985 resultados para Planar localized structures


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Localized planar patterns arise in many reaction-diffusion models. Most of the paradigm equations that have been studied so far are two-component models. While stationary localized structures are often found to be stable in such systems, travelling patterns either do not exist or are found to be unstable. In contrast, numerical simulations indicate that localized travelling structures can be stable in three-component systems. As a first step towards explaining this phenomenon, a planar singularly perturbed three-component reaction-diffusion system that arises in the context of gas-discharge systems is analysed in this paper. Using geometric singular perturbation theory, the existence and stability regions of radially symmetric stationary spot solutions are delineated and, in particular, stable spots are shown to exist in appropriate parameter regimes. This result opens up the possibility of identifying and analysing drift and Hopf bifurcations, and their criticality, from the stationary spots described here.


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In this article, we analyse bifurcations from stationary stable spots to travelling spots in a planar three-component FitzHugh-Nagumo system that was proposed previously as a phenomenological model of gas-discharge systems. By combining formal analyses, center-manifold reductions, and detailed numerical continuation studies, we show that, in the parameter regime under consideration, the stationary spot destabilizes either through its zeroth Fourier mode in a Hopf bifurcation or through its first Fourier mode in a pitchfork or drift bifurcation, whilst the remaining Fourier modes appear to create only secondary bifurcations. Pitchfork bifurcations result in travelling spots, and we derive criteria for the criticality of these bifurcations. Our main finding is that supercritical drift bifurcations, leading to stable travelling spots, arise in this model, which does not seem possible for its two-component version.


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In this work, the general framework in which fits our investigation is that of modeling the dynamics of dust grains therein dusty plasma (complex plasma) in the presence of electromagnetic fields. The generalized discrete complex Ginzburg-Landau equation (DCGLE) is thus obtained to model discrete dynamical structure in dusty plasma with Epstein friction. In the collisionless limit, the equation reduces to the modified discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation (MDNLSE). The modulational instability phenomenon is studied and we present the criterion of instability in both cases and it is shown that high values of damping extend the instability region. Equations thus obtained highlight the presence of soliton-like excitation in dusty plasma. We studied the generation of soliton in a dusty plasma taking in account the effects of interaction between dust grains and theirs neighbours. Numerical simulations are carried out to show the validity of analytical approach.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The geometric characterization of low-voltage dielectric electro-active polymer (EAP) structures, comprised of nanometer thickness but areas of square centimeters, for applications such as artificial sphincters requires methods with nanometer precision. Direct optical detection is usually restricted to sub-micrometer resolution because of the wavelength of the light applied. Therefore, we propose to take advantage of the cantilever bending system with optical readout revealing a sub-micrometer resolution at the deflection of the free end. It is demonstrated that this approach allows us to detect bending of rather conventional planar asymmetric, dielectric EAP-structures applying voltages well below 10 V. For this purpose, we built 100 μm-thin silicone films between 50 nm-thin silver layers on a 25 μm-thin polyetheretherketone (PEEK) substrate. The increase of the applied voltage in steps of 50 V until 1 kV resulted in a cantilever bending that exhibits only in restricted ranges the expected square dependence. The mean laser beam displacement on the detector corresponded to 6 nm per volt. The apparatus will therefore become a powerful mean to analyze and thereby improve low-voltage dielectric EAP-structures to realize nanometer-thin layers for stack actuators to be incorporated into artificial sphincter systems for treating severe urinary and fecal incontinence.


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This thesis presents a set of novel methods to biaxially package planar structures by folding and wrapping. The structure is divided into strips connected by folds that can slip during wrapping to accommodate material thickness. These packaging schemes are highly efficient, with theoretical packaging efficiencies approaching 100%. Packaging tests on meter-scale physical models have demonstrated packaging efficiencies of up to 83%. These methods avoid permanent deformation of the structure, allowing an initially flat structure to be deployed to a flat state.

Also presented are structural architectures and deployment schemes that are compatible with these packaging methods. These structural architectures use either in-plane pretension -- suitable for membrane structures -- or out-of-plane bending stiffness to resist loading. Physical models are constructed to realize these structural architectures. The deployment of these types of structures is shown to be controllable and repeatable by conducting experiments on lab-scale models.

These packaging methods, structural architectures, and deployment schemes are applicable to a variety of spacecraft structures such as solar power arrays, solar sails, antenna arrays, and drag sails; they have the potential to enable larger variants of these structures while reducing the packaging volume required. In this thesis, these methods are applied to the preliminary structural design of a space solar power satellite. This deployable spacecraft, measuring 60 m x 60 m, can be packaged into a cylinder measuring 1.5 m in height and 1 m in diameter. It can be deployed to a flat configuration, where it acts as a stiff lightweight support framework for multifunctional tiles that collect sunlight, generate electric power, and transmit it to a ground station on Earth.


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In the field of photonics, two new types of material structures, photonic crystals and metamaterials, are presently of great interest. Both are studied in the present work, which focus on planar magnetic materials in the former and planar gradient metamaterials in the latter. These planar periodic structures are easy to handle and integrate into optical systems. The applications are promising field for future optical telecommunication systems and give rise to new optical, microwave and radio technologies. The photonic crystal part emphasizes the utilization of magnetic material based photonic crystals due to its remarkable magneto-optical characteristics. Bandgaps tuning by magnetic field in bismuth-gadolinium-substituted lutetium iron garnet (Bi0.8 Gd0.2 Lu2.0 Fe5 O12) based one- dimensional photonic crystals are investigated and demonstrated in this work. Magnetic optical switches are fabricated and tested. Waveguide formulation for band structure in magneto photonic crystals is developed. We also for the first time demonstrate and test two- dimensional magneto photonic crystals optical. We observe multi-stopbands in two- dimensional photonic waveguide system and study the origin of multi-stopbands. The second part focus on studying photonic metamaterials and planar gradient photonic metamaterial design. We systematically study the effects of varying the geometry of the fishnet unit cell on the refractive index in optical frequency. It is the first time to design and demonstrate the planar gradient structure in the high optical frequency. Optical beam bending using planar gradient photonic metamaterials is observed. The technologies needed for the fabrication of the planar gradient photonic metamaterials are investigated. Beam steering devices, shifter, gradient optical lenses and etc. can be derived from this design.


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By using the algebraic locus of the coupler curve of a PRRP planar linkage, in this paper, a kinematic theory is developed for planar, radially foldable closed-loop linkages. This theory helps derive the previously invented building blocks, which consist of only two inter-connected angulated elements, for planar foldable structures. Furthermore, a special case of a circumferentially actuatable foldable linkage (which is different from the previously known cases) is derived from the theory, A quantitative description of some known and some new properties of planar foldable linkages, including the extent of foldability, shape-preservation of the interior polygons, multi-segmented assemblies and heterogeneous circumferential arrangemants, is also presented. The design equations derived here make the conception of even complex planar radially foldable linkages systematic and straightforward. Representative examples are presented to illustrate the usage of the design equations and the construction of prototypes. The current limitations and some possible extensions of the theory are also noted. (c) 2007, Elsevier Ltd. All ri-hts reserved.


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The three-component reaction-diffusion system introduced in [C. P. Schenk et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 78 (1997), pp. 3781–3784] has become a paradigm model in pattern formation. It exhibits a rich variety of dynamics of fronts, pulses, and spots. The front and pulse interactions range in type from weak, in which the localized structures interact only through their exponentially small tails, to strong interactions, in which they annihilate or collide and in which all components are far from equilibrium in the domains between the localized structures. Intermediate to these two extremes sits the semistrong interaction regime, in which the activator component of the front is near equilibrium in the intervals between adjacent fronts but both inhibitor components are far from equilibrium there, and hence their concentration profiles drive the front evolution. In this paper, we focus on dynamically evolving N-front solutions in the semistrong regime. The primary result is use of a renormalization group method to rigorously derive the system of N coupled ODEs that governs the positions of the fronts. The operators associated with the linearization about the N-front solutions have N small eigenvalues, and the N-front solutions may be decomposed into a component in the space spanned by the associated eigenfunctions and a component projected onto the complement of this space. This decomposition is carried out iteratively at a sequence of times. The former projections yield the ODEs for the front positions, while the latter projections are associated with remainders that we show stay small in a suitable norm during each iteration of the renormalization group method. Our results also help extend the application of the renormalization group method from the weak interaction regime for which it was initially developed to the semistrong interaction regime. The second set of results that we present is a detailed analysis of this system of ODEs, providing a classification of the possible front interactions in the cases of $N=1,2,3,4$, as well as how front solutions interact with the stationary pulse solutions studied earlier in [A. Doelman, P. van Heijster, and T. J. Kaper, J. Dynam. Differential Equations, 21 (2009), pp. 73–115; P. van Heijster, A. Doelman, and T. J. Kaper, Phys. D, 237 (2008), pp. 3335–3368]. Moreover, we present some results on the general case of N-front interactions.


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The rectangular dielectric waveguide is the most commonly used structure in integrated optics, especially in semi-conductor diode lasers. Demands for new applications such as high-speed data backplanes in integrated electronics, waveguide filters, optical multiplexers and optical switches are driving technology toward better materials and processing techniques for planar waveguide structures. The infinite slab and circular waveguides that we know are not practical for use on a substrate because the slab waveguide has no lateral confinement and the circular fiber is not compatible with the planar processing technology being used to make planar structures. The rectangular waveguide is the natural structure. In this review, we have discussed several analytical methods for analyzing the mode structure of rectangular structures, beginning with a wave analysis based on the pioneering work of Marcatili. We study three basic techniques with examples to compare their performance levels. These are the analytical approach developed by Marcatili, the perturbation techniques, which improve on the analytical solutions and the effective index method with examples.


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The potential energy surfaces of both neutral and dianionic SnC(2)P(2)R(2) (R=H, tBu) ring systems have been explored at the B3PW91/LANL2DZ (Sn) and 6-311 + G* (other atoms) level. In the neutral isomers the global minimum is a nido structure in which a 1,2-diphosphocyclobutadiene ring (1,2-DPCB) is capped by the Sn. Interestingly, the structure established by Xray diffraction analysis, for R=tBu, is a 1,3-DPCB ring capped by Sn and it is 2.4 kcal mol(-1) higher in energy than the 1,2-DPCB ring isomer. This is possibly related to the kinetic stability of the 1,3-DPCB ring, which might originate from the synthetic precursor ZrCp(2)tBu(2)C(2)P(2). In the case of the dianionic isomers we observe only a 6 pi-electron aromatic structure as the global minimum, similarly to the cases of our previously reported results with other types of heterodiphospholes.([1,4,19]) The existence of large numbers of cluster-type isomers in neutral and 6 pi-planar structures in the dianions SnC(2)P(2)R(2)(2-) (R=H, tBu) is due to 3D aromaticity in neutral clusters and to 2D pi aromaticity of the dianionic rings. Relative energies of positional isomers mainly depend on: 1) the valency and coordination number of the Sn centre, 2) individual bond strengths, and 3) the steric effect of tBu groups. A comparison of neutral stannadiphospholes with other structurally related C(5)H(5)(+) analogues indicates that Sn might be a better isolobal analogue to P(+) than to BH or CH(+). The variation in global minima in these C(5)H(5)(+) analogues is due to characteristic features such as 1) the different valencies of C, B, P and Sn, 2) the electron deficiency of B, 3) weaker p pi-p pi bonding by P and Sn atoms, and 4) the tendency of electropositive elements to donate electrons to nido clusters. Unlike the C5H5+ systems, all C(5)H(5)(-) analogues have 6 pi-planar aromatic structures as global minima. The differences in the relative ordering of the positional isomers and ligating properties are significant and depend on 1) the nature of the pi orbitals involved, and 2) effective overlap of orbitals.


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A 40-Gb/s monolithically integrated transmitter containing an InGaAsP multiple-quantum-well electroabsorption modulator (EAM) with lumped electrode and a distributed-feedback semiconductor laser is demonstrated. Superior characteristics are exhibited for the device, such as low threshold current of 20 mA, over 40-dB sidemode suppression ratio at 1550 nm, and more than 30-dB dc extinction ratio when coupled into a single-mode fiber. By adopting a deep ridge waveguide and planar electrode structures combined with buried benzocyclobutene, the capacitance of the EAM is reduced to 0.18 pF and the small-signal modulation bandwidth exceeds 33 GHz. Negative chirp operation is also realized when the bias voltage is beyond 1.6 V.


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There are several factors which make the investigation and understanding of nanoscale ferroelectrics particularly timely and important. Firstly, there is a market pressure, primarily from the electronics industry, to integrate ferroelectrics into devices with progressive decreases in size and increases in morphological complexity. This is perhaps best illustrated through the roadmaps for product development in FeRAM (Ferroelectric Randorn Access Memory) where the need for increases in bit density will require a move from 2D planar capacitor structures to 3D trenched capacitors in the next few years. Secondly, there is opportunity for novel exploration, as it is only relatively recently that developments in thin film growth of complex oxides, self-assembly techniques and high-resolution 'top-down' patterning have converged to allow the fabrication of isolated and well-defined ferroelectric nanoshapes, the properties of which are not known. Thirdly, there is an expectation that the behaviour of small scale ferroelectrics will be different from bulk, as this group of functional materials is highly sensitive to boundary/surface conditions, which are expected to dominate the overall response when sizes are reduced into the nanoscale regime. This feature article attempts to introduce some of the current areas of discovery and debate surrounding studies on ferroelectrics at the nanoscale. The focus is directed primarily at the search for novel size-related properties and behaviour which are not necessarily observed in bulk.


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Accounting for the lattice discreteness and the sheath electric field nonlinearity in dusty plasma crystals, it is demonstrated that highly localized structures (discrete breathers) involving vertical (transverse, off-plane) oscillations of charged dust grains may exist in a dust lattice. These structures correspond to either extremely localized bright breather excitations (pulses) or dark excitations composed of dips/voids. Explicit criteria for selecting different breather modes are presented. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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The nonlinear coupling between the Alfven-Rao (AR) and dust-Alfven (DA) modes in a uniform magnetized dusty plasma is considered. For this purpose, multi- fluid equations (composed of the continuity and momentum equations), the laws of Faraday and Ampere and the quasi-neutrality condition are adopted to derive a set of equations, which show how the fields of the modes are nonlinearly coupled. The equations are then used to investigate decay and modulational instabilities in magnetized dusty plasmas. Stationary nonlinear solutions of the coupled AR and DA equations are presented. The relevance of the investigation to nonlinear phenomena (instabilities and localized structures) in interstellar molecular clouds is also discussed.