989 resultados para Plane Fracture Problem


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For an anti-plane problem, the differential operator is self-adjoint and the corresponding eigenfunctions belong to the Hilbert space. The orthogonal property between eigenfunctions (or between the derivatives of eigenfunctions) of anti-plane problem is exploited. We developed for the first time two sets of radius-independent orthogonal integrals for extraction of stress intensity factors (SIFs), so any order SIF can be extracted based on a certain known solution of displacement (an analytic result or a numerical result). Many numerical examples based on the finite element method of lines (FEMOL) show that the present method is very powerful and efficient.


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In the present paper, it is shown that the zero series eigenfunctions of Reissner plate cracks/notches fracture problems are analogous to the eigenfunctions of anti-plane and in-plane. The singularity in the double series expression of plate problems only arises in zero series parts. In view of the relationship with eigen-values of anti-plane and in-plane problem, the solution of eigen-values for Reissner plates consists of two parts: anti-plane problem and in-plane problem. As a result the corresponding eigen-values or the corresponding eigen-value solving programs with respect to the anti-plane and in-plane problems can be employed and many aggressive SIF computed methods of plane problems can be employed in the plate. Based on those, the approximate relationship of SIFs between the plate and the plane fracture problems is figured out, and the effect relationship of the plate thickness on SIF is given.


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In this paper, fundamental equations of the plane strain problem based on the 3-dimensional plastic flow theory are presented for a perfectly-plastic solid The complete governing equations for the growing crack problem are developed. The formulae for determining the velocity field are derived.The asymptotic equation consists of the premise equation and the zero-order governing equation. It is proved that the Prandtl centered-fan sector satisfies asymptotic equation but does not meet the needs of hlgher-order governing equations.


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Topological optimization problems based on stress criteria are solved using two techniques in this paper. The first technique is the conventional Evolutionary Structural Optimization (ESO), which is known as hard kill, because the material is discretely removed; that is, the elements under low stress that are being inefficiently utilized have their constitutive matrix has suddenly reduced. The second technique, proposed in a previous paper, is a variant of the ESO procedure and is called Smooth ESO (SESO), which is based on the philosophy that if an element is not really necessary for the structure, its contribution to the structural stiffness will gradually diminish until it no longer influences the structure; its removal is thus performed smoothly. This procedure is known as "soft-kill"; that is, not all of the elements removed from the structure using the ESO criterion are discarded. Thus, the elements returned to the structure must provide a good conditioning system that will be resolved in the next iteration, and they are considered important to the optimization process. To evaluate elasticity problems numerically, finite element analysis is applied, but instead of using conventional quadrilateral finite elements, a plane-stress triangular finite element was implemented with high-order modes for solving complex geometric problems. A number of typical examples demonstrate that the proposed approach is effective for solving problems of bi-dimensional elasticity. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Semi-weight function method is developed to solve the plane problem of two bonded dissimilar materials containing a crack along the bond. From equilibrium equation, stress and strain relationship, conditions of continuity across interface and free crack surface, the stress and displacement fields were obtained. The eigenvalue of these fields is lambda. Semi-weight functions were obtained as virtual displacement and stress fields with eigenvalue-lambda. Integral expression of fracture parameters, K-I and K-II, were obtained from reciprocal work theorem with semi-weight functions and approximate displacement and stress values on any integral path around crack tip. The calculation results of applications show that the semi-weight function method is a simple, convenient and high precision calculation method.


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In the present paper, by use of the boundary integral equation method and the techniques of Green fundamental solution and singularity analysis, the dynamic infinite plane crack problem is investigated. For the first time, the problem is reduced to solving a system of mixed-typed integral equations in Laplace transform domain. The equations consist of ordinary boundary integral equations along the outer boundary and Cauchy singular integral equations along the crack line. The equations obtained are strictly proved to be equivalent with the dual integral equations obtained by Sih in the special case of dynamic Griffith crack problem. The mixed-type integral equations can be solved by combining the numerical method of singular integral equation with the ordinary boundary element method. Further use the numerical method for Laplace transform, several typical examples are calculated and their dynamic stress intensity factors are obtained. The results show that the method proposed is successful and can be used to solve more complicated problems.


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We consider the Dirichlet boundary value problem for the Helmholtz equation in a non-locally perturbed half-plane, this problem arising in electromagnetic scattering by one-dimensional rough, perfectly conducting surfaces. We propose a new boundary integral equation formulation for this problem, utilizing the Green's function for an impedance half-plane in place of the standard fundamental solution. We show, at least for surfaces not differing too much from the flat boundary, that the integral equation is uniquely solvable in the space of bounded and continuous functions, and hence that, for a variety of incident fields including an incident plane wave, the boundary value problem for the scattered field has a unique solution satisfying the limiting absorption principle. Finally, a result of continuous dependence of the solution on the boundary shape is obtained.


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The general time dependent source problem has been solved by the method of transforms (Laplace, Lebedev–Kontorovich in succession) and the solution is obtained in the form of an infinite series involving Legendre functions. The solutions in the case of harmonic time dependence and the incident plane wave have been derived from the above solution and are presented in the form of an infinite series. In the case of an incident plane wave, the series has been summed and the final solution involves an improper integral which behaves like a complementary error function for large values of the argument. Finally, the far field evaluation has been shown. The results are compared with those of Sommerfeld's half-plane diffraction problem with unmixed boundary conditions.


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In this paper, a constitutive model of elasticity coupled with damage suggested by Lemaitre et al, [1] is used. The macroscopic stress-strain response of the model includes two stages: strain hardening and strain softening. The basic equation is derived for the anti-plane shear problem. Several lowest order asymptotic solutions are obtained, and assembled for the crack-tip fields.


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This paper presents an asymptotic analysis of the near-tip stress and strain fields of a sharp V-notch in a power law hardening material. First, the asymptotic solutions of the HRR type are obtained for the plane stress problem under symmetric loading. It is found that the angular distribution function of the radial stress sigma(r) presents rapid variation with the polar angle if the notch angle beta is smaller than a critical notch angle; otherwise, there is no such phenomena. Secondly, the asymptotic solutions are developed for antisymmetric loading in the cases of plane strain and plane stress. The accurate calculation results and the detailed comparisons are given as well. All results show that the singular exponent s is changeable for various combinations of loading condition and plane problem.


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This paper is concerned with solving numerically the Dirichlet boundary value problem for Laplace’s equation in a nonlocally perturbed half-plane. This problem arises in the simulation of classical unsteady water wave problems. The starting point for the numerical scheme is the boundary integral equation reformulation of this problem as an integral equation of the second kind on the real line in Preston et al. (2008, J. Int. Equ. Appl., 20, 121–152). We present a Nystr¨om method for numerical solution of this integral equation and show stability and convergence, and we present and analyse a numerical scheme for computing the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map, i.e., for deducing the instantaneous fluid surface velocity from the velocity potential on the surface, a key computational step in unsteady water wave simulations. In particular, we show that our numerical schemes are superalgebraically convergent if the fluid surface is infinitely smooth. The theoretical results are illustrated by numerical experiments.


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Background: Several studies support the use of CT for diagnosing coronal fractures of the distal radius but the inter-observer reliability of these observations is less well studied. We tested the null hypothesis that radiographs alone and the combination of radiographs and two-dimensional computed tomography scans (2DCT) have the same inter-observer variation for the diagnosis of coronal articular fracture lines in the distal radius. Methods: Using a web-based survey, 63 surgeons were randomized to evaluate 16 fractures of the distal radius on radiographs alone or radiographs and 2DCT for the presence or absence of a coronal fracture line of the lunate facet and, if present, the stability of the fracture. The kappa multirater measure was calculated to estimate agreement between observers. Results: The inter-observer variation in diagnosis of a coronal fracture line was fair with both radiographs and 2DCT, as was the diagnosis of instability of the volar lunate facet fracture when present. Conclusion: Two-dimensional computed tomography does not improve observer agreement on the diagnosis of coronal plane articular fracture lines in the lunate facet of the distal radius. © 2012 American Association for Hand Surgery.


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Ablation is a thermal protection process with several applications in engineering, mainly in the field of airspace industry. The use of conventional materials must be quite restricted, because they would suffer catastrophic flaws due to thermal degradation of their structures. However, the same materials can be quite suitable once being protected by well-known ablative materials. The process that involves the ablative phenomena is complex, could involve the whole or partial loss of material that is sacrificed for absorption of energy. The analysis of the ablative process in a blunt body with revolution geometry will be made on the stagnation point area that can be simplified as a one-dimensional plane plate problem, hi this work the Generalized Integral Transform Technique (GITT) is employed for the solution of the non-linear system of coupled partial differential equations that model the phenomena. The solution of the problem is obtained by transforming the non-linear partial differential equation system to a system of coupled first order ordinary differential equations and then solving it by using well-established numerical routines. The results of interest such as the temperature field, the depth and the rate of removal of the ablative material are presented and compared with those ones available in the open literature.


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One of the common pathologies of brickwork masonry structural elements and walls is the cracking associated with the differential settlements and/or excessive deflections of the slabs along the life of the structure. The scarce capacity of the masonry in order to accompany the structural elements that surround it, such as floors, beams or foundations, in their movements makes the brickwork masonry to be an element that frequently presents this kind of problem. This problem is a fracture problem, where the wall is cracked under mixed mode fracture: tensile and shear stresses combination, under static loading. Consequently, it is necessary to advance in the simulation and prediction of brickwork masonry mechanical behaviour under tensile and shear loading. The quasi-brittle behaviour of the brickwork masonry can be studied using the cohesive crack model whose application to other quasibrittle materials like concrete has traditionally provided very satisfactory results.


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The effect of graphene oxide (GO) on the mechanical properties and the curing reaction of Diglycidyl Ether of Bisphenol A/F and Triethylenetetramine epoxy system was investigated. GO was prepared by oxidation of graphite flakes and characterized by spectroscopic and microscopic techniques. Epoxy nanocomposites were fabricated with different GO loading by solution mixing technique. It was found that incorporation of small amount of GO into the epoxy matrix significantly enhanced the mechanical properties of the epoxy. In particular, model I fracture toughness was increased by nearly 50% with the addition of 0.1 wt. % GO to epoxy. The toughening mechanism was understood by fractography analysis of the tested samples. The more irregular, coarse, and multi-plane fracture surfaces of the epoxy/GO nanocomposites were observed. This implies that the two-dimensional GO sheets effectively disturbed and deflected the crack propagation. At 0.5 wt. % GO, elastic modulus was ~35% greater than neat epoxy. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) results showed that GO addition moderately affect the glass transition temperature (Tg) of epoxy. The maximum decrease of Tg by ~7 oC was shown for the nanocomposite with 0.5 wt. % GO. DSC results further revealed that GO significantly hindered the cure reaction in the epoxy system.