870 resultados para Plastic Bags


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As required in Iowa Code section 307.21, the Iowa Department of Transportation submits the following summary of purchasing activity for soy based inks and recycled trash bags. The figures are for Fiscal Year 2008.


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This study examined the stress response of pirarucu juveniles in a closed system transport. Pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) is a native Amazonian fish species from the Osteoglossidae family and an obligated air breather. A short duration transport trial (6h) was undertaken comparing closed polyethylene bags filled with atmospheric air (Air group) and bags filled with pure oxygen (Oxi group). Dissolved oxygen was the only water parameter that presented a difference between fish groups, and was saturated in the oxi group as expected. There was no mortality in either group after transport. Fish feeding was observed 36 h after transport for all fish, and normal feeding consumption was observed at 72 h. In both groups physiological responses were similar. Cortisol did not show any significant alteration during the sampled period. Unlike most fish species, cortisol values were unaltered in both groups during sampling, while glucose presented a significant change up to 12 h after transport. The results showed that pirarucu transport in plastic bags could be made with either atmospheric air or pure oxygen, since physiological response to stress, water quality and feeding behavior after 36 h were similar in both groups.


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Este estudo examinou as respostas de estresse de juvenis de pirarucu transportados em sistema fechado. Pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) é um peixe nativo da bacia Amazônica, da família Osteoglossidae que possui respiração aérea obrigatória. Foi realizado um transporte de curta duração (6 h) em sacos de polietileno inflados com ar atmosférico (grupo ar) ou com oxigênio puro (grupo oxi). O oxigênio dissolvido foi o único parâmetro de qualidade da água que apresentou diferença estatística entre os grupos, e como esperado, o oxigênio estava supersaturado para o grupo oxi. Não houve mortalidade após o transporte em ambos os grupos. Os peixes se alimentaram 36 h após o transporte e apresentaram um consumo de ração habitual após 72 h. As respostas fisiológicas foram semelhantes nos dois grupos. O cortisol não apresentou mudança significativa durante o período de amostragem. Ao contrário da maioria das espécies, os valores de cortisol se apresentaram inalterados nos dois grupos durante a amostragem, enquanto a glicose teve um aumento significativo até 12 h após o transporte. Os resultados mostram que o transporte de pirarucu em sacos de polietileno pode ser realizado com ar atmosférico ou oxigênio puro, uma vez que as respostas de estresse, a qualidade da água e o comportamento alimentar após 36 h foram similar entre os grupos.


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Este estudo examinou as respostas de estresse de juvenis de pirarucu transportados em sistema fechado. Pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) é um peixe nativo da bacia Amazônica, da família Osteoglossidae que possui respiração aérea obrigatória. Foi realizado um transporte de curta duração (6 h) em sacos de polietileno inflados com ar atmosférico (grupo ar) ou com oxigênio puro (grupo oxi). O oxigênio dissolvido foi o único parâmetro de qualidade da água que apresentou diferença estatística entre os grupos, e como esperado, o oxigênio estava supersaturado para o grupo oxi. Não houve mortalidade após o transporte em ambos os grupos. Os peixes se alimentaram 36 h após o transporte e apresentaram um consumo de ração habitual após 72 h. As respostas fisiológicas foram semelhantes nos dois grupos. O cortisol não apresentou mudança significativa durante o período de amostragem. Ao contrário da maioria das espécies, os valores de cortisol se apresentaram inalterados nos dois grupos durante a amostragem, enquanto a glicose teve um aumento significativo até 12 h após o transporte. Os resultados mostram que o transporte de pirarucu em sacos de polietileno pode ser realizado com ar atmosférico ou oxigênio puro, uma vez que as respostas de estresse, a qualidade da água e o comportamento alimentar após 36 h foram similar entre os grupos.


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To evaluate intervention practices associated with hypothermia at both 5 minutes after birth and at neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admission and to determine whether hypothermia at NICU admission is associated with early neonatal death in preterm infants. This prospective cohort included 1764 inborn neonates of 22-33 weeks without malformations admitted to 9 university NICUs from August 2010 through April 2012. All centers followed neonatal International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation recommendations for the stabilization and resuscitation in the delivery room (DR). Variables associated with hypothermia (axillary temperature <36.0 °C) 5 minutes after birth and at NICU admission, as well as those associated with early death, were analyzed by logistic regression. Hypothermia 5 minutes after birth and at NICU admission was noted in 44% and 51%, respectively, with 6% of early neonatal deaths. Adjusted for confounding variables, practices associated with hypothermia at 5 minutes after birth were DR temperature <25 °C (OR 2.13, 95% CI 1.67-2.28), maternal temperature at delivery <36.0 °C (OR 1.93, 95% CI 1.49-2.51), and use of plastic bag/wrap (OR 0.53, 95% CI 0.40-0.70). The variables associated with hypothermia at NICU admission were DR temperature <25 °C (OR 1.44, 95% CI 1.10-1.88), respiratory support with cold air in the DR (OR 1.40, 95% CI 1.03-1.88) and during transport to NICU (OR 1.51, 95% CI 1.08-2.13), and cap use (OR 0.55, 95% CI 0.39-0.78). Hypothermia at NICU admission increased the chance of early neonatal death by 1.64-fold (95% CI 1.03-2.61). Simple interventions, such as maintaining DR temperature >25 °C, reducing maternal hypothermia prior to delivery, providing plastic bags/wraps and caps for the newly born infants, and using warm resuscitation gases, may decrease hypothermia at NICU admission and improve early neonatal survival.


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cDNA arrays are a powerful tool for discovering gene expression patterns. Nylon arrays have the advantage that they can be re-used several times. A key issue in high throughput gene expression analysis is sensitivity. In the case of nylon arrays, signal detection can be affected by the plastic bags used to keep membranes humid. In this study, we evaluated the effect of five types of plastics on the radioactive transmittance, number of genes with a signal above the background, and data variability. A polyethylene plastic bag 69 μm thick had a strong shielding effect that blocked 68.7% of the radioactive signal. The shielding effect on transmittance decreased the number of detected genes and increased the data variability. Other plastics which were thinner gave better results. Although plastics made from polyvinylidene chloride, polyvinyl chloride (both 13 μm thick) and polyethylene (29 and 7 μm thick) showed different levels of transmittance, they all gave similarly good performances. Polyvinylidene chloride and polyethylene 29 mm thick were the plastics of choice because of their easy handling. For other types of plastics, it is advisable to run a simple check on their performance in order to obtain the maximum information from nylon cDNA arrays.


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In the present study, composition, functional properties and sensory characteristics of Mozzarella cheese produced from milk with somatic cell counts (SCC) at low (<200,000 cells/mL), intermediate (≈400,000 cells/mL) and high (>800,000 cells/mL) levels were investigated. Three batches of cheese were produced for each SCC category. The cheeses were vacuum packed in plastic bags and analysed after 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 days of storage at 4ºC. SCC level did not affect the moisture, fat, total protein and ash content, mesophilic and psychrotrophic bacteria, and sensory parameters of Mozzarella cheese. However, meltability increased in cheese manufactured from high SCC milk. Results indicated that raw milk used to produce Mozzarella cheese should not contain high SCC (>800,000 cells/mL) in order to avoid changes in the functional properties of the Mozzarella cheese.


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Neste trabalho nós estudamos a dieta da tartaruga verde, Chelonia mydas, e os fatores envolvidos na variação de sua ecologia alimentar. Avaliamos também o impacto da ingestão de lixo, e os fatores que podem explicar a elevada ingestão destes resíduos entre os animais marinhos. No estudo da ecologia alimentar, nós avaliamos mais de 400 indivíduos, entre dados originais e da literatura, distribuídos ao longo de um gradiente latitudinal e diversos ambientes. As tartarugas se alimentaram majoritariamente de macroalgas, porém apresentaram uma grande plasticidade alimentar, tanto em relação à estratégia de forrageamento quanto à dieta. Nas regiões mais frias e com menor disponibilidade de algas, as tartarugas mudaram de uma dieta herbívora, para uma dieta baseada em matéria animal. Esta mudança de dieta acarretou também em uma mudança de estratégia de forrageamento, saindo da alimentação bentônica para uma alimentação pelágica. Estratégia esta que também foi encontrada nas áreas estuarinas. A plasticidade alimentar se deve à interação de fatores intrínsecos (restrições fisiológicas) e extrínsecos (regionais e locais). As diferenças nas estratégias de forragenamento acarretam também em diferenças na exposição a ameaças. Um exemplo disso é a ingestão de lixo, que apesar de ter sido registrada em mais de 70% das tartarugas (N = 265), representou uma ameaça maior aos animais com estratégia de forrageamento pelágica. O plástico foi o material mais ingerido, tendo como principal fonte itens relacionados à alimentação e sacolas plásticas. O estudo também mostrou que uma quantidade pequena de lixo (0,5 g) é suficiente para causar a morte. Este resultado revelou que o potencial de letalidade por ingestão de lixo é muito maior que a mortalidade observada. A verdadeira ameaça da ingestão de lixo está sendo mascarada pela elevada mortalidade relacionada às atividades pesqueiras. A ingestão de lixo é normalmente atribuída à confusão de um item alimentar específico com o resíduo, como águas-vivas e sacolas plásticas. Porém, nós mostramos que se trata de uma questão mais ampla, e usamos a tartaruga verde, aves marinhas e peixes para ressaltar a importância de outros fatores como: abundância do lixo no ambiente, estratégia de forrageamento, capacidade de detecção do resíduo e amplitude da dieta. Nós acreditamos que a ingestão de lixo ocorre devido a uma armadilha evolutiva muito mais ampla do que a previamente sugerida, e que deve afetar muito mais espécies que as que foram até hoje reportadas. Desarmar esta armadilha será particularmente difícil devido ao contínuo e crescente despejo de plástico no ambiente marinho e sua alta persistência no ambiente.


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Gladiolus is an ornamental species produced for cut flowers and propagated by corms. The early flowering and increase in the number of flower buds, besides the production of commercial corms are constant challenges to be addressed in the crop improvement. Commercial production of ornamentals is technologically accelerated by means of growth regulators. Among them, the auxins stand out for their key role in the adventitious rooting and cell elongation. Alternatively, the humic substances present in the organic matter also have biostimulating effect, which is very similar to the auxinic effect. Therefore, this work aimed to study the growth and development of gladiolus in response to application of different concentrations of humic acids (HA) isolated from vermicompost. Corms were soaked for 24 hours in solutions containing 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 mmol L-1 of C from HA. The corms were planted in 10-dm³ plastic bags filled with substrate and kept in a greenhouse. Growth of shoots and roots was evaluated. The results showed that the use of HA accelerates growth, and anticipates and increases flowering of Gladiolus.


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The vegetative propagation of ornamental plants can be accelerated by applying plant growth regulators. Amongst them, the use of auxins, plant hormones with physiological effects on cell elongation and rooting have stood out. Alternatively, the application of humic acids, bioactive fraction of soil organic matter, also results in increases in rooting cuttings of ornamental plants. The objective of this work was to study the growth characteristics and the nutritional contents of croton and hibiscus plants during acclimation of seedlings in response to different concentrations of indolebutyric acid (IBA) and humic acid (HA) applied to cuttings for rooting. The experiment was conducted in greenhouse, and the apical stem cuttings were treated with solutions with concentrations of 0, 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 mg L-1of IBA and 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 mg L-1 of C from HA. At 45 days of rooting in carbonized rice husk, they were individually transferred to plastic bags of 2.0 dm3 containing a mixture of soil: sand: manure (2: 1: 1) as substrate. At 90 days of acclimation, the plants were collected for measurement of growth and nutritional variables. The results showed that the application of the IBA stimulates the absorption of nutrients and growth of croton cuttings and transplanted hibiscus, contributing to formation of vigorous seedlings. A similar response occurred with the application of HA in hibiscus cuttings


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Faeces of 138 chickens were inoculated on Blaser agar plates. One set of plates was incubated in jars with CampyPak envelopes. The others were incubated in "Zip-lock" plastic bags (7 x X in.) and a microaerophilic atmosphere was generated exhaling into the "Zip-lock" plastic bag, after holding the breath for 20 sec. Then, the bag was pressed to evacuate its atmosphere, inflated again, and pressed (4 times), and finally sealed. Campylobacter was isolated from 127 (96.2%) of samples incubated in jars with gas generator envelopes and from 129 (98%) of the specimens incubated into the bags. The proposed methodology offers good savings for cost-conscious laboratories.


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Fish transport is one of the most stressful procedures in aquaculture facilities. The present work evaluated the stress response of matrinxã to transportation procedures, and the use of clove oil as an alternative to reduce the stress response to transport in matrinxã (Brycon cephalus). Clove oil solutions were tested in concentrations of 0, 1, 5 and 10 mg/L during matrinxã transportation in plastic bags, supplied with water and oxygen as the usual field procedures in Brazil. Clove oil reduced some of the physiological stress responses (plasma cortisol, glucose and ions) that we measured. The high energetic cost to matrinxã cope with the transport stress was clear by the decrease of liver glycogen after transport. Our results suggest that clove oil (5 mg/l) can mitigate the stress response in matrinxã subjected to transport.


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The present work deal t wi th an experiment under field conditions and a laboratory test of soil incubation the objectives were as follows: a. to study effects on soybean grain product ion and leaf composition of increasing doses of potassium chloride applied into the soil through two methods of distribution; b. to observe chemical modifications in the soils incubated with increasing doses of potassium chloride; and, c. to correlate field effects with chemical alterations observed in the incubation test, The field experiment was carried out in a Red Latosol (Haplustox) with soybean cultivar UFV - 1. Potassium chloride was distributed through two methods: banded (5 cm below and 5 cm aside of the seed line) and broadcasted and plowed-down. Doses used were: 0; 50; 100 and 200 kg/ha of K2O. Foliar samples were taken at flowering stage. Incubation test were made in plastic bags with 2 kg of air dried fine soil, taken from the arable layer of the field experiment, with the following doses of KC1 p,a. : 0; 50; 100; 200; 400; 800; 1,600; 3.200; 6,400 and 12,800 kg/ha of K(2)0. In the conditions observed during the present work, results allowed the following conclusions: A response by soybean grain production for doses of potassium chloride, applied in both ways, banded or broadcasted, was not observed. Leaf analysis did not show treatment influence over the leaf contents for N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and CI, Potassium chloride salinity effects in both methods of distribution for all the tested closes were not observed.


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A transportable Raman spectrometer was tested for the detection of illicit drugs seized during border controls. In a first step, the analysis methodology was optimized using reference substances such as diacetylmorphine (heroin), cocaine and amphetamine (as powder or liquid forms). Adequate focalisation distance and times of analysis, influence of daylight and artificial light sources, repeatability and limits of detection were studied. In a second step the applications and limitations of the technique to detect the illicit substances in different mixtures and containers was evaluated. Transportable Raman spectroscopy was found to be adequate for a rapid screen of liquids and powders for the detection and identification of controlled substances. Additionally, it had the advantage over other portable techniques, such as ion mobility spectrometry, of being non-destructive and capable of rapid analysis of large quantities of substances through containers such as plastic bags and glass bottles.


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With the objective of verifying the response of Euterpe oleracea seedlings to seven arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi species, an experimental trial was carried out under greenhouse conditions. Seeds of E. oleracea were sown in carbonized rice husk. Germinating seeds were initially transferred to plastic cups, containing fumigated Reddish Yellow Quartz Sand and inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Two months later, seedlings were transferred to 2 kg black plastic bags, containing the same soil without fumigation. Plant growth and mineral nutrients were evaluated nine months after mycorrhizal inoculation. Differential effects were observed among the species tested, with Scutellispora gilmorei being the most effective ones in promoting growth and nutrient content of E. oleracea seedlings. The increment resulted from inoculation with S. gilmorei were 92% in total plant height, 116% in stem diameter, 361% in dry matter production, 191% in N, 664% in P, 46% in K, 562% in Ca, 363% in Mg and 350% in Zn contents, comparing to uninoculated controls. Infected root length was positively correlated to nutrient content and plant growth. It was concluded that growth and nutrient uptake of E. oleracea seedlings could be significantly improved by inoculation of effective arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.