806 resultados para Platelet Disorder
The identification of genes responsible for the rare cases of familial leukemia may afford insight into the mechanism underlying the more common sporadic occurrences. Here we test a single family with 11 relevant meioses transmitting autosomal dominant acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) and myelodysplasia for linkage to three potential candidate loci. In a different family with inherited AML, linkage to chromosome 21q22.1-22.2 was recently reported; we exclude linkage to 21q22.1-22.2, demonstrating that familial AML is a heterogeneous disease. After reviewing familial leukemia and observing anticipation in the form of a declining age of onset with each generation, we had proposed 9p21-22 and 16q22 as additional candidate loci. Whereas linkage to 9p21-22 can be excluded, the finding of a maximum two-point LOD score of 2.82 with the microsatellite marker D16S522 at a recombination fraction theta = 0 provides evidence supporting linkage to 16q22. Haplotype analysis reveals a 23.5-cM (17.9-Mb) commonly inherited region among all affected family members extending from D16S451 to D1GS289, In order to extract maximum linkage information with missing individuals, incomplete informativeness with individual markers in this interval, and possible deviance from strict autosomal dominant inheritance, we performed nonparametric linkage analysis (NPL) and found a maximum NPL statistic corresponding to a P-value of .00098, close to the maximum conditional probability of linkage expected for a pedigree with this structure. Mutational analysis in this region specifically excludes expansion of the AT-rich minisatellite repeat FRA16B fragile site and the CAG trinucleotide repeat in the E2F-4 transcription factor. The ''repeat expansion detection'' method, capable of detecting dynamic mutation associated with anticipation, more generally excludes large CAG repeat expansion as a cause of leukemia in this family.
BACKGROUND: The RUNX1 transcription factor gene is frequently mutated in sporadic myeloid and lymphoid leukemia through translocation, point mutation or amplification. It is also responsible for a familial platelet disorder with predisposition to acute myeloid leukemia (FPD-AML). The disruption of the largely unknown biological pathways controlled by RUNX1 is likely to be responsible for the development of leukemia. We have used multiple microarray platforms and bioinformatic techniques to help identify these biological pathways to aid in the understanding of why RUNX1 mutations lead to leukemia. RESULTS: Here we report genes regulated either directly or indirectly by RUNX1 based on the study of gene expression profiles generated from 3 different human and mouse platforms. The platforms used were global gene expression profiling of: 1) cell lines with RUNX1 mutations from FPD-AML patients, 2) over-expression of RUNX1 and CBFbeta, and 3) Runx1 knockout mouse embryos using either cDNA or Affymetrix microarrays. We observe that our datasets (lists of differentially expressed genes) significantly correlate with published microarray data from sporadic AML patients with mutations in either RUNX1 or its cofactor, CBFbeta. A number of biological processes were identified among the differentially expressed genes and functional assays suggest that heterozygous RUNX1 point mutations in patients with FPD-AML impair cell proliferation, microtubule dynamics and possibly genetic stability. In addition, analysis of the regulatory regions of the differentially expressed genes has for the first time systematically identified numerous potential novel RUNX1 target genes. CONCLUSION: This work is the first large-scale study attempting to identify the genetic networks regulated by RUNX1, a master regulator in the development of the hematopoietic system and leukemia. The biological pathways and target genes controlled by RUNX1 will have considerable importance in disease progression in both familial and sporadic leukemia as well as therapeutic implications
BACKGROUND: The RUNX1 transcription factor gene is frequently mutated in sporadic myeloid and lymphoid leukemia through translocation, point mutation or amplification. It is also responsible for a familial platelet disorder with predisposition to acute myeloid leukemia (FPD-AML). The disruption of the largely unknown biological pathways controlled by RUNX1 is likely to be responsible for the development of leukemia. We have used multiple microarray platforms and bioinformatic techniques to help identify these biological pathways to aid in the understanding of why RUNX1 mutations lead to leukemia. RESULTS: Here we report genes regulated either directly or indirectly by RUNX1 based on the study of gene expression profiles generated from 3 different human and mouse platforms. The platforms used were global gene expression profiling of: 1) cell lines with RUNX1 mutations from FPD-AML patients, 2) over-expression of RUNX1 and CBFbeta, and 3) Runx1 knockout mouse embryos using either cDNA or Affymetrix microarrays. We observe that our datasets (lists of differentially expressed genes) significantly correlate with published microarray data from sporadic AML patients with mutations in either RUNX1 or its cofactor, CBFbeta. A number of biological processes were identified among the differentially expressed genes and functional assays suggest that heterozygous RUNX1 point mutations in patients with FPD-AML impair cell proliferation, microtubule dynamics and possibly genetic stability. In addition, analysis of the regulatory regions of the differentially expressed genes has for the first time systematically identified numerous potential novel RUNX1 target genes. CONCLUSION: This work is the first large-scale study attempting to identify the genetic networks regulated by RUNX1, a master regulator in the development of the hematopoietic system and leukemia. The biological pathways and target genes controlled by RUNX1 will have considerable importance in disease progression in both familial and sporadic leukemia as well as therapeutic implications.
Actinin and spectrin proteins are members of the Spectrin Family of Actin Crosslinking Proteins. The importance of these proteins in the cytoskeleton is demonstrated by the fact that they are common targets for disease causing mutations. In their most prominent roles, actinin and spectrin are responsible for stabilising and maintaining the muscle architecture during contraction, and providing shape and elasticity to the red blood cell in circulation, respectively. To carry out such roles, actinin and spectrin must possess important mechanical and physical properties. These attributes are desirable when choosing a building block for protein-based nanoconstruction. In this study, I assess the contribution of several disease-associated mutations in the actinin-1 actin binding domain that have recently been linked to a rare platelet disorder, congenital macrothrombocytopenia. I investigate the suitability of both actinin and spectrin proteins as potential building blocks for nanoscale structures, and I evaluate a fusion-based assembly strategy to bring about self-assembly of protein nanostructures. I report that the actinin-1 mutant proteins display increased actin binding compared to WT actinin-1 proteins. I find that both actinin and spectrin proteins exhibit enormous potential as nano-building blocks in terms of their stability and ability to self-assemble, and I successfully design and create homodimeric and heterodimeric bivalent building blocks using the fusion-based assembly strategy. Overall, this study has gathered helpful information that will contribute to furthering the advancement of actinin and spectrin knowledge in terms of their natural functions, and potential unnatural functions in protein nanotechnology.
Several constitutively active mutant forms of the common β subunit of the human IL-3, IL-5 and GM-CSF receptors (hβc), which enable it to signal in the absence of ligand, have recently been described. Two of these, V449E and I374N, are amino acid substitutions in the transmembrane and extracellular regions of hβc, respectively. A third, FIΔ, contains a 37 amino acid duplication in the extracellular domain. We have shown previously that when expressed in primary murine haemopoietic cells, the extracellular mutants confer factor-independence on cells of the neutrophil and monocyte lineages only, whereas V449E does so on all cell types of the myeloid and erythroid compartments. To study the in vivo effects and leukaemic potential of these mutants, we have expressed all three in mice by bone marrow reconstitution using retrovirally infected donor cells. Expression of the extracellular mutants leads to an early onset, chronic myeloproliferative disorder marked by elevations in the neutrophil, monocyte, erythrocyte and platelet lineages. In contrast, expression of V449E leads to an acute leukaemia-like syndrome of anaemia, thrombocytopaenia and blast cell expansion. These data support the possibility that activating mutations in hβc are involved in haemopoietic disorders in man.
Objective. Increased GSK3B activity has been reported as a state marker of major affective episodes in patients with depression and bipolar disorder. No study so far has addressed GSK3B activity in late-life depression. The aims of the present study were to determine GSK3B activity in platelets of elderly patients with major depression, and the association between GSK3B activity and the severity of depressive symptoms and cognitive impairment. Methods. Forty drug-free elderly patients with major depressive episode were compared to healthy older adults (n == 13). Severity of the depressive episode and current cognitive state were determined by the Hamilton Depression Scale (HAM-D) and the Cambridge Cognitive Test (CAMCOG), respectively. Total- and ser-9-phosphorylated GSK3B (tGSK3B and pGSK3B) were determined in platelets by enzyme immunometric assays (EIA). GSK3B activity was indirectly inferred by the GSK3B ratio (i.e. pGSK3B/tGSK3B). Results. Elderly depressed patients had significantly lower pGSK3B levels (P == 0.03) and GSK3B ratio (P == 0.03), indicating higher GSK3B activity. Higher GSK3B activity were observed in patients with severe depressive episode (HAM-D scores > 22, P == 0.03) and with cognitive impairment (CAMCOG scores < 86, P == 0.01). Conclusion. The present findings provide additional evidence of the involvement of GSK3B in the pathophysiology of late-life major depression. Higher GSK3B activity may be more relevant in those patients with more severe depressive symptoms and cognitive impairment.
Less than 50 patients are reported with platelet type von Willebrand disease (PT-VWD) worldwide. Several reports have discussed the diagnostic challenge of this disease versus the closely similar disorder type 2B VWD. However, no systematic study has evaluated this dilemma globally. Over three years, a total of 110 samples/data from eight countries were analysed. A molecular approach was utilised, analysing exon 28 of the von Willebrand factor (VWF) gene, and in mutation negative cases the platelet GP1BA gene. Our results show that 48 cases initially diagnosed as putative type 2B/PT-VWD carried exon 28 mutations consistent with type 2B VWD, 17 carried GP1BA mutations consistent with a PT-VWD diagnosis, three had other VWD types (2A and 2M) and five expressed three non-previously published exon 28 mutations. Excluding 10 unaffected family members and one acquired VWD, 26 cases did not have mutations in either genes. Based on our study, the percentage of type 2B VWD diagnosis is 44% while the percentage of misdiagnosis of PT-VWD is 15%. This is the first large international study to investigate the occurrence of PT-VWD and type 2B VWD worldwide and to evaluate DNA analysis as a diagnostic tool for a large cohort of patients. The study highlights the diagnostic limitations due to unavailability/poor application of RIPA and related tests in some centres and proposes genetic analysis as a suitable tool for the discrimination of the two disorders worldwide. Cases that are negative for both VWF and GP1BA gene mutations require further evaluation for alternative diagnoses.
We report on a consanguineous, Afghani family with two sisters affected with characteristic facial features, multiple contractures, progressive joint and skin laxity, hemorrhagic diathesis following minor trauma and multisystem fragility-related manifestations suggestive of a diagnosis of musculocontractural Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS). This novel form of connective tissue disorder was recently reported in patients of Japanese, Turkish, and Indian descent who were formerly classified as having EDS type VIB and has now been recognized to be a part of spectrum including patients previously classified as having adducted thumb-clubfoot syndrome. We identified a previously unreported mutation in the CHST14 gene, which codes for the enzyme dermatan 4-O-sulfotransferase. We discuss the prenatal presentation, detailed clinical manifestations, and neurological findings in two sisters with this newly described musculocontractural EDS-CHST14 type. We demonstrate that fibroblasts from one of our patients produce more chondroitin sulfate than normal and show lower than normal deposition of collagens I and II and fibrillin 1-containing microfibrills. These findings suggest that the imbalance in the glycosaminoglycan content in developing tissues might interfere with normal deposition of other extracellular matrix components and ultimately contribute to the development of the phenotype observed in these patients. Furthermore, we ruled out the contribution of intrinsic platelet factors to the bleeding diathesis observed in some affected individuals. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The bleeding disorder Bernard-Soulier syndrome (BSS) is caused by mutations in the genes coding for the platelet glycoprotein GPIb/IX receptor. The septin SEPT5 is important for active membrane movement such as vesicle trafficking and exocytosis in non-dividing cells (i.e. platelets, neurons). We report on a four-year-old boy with a homozygous deletion comprising not only glycoprotein Ibβ (GP1BB) but also the SEPT5 gene, located 5' to GP1BB. He presented with BSS, cortical dysplasia (polymicrogyria), developmental delay, and platelet secretion defect. The homozygous deletion of GP1BB and SEPT5, which had been identified by PCR analyses, was confirmed by Southern analyses and denaturing HPLC (DHPLC). The parents were heterozygous for this deletion. Absence of GPIbβ and SEPT5 proteins in the patient's platelets was illustrated using transmission electron microscopy. Besides decreased GPIb/IX expression, flow cytometry analyses revealed impaired platelet granule secretion. Because the bleeding disorder was extremely severe, the boy received bone marrow transplantation (BMT) from a HLA-identical unrelated donor. After successful engraftment of BMT, he had no more bleeding episodes. Interestingly, also his mental development improved strikingly after BMT. This report describes for the first time a patient with SEPT5 deficiency presenting with cortical dysplasia (polymicrogyria), developmental delay, and platelet secretion defect.
OBJECTIVES: Approximately 40-60% of obsessive-compulsive disorder patients are nonresponsive to serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Genetic markers associated with treatment response remain largely unknown. We aimed (1) to investigate a possible association of serotonergic polymorphisms in obsessive-compulsive disorder patients and therapeutic response to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and (2) to examine the relationship between these polymorphisms and endocrine response to intravenous citalopram challenge in responders and non-responders to serotonin reuptake inhibitors and in healthy volunteers. METHODS: Patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder were classified as either responders or non-responders after long-term treatment with serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and both groups were compared with a control group of healthy volunteers. The investigated genetic markers were the G861C polymorphism of the serotonin receptor 1D beta gene and the T102C and C516T polymorphisms of the serotonin receptor subtype 2A gene. RESULTS: The T allele of the serotonin receptor subtype 2A T102C polymorphism was more frequent among obsessive-compulsive disorder patients (responders and non-responders) than in the controls (p<0.01). The CC genotype of the serotonin receptor subtype 2A C516T polymorphism was more frequent among the non-responders than in the responders (p<0.01). The CC genotype of the serotonin receptor subtype 1D beta G681C polymorphism was associated with higher cortisol and prolactin responses to citalopram (p<0.01 and p<0.001, respectively) and with a higher platelet-rich plasma serotonin concentration among the controls (p<0.05). However, this pattern was not observed in the non-responders with the same CC genotype after chronic treatment with serotonin reuptake inhibitors. This CC homozygosity was not observed in the responders.
The association between major depressive disorder (MDD) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) is among the best described medical comorbidities. The presence of MDD increases the risk of cardiac admissions and mortality and increases healthcare costs in patients with CVD, and similarly, CVD affects the course and outcome of MDD. The potential shared biological mechanisms involved in these comorbid conditions are not well known. However, the enzyme monoamine oxidase-A (MAO-A), which has a key role in the degradation of catecholamines, has been associated with the pathophysiology and therapeutics of both MDD and CVD. Increased MAO-A activity results in the dysregulation of downstream targets of this enzyme and thus affects the pathophysiology of the two diseases. These deleterious effects include altered noradrenaline turnover, with a direct elevation in oxidative stress parameters, as well as increased platelet activity and cytokine levels. These effects were shown to be reversed by MAO inhibitors. Here, a model describing a key role for the MAO-A in comorbid MDD and CVD is proposed, with focus on the shared pathophysiological mechanisms and the potential therapeutic relevance of agents targeting this enzyme.
Background: Diabetes mellitus type 1 is the most common endocrine metabolic disorder occurring in childhood and adolescence due to the autoimmune destruction of pancreatic beta cells as a result of various environmental factors interacting with an underlying genetic predisposition. Diabetes is a risk factor for early onset atherosclerosis, and the high mortality rate seen in these patients is partially related to cardiovascular diseases. Objectives: This study was conducted to compare mean platelet volume as a marker of early atherosclerosis with aortic intima-media thickness in children with type 1 diabetes and to identify its correlation with known cardiovascular risk factors. Patients and Methods: The study included 27 patients between age range of 6 and 17 years that were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and 30 healthy children of the same age range who did not have any chronic disease. In both groups, we used the color Doppler ultrasound to measure children’s aortic intima-media thickness and identify their mean platelet volumes. Results: There was no significant difference between the groups regarding gender distribution, age, High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) and Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels (P > 0.05). Also no significant difference could be documented between the patient and control groups regarding the aortic intima-media thickness and mean platelet volume (P > 0.05). However, there was a significant correlation between aortic intima-media thickness and mean platelet volume (r = 0.351; P < 0.05). Conclusions: In the present study, there was no evidence of early atherosclerosis in children with type 1 diabetes. However, mean platelet volume having a significant correlation with aortic intima-media thickness may be useful as an early marker of atherosclerosis.
Leg ulcers represent a particularly disabling complication in patients with sickle cell disease (SCD). Platelet gel (PG) is a novel therapeutic strategy used for accelerating wound healing of a wide range of tissues through the continuous release of platelet growth factors. Here, we describe the use of PG preparation according to Anitua's PRGF (preparations rich in growth factors) protocol for treating chronic nonhealing ulcers in patients with SCD. A positive response occurred in 3 patients with an area reduction of 85.7% to 100%, which occurred within 7 to 10 weeks, and a 35.2% and 20.5% of area reduction in 2 other patients, who however, had large ulcers. After calcium chloride addition, the platelet-rich plasmas demonstrated enhanced platelet-derived growth factors-BB (P < .001), transforming growth factor-β1 (P = .015), vascular endothelial growth factors (P = .03), and hepatocyte growth factors (nonsignificant) secretion. Furthermore, calcium chloride addition induced a significant decrease in platelet number (P = .0134) and there was no leukocyte detection in the PG product. These results demonstrate that PG treatment might impact the healing of leg ulcers in sickle cell disease, especially in patients with small ulcers.
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a genetic disorder characterized by the production of abnormal hemoglobin that polymerizes at low oxygen concentrations, causing the erythrocyte to adopt a sickle-shaped morphology. SCD pathophysiology is extremely complex and can lead to numerous clinical complications, including painful vaso-occlusive crises (VOC), end-organ damage, and a shortened lifespan. An impressive number of investigational drugs are currently in early stages of clinical development with prospects for use either as chronic therapies to reduce VOC frequency and end-organ damage in SCD or for use at the time of VOC onset. Many of these agents have been developed using a pathophysiological-based approach to SCD, targeting one or more of the mechanisms that contribute to the disease process. It is plausible that a multi-drug approach to treating the disease will evolve in the coming years, whereby hydroxyurea (HU) (the only drug currently FDA-approved for SCD) is used in combination with drugs that amplify nitric oxide signaling and/or counteract hemolytic effects, platelet activation and inflammation.
In this manuscript we briefly describe bipolar disorder (a depressive and manic mental disease), its classification, its effects on the patient, which sometimes include suicidal tendencies, and the drugs used for treatment. We also address the status quo with regard to diagnosis of bipolar disorder and recent advances in bioanalytical approaches for biomarker discovery. These approaches focus on blood samples (serum and plasma) and proteins as the main biomarker targets, and use various strategies for protein depletion. Strategies include use of commercially available kits or other homemade strategies and use of classical proteomics methods for protein identification based on bottom-up or top-down approaches, which used SELDI, ESI, or MALDI as sources for mass spectrometry, and up-to-date mass analyzers, for example Orbitrap. We also discuss some future objectives for treatment of this disorder and possible directions for the correct diagnosis of this still-unclear mental illness.