 %). Se registraron 38 especies de crustáceos, de los cuales 7 constituyeron los denominados langostinos de profundidad: ifeterocarpus vicarius, Haliporoides" diomedeae, Nematocarcinus agassizii, Heterocarpus hostilis, Psathyrocaris fragilis, Plesionika trispinus y Pasiphaea magna. Los más importantes langostinos rojos de profundidad se presentaron desde los 08° 18.20' S hasta los 03"32.11' S, principalmente al sur del Banco de Máncora, a profundidades entre 382 y 1 021 m. La densidad media (t/mn2) del total de langostinos rojos de profundidad, para el área de evaluación estuvo comprendida entre 0,0017 y 0,420 t/mn 2• Se determinó una profundización de los langostinos rojos fuera de su área habitual, asociado a un desplaza­miento de la mínima de oxígeno hacia mayores profundidades. Esto determinó poca disponibilidad de los principales langostinos rojos de profundidad. Se destaca la mayor frecuencia de la "gamba" Haliporoides diomedeae entre 0,2 a 1,6 ml/l de oxígeno disuelto, con sus mayores densidades entre 0,8 a 1,6 ml/l. El "camarón naylon" Heterocarpus vicarius, mostró las mayores concentraciones a menores tenores de oxígeno (0, 17 a 0,25 ml/1). Se establecieron relaciones biométricas de las principales especies de langostinos rojos de profundidad.


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Longline fisheries, oil spills, and offshore wind farms are some of the major threats increasing seabird mortality at sea, but the impact of these threats on specific populations has been difficult to determine so far. We tested the use of molecular markers, morphometric measures, and stable isotope (δ15N and δ13C) and trace element concentrations in the first primary feather (grown at the end of the breeding period) to assign the geographic origin of Calonectris shearwaters. Overall, we sampled birds from three taxa: 13 Mediterranean Cory's Shearwater (Calonectris diomedea diomedea) breeding sites, 10 Atlantic Cory's Shearwater (Calonectris diomedea borealis) breeding sites, and one Cape Verde Shearwater (C. edwardsii) breeding site. Assignment rates were investigated at three spatial scales: breeding colony, breeding archipelago, and taxa levels. Genetic analyses based on the mitochondrial control region (198 birds from 21 breeding colonies) correctly assigned 100% of birds to the three main taxa but failed in detecting geographic structuring at lower scales. Discriminant analyses based on trace elements composition achieved the best rate of correct assignment to colony (77.5%). Body measurements or stable isotopes mainly succeeded in assigning individuals among taxa (87.9% and 89.9%, respectively) but failed at the colony level (27.1% and 38.0%, respectively). Combining all three approaches (morphometrics, isotopes, and trace elements on 186 birds from 15 breeding colonies) substantially improved correct classifications (86.0%, 90.7%, and 100% among colonies, archipelagos, and taxa, respectively). Validations using two independent data sets and jackknife cross-validation confirmed the robustness of the combined approach in the colony assignment (62.5%, 58.8%, and 69.8% for each validation test, respectively). A preliminary application of the discriminant model based on stable isotope δ15N and δ13C values and trace elements (219 birds from 17 breeding sites) showed that 41 Cory's Shearwaters caught by western Mediterranean long-liners came mainly from breeding colonies in Menorca (48.8%), Ibiza (14.6%), and Crete (31.7%). Our findings show that combining analyses of trace elements and stable isotopes on feathers can achieve high rates of correct geographic assignment of birds in the marine environment, opening new prospects for the study of seabird mortality at sea.


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To test the potential effects of winds on the migratory detours of shearwaters, transequatorial migrations of 3 shearwaters, the Manx Puffinus puffinus, the Cory"s Calonectris diomedea, and the Cape Verde C. edwardsii shearwaters were tracked using geolocators. Concurrent data on the direction and strength of winds were obtained from the NASA SeaWinds scatterometer to calculate daily impedance models reflecting the resistance of sea surface winds to the shearwater movements. From these models we estimated relative wind-mediated costs for the observed synthesis pathway obtained from tracked birds, for the shortest distance pathway and for other simulated alternative pathways for every day of the migration period. We also estimated daily trajectories of the minimum cost pathway and compared distance and relative costs of all pathways. Shearwaters followed 26 to 52% longer pathways than the shortest distance path. In general, estimated wind-mediated costs of both observed synthesis and simulated alternative pathways were strongly dependent on the date of departure. Costs of observed synthesis pathways were about 15% greater than the synthesis pathway with the minimum cost, but, in the Cory"s and the Cape Verde shearwaters, these pathways were on average 15 to 20% shorter in distance, suggesting the extra costs of the observed pathways are compensated by saving about 2 travelling days. In Manx shearwaters, however, the distance of the observed synthesis pathway was 25% longer than that of the lowest cost synthesis pathway, probably because birds avoided shorter but potentially more turbulent pathways. Our results suggest that winds are a major determinant of the migratory routes of seabirds.


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L’augmentation des interactions entre humains et animaux sauvages en lisière des habitats naturels pourrait faciliter la transmission d’agents pathogènes entre les humains et les différentes espèces animales d’un écosystème et ainsi favoriser l’émergence de maladies. Nous avons effectué une étude transversale portant sur l’infection par Giardia et Cryptosporidium chez les humains, les animaux domestiques, les rongeurs et les lémuriens au sein de l’écosystème de Ranomafana, Madagascar. Des échantillons de fèces ont étés collectés de manière non invasive chez des personnes volontaires, des mammifères domestiques et des rongeurs introduits habitant trois villages situés en lisière du Parc National de Ranomafana (PNR) ainsi que quatre espèces de lémuriens (Propithecus edwardsii, Prolemur simus, Eulemur rubriventer et Microcebus rufus) du PNR. Des analyses coproscopiques par la technique d’immunofluorescence directe ont été réalisées afin de détecter la présence de Cryptosporidium et Giardia. Leur prévalence a été estimée et certaines variables reliées à l’infection par les parasites ont été identifiées. Cryptosporidium et Giardia ont été détectés avec une prévalence estimée à 22,9 % et 13,6 % respectivement chez les humains. La prévalence de ces deux parasites variait de 0 % à 60 % chez les animaux domestiques et les rongeurs au sein des villages. L’espèce hôte, l’âge ainsi que la co-infection par un autre protozoaire sont les seules variables associées à l’infection par Cryptosporidium et Giardia dans cet écosystème tandis qu’aucune association avec une coinfection par un ordre de nématode n’a été détecté. De plus, Cryptosporidium a été détecté chez 10,5 % des lémuriens du PNR. Cette étude documente pour la première fois la présence de Cryptosporidium chez deux espèces de lémuriens du PNR. Par contre, Giardia n’a pas été détecté dans les échantillons issus de lémuriens du PNR.


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Few studies examine the long-term effects of changing predator size and abundance on the habitat associations of resident organisms despite that this knowledge is critical to understand the ecosystem effects of fishing. Marine reserves offer the opportunity to determine ecosystem-level effects of manipulated predator densities, while parallel monitoring of adjacent fished areas allows separating these effects from regional-scale change. Relationships between two measures of benthic habitat structure (reef architecture and topographic complexity) and key invertebrate species were followed over 17 years at fished and protected subtidal rocky reefs associated with two southern Australian marine reserves. Two commercially harvested species, the southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) and blacklip abalone (Haliotis rubra) were initially weakly associated with habitat structure across all fished and protected sites. The strength of association with habitat for both species increased markedly at protected sites 2 years after marine reserve declaration, and then gradually weakened over subsequent years. The increasing size of rock lobster within reserves apparently reduced their dependency on reef shelters as refuges from predation. Rising predation by fish and rock lobster in the reserves corresponded with weakening invertebrate–habitat relationships for H. rubra and sea urchins (Heliocidaris erythrogramma). These results emphasise that animal–habitat relationships are not necessarily stable through time and highlight the value of marine reserves as reference sites. Our work shows that fishery closures to enhance populations of commercially important and keystone species should be in areas with a range of habitat features to accommodate shifting ecological requirements with ontogenesis.


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The early Eocene epoch was characterized by extreme global warmth, which in terrestrial settings was characterized by an expansion of near-tropical vegetation belts into the high latitudes. During the middle to late Eocene, global cooling caused the retreat of tropical vegetation to lower latitudes. In high-latitude settings, near-tropical vegetation was replaced by temperate floras. This floral change has recently been traced as far south as Antarctica, where along the Wilkes Land margin paratropical forests thrived during the early Eocene and temperate Nothofagus forests developed during the middle Eocene. Here we provide both qualitative and quantitative palynological data for this floral turnover based on a sporomorph record recovered at Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site U1356 off the Wilkes Land margin. Following the nearest living relative concept and based on a comparison with modern vegetation types, we examine the structure and diversity patterns of the Eocene vegetation along the Wilkes Land margin. Our results indicate that the early Eocene forests along the Wilkes Land margin were characterized by a diverse canopy composed of plants that today occur in tropical settings; their richness pattern was similar to that of present-day forests from New Caledonia. The middle Eocene forests were characterized by a canopy dominated by Nothofagus and exhibited richness patterns similar to modern Nothofagus forests from New Zealand.


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Early Oligocene siliceous microfossils were recovered in the upper c. 193 m of the CRP-3 drillcore. Although abundance and preservation are highly variable through this section, approximately 130 siliceous microfossil taxa were identified, including diatoms, silicoflagellates, ebridians, chrysophycean cysts, and endoskeletal dinoflagellates. Well-preserved and abundant assemblages characterize samples in the upper c. 70 m and indicate deposition in a coastal setting with water depths between 50 and 200 m. Abundance fluctuations over narrow intervals in the upper c. 70 mbsf are interpreted to reflect environmental changes that were either conducive or deleterious to growth and preservation of siliceous microfossils. Only poorly-preserved (dissolved, replaced, and/or fragmented) siliceous microfossils are present from c. 70 to 193 mbsf. Diatom biostratigraphy indicates that the CRP-3 section down to c. 193 mbsf is early Oligocene in age. The lack of significant changes in composition of the siliceous microfossil assemblage suggests that no major hiatuses are present in this interval. The first occurrence (FO) of Cavitatus jouseanus at 48.44 mbsf marks the base of the Cavitatus jouseanus Zone. This datum is inferred to be near the base of Subchron C12n at c. 30.9 Ma. The FO of Rhizosolenia antarctica at 68.60 mbsf marks the base of the Rhizosolenia antarctica Zone. The FO of this taxon is correlated in deep-sea sections to Chron C13 (33.1 to 33.6 Ma). However, the lower range of R. antarctica is interpreted as incomplete in the CRP-3 drillcore, as it is truncated at an underlying interval of poor preservation: therefore, an age of c. 33.1 to 30.9 Ma is inferred for interval between c. 70 and 50 mbsf. The absence of Hemiaulus caracteristicus from diatom-bearing interval of CRP-3 further indicates an age younger than c. 33 Ma (Subchron C13n) for strata above c. 193 mbsf. Siliceous microfossil assemblages in CRP-3 are significantly different from the late Eocene assemblages reported CIROS-1 drillcore. The absence of H. caracteristicus, Stephanopyxis splendidus, and Pterotheca danica, and the ebridians Ebriopsis crenulata, Parebriopsis fallax, and Pseudoammodochium dictyoides in CRP-3 indicates that the upper 200 m of the CRP-3 drillcore is equivalent to part of the stratigraphic interval missing within the unconformity at c. 366 mbsf in CIROS-1.


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Two of five holes drilled at two separate sites during Leg 123 of the Ocean Drilling Program intersected thick and relatively complete sections of Upper Cretaceous-Paleogene nannofossiliferous sediments. Although dominated by turbidite deposition in the upper part, Hole 765C contains a thick and relatively complete Albian-Oligocene section, including a particularly thick Aptian interval, with abundant and fairly well-preserved nannofossils. Several unconformities are confidently interpreted in this section that span much of the Santonian, late Campanian, Maestrichtian, late Eocene, and early Oligocene. Hole 766A contains a thick and relatively complete Albian-lower Eocene section having generally abundant and well-preserved nannofossils. Several unconformities also have been identified in this section that span much of the Coniacian, early Campanian, Maestrichtian, and late Eocene through early Pliocene. The chronostratigraphic position and length of all these unconformities may have considerable significance for reconstructing the sedimentary history and for interpreting the paleoceanography of this region. A particularly thick section of upper Paleocene-lower Eocene sediments, including a complete record across the Paleocene/Eocene boundary, also was cored in Hole 766A that contains abundant and diverse nannofossil assemblages. Although assemblages from this section were correlated successfully using a standard low-latitude zonation, difficulties were encountered that reduced biostratigraphic resolution. Several lines of evidence suggest a mid-latitude position for Site 766 during this time, including (1) high assemblage diversity characteristic of mid-latitude zones of upwelling and (2) absence of certain ecologically controlled markers found only in low latitudes.


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Cores from Sites 1135, 1136, and 1138 of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 183 to the Kerguelen Plateau (KP) provide the most complete Paleocene and Eocene sections yet recovered from the southern Indian Ocean. These nannofossil-foraminifer oozes and chalks provide an opportunity to study southern high-latitude biostratigraphic and paleoceanographic events, which is the primary subject of this paper. In addition, a stable isotope profile was established across the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary at Site 1138. An apparently complete K/T boundary was recovered at Site 1138 in terms of assemblage succession, isotopic signature, and reworking of older (Cretaceous) nannofossil taxa. There is a significant color change, a negative carbon isotope shift, and nannofossil turnover. The placement of the boundary based on these criteria, however, is not in agreement with the available shipboard paleomagnetic stratigraphy. We await shore-based paleomagnetic study to confirm or deny those preliminary results. The Paleocene nannofossil assemblage is, in general, characteristic of the high latitudes with abundant Chiasmolithus, Prinsius, and Toweius. Placed in context with other Southern Ocean sites, the biogeography of Hornibrookina indicates the presence of some type of water mass boundary over the KP during the earliest Paleocene. This boundary disappeared by the late Paleocene, however, when there was an influx of warm-water discoasters, sphenoliths, and fasciculiths. This not only indicates that during much of the late Paleocene water temperatures were relatively equable, but preliminary floral and stable isotope analyses also indicate that a relatively complete record of the late Paleocene Thermal Maximum event was recovered at Site 1135. It was only at the beginning of the middle Eocene that water temperatures began to decline and the nannofossil assemblage became dominated by cool-water species while discoaster and sphenolith abundances and diversity were dramatically reduced. One new taxonomic combination is proposed, Heliolithus robustus Arney, Ladner, and Wise.


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Cores from Sites 689 and 690 of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 113 provide the most continuous Paleocene and Eocene sequence yet recovered by deep sea drilling in the high latitudes of the Southern Ocean. The nannofossil-foraminifer oozes and chalks recovered from Maud Rise at 65°S in the Weddell Sea provide a unique opportunity for biostratigraphic study of extremely high southern latitude carbonate sediments. The presence of warm water index fossils such as the discoasters and species of the Tribrachiatus plexus facilitate the application of commonly used low latitude calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphic zonation schemes for the upper Paleocene and lower Eocene intervals. In the more complete section at Site 690, Okada and Bukry Zones CP1 through CP10 can be identified for the most part with the possible exception of Zone CP3. Several hiatuses are present in the sequence at Site 689 with the most notable being at the Cretaceous/Tertiary and Paleocene/Eocene boundaries. Though not extremely diverse, the assemblage of discoasters in the upper Paleocene and lower Eocene calcareous oozes is indicative of warm, relatively equable climates during that interval. A peak in discoaster diversity in uppermost Paleocene sediments (Zone CP8) corresponds to a negative shift in 5180 values. Associated coccolith assemblages are quite characteristic of high latitudes with abundant Chiasmolithus, Prinsius, and Toweius. Climatic cooling is indicated for middle Eocene sediments by assemblages that contain very abundant Reticulofenestra, lack common discoasters and sphenoliths and are much less diverse overall. Two new taxa are described, Biscutum? neocoronum n. sp. and Amithalithina sigmundii n. gen., n. sp.