978 resultados para Planting (Plant culture)


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Este trabalho faz parte das exigências relativas a obtenção do título de livre docente na Universidade Estadual Paulista-Unesp. O projeto foi iniciado em 1994 com a introdução de espécies de bambu no campus local da Unesp visando o fornecimento de matéria-prima/colmos conhecida para estudos. Num processo contínuo, o projeto vem se desenvolvendo tecnicamente através de várias atividades ligadas a cadeia produtiva desta planta, envolvendo o acompanhamento do desenvolvimento das espécies, seu manejo, colheita, produção de mudas, tratamento, processamento, caracterização e aplicações. Estabelecido na Faculdade de Engenharia, o projeto naturalmente se aproximou das áreas de design e arquitetura, sendo estabelecida numa relação com estes cursos nos níveis de graduação e pós-graduação, com a participação e formação de alunos. Com aspecto multidisciplinar o projeto também procurou atuar na extensão universitária e na inserção social procurando transferir os conhecimentos adquiridos para a sociedade. Justifico a extensão do trabalho e o grande número de tabelas (deslocadas para os Anexos) e figuras mostrados pois na verdade o projeto procura mostrar a atuação em várias atividades: plantio de espécies, produção, manejo e acompanhamento do desenvolvimento, caracterização, processamento e desenvolvimento de produtos e aplicações, relação com alunos de graduação, pós-graduação e atividades de extensão. Relativamente ao trabalho de campo, foram introduzidas diversas espécies de bambu, sendo mostrados os dados de desenvolvimento, manejo e produção para duas delas, as espécies Dendrocalamus giganteus e Guadua angustifólia, ambas prioritárias, de fácil cultivo e produção de mudas e largamente utilizadas. Relativamente ao trabalho de laboratório, os colmos foram processados...


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In order to add value to soybens crops, and hence the marketing, medium and large producers have been using precision agriculture techniques (PA), as the Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and positioning satellite, to assist the management of crops. Thus, given the economic relevance of that culture to the southwest of Paraná State and Brazil, scientific studies to increase their productivity and profitability are of main importance. The objective of this study was to evaluate the correlation between the chemical soil properties and soybean yield for each estimated parameter of semivariogram (range, nugget and level effect), and the deployment of these correlations in direct and indirect effects, aiming to improve the mapping process of spatial variability of soil chemical properties for use in PA. The hypothesis is that not all attributes of soil used to estimate the semivariogram parameters has a direct effect on productivity, and that even in groups of plants within a larger area it is possible to estimate the parameters of the semivariograms. The experiment was conducted in a commercial area of 19.7 ha, located in the city of Pato Branco - PR, central geographic coordinates 26º 11 '35 "South, 52 43' 05" West longitude, and average altitude of 780 m. The area is planted with soybeans for over 30 years, currently being adopted to cultivate Brasmax Target RR - Don Mario 5.9i, with row spacing of 0.50 m and 13 plants m-1, totaling 260,000 plants ha-1. For georeferencing of the area of study and sampling points was used a couple of topographic ProMarkTM3 receptors, making a relative positioning to obtain the georeferenced coordinates. To collect data (chemical analyzes of soil and crop yield) were sampled 10 blocks in the experimental area, each with an area of 20 m2 (20 meters long x 1 meter wide) containing two spaced adjacent rows of 0.5 m. Each block was divided into 20 portions of 1 m2, and from each were collected four subsamples at a distance of 0.5 m in relation to the lines of blocks, making up a sample depth for 0-10 cm a sample to 10-20 cm for each plot, totaling 200 samples for each depth. The soybean crop was performed on the blocks depending on maturity, and in each block was considered a bundle at each meter. In the data analysis, it was performed a diagnosis of multicollinearity, and subsequently a path analysis of the main variables according to the explanatory variables (range of chemical attributes: pH, K, P, Ca, etc.). The results obtained by the path analysis of the parameters of the semivariogram of soil chemical properties, indicated that only the Fe, Mg, Mn, organic matter (OM), P and Saturation by bases (SB) exerted direct and indirect effects on soybean productivity, although they have not presented spatial variability, indicating that the distribution of blocks in the area was unable to identify the spatial dependence of these elements, making it impossible to draw up maps of the chemical attributes for use in PA.


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The seed size used for seeding has caused doubts among soybean producers. The study aimed to determine whether there may be differences between seed size with respect to depth of fertilizer deposition. The field experiment was conducted at the Experimental Area UTFPR Campus Pato Branco, using a precision seeder for direct seeding. The design was a randomized blocks, with five repetitions. The treatments were composed by the combination of two seed sizes (large seed with 6,5 mm and 5,5 mm with small seed) and two fertilizer deposition depths in relation to the seed (fertilizer near the seed with about 3 cm away and fertilizer distant from the seeds with about 10 cm). Data were subjected to analysis of variance. When the test value F was significant at 5% probability was applied to the Duncan test for comparison of means. The shallower depth of fertilizer deposition provided larger number of pods per plant and increased number of grains per plant. Already the largest depth of fertilizer deposition provided greater plant height at 30 days after sowing and R2 stage, greater ground area mobilized, higher plant population in all periods, greater depth of deposition of seeds and a higher rate of emergency speed.


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The increasing advancement of agriculture makes providing adequate conditions for the growth and development of plants is the primary purpose of soil management systems. Much of the success of PD is attributed to cultural remains left by cover crops that do not require high nitrogen inputs and can thus be used to reduce nitrogen input in the agro- ecosystem. The nitrogen is one of the elements applied in agriculture, it is absorbed in higher quantities and limiting the yield of grain crops such as corn. Thus, there has been the influence of the no-till and conventional tillage combined with different crops of winter cover and bare soil when in succession to corn, on mineral nitrogen content. The experimental work was made at the experimental station of the Agronomic Institute of Paraná - Iapar. The implemented design was blocks at random split plot with three replications in factorial 6 x 2 x 3 x 5. The main plots were as treatment, beyond the bare soil, 5 winter species (ryegrass, vetch, vetch + oat, oat and radish), while in the subplots were used two tillage systems (No-till and conventional tillage). Three collections made were (before management, the urea before and after the urea), these being held in 5 depths (0-5, 5-10, 10-20, 20-40 and 40-60 cm). So a layer 0-5 cm and a que presents increased amount to NH4 + ion. The use of associated PD system in the presence of winter cover crops decreased as NO3 - losses in soil profile.