991 resultados para Plastic waste


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Recycling plastic waste from water bottles has become one of the major challenges worldwide. The present study provides an approach for the use plastic waste as reinforcement material in soil. The experimental results in the form of stress-strain-pore water pressure response are presented. Based on experimental test results, it is observed that the strength of soil is improved and compressibility reduced significantly with addition of a small percentage of plastic waste to the soil. The use of the improvement in strength and compressibility response due to inclusion of plastic waste can be advantageously used in bearing capacity improvement and settlement reduction in the design of shallow foundations. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Recycling plastic water bottles has become one of the major challenges world wide. The present study provides an approach for the use of plastic waste as reinforcement material in soil, which can be used for ground improvement, subbases, and subgrade preparation in road construction. The experimental results are presented in the form of stress-strain-pore water pressure response and compression paths. On the basis of experimental test results, it is observed that the strength of soil is improved and compressibility reduced significantly with the addition of a small percentage of plastic waste to the soil. In this paper, an analytical model is proposed to evaluate the response of plastic waste mixed soil. It is noted that the model captures the stress-strain and pore water pressure response of all percentages of plastic waste adequately. The paper also provides a comparative study of failure stress obtained from different published models and the proposed model, which are compared with experimental results. The improvement in strength attributable to the inclusion of plastic waste can be advantageously used in ground improvement projects.


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In order to explore the potential use of fly ash and plastic waste in bulk quantities in civil engineering applications, it is necessary to understand the behavior of fly ash and fly ash mixed with plastic waste. These materials are considered as wastes and in this study, it is shown that combination of fly ash and plastic waste is very useful. In this regard, various tests such as classification tests, unconfined compressive strength and compressibility tests, consolidated undrained tests, and California bearing ratio tests were conducted. The results indicated that the inclusion of plastic waste in fly ash is effective in improving the engineering properties of fly ash in terms of compressive strength, shear strength parameters, and CBR values. In order to understand the effect of sample size on the shear strength parameters of fly ash and fly ash mixed with plastic waste, consolidated undrained tests were conducted with sample sizes of 38x76mm and 50x100mm. The results of the tests indicate that the shear strength increases with the increase in sample size. The implication of the use of fly ash mixed with plastic waste in unpaved roads is presented in terms of reduction of carbon print.


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A combustion technique is used to study the synthesis of carbon nano tubes from waste plastic as a precursor and Ni/Mo/MgO as a catalyst. The catalytic activity of three components Ni, Mo, MgO is measured in terms of amount of carbon product obtained. Different proportions of metal ions are optimized using mixture experiment in Design expert software. D-optimal design technique is adopted due to nonsimplex region and presence of constraints in the mixture experiment. The activity of the components is observed to be interdependent and the component Ni is found to be more effective. The catalyst containing Ni0.8Mo0.1MgO0.1 yields more carbon product. The structure of catalyst and CNTs are studied by using SEM, XRD, and Raman spectroscopy. SEM analysis shows the formation of longer CNTs with average diameter of 40-50 nm.


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The waste of plastic beverage bottles creates environmental problems and takes up a large volume of landfill space. The high rate of consumption of plastics in the State of Florida is challenging the disposal capacity of waste authorities. The lack of the reverse vending machines in the State of Florida, including applicable scientific or technical literature represented an opportunity for this research to discuss the applicability of this equipment as a potential solution for the management of the plastic waste in Florida. With this research document, I will propose a recycling system for plastic bottles made with PET based on the implementation of reverse vending machines, stressing the importance of the creation of policies that promote recycling and public participation.


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The current project assesses potential molten alloy anodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) running on solid waste. A detailed phase diagram study was performed to locate probable anode systems. The molten metal oxide system PbO-Sb2O3 was selected as a possible molten alloy anode for this application. A detailed vapour pressure study of this system was performed. Several cells were fabricated to experimentally assess the electrochemical properties of this system. The work reveals several unexpected limiting features such as the incompatibility between the platinum and the chosen alloy. A second cell was built, this time using rhenium wires instead, preventing such reaction. However, the rhenium wire sublimes under oxidizing conditions (air) and the sealing glass and the chosen alloy system react with each other under long term use. Considering all these issues, a third cell design was conceived, surpassing some obstacles and providing some initial information regarding the electrochemical behaviour. The current project shows that many parameters need to be taken into account to ensure materials compatibility. For the PbOSb2O3 system, the high volatility of Sb2O3 was a serious limitation that can only be addressed through the application of new contact wires or sealing materials and conditions. Nonetheless, the project highlights several other potential systems that can be considered, such as Pb11Ge3O17, Pb3GeO5, Pb5Ge3O11, Bi2CuO4, Bi2PdO4, Bi12GeO20.


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Plastic wastes, and particularly plastic bags and sachets, are a major concern for urban and rural environment in African countries. In the last years some actions have been started for the plastic recycling like the artisanal production of paving blocks with melted plastic bags and sand, albeit with differences in production processes. Nevertheless, the environmental and economic impact of such activities is still to be confirmed. The aim of this study is to propose a methodology for assessing and comparing the environmental and energetic performances of artisanal methods, and for defining the overall quality of the produced blocks. This methodology has been shaped through the analysis of
production processes operated by artisans/small enterprises in West Africa and through physic-mechanical tests on the blocks. A questionnaire which allows an insight into the process and on the product has been developed and tested over five processes. Results show that a high input energy level is observed through all the processes, while considerable savings of energy could be achieved. Moreover, tests results confirmed the importance of the utilised plastic concerning thermal dilatation, mechanical resistance at higher temperature and cooling-shrinkage effects. In conclusion, doubts remain about the technical and environmental effectiveness of the sampled experiences, durability of the products and sustainability of this approach. Nevertheless, being the collection and recycling of plastic wastes a potential income generation activity for marginalised social groups in urban environment, a process optimisation could improve the impact of blocks production. Alternative recycling activities should also be considered.


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In order to cooperate in minimizing the problems of the current and growing volume of waste, this work aims at the production of panels made from industrial waste -thermoplastic (Polypropylene - PP; Polyethylene - PE and Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene - ABS) reinforced with agro-industrial waste - pupunha palm waste (shells and sheaths). The properties of the panels were evaluated: density, thickness swelling, water absorption and moisture content. It was used the ASTM D1037; EN 317; and ANSI A208.1 standards regarding particle boards. The best results in physical tests were treatments 1 (100% waste plastic), 6 (60% plastic waste and 40% waste of pupunha) and 7 (70% waste plastic and 30% waste of pupunha). The best results in the mechanical tests were treatments 3 (30% de residuos plasticos e 70% de residuos da pupunha), 4 (40% de residuos plasticos c 60% de residuos da pupunha) and 5 (50% de residuos plasticos e 50% de residuos da pupunha). For mechanical tests it was concluded that the results of modulus of rupture and of modulus of elasticity the best treatments were those with more fibers. In the tensile tests perpendicular to the surface, it is clear that using more waste plastics leads to the best results. It was concluded that the waste can be used as raw material for the production of alternative materials mainly in civil construction and furniture industries, and it can be employed in urban or rural environment, given the concept of eco-efficient products.


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A modernidade exige materiais versáteis, resistentes e, durante um longo tempo os plásticos serviram a esse propósito. Entretanto, o acúmulo desses materiais ao serem descartados no meio ambiente tornou-se um problema Os polímeros biodegradáveis surgiram neste cenário como alternativa para evitar o acúmulo de resíduos plásticos no meio ambiente. O polihidroxibutirato (PHB) representa uma classe de polímeros biodegradáveis, mas que apresenta um alto custo e possui ainda propriedades térmicas limitadas. A borracha natural possui excelentes propriedades mecânicas, resistência ao envelhecimento, flexibilidade e apresenta melhor custo benefício se comparada com as borrachas sintéticas. Neste estudo, foram elaboradas misturas poliméricas de polihidroxibutirato (PHB) e látex de borracha natural em diferentes concentrações, por prensagem à quente. Os ensaios de calorimetria diferencial de varredura (DSC), análise termogravimétrica (TGA), espectrometria na região do infravermelho (FTIR), microscopia ótica (MO) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) foram utilizados para caracterizar e avaliar as propriedades das misturas poliméricas. O PHB e as misturas com borracha natural foram submetidos ao ensaio de biodegradabilidade através do enterro em solo simulado, conforme a norma ASTM G 160-03, variando por um período de 2 a 17 semanas. Ao final de cada período foram determinadas a perda de massa, a morfologia dos corpos de prova e foram realizadas as análises de DSC, TGA e FTIR. As misturas poliméricas apresentaram menor resistência térmica do que o PHB. No ensaio de biodegradabilidade, as misturas foram consideradas biodegradáveis, segundo a norma ASTM G 160-03 e tiveram a porcentagem de cristalinidade reduzida, tendo o teor de borracha natural contribuído para aumentar a taxa de biodegradação. As análises por MEV comprovaram a existência de consórcios de microrganismos, responsáveis pela biodegradação do PHB e das misturas poliméricas


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Two relatively inexpensive light traps to capture pre-settling reef fish and invertebrates are described. A trap made from a plastic bucket (with plastic bottles, a small plastic waste bin and two sheets of plywood) that costs US$15 appears to be just as effective as a large aluminium and plexiglass trap that costs US$275.


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Neste trabalho, algumas caracterizações químicas foram realizadas em arenitos asfálticos da região de Piracicaba-SP, Formação Piramboia da Bacia do Paraná, para verificar seu potencial de produção de óleo. Para isso, as amostras obtidas da região foram submetidas a avaliação por termogravimetria, teor de umidade, teor de cinzas, teor de material orgânico por extração, pirólise, análise elementar e fracionamento em coluna. Por TGA observou-se que a 500 C praticamente todo material orgânico presente sofreu pirólise. A extração colaborou para se obter a classificação das amostras quanto ao teor de material orgânico, apresentando entre 4 e 13%, sendo que pelos teores encontrados a amostra AM06 é considerada de alto potencial produtivo, as amostras AM05, AM08 e AM09 são de médio, as amostras AM01, AM02, AM03 e AM07 possuem baixo, mas ainda atrativo, e a AM04 não possui atratividade. Pela avaliação elementar, a relação H/C e O/C dos extratos evidenciaram que algumas amostras estão no processo final da diagênese e outras no início da catagênese, indicando que elas estão no processo inicial de maturação. A avaliação cromatográfica dos extratos revelou que houve perdas de óleo por intemperismo restando majoritariamente compostos de alto peso molecular. O fracionamento permitiu verificar que as amostras AM01, AM06 e AM09 possuem maior quantidade de hidrocarbonetos livres e as amostras AM06 e AM07 e AM09 apresentaram maior teor de óleo. O procedimento de pirólise evidenciou que as amostras AM01, AM05, AM06 e AM09 apresentam maior potencial de geração de óleo, sendo que a faixa encontrada de óleo pirolítico ficou entre 2 e 8%, e através de avaliação por CGAR e CGAR-EM observou-se que ela promove a liberação de quantidades consideráveis de substâncias mais leves do que quando comparados aos extratos obtidos diretamente nas amostras originais. Além de produzir uma série homóloga de hidrocarbonetos parafínicos e olefínicos. A comparação dos produtos de pirólise dos arenitos com os produtos de pirólise de um resíduo de vácuo por CGAR-EM permitiu observar que existe similaridade entre suas composições, onde o processo de pirólise do resíduo de vácuo gera uma série homóloga de hidrocarbonetos entre C10 a C32, similar aos produtos de pirólise da amostra AM09, porém com menor variedade de tipos de hidrocarbonetos. A pré-avaliação da co-pirólise dos arenitos com resíduos plásticos indicou que é possível aumentar a geração de líquidos, porém é necessário mais estudo para afirmações inequívocas. Com base nos resultados das avaliações realizadas podemos concluir que a região apresenta na sua maioria potencial interessante para produção de óleo utilizando pirólise


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Vias de Comunicação e Transportes


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Department of Polymer Science and Rubber Technology, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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Increasing amounts of plastic waste in the environment have become a problem of gigantic proportions. The case of linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) is especially significant as it is widely used for packaging and other applications. This synthetic polymer is normally not biodegradable until it is degraded into low molecular mass fragments that can be assimilated by microorganisms. Blends of nonbiodegradable polymers and biodegradable commercial polymers such as poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) can facilitate a reduction in the volume of plastic waste when they undergo partial degradation. Further, the remaining fragments stand a greater chance of undergoing biodegradation in a much shorter span of time. In this investigation, LLDPE was blended with different proportions of PVA (5–30%) in a torque rheometer. Mechanical, thermal, and biodegradation studies were carried out on the blends. The biodegradability of LLDPE/PVA blends has been studied in two environments: (1) in a culture medium containing Vibrio sp. and (2) soil environment, both over a period of 15 weeks. Blends exposed to culture medium degraded more than that exposed to soil environment. Changes in various properties of LLDPE/PVA blends before and after degradation were monitored using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) for crystallinity, and scanning electron microscope (SEM) for surface morphology among other things. Percentage crystallinity decreased as the PVA content increased and biodegradation resulted in an increase of crystallinity in LLDPE/PVA blends. The results prove that partial biodegradation of the blends has occurred holding promise for an eventual biodegradable product