51 resultados para Plast
We initially described a rat chamber model with an inserted arteriovenous pedicle which spontaneously generates 3-dimensional vascularized connective tissue (Tanaka Y et al., Br J Plast Surg 2000; 53: 51-7). More recently we have developed a murine chamber model containing reconstituted basement membrane (Matrigel®) and FGF-2 that generates vascularized adipose tissue in vivo (Cronin K et al., Plast Reconstr Surg 2004; in press). We have extended this work to assess the cellular and matrix requirements for the Matrigel®- induced neo-adipogenesis. We found that chambers sealed to host fat were unable to grow new adipose tissue. In these chambers the Matrigel® became vascularized with maximal outgrowth of vessels extending to the periphery at 6 weeks. A small amount of adipose tissue was found adjacent to the vessels, most likely arising from periadventitial adipose tissue. In contrast, chambers open to interaction with endogenous adipose tissue showed abundant new fat, and partial exposure to adjacent adipose tissue clearly showed neo-adipogenesis only in this area. Addition of small amounts of free fat to the closed chamber containing Matrigel® was able to induce neo-adipogenesis. Addition of small pieces of human fat also caused neo-adipogenesis in immunocompromised (SCID) mice. Also, we found Matrigel® to induce adipogenesis of Lac-Z-tagged (Rosa-26) murine bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells, and cells similar to these have been isolated from human adipose tissue. Given that Matrigel® is a mouse product and cannot be used in humans, we have started investigating alternative matrix scaffolds for adipogenesis such as the PDA-approved PLGA, collagen and purified components derived from Matrigel®, such as laminin-1. The optimal conditions for adipogenesis with these matrices are still being elucidated. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that a precursor cell source inside the chamber is essential for the generation of vascularized adipose tissue in vivo. This technique offers unique potential for the reconstruction of soft tissue defects and may enable the generation of site-specific tissue using the correct microenvironment.
In this paper, a new phenomenological theory with strain gradient effects is proposed to account for the size dependence of plastic deformation at micro- and submicro-length scales. The theory fits within the framework of general couple stress theory and three rotational degrees of freedom omega(i) are introduced in addition to the conventional three translational degrees of freedom mu(i). omega(i) is called micro-rotation and is the sum of material rotation plus the particles' relative rotation. While the new theory is used to analyze the crack tip field or the indentation problems, the stretch gradient is considered through a new hardening law. The key features of the theory are that the rotation gradient influences the material character through the interaction between the Cauchy stresses and the couple stresses; the term of stretch gradient is represented as an internal variable to increase the tangent modulus. In fact the present new strain gradient theory is the combination of the strain gradient theory proposed by Chen and Wang (Int. J. Plast., in press) and the hardening law given by Chen and Wang (Acta Mater. 48 (2000a) 3997). In this paper we focus on the finite element method to investigate material fracture for an elastic-power law hardening solid. With remotely imposed classical K fields, the full field solutions are obtained numerically. It is found that the size of the strain gradient dominance zone is characterized by the intrinsic material length l(1). Outside the strain gradient dominance zone, the computed stress field tends to be a classical plasticity field and then K field. The singularity of stresses ahead of the crack tip is higher than that of the classical field and tends to the square root singularity, which has important consequences for crack growth in materials by decohesion at the atomic scale. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A new phenomenological deformation theory with strain gradient effects is proposed. This theory, which belongs to nonlinear elasticity, fits within the framework of general couple stress theory and involves a single material length scale l. In the present theory three rotational degrees of freedom omega(i) are introduced in addition to the conventional three translational degrees of freedom u(i). omega(i) has no direct dependence upon ui and is called the micro-rotation, i.e. the material rotation theta(i) plus the particle relative rotation. The strain energy density is assumed to only be a function of the strain tensor and the overall curvature tensor, which results in symmetric Cauchy stresses. Minimum potential principle is developed for the strain gradient deformation theory version. In the limit of vanishing 1, it reduces to the conventional counterparts: J(2) deformation theory. Equilibrium equations, constitutive relations and boundary conditions are given in details. Comparisons between the present theory and the theory proposed by Shizawa and Zbib (Shizawa, K., Zbib, H.M., 1999. A thermodynamical theory gradient elastoplasticity with dislocation density Censor: fundamentals. Int. J. Plast. 15, 899) are given. With the same hardening law as Fleck et al. (Fleck, N.A., Muller, G.H., Ashby, M.F., Hutchinson, JW., 1994 Strain gradient plasticity: theory and experiment. Acta Metall. Mater 42, 475), the new strain gradient deformation theory is used to investigate two typical examples, i.e. thin metallic wire torsion and ultra-thin metallic beam bend. The results are compared with those given by Fleck et al, 1994 and Stolken and Evans (Stolken, J.S., Evans, A.G., 1998. A microbend test method for measuring the plasticity length scale. Acta Mater. 46, 5109). In addition, it is explained for a unit cell that the overall curvature tensor produced by the overall rotation vector is the work conjugate of the overall couple stress tensor. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Material plastikoen kontsumoak izugarri gora egin du azken mendean. Hori dela eta, material hauek erabiltzearen ondorioz sortutako hondakinak asko handitu dira. Europar Batasuneko herrialdeetan 250 milioi tona baino gehiago hiri - hondaki n solido ( RSU ) sortzen dira urtero, urteko %3ko hazkunt zarekin. K antitate honen %7a plastiko hondakinei dagokie, hots, 17.5 milioi tona. Itsasoko uretan ere aurki daitezke plastikoak, urtero sei milioi tona eta erdi botatzen baitira itsasora, mediterraneo itsasoa izanik munduko plastiko biltegirik handiena. Itsasoan 90 urteraino iraun dezake te eta urte hauetan zehar distantzia handiak egin ditzakete aldatu gabe. Horregatik esaten da plastikoak iraunkorrak direla. Egun, hondakin plastikoen portzentaia txiki bat bakarrik birziklatzen da eta bai biltegiratzea bai erreketa bidezko eliminazioak ingurumen arazoak dituzte . Gainera, plastiko gehienak degradaezi nak dira, urte luzez ingurugiro kalteak eraginez . Hori dela eta, material hauen balorizaziorako teknologia berrien sustapena beharrezkoa da, eskala handian eraginkorrak, ekonomikoki bideragarriak eta ingurugiroa errespetatuko dutenak. Hondakin plastikoetatik abiatuz hidrogenoa lortzeko prozesua interesgarria eta bideragarria da, hidrogenoaren kontsumoaren igoe ra kontuan hartuz. Gaur egun erregai fosilen prozesaketatik lortzen da hidrogenoa, CO 2 - a ren emisio handiak sortzen direlarik. Emisio hauen murrizketa beharrezkotzat hartu da. Hau guztiagatik, Gradu Amaierako Lan honen helburu nagusia plastikoen balorizazio a ikertzea da, konkretuki hiri - hondakin solidoetan aurkitzen diren plast ikoena . Pirolisi eta ur baporearen bidezko erreformatua erabili dira hidrogenoa lortzeko, azken hau balio handiko produktua izanik. Horretarako lehenengo etapa iturri ohantze konikoan, 500 ºC - tan, buruturiko pirolisia izan da eta bigarrenik ohantze fluidizatu batean ur baporearen bidezko erreformatua burutu da , 700 ºC - tan . Helburu nagusi hau betetzeko bestelako helburu zehatzak ezarri dira, hiri - hondakin solidoetan aurkitzen diren HDPE, PP, PS eta PET plastiko nahaste baten bideragarritasuna aztertu delarik aurrez aipatutako bi etapen bidez: Plastiko nahastearen pirolisian sorturiko konposatu hegazkorren erreformatua era jarraian burutzea. Zero denboran e rreakzio indizeak (konbertsioa et a etekinak) eta lortutako gasaren konposizioa determinatze a . Erreformatuan erabilitako katalizatzailearen desaktibatzeak erreakzioa ren konbertsio eta etekina n duen eragina aztertzea.
This study evaluated different techniques for surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SARME) according to the type of transverse maxillary deficiency using computed tomography (CT). Six adult patients with bilateral transverse maxillary deficiencies underwent SARME. the patients were equally divided into three groups: Group I, maxillary atresia in both the anterior and posterior regions; Group II, greater maxillary atresia in the anterior region; and Group ill, increased maxillary atresia in the posterior region. in Group I, a subtotal Le Fort I osteotomy was used. in Group II, a subtotal Le Fort I osteotomy was used without pterygomaxillary suture disjunction. in Group III, a subtotal Le Fort I osteotomy was used with pterygomaxillary suture disjunction and fixation of the anterior nasal spine with steel wire. the midpalatal suture opening was evaluated preoperatively and immediately after the activation period using CT. for Group I, the opening occurred parallel to midpalatal suture; for Group II, the opening comprised a V-shape with a vertex on the posterior nasal spine; and for Group III, the opening comprised a V-shape with a vertex at the anterior nasal spine. the conclusion was that the SARME technique should be individualized according to the type of transverse maxillary deficiency.
Breast region measurements are important for research, but they may also become significant in the legal field as a quantitative tool for preoperative and postoperative evaluation. Direct anthropometric measurements can be taken in clinical practice. the aim of this study was to compare direct breast anthropometric measurements taken with a tape measure and a compass.Forty women, aged 18-60 years, were evaluated. They had 14 anatomical landmarks marked on the breast region and arms. the union of these points formed eight linear segments and one angle for each side of the body. the volunteers were evaluated by direct anthropometry in a standardized way, using a tape measure and a compass.Differences were found between the tape measure and the compass measurements for all segments analyzed (p > 0.05).Measurements obtained by tape measure and compass are not identical. Therefore, once the measurement tool is chosen, it should be used for the pre- and postoperative measurements in a standardized way.This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. for a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors www.springer.com/00266.
Background. the skin neurogenic inflammation is mainly related to Substance P (SP) and Calcitonin Gene-related Peptide (CGRP). There is no data on their availability in the dynamics of skin nerve endings, concerning their release and replenishment after a nociceptive stimulus, so this was investigated. Materials and methods. 25 rats were randomly distributed in 5 groups. the animals of the control group (CG) determined the baseline levels of neuropeptides in the skin. the groups S0 and S30 did not receive any cutaneous stimulus at 30 and 60 minutes, respectively. in the group S1, an incision stimulus was made at 30 minutes. in the group S31, a nociceptive stimulus was performed by subdermal scratching at 30 minutes and, at 60 minutes, the incision stimulus was carried out in the same location (nociceptive hyperstimulation). the skin samples of the other animals were harvested from the back 1 minute after their death. SP, pro-CGRP and CGRP were quantified by Western Blotting. Results. the incision stimulus released SP, S1 compared to S0 (p < 0.05) detected in the first minute, and the replenishment time was more than 30 minutes. Also, it cleaved pro-CGRP, S1 compared to S31 (p < 0.05) in the first minute, and its replenishment time less than 30 minutes. Release of CGRP was not detected. Conclusion. the incision released SP already detected in the first minute; its replenishment time is more than 30 minutes. the incision decreased pro-CGRP, also detected in the first minute; and its replenishment time is less than 30 minutes.
SUMMARY: Fracture stabilization in the diabetic patient is associated with higher complication rates, particularly infection and impaired wound healing, which can lead to major tissue damage, osteomyelitis, and higher amputation rates. With an increasing prevalence of diabetes and an aging population, the risks of infection of internal fixation devices are expected to grow. Although numerous retrospective clinical studies have identified a relationship between diabetes and infection, currently there are few animal models that have been used to investigate postoperative surgical-site infections associated with internal fixator implantation and diabetes. The authors therefore refined the protocol for inducing hyperglycemia and compared the bacterial burden in controls to pharmacologically induced type 1 diabetic rats after undergoing internal fracture plate fixation and Staphylococcus aureus surgical-site inoculation. Using an initial series of streptozotocin doses, followed by optional additional doses to reach a target blood glucose range of 300 to 600 mg/dl, the authors reliably induced diabetes in 100 percent of the rats (n = 16), in which a narrow hyperglycemic range was maintained 14 days after onset of diabetes (mean ± SEM, 466 ± 16 mg/dl; coefficient of variation, 0.15). With respect to their primary endpoint, the authors quantified a significantly higher infectious burden in inoculated diabetic animals (median, 3.2 × 10 colony-forming units/mg dry tissue) compared with inoculated nondiabetic animals (7.2 × 10 colony-forming units/mg dry tissue). These data support the authors' hypothesis that uncontrolled diabetes adversely affects the immune system's ability to clear Staphylococcus aureus associated with internal hardware.
BACKGROUND: Some of the 600,000 patients with solid organ allotransplants need reconstruction with a composite tissue allotransplant, such as the hand, abdominal wall, or face. The aim of this study was to develop a rat model for assessing the effects of a secondary composite tissue allotransplant on a primary heart allotransplant. METHODS: Hearts of Wistar Kyoto rats were harvested and transplanted heterotopically to the neck of recipient Fisher 344 rats. The anastomoses were performed between the donor brachiocephalic artery and the recipient left common carotid artery, and between the donor pulmonary artery and the recipient external jugular vein. Recipients received cyclosporine A for 10 days only. Heart rate was assessed noninvasively. The sequential composite tissue allotransplant consisted of a 3 x 3-cm abdominal musculocutaneous flap harvested from Lewis rats and transplanted to the abdomen of the heart allotransplant recipients. The abdominal flap vessels were connected to the femoral vessels. No further immunosuppression was administered following the composite tissue allotransplant. Ten days after composite tissue allotransplantation, rejection of the heart and abdominal flap was assessed histologically. RESULTS: The rat survival rate of the two-stage transplant surgery was 80 percent. The transplanted heart rate decreased from 150 +/- 22 beats per minute immediately after transplant to 83 +/- 12 beats per minute on day 20 (10 days after stopping immunosuppression). CONCLUSIONS: This sequential allotransplant model is technically demanding. It will facilitate investigation of the effects of a secondary composite tissue allotransplant following primary solid organ transplantation and could be useful in developing future immunotherapeutic strategies.
Breast augmentation for cosmetic purposes is an increasingly common procedure in the USA and UK. In the USA in 2003, a total of 254 140 breast augmentation procedures were carried out [American Society of Plastic Surgeons, http://www.plasticsurgery.org/newsroom/ Procedural-Statistics-Press-Kit-Index.cfm9-1-2005; 2006.(1)]. It has been previously estimated that between 1 and 1.5 million women in the USA have prosthetic breast implants [Cook RR, Delongchamp RR, Woodbury M, et at. The prevalence of women with breast implants in the United States, 1989. J Clin Epidemiol 1995;48:519-25.(2)]. The UK National Breast Implant Registry has recorded a rise in the numbers of women receiving breast implants, with over 13 000 procedures registered in 2001; an estimated 77% of these were for cosmetic purposes. No association has been found between the presence of breast implants in a breast and an increased risk of breast cancer, and this subject has been comprehensively reviewed elsewhere [Hoshaw SJ, Klein PJ, Clark BD, et al. Breast implants and cancer: causation, delayed detection, and survival. Plast Reconstr Surg 2001; 107:1393-407.(3)]. However, as the population of women with breast implants ages, an increasing number of them will develop breast cancer; a reflection of the fact that the incidence of the disease increases with increasing age. Debate continues on the effect of breast implants on the efficacy of mammography in diagnosing breast cancer, and the role of other imaging techniques for this purpose, as well as the limitations that the presence of implants place on percutaneous biopsy techniques. We review the Literature on the radiological and tissue diagnosis of breast cancer in women with a history of previous augmentation mammaplasty. (c) 2007 British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Contient : Hervis de Metz. « [O]r entendeis por Deu de maisté, Bone chanson plast vos a escouter... » ; Garin le Loherain. « Vielle chanson voire voleis oïr, De grant istoire et de merveillous pris... » ; « ... Dedans n'aront il la paor nul jor. Si faut li chans de JEHANT DE FLAGI » ; Girbert de Metz. « Grans fut la guerre qui ja ne panra fin... » ; « ... Des Loherans ne poeis plus oïr, S'on ne le vuet controver et mentir. Explicit li roumans des Loherans »
In natural rubber/high styrene resin microcellular sheets, part of natural rubber was replaced by latex reclaim prepared from waste latex products. The mechanical properties and cell structure of the products were evaluated. It was found that latex reclaim can replace about 30% of natural rubber without affecting the technical properties of the microcellular sheets.
The rheological behavior of a short-polyester-fiber-filled polyurethane elastomer composite containing different bonding agents has been studied in the temperature range 120-160°C and in the shear rate range 63-608 s-'. The composite with and without bonding agents showed a pseudoplastic behavior which decreased with the increase of temperature. Composites containing bonding agents based on polypropyleneglycol and 4,4'-diphenylmethanediisocyanate showed the lowest viscosity values at a particular shear rate, whereas composites containing a glycerol- (GL) based bonding agent showed the highest viscosity. The viscosity of the composite decreased sharply after a particular temperature (140°C) and the fall was less drastic in the composite containing a GL-based bonding agent.