858 resultados para Plasma-Wand-Wechselwirkung
TPD, TDS, termal desorption, hydrogen isotopes, graphite, calibration, QMS
LipL32 is the major leptospiral outer membrane lipoprotein expressed during infection and is the immunodominant antigen recognized during the humoral immune response to leptospirosis in humans. In this study, we investigated novel aspects of LipL32. In order to define the immunodominant domains(s) of the molecule, subfragments corresponding to the N-terminal, intermediate, and C-terminal portions of the UpL32 gene were cloned and the proteins were expressed and purified by metal affinity chromatography. Our immunoblot results indicate that the C-terminal and intermediate domains of LipL32 are recognized by sera of patients with laboratory-confirmed leptospirosis. An immunoglobulin M response was detected exclusively against the LipL32 C-terminal fragment in both the acute and convalescent phases of illness. We also evaluated the capacity of LipL32 to interact with extracellular matrix (ECM) components. Dose-dependent, specific binding of LipL32 to collagen type IV and plasma fibronectin was observed, and the binding capacity could be attributed to the C-terminal portion of this molecule. Both heparin and gelatin could inhibit LipL32 binding to fibronectin in a concentration-dependent manner, indicating that the 30-kDa heparin-binding and 45-kDa gelatin-binding domains of fibronectin are involved in this interaction. Taken together, our results provide evidence that the LipL32 C terminus is recognized early in the course of infection and is the domain responsible for mediating interaction with ECM proteins.
Am Institut für Mikrostrukturtechnologie und Analytik wurde eine neue Technik entwickelt, die neue Anwendungen und Methoden der Mikro- und Nanostrukturierung auf Basis eines neuen Verfahrens erschlossen hat. NANOJET führt über die passive Rastersondenmikroskopie hinaus zu einem vielseitigen, aktiven Bearbeitungswerkzeug auf der Mikro- und Nanometerskala. NANOJET (NANOstructuring Downstream PlasmaJET) ist eine aktive Rasterkraft-Mikroskopie-Sonde. Radikale (chemisch aktive Teilchen, die ein ungepaartes Valenzelektron besitzen) strömen aus dem Ende einer ultradünnen, hohlen Rasterkraftmikroskop-Spitze. Dadurch wird es möglich, über die übliche passive Abtastung einer Probenoberfläche hinausgehend, diese simultan und in-situ durch chemische Reaktionen zu verändern. Die Abtragung von Material wird durch eine chemische Ätzreaktion erreicht. In dieser Arbeit wurde zum größten Teil Photoresist als Substrat für die Ätzexperimente verwendet. Für das Ätzen des Resists wurden die Atome des Fluors und des Sauerstoffs im Grundzustand als verantwortlich identifiziert. Durch Experimente und durch Ergänzung von Literaturdaten wurde die Annahme bestätigt, dass Sauerstoffradikale mit Unterstützung von Fluorradikalen für die hohen erzielten Ätzraten verantwortlich sind. Die Beimischung von Fluor in einem Sauerstoffplasma führt zu einer Verringerung der Aktivierungsenergie für die Ätzreaktion gegenüber Verwendung reinen Sauerstoffs. In weiterer Folge wurde ein Strukturierungsverfahren dargestellt. Hierbei wurden "geformte Kapillaren" (mikrostrukturierte Aperturen) eingesetzt. Die Herstellung der Aperturen erfolgte durch einen elektrochemischen Ätzstop-Prozess. Die typische Größe der unter Verwendung der "geformten Kapillaren" geätzten Strukturen entsprach den Kapillarenöffnungen. Es wurde ein Monte-Carlo Simulationsprogramm entwickelt, welches den Transport der reaktiven Teilchen in der langen Transportröhre simulierte. Es wurde sowohl die Transmission der Teilchen in der Transportröhre und der Kapillare als auch ihre Winkelverteilung nach dem Verlassen der Kapillare berechnet. Das Aspektverhältnis der Röhren hat dabei einen sehr starken Einfluss. Mit einem steigenden Aspektverhältnis nahm die Transmission exponentiell ab. Die geschaffene experimentelle Infrastruktur wurde genutzt, um auch biologische Objekte zu behandeln und zu untersuchen. Hierfür wurde eine neue Methodik entwickelt, die eine dreidimensionale Darstellung des Zellinneren erlaubt. Dies wurde durch die kontrollierte Abtragung von Material aus der Zellmembran durchgeführt. Die Abtragung der Zellmembran erfolgte mittels Sauerstoffradikalen, die durch eine hohle Spitze lokalisiert zum Ort der Reaktion transportiert wurden. Ein piezoresistiver Cantilever diente als Sensor in dem zur Bildgebung eingesetzten RKM. Das entwickelte Verfahren ermöglicht es nun erstmals, schonend Zellen zu öffnen und die innen liegenden Organellen weiter zu untersuchen. Als Nachweis für weitere Verwendungsmöglichkeiten des NANOJET-Verfahrens wurde auch Knochenmaterial behandelt. Die Ergebnisse dieser Experimente zeigen klar, dass das Verfahren für vielfältige biologische Materialien verwendbar ist und somit nun ein weiter Anwendungskreis in der Biologie und Medizin offen steht.
Die Elementmassenspektrometrie wurde in den letzten Jahren sehr erfolgreich zur Aufklärung verschiedener Fragestellungen in der Bioanalytik eingesetzt. Hierbei spielen vor allem Kopplungstechniken von Trennmethoden wie der Flüssigchromatographie (LC) oder der Kapillarelektrophorese (CE) mit der induktiv gekoppelten Plasma-Massenspektrometrie (ICP-MS) als Multielementdetektor mit hervorragenden Quantifizierungseigenschaften eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Untersuchung von Biopolymeren und deren Wechselwirkung mit verschiedenen Metallen. So wurden beispielsweise verschiedene Methoden für die Trennung und Detektion von Metalloproteinen oder DNA-Metall-Addukten in unterschiedlichen Probenmaterialien entwickelt. Die traditionelle und leistungsstärkste Trennmethode für Biopolymere aller Art, die Gelelektrophorese, wurde jedoch bislang nicht in einem Online-Verfahren an die ICP-MS gekoppelt, um solche Fragestellungen zu bearbeiten. Verschiedene Versuche auf der Basis der Laserablation wurden in diese Richtung unternommen, wobei diese Techniken als sehr umständlich und zeitaufwändig anzusehen sind. In dieser Arbeit wird erstmals die technische Realisierung einer Online-Kopplung der Gelelektrophorese mit der ICP-MS beschrieben. Das System basiert auf einem Prinzip aus der präparativen Gelelektrophorese, in welcher eine kontinuierliche Elution der getrennten Komponenten aus dem Gel während der laufenden Elektrophorese durchgeführt wird. Die eluierten Komponenten werden mit dem Elutionspuffer direkt in das Zerstäubersystem des ICP-MS geführt. Die ersten Untersuchungen wurden am Beispiel der Fragemente von doppelsträngiger DNA (dsDNA) durchgeführt. Kommerziell erhältliche Standardlösungen wurden mit der Online-GE-ICP-MS mittels Detektion von 31P an einem hochauflösenden Massenspektrometer mit einer Massenauflösung von 4000 analysiert. Die Trennbedingungen (z.B. pH-Wert oder Ionenstärke der Pufferlösungen) wurden für die Trennung von dsDNA-Fragementen in Agarosegelen optimiert und auf verschiedene dsDNA-Fragmente angewandt. In einem nächsten Schritt wurden die Quantifizierungsmöglichkeiten für Biopolymere untersucht. Sehr kleine Mengen an dsDNA konnten mit einer Präzision von weniger als 3% quantifiziert werden. Hierfür kamen verschiedene Möglichkeiten der externen Kalibration zum Einsatz, wie der Kalibration mit einem Phosphat-Standard oder einem kommerziell erhältlichen quantitativen dsDNA-Standard. Um das Potenzial der entwickelten Methode für die Untersuchung von Biopolymer-Metall-Wechselwirkungen zu demonstrieren, wurden Oligonukleotide mit Cisplatin unter physiologischen Bedingungen inkubiert und die Reaktionsprodukte mit der Online-GE-ICP-MS mittels 31P- und 195Pt-Detektion untersucht. Verschiedene Cisplatin-Oligonukleotid-Addukte konnten auf diese Weise beobachtet werden, was zur Identifizierung die Anwendung der MALDI-TOF-MS als komplementärer Form der Massenspektrometrie notwendig machte. Abschließend wurde die Isotopenverdünnungsanalyse zum Zweck der Quantifizierung herangezogen.
Volatile amines are prominent indicators of food freshness, as they are produced during many microbiological food degradation processes. Monitoring and indicating the volatile amine concentration within the food package by intelligent packaging solutions might therefore be a simple yet powerful way to control food safety throughout the distribution chain.rnrnIn this context, this work aims to the formation of colourimetric amine sensing surfaces on different substrates, especially transparent PET packaging foil. The colour change of the deposited layers should ideally be discernible by the human eye to facilitate the determination by the end-user. rnrnDifferent tailored zinc(II) and chromium(III) metalloporphyrins have been used as chromophores for the colourimetric detection of volatile amines. A new concept to increase the porphyrins absorbance change upon exposure to amines is introduced. Moreover, the novel porphyrins’ processability during the deposition process is increased by their enhanced solubility in non-polar solvents.rnrnThe porphyrin chromophores have successfully been incorporated into polysiloxane matrices on different substrates via a dielectric barrier discharge enhanced chemical vapour deposition. This process allows the use of nitrogen as a cheap and abundant plasma gas, produces minor amounts of waste and by-products and can be easily introduced into (existing) roll-to-roll production lines. The formed hybrid sensing layers tightly incorporate the porphyrins and moreover form a porous structure to facilitate the amines diffusion to and interaction with the chromophores.rnrnThe work is completed with the thorough analysis of the porphyrins’ amine sensing performance in solution as well as in the hybrid coatings . To reveal the underlying interaction mechanisms, the experimental results are supported by DFT calculations. The deposited layers could be used for the detection of NEt3 concentrations below 10 ppm in the gas phase. Moreover, the coated foils have been tested in preliminary food storage experiments. rnrnThe mechanistic investigations on the interaction of amines with chromium(III) porphyrins revealed a novel pathway to the formation of chromium(IV) oxido porphyrins. This has been used for electrochemical epoxidation reactions with dioxygen as the formal terminal oxidant.rn
Ethanol consumption damages the prostate, and testosterone is known by anti-inflammatory role. The cytokines were investigated in the plasma and ventral prostate of UChB rats submitted or not to testosterone therapy by ELISA and Western blot, respectively. Additionally, inflammatory foci and mast cells were identified in the ventral prostate slides stained by hematoxylin and eosin and toluidine blue, respectively. Inflammatory foci were found in the ethanol-treated animals and absent after testosterone therapy. Plasma levels of IL-6 and IL-10 were not changed while TNFα and TFG-β1 were increased in the animals submitted testosterone therapy. Regarding to ventral prostate, IL-6 did not alter, while IL-10, TNFα, and TFG-β1 were increased after testosterone therapy. Ethanol increases NFR2 in addition to high number of intact and degranulated mast cell which were reduced after testosterone therapy. So, ethanol and testosterone differentially modulates the cytokines in the plasma and prostate.
A rapid, sensitive and specific method for quantifying propylthiouracil in human plasma using methylthiouracil as the internal standard (IS) is described. The analyte and the IS were extracted from plasma by liquid-liquid extraction using an organic solvent (ethyl acetate). The extracts were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) in negative mode (ES-). Chromatography was performed using a Phenomenex Gemini C18 5μm analytical column (4.6mm×150mm i.d.) and a mobile phase consisting of methanol/water/acetonitrile (40/40/20, v/v/v)+0.1% of formic acid. For propylthiouracil and I.S., the optimized parameters of the declustering potential, collision energy and collision exit potential were -60 (V), -26 (eV) and -5 (V), respectively. The method had a chromatographic run time of 2.5min and a linear calibration curve over the range 20-5000ng/mL. The limit of quantification was 20ng/mL. The stability tests indicated no significant degradation. This HPLC-MS/MS procedure was used to assess the bioequivalence of two propylthiouracil 100mg tablet formulations in healthy volunteers of both sexes in fasted and fed state. The geometric mean and 90% confidence interval CI of Test/Reference percent ratios were, without and with food, respectively: 109.28% (103.63-115.25%) and 115.60% (109.03-122.58%) for Cmax, 103.31% (100.74-105.96%) and 103.40% (101.03-105.84) for AUClast. This method offers advantages over those previously reported, in terms of both a simple liquid-liquid extraction without clean-up procedures, as well as a faster run time (2.5min). The LOQ of 20ng/mL is well suited for pharmacokinetic studies. The assay performance results indicate that the method is precise and accurate enough for the routine determination of the propylthiouracil in human plasma. The test formulation with and without food was bioequivalent to reference formulation. Food administration increased the Tmax and decreased the bioavailability (Cmax and AUC).
Sickle cell disease (SCD) pathogenesis leads to recurrent vaso-occlusive and hemolytic processes, causing numerous clinical complications including renal damage. As vasoconstrictive mechanisms may be enhanced in SCD, due to endothelial dysfunction and vasoactive protein production, we aimed to determine whether the expression of proteins of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) may be altered in an animal model of SCD. Plasma angiotensin II (Ang II) was measured in C57BL/6 (WT) mice and mice with SCD by ELISA, while quantitative PCR was used to compare the expressions of the genes encoding the angiotensin-II-receptors 1 and 2 (AT1R and AT2R) and the angiotensin-converting enzymes (ACE1 and ACE2) in the kidneys, hearts, livers and brains of mice. The effects of hydroxyurea (HU; 50-75mg/kg/day, 4weeks) treatment on these parameters were also determined. Plasma Ang II was significantly diminished in SCD mice, compared with WT mice, in association with decreased AT1R and ACE1 expressions in SCD mice kidneys. Treatment of SCD mice with HU reduced leukocyte and platelet counts and increased plasma Ang II to levels similar to those of WT mice. HU also increased AT1R and ACE2 gene expression in the kidney and heart. Results indicate an imbalanced RAS in an SCD mouse model; HU therapy may be able to restore some RAS parameters in these mice. Further investigations regarding Ang II production and the RAS in human SCD may be warranted, as such changes may reflect or contribute to renal damage and alterations in blood pressure.
Crotamine is one of the main constituents of the venom of the South American rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terrificus. Here we sought to investigate the inflammatory and toxicological effects induced by the intrahippocampal administration of crotamine isolated from Crotalus whole venom. Adult rats received an intrahippocampal infusion of crotamine or vehicle and were euthanized 24 h or 21 days after infusion. Plasma and brain tissue were collected for biochemical analysis. Complete blood count, creatinine, urea, glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT), glutamic pyruvic transaminase (GPT), creatine-kinase (CK), creatine kinase-muscle B (CK-MB) and oxidative parameters (assessed by DNA damage and micronucleus frequency in leukocytes, lipid peroxidation and protein carbonyls in plasma and brain) were quantified. Unpaired and paired t-tests were used for comparisons between saline and crotamine groups, and within groups (24 h vs. 21 days), respectively. After 24 h crotamine infusion promoted an increase of urea, GOT, GPT, CK, and platelets values (p ≤ 0.01), while red blood cells, hematocrit and leukocytes values decreased (p ≤ 0.01). Additionally, 21 days after infusion crotamine group showed increased creatinine, leukocytes, TBARS (plasma and brain), carbonyl (plasma and brain) and micronucleus compared to the saline-group (p ≤ 0.01). Our findings show that crotamine infusion alter hematological parameters and cardiac markers, as well as oxidative parameters, not only in the brain, but also in the blood, indicating a systemic pro-inflammatory and toxicological activity. A further scientific attempt in terms of preserving the beneficial activity over toxicity is required.
Infections of the central nervous systems (CNS) present a diagnostic problem for which an accurate laboratory diagnosis is essential. Invasive practices, such as cerebral biopsy, have been replaced by obtaining a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) diagnosis using cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) as a reference method. Tests on DNA extracted from plasma are noninvasive, thus avoiding all of the collateral effects and patient risks associated with CSF collection. This study aimed to determine whether plasma can replace CSF in nested PCR analysis for the detection of CNS human herpesvirus (HHV) diseases by analysing the proportion of patients whose CSF nested PCR results were positive for CNS HHV who also had the same organism identified by plasma nested PCR. In this study, CSF DNA was used as the gold standard, and nested PCR was performed on both types of samples. Fifty-two patients with symptoms of nervous system infection were submitted to CSF and blood collection. For the eight HHV, one positive DNA result-in plasma and/or CSF nested PCR-was considered an active HHV infection, whereas the occurrence of two or more HHVs in the same sample was considered a coinfection. HHV infections were positively detected in 27/52 (51.9%) of the CSF and in 32/52 (61.5%) of the plasma, difference not significant, thus nested PCR can be performed on plasma instead of CSF. In conclusion, this findings suggest that plasma as a useful material for the diagnosis of cases where there is any difficulty to perform a CSF puncture.
Since the last decade, the combined use of chemometrics and molecular spectroscopic techniques has become a new alternative for direct drug determination, without the need of physical separation. Among the new methodologies developed, the application of PARAFAC in the decomposition of spectrofluorimetric data should be highlighted. The first objective of this article is to describe the theoretical basis of PARAFAC. For this purpose, a discussion about the order of chemometric methods used in multivariate calibration and the development of multi-dimensional methods is presented first. The other objective of this article is to divulge for the Brazilian chemical community the potential of the combination PARAFAC/spectrofluorimetry for the determination of drugs in complex biological matrices. For this purpose, two applications aiming at determining, respectively, doxorrubicine and salicylate in human plasma are presented.
A simple and fast method for determination of 40 basic drugs in human plasma employing gas-chromatography with nitrogen-phosphorus detection was developed and validated. Drugs were extracted from 800 µL of plasma with 250 µL of butyl acetate at basic pH. Aliquots of the organic extract were directly injected on a column with methylsilicone stationary phase. Total chromatographic run time was 25 min. All compounds were detected in concentrations ranging from therapeutic to toxic levels, with intermediate precision CV% below 11.2 and accuracy in the range of 92-114%.
Plasma edge turbulence in Tokamak Chauffage Alfven Bresilien (TCABR) [R. M. O. Galvao et al., Plasma Phys. Contr. Fusion 43, 1181 (2001)] is investigated for multifractal properties of the fluctuating floating electrostatic potential measured by Langmuir probes. The multifractality in this signal is characterized by the full multifractal spectra determined by applying the wavelet transform modulus maxima. In this work, the dependence of the multifractal spectrum with the radial position is presented. The multifractality degree inside the plasma increases with the radial position reaching a maximum near the plasma edge and becoming almost constant in the scrape-off layer. Comparisons between these results with those obtained for random test time series with the same Hurst exponents and data length statistically confirm the reported multifractal behavior. Moreover, the persistence of these signals, characterized by their Hurst exponent, present radial profile similar to the deterministic component estimated from analysis based on dynamical recurrences. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
Background: The effects of chronic aerobic exercise upon lipid profile has been previously demonstrated, but few studies showed this effect under resistance exercise conditions. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the effects of different resistance exercise loads on blood lipids. Methods: Thirty healthy, untrained male volunteers were allocated randomly into four groups based at different percentages of one repetition maximum (1 RM); 50%-1 RM, 75%-1 RM, 90%-1 RM, and 110%-1 RM. The total volume (sets x reps x load) of the exercise was equalized. The lipid profile (Triglycerides [TG], HDL-cholesterol [HDL-c], LDL-cholesterol, and Total cholesterol) was determined at rest and after 1, 24, 48 and 72 h of resistance exercise. Results: The 75%-1 RM group demonstrated greater TG reduction when compared to other groups (p < 0.05). Additionally, the 110%-1 RM group presented an increased TG concentration when compared to 50% and 75% groups (p = 0.01, p = 0.01, respectively). HDL-c concentration was significantly greater after resistance exercise in 50%-1 RM and 75%-1 RM when compared to 110%-1 RM group (p = 0.004 and p = 0.03, respectively). Accordingly, the 50%-1 RM group had greater HDL-c concentration than 110%-1 RM group after 48 h (p = 0.05) and 72 h (p = 0.004), respectively. Finally, The 50% group has showed lesser LDL-c concentration than 110% group after 24 h (p = 0.007). No significant difference was found in Total Cholesterol concentrations. Conclusion: These results indicate that the acute resistance exercise may induce changes in lipid profile in a specific-intensity manner. Overall, low and moderate exercise intensities appear to be promoting more benefits on lipid profile than high intensity. Long term studies should confirm these findings.
Cells normally undergo physiological turnover through the induction of apoptosis and phagocytic removal, partly through exposure of cell surface phosphatidylserine (PS). In contrast, neutrophils appear to possess apoptosis-independent mechanisms of removal. Here we show that Galectin-1 (Gal-1) induces PS exposure independent of alterations in mitochondrial potential, caspase activation, or cell death. Furthermore, Gal-1-induced PS exposure reverts after Gal-1 removal without altering cell viability. Gal-1-induced PS exposure is uniquely microdomain restricted, yet cells exposing PS do not display evident alterations in membrane morphology nor do they exhibit bleb formation, typically seen in apoptotic cells. Long-term exposure to Gal-1 prolongs PS exposure with no alteration in cell cycle progression or cell growth. These results demonstrate that Gal-1-induced PS exposure and subsequent phagocytic removal of living cells represents a new paradigm in cellular turnover.