935 resultados para Planes


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Background: Evaluation of scapular posture is a fundamental component in the clinical evaluation of the upper quadrant. This study examined the intrarater reliability of scapular posture ratings. Methods: A test-retest reliability investigation was undertaken with one week between assessment sessions. At each session physical therapists conducted visual assessments of scapula posture (relative to the thorax) in five different scapula postural planes (plane of scapula, sagittal plane, transverse plane, horizontal plane, and vertical plane). These five plane ratings were performed for four different scapular posture perturbating conditions (rest, isometric shoulder; flexion, abduction, and external rotation). Results. A total of 100 complete scapular posture ratings (50 left, 50 right) were undertaken at each assessment. The observed agreement between the test and retest postural plane ratings ranged from 59% to 87%; 16 of the 20 plane-condition combinations exceeded 75% observed agreement. Kappa (and prevalence adjusted bias adjusted kappa) values were inconsistent across the postural planes and perturbating conditions. Conclusions: This investigation generally revealed fair to moderate intrarater reliability in the rating of scapular posture by visual inspection. However, enough disagreement between assessments was present to warrant caution when interpreting perceived changes in scapula position between longitudinal assessments using visual inspection alone.


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We propose a computationally efficient image border pixel based watermark embedding scheme for medical images. We considered the border pixels of a medical image as RONI (region of non-interest), since those pixels have no or little interest to doctors and medical professionals irrespective of the image modalities. Although RONI is used for embedding, our proposed scheme still keeps distortion at a minimum level in the embedding region using the optimum number of least significant bit-planes for the border pixels. All these not only ensure that a watermarked image is safe for diagnosis, but also help minimize the legal and ethical concerns of altering all pixels of medical images in any manner (e.g, reversible or irreversible). The proposed scheme avoids the need for RONI segmentation, which incurs capacity and computational overheads. The performance of the proposed scheme has been compared with a relevant scheme in terms of embedding capacity, image perceptual quality (measured by SSIM and PSNR), and computational efficiency. Our experimental results show that the proposed scheme is computationally efficient, offers an image-content-independent embedding capacity, and maintains a good image quality


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The action per quod servitium amisit compensates an employer for the loss of an employee’s services, where such loss is caused due to the commission of a tort by a third party which injures the employee. Although not commonly pleaded, such actions often arise when employees are harmed due to transportation accidents. For example, where allowed, physical injury caused by the negligent driving of automobiles, and the psychiatric injury suffered by an engine driver upon averting a collision with a motorcyclist crossing before an oncoming train...


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Objective The objectives of this cross-sectional, analytical inference analysis were to compare shoulder muscle activation at arm elevations of 0° to 90° through different movement planes and speeds during in-water and dry-land exercise and to extrapolate this information to a clinical rehabilitation model. Methods Six muscles of right-handed adult subjects (n = 16; males/females: 50%; age: 26.1 ± 4.5 years) were examined with surface electromyography during arm elevation in water and on dry land. Participants randomly performed 3 elevation movements (flexion, abduction, and scaption) through 0° to 90°. Three movement speeds were used for each movement as determined by a metronome (30°/sec, 45°/sec, and 90°/sec). Dry-land maximal voluntary contraction tests were used to determine movement normalization. Results Muscle activity levels were significantly lower in water compared with dry land at 30°/sec and 45°/sec but significantly higher at 90°/sec. This sequential progressive activation with increased movement speed was proportionally higher on transition from gravity-based on-land activity to water-based isokinetic resistance. The pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi muscles showed higher activity during abduction and scaption. Conclusions These findings on muscle activation suggest protocols in which active flexion is introduced first at low speeds (30°/sec) in water, then at medium speeds (45°/sec) in water or on dry land, and finally at high speeds (90°/sec) on dry land before in water. Abduction requires higher stabilization, necessitating its introduction after flexion, with scaption introduced last. This model of progressive sequential movement ensures that early active motion and then stabilization are appropriately introduced. This should reduce rehabilitation time and improve therapeutic goals without compromising patient safety or introducing inappropriate muscle recruitment or movement speed.


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Projective Hjelmslev planes and affine Hjelmslev planes are generalisations of projective planes and affine planes. We present an algorithm for constructing projective Hjelmslev planes and affine Hjelmslev planes that uses projective planes, affine planes and orthogonal arrays. We show that all 2-uniform projective Hjelmslev planes, and all 2-uniform affine Hjelmslev planes can be constructed in this way. As a corollary it is shown that all $2$-uniform affine Hjelmslev planes are sub-geometries of $2$-uniform projective Hjelmslev planes.


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Objective Evaluation of scapular posture is an integral component of the clinical assessment of painful neck disorders. The aim of this study was to evaluate agreement between therapist judgements of scapula posture in multiple biomechanical planes in individuals with neck pain. Design Inter-therapist reliability study. Setting Research laboratory. Participants Fifteen participants with chronic neck pain. Main outcome measures Four physiotherapists recorded ratings of scapular orientation (relative to the thorax) in five different scapula postural planes (plane of scapula, sagittal plane, transverse plane, horizontal plane, and vertical plane) under four test conditions (at rest, and during three isometric shoulder conditions) in all participants. Inter-therapist reliability was expressed using both generalized and paired kappa coefficient. Results Following adjustment for expected agreement and the high prevalence of neutral ratings (81%), on average both the generalised kappa (0.37) as well as Cohen's Kappa for the two therapist pairs (0.45 and 0.42) demonstrated only slight to moderate inter-therapist reliability. Conclusions The findings suggest that ratings of scapular posture in individuals with neck pain by visual inspection has only slight to moderate reliability and should only be used in conjunction with other clinical tests when judging scapula function in these patients.


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We have used B-mode (brightness-mode) ultrasound to investigate the fascial planes within subcutaneous fat at the triceps and abdominal sites in a group of 17 women attending a weight control group over a 12 month period. In most subjects there was a single intralipid fascial plane at each site. As the thickness of adipose tissue increased, most of the change at the abdominal site was in the deep rather than the superficial layer of fat. At the triceps site both deep and superficial layers increased. Our findings confirm the presence of two different layers in human subcutaneous fat at the triceps and abdominal sites. These layers have been shown to be functionally different in animals and our study supports this in humans at the abdominal site.


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Using a Fourier-integral approach, the problem of stress analysis in a composite plane consisting of two half-planes of different elastic properties rigidly joined along their boundaries has been solved. The analysis is done for a force acting in one of the half-planes for both cases when the force acts parallel and perpendicular to the interface. As a particular case, the interface stresses are evaluated when the interface is smooth. Some properties of the normal stress at the interface are discussed both for plane stress and plane strain conditions.


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Use of some new planes such as the R-x, R2-x (where R represents in the n-dimensional phase space, the radius vector from the origin to any point on the trajectory described by the system) is suggested for analysis of nonlinear systems of any kind. The stability conditions in these planes are given. For easy understanding of the method, the transformation from the phase plane to the R-x, R2-x planes is brought out for second-order systems. In general, while these planes serve as useful as the phase plane, they have proved to be simpler in determining quickly the general behavior of certain classes of second-order nonlinear systems. A chart and a simple formula are suggested to evaluate time easily from the R-x and R2-x trajectories, respectively. A means of solving higher-order nonlinear systems is also illustrated. Finally, a comparative study of the trajectories near singular points on the phase plane and on the new planes is made.


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A new and efficient approach to construct a 3D wire-frame of an object from its orthographic projections is described. The input projections can be two or more and can include regular and complete auxiliary views. Each view may contain linear, circular and other conic sections. The output is a 3D wire-frame that is consistent with the input views. The approach can handle auxiliary views containing curved edges. This generality derives from a new technique to construct 3D vertices from the input 2D vertices (as opposed to matching coordinates that is prevalent in current art). 3D vertices are constructed by projecting the 2D vertices in a pair of views on the common line of the two views. The construction of 3D edges also does not require the addition of silhouette and tangential vertices and subsequently splitting edges in the views. The concepts of complete edges and n-tuples are introduced to obviate this need. Entities corresponding to the 3D edge in each view are first identified and the 3D edges are then constructed from the information available with the matching 2D edges. This allows the algorithm to handle conic sections that are not parallel to any of the viewing directions. The localization of effort in constructing 3D edges is the source of efficiency of the construction algorithm as it does not process all potential 3D edges. Working of the algorithm on typical drawings is illustrated. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Brehm and Kuhnel proved that if M-d is a combinatorial d-manifold with 3d/2 + 3 vertices and \ M-d \ is not homeomorphic to Sd then the combinatorial Morse number of M-d is three and hence d is an element of {0, 2, 4, 8, 16} and \ M-d \ is a manifold like a projective plane in the sense of Eells and Kuiper. We discuss the existence and uniqueness of such combinatorial manifolds. We also present the following result: ''Let M-n(d) be a combinatorial d-manifold with n vertices. M-n(d) satisfies complementarity if and only if d is an element of {0, 2, 4, 8, 16} with n = 3d/2 + 3 and \ M-n(d) \ is a manifold like a projective plane''.


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A detailed understanding of structure and stability of nanowires is critical for applications. Atomic resolution imaging of ultrathin single crystalline Au nanowires using aberration-corrected microscopy reveals an intriguing relaxation whereby the atoms in the close-packed atomic planes normal to the growth direction are displaced in the axial direction leading to wrinkling of the (111) atomic plane normal to the wire axis. First-principles calculations of the structure of such nanowires confirm this wrinkling phenomenon, whereby the close-packed planes relax to form saddle-like surfaces. Molecular dynamics studies of wires with varying diameters and different bounding surfaces point to the key role of surface stress on the relaxation process. Using continuum mechanics arguments, we show that the wrinkling arises due to anisotropy in the surface stresses and in the elastic response, along with the divergence of surface-induced bulk stress near the edges of a faceted structure. The observations provide new understanding on the equilibrium structure of nanoscale systems and could have important implications for applications in sensing and actuation.


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El patrón del desarrollo económico- social de Nicaragua está determinado en gran medida por los recursos naturales; suelo, agua, bosque y clima: la bibliografía indica que la distribución y cuantía de los recursos condicionan el desarrollo de las fuerzas productivas, hay más desarrollo económica y social en aquellas zonas donde se concentran los recursos naturales, específicamente donde la cantidad del entorno natural en términos de suelo y clima es superior. 2.- el territorio nacional, en cuanto a ambiente natural, es extremadamente inestable. Esto se deriva del hecho de tratarse de un territorio geomorfológicamente reciente (específicamente el pacifico) y las características edafológicas y del clima. La productividad de los ecosistemas se basa en un balance o equilibrio muy delicado. El clima es agresivo, la precipitación es abundante y muy desigualmente distribuida en el territorio y en el tiempo, lo que implica exceso de agua en una parte del año y sequía y vientos intensos y turbulentos por otra parte. El suelo, dada la presencia de materiales piro clásicos y sedimentos aluviales, presenta una alta susceptibilidad a la degradación, erosión (tanto hídrica como eólica), calificación, sellado superficial, extractos duros (talpetate), pie de agrado etc., principalmente en el pacifico y parte de la zona central. La cantidad del entorno físico, dado principalmente por el clima y la edafología, indican que la intervención del hombre en la naturaleza con miras a su aprovechamiento tiene que ajustarse a la capacidad y potencialidades de los recursos, La revisión de los antecedentes, al respecto, revelan que hay tato sobreutilización de los antecedentes, al respecto revelan que hay tanto sobreutilización como subutilización de los recursos suelo, aguas y bosque. Seguramente la situación presente es más grave de lo que aparenta ser a la luz de los antecedentes brindados por la bibliografía consultada, dada la carencia de información actualizada y simple ausencia de la información en muchos aspectos. El conocimiento de la aptitud y uso potencial recién se inicia, la infraestructura material, recurso humano y experiencia en matera de estudios básicos es aun débil y esta lejos de responder a las necesidades presentes a mediano y largo plazo. Las apreciaciones que se derivan del diagnóstico general de los recursos naturales, presentados en 2.. parecen confirmarse plenamente en los resultados de las encuestas que se realizan con el fin de auscultar en pensamiento de los profesionales relacionados directamente en el aprovechamientos y manejo de estos recursos, laborando a diferentes niveles jerárquicos en instituciones relacionadas tanto con la producción, la planificación, la investigación y la enseñanza. Mayoritariamente los profesionales opinan que: Existe una peligrosa tendencia con la degradación de los recursos, el aprovechamiento que se hace de estos es incipiente, que no existen en el país las capacidades humanas para hacer frente a este situación y que en la perspectiva del desarrollo agropecuario es necesaria la formación de un profesional orientado en este sentido. Estos planteamientos y el contenido del diagnóstico en general fueron respaldados por los puntos de vista de los participantes en el seminario taller: PERFIL DEL INGENIERO AGRONOMO ORIENTADO EN SUELOS Y AGUAS celebrado con el propósitos exclusivo de evaluar la necesidad de crear una orientación de suelo y aguas en el ISCA, como se puede verificar en las siguientes conclusiones del seminario. Proponer a las autoridades del ISCA, continúe con la elaboración de los documentos que conduzcan a la creación, para 1990, de la orientación de suelos y aguas dentro de la carrera de ingeniería Agronómica. No existe ninguna contraposición entre el perfil del ingeniero Agrónomo con orientación en suelos y aguas y otros perfiles existentes, por el contrario se complementan. Con base a estos antecedentes el ISCA ha formulado la propuesta de creación de la orientación de suelos y aguas y elevarla a consideración de las autoridades de la enseñanza superior: En los capítulos siguientes se presenta detalladamente los diversos componentes del modelo del profesional, del plan de estudios (debidamente) organizado en disciplinas y en bloques) y resumen de los programas de asignaturas, partiendo de una conceptualización general de cada uno de ellos.