972 resultados para Place reinvention : northern perspectives
The study of citizenship has increasingly focused on the ways in which spatialized understandings of the concept can be used to marginalise and exclude social groups: exclusive constructions of national boundaries, local neighbourhoods and public spaces can deny marginalised groups their social and political rights. Less attention has been paid to how constructions of place can accommodate different groups’ rights and promote peaceful coexistence. This is particularly important in locations where migration disrupts existing understandings (‘lay theories’) of the relationship between residency, identity and collective rights. The present research examines how spatialized understandings of citizenship shape perceptions of intergroup mixing in previously segregated areas of a post-conflict society. Critical Discursive Social Psychological (CDSP) analysis of 30 interviews with long-term residents and recent migrants to increasingly mixed areas of Belfast shows that, while all pa
rticipants acknowledged Northern Ireland’s territorialisation, different lay theories of citizenship underpin the possibility and desirability of intergroup coexistence. Long-term residents drew upon understandings of the negative citizenry of the outgroup to argue against the possibility of peaceful coexistence within their locale, while recent incomers gave evidence of their own experiences of good citizenship within the shared spaces of neighbourhood to demonstrate that this could and should be achieved. The implications of lay theories of citizenship for the study of residential migration and mixing are discussed
As of 2011 there were over 50,000 migrants, who speak a language other than English or Irish at home, residing in Northern Ireland. Many of these individuals do not possess adequate levels of English language proficiency in order to access services. Research funded by the Northern Ireland Inclusion and Diversity Service was conducted to determine the home-school connections of culturally and linguistically diverse families in Northern Ireland. It revealed that there are a wide variety of ways that translation and interpretation services are offered for families not fluent in English within the school settings. Drawing upon the findings from the research in Northern Ireland, this presentation provides an overview of the types of translation and interpretation taking place in Northern Ireland; the advantages and disadvantages of each; and recommendations for agencies utilizing both formal and informal translation and interpretation. The presentation also includes references to work in this area in other contexts, as well as specific guidelines for agencies using both formal and informal translation and interpretation. These guidelines help ensure that the translations are conducted in a professional manner for all agencies providing services.
Discussing urban planning requires rethinking sustainability in cities and building healthy environments. Historically, some aspects of advancing the urban way of life have not been considered important in city planning. This is particularly the case where technological advances have led to conflicting land use, as with the installation of power poles and building electrical substations near residential areas. This research aims to discuss and rethink sustainability in cities, focusing on the environmental impact of low-frequency noise and electromagnetic radiation on human health. It presents data from a case study in an urban space in northern Portugal, and focuses on four guiding questions: Can power poles and power lines cause noise? Do power poles and power lines cause discomfort? Do power poles and power lines cause discomfort due to noise? Can power poles and power lines affect human health? To answer these questions, we undertook research between 2014 and 2015 that was comprised of two approaches. The first approach consisted of evaluating the noise of nine points divided into two groups â near the sourceâ (e.g., up to 50 m from power poles) and â away from the sourceâ (e.g., more than 250 m away from the source). In the second approach, noise levels were measured for 72 h in houses located up to 20 m from the source. The groups consist of residents living within the distance range specified for each group. The measurement values were compared with the proposed criteria for assessing low-frequency noise using the DEFRA Guidance (University of Salford). In the first approach, the noise caused discomfort, regardless of the group. In the second approach, the noise had fluctuating characteristics, which led us to conclude that the noise caused discomfort.
Résumé de la thèse L'évolution des systèmes policiers donne une place prépondérante à l'information et au renseignement. Cette transformation implique de développer et de maintenir un ensemble de processus permanent d'analyse de la criminalité, en particulier pour traiter des événements répétitifs ou graves. Dans une organisation aux ressources limitées, le temps consacré au recueil des données, à leur codification et intégration, diminue le temps disponible pour l'analyse et la diffusion de renseignements. Les phases de collecte et d'intégration restent néanmoins indispensables, l'analyse n'étant pas possible sur des données volumineuses n'ayant aucune structure. Jusqu'à présent, ces problématiques d'analyse ont été abordées par des approches essentiellement spécialisées (calculs de hot-sports, data mining, ...) ou dirigées par un seul axe (par exemple, les sciences comportementales). Cette recherche s'inscrit sous un angle différent, une démarche interdisciplinaire a été adoptée. L'augmentation continuelle de la quantité de données à analyser tend à diminuer la capacité d'analyse des informations à disposition. Un bon découpage (classification) des problèmes rencontrés permet de délimiter les analyses sur des données pertinentes. Ces classes sont essentielles pour structurer la mémoire du système d'analyse. Les statistiques policières de la criminalité devraient déjà avoir répondu à ces questions de découpage de la délinquance (classification juridique). Cette décomposition a été comparée aux besoins d'un système de suivi permanent dans la criminalité. La recherche confirme que nos efforts pour comprendre la nature et la répartition du crime se butent à un obstacle, à savoir que la définition juridique des formes de criminalité n'est pas adaptée à son analyse, à son étude. Depuis près de vingt ans, les corps de police de Suisse romande utilisent et développent un système de classification basé sur l'expérience policière (découpage par phénomène). Cette recherche propose d'interpréter ce système dans le cadre des approches situationnelles (approche théorique) et de le confronter aux données « statistiques » disponibles pour vérifier sa capacité à distinguer les formes de criminalité. La recherche se limite aux cambriolages d'habitations, un délit répétitif fréquent. La théorie des opportunités soutien qu'il faut réunir dans le temps et dans l'espace au minimum les trois facteurs suivants : un délinquant potentiel, une cible intéressante et l'absence de gardien capable de prévenir ou d'empêcher le passage à l'acte. Ainsi, le délit n'est possible que dans certaines circonstances, c'est-à-dire dans un contexte bien précis. Identifier ces contextes permet catégoriser la criminalité. Chaque cas est unique, mais un groupe de cas montre des similitudes. Par exemple, certaines conditions avec certains environnements attirent certains types de cambrioleurs. Deux hypothèses ont été testées. La première est que les cambriolages d'habitations ne se répartissent pas uniformément dans les classes formées par des « paramètres situationnels » ; la deuxième que des niches apparaissent en recoupant les différents paramètres et qu'elles correspondent à la classification mise en place par la coordination judiciaire vaudoise et le CICOP. La base de données vaudoise des cambriolages enregistrés entre 1997 et 2006 par la police a été utilisée (25'369 cas). Des situations spécifiques ont été mises en évidence, elles correspondent aux classes définies empiriquement. Dans une deuxième phase, le lien entre une situation spécifique et d'activité d'un auteur au sein d'une même situation a été vérifié. Les observations réalisées dans cette recherche indiquent que les auteurs de cambriolages sont actifs dans des niches. Plusieurs auteurs sériels ont commis des délits qui ne sont pas dans leur niche, mais le nombre de ces infractions est faible par rapport au nombre de cas commis dans la niche. Un système de classification qui correspond à des réalités criminelles permet de décomposer les événements et de mettre en place un système d'alerte et de suivi « intelligent ». Une nouvelle série dans un phénomène sera détectée par une augmentation du nombre de cas de ce phénomène, en particulier dans une région et à une période donnée. Cette nouvelle série, mélangée parmi l'ensemble des délits, ne serait pas forcément détectable, en particulier si elle se déplace. Finalement, la coopération entre les structures de renseignement criminel opérationnel en Suisse romande a été améliorée par le développement d'une plateforme d'information commune et le système de classification y a été entièrement intégré.
The Belfast Health Development Unit (BHDU) was established as a Ministerial priority in March 2010, co-locating staff from The Public Health Agency (PHA), Belfast Health and Social Care Trust (BHSCT) and Belfast City Council (BCC). One of the strategic priorities for the BHDU is: an integrated approach to planning and delivery of services for older people in the city.The PHA and the BHDU had identified a need to examine the extent of substance misuse issues within the older population of the city of Belfast and to explore early intervention programmes targeting this population. It is envisioned that this piece of work will inform and support the Belfast Healthy Ageing Strategic Partnership on older people and its multi-sectoral action plan and will influence the work and priorities of the Belfast Strategic Partnership and its constituent stakeholders in taking drug and alcohol work forward in Belfast.The aim of this research was to review knowledge, awareness and evidence of the impact of substance misuse on the older population (aged 55+) and to review good practice in reducing substance related harm within this population which has been done by undertaking a review of available research, data and information sources. However, the main focus of the research involved consulting with a broad range of community and voluntary sector organisations working in the Belfast area to assess their views and perceptions of the prevalence and extent of substance misuse within the older population and the services currently in place to address this issue.�
Ce travail vise à exposer le courant de la psychologie positive et à présenter une tentative d'articulation entre ce courant et le champ de la pratique psychothérapeutique. Nous présenterons, dans un premier temps, les fondements de la psychologie positive et les axes principaux qui la constituent. Dans cette perspective, la théorie des émotions positives de Fredrickson et la classification des vertus et des forces de caractères de Peterson et Seligman sont exposées plus en détails. Dans un second temps et à partir des travaux récents, deux facçons d'établir un pont entre psychologie positive et la psychothérapie sont discutées : (i) le développement de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques issues de la psychologie positive et (ii) une relecture des principaux modèles psychothérapeutiques au regard de la psychologie positive. / This article aims to present the field of positive psychology and the way it could be integrated in the area of psychotherapy. First, the historical grounding and the main contributions of positive psychology are presented. In this perspective, the Fredrickson's theory of positive emotions and the Peterson's classification of character strengths and virtues are particularly detailed. Secondly, based on recent research, two ways to link positive psychology to clinical practice emerged: (i) the development of new therapeutic strategies anchored in the positive psychology, and (ii) a critical look at different psychotherapeutic modalities based on positive psychology.
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 153
The aim of this paper is to explore the use of both an Eulerian and system-centered method of storm track diagnosis applied to a wide range of meteorological fields at multiple levels to provide a range of perspectives on the Northern Hemisphere winter transient motions and to give new insight into the storm track organization and behavior. The data used are primarily from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts reanalyses project extended with operational analyses to the period 1979-2000. This is supplemented by data from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction and Goddard Earth Observing System 1 reanalyses. The range of fields explored include the usual mean sea level pressure and the lower- and upper-tropospheric height, meridional wind, vorticity, and temperature, as well as the potential vorticity (PV) on a 330-K isentropic surface (PV330) and potential temperature on a PV = 2 PVU surface (theta(PV2)). As well as reporting the primary analysis based on feature tracking, the standard Eulerian 2-6-day bandpass filtered variance analysis is also reported and contrasted with the tracking diagnostics. To enable the feature points to be identified as extrema for all the chosen fields, a planetary wave background structure is removed at each data time. The bandpass filtered variance derived from the different fields yield a rich picture of the nature and comparative magnitudes of the North Pacific and Atlantic storm tracks, and of the Siberian and Mediterranean candidates for storm tracks. The feature tracking allows the cyclonic and anticyclonic activities to be considered seperately. The analysis indicates that anticyclonic features are generally much weaker with less coherence than the cyclonic systems. Cyclones and features associated with them are shown to have much greater coherence and give tracking diagnostics that create a vivid storm track picture that includes the aspects highlighted by the variances as well as highlighting aspects that are not readily available from Eulerian studies. In particular, the upper-tropospheric features as shown by negative theta(PV2), for example, occur in a band spiraling around the hemisphere from the subtropical North Atlantic eastward to the high latitudes of the same ocean basin. Lower-troposphere storm tracks occupy more limited longitudinal sectors, with many of the individual storms possibly triggered from the upper-tropospheric disturbances in the spiral band of activity.
This article critically explores the nature and purpose of relationships and inter-dependencies between stakeholders in the context of a parastatal chromite mining company in the Betsiboka Region of Northern Madagascar. An examination of the institutional arrangements at the interface between the mining company and local communities identified power hierarchies and dependencies in the context of a dominant paternalistic environment. The interactions, inter alia, limited social cohesion and intensified the fragility and weakness of community representation, which was further influenced by ethnic hierarchies between the varied community groups; namely, indigenous communities and migrants to the area from different ethnic groups. Moreover, dependencies and nepotism, which may exist at all institutional levels, can create civil society stakeholder representatives who are unrepresentative of the society they are intended to represent. Similarly, a lack of horizontal and vertical trust and reciprocity inherent in Malagasy society engenders a culture of low expectations regarding transparency and accountability, which further catalyses a cycle of nepotism and elite rent-seeking behaviour. On the other hand, leaders retain power with minimal vertical delegation or decentralisation of authority among levels of government and limit opportunities to benefit the elite, perpetuating rent-seeking behaviour within the privileged minority. Within the union movement, pluralism and the associated politicisation of individual unions restricts solidarity, which impacts on the movement’s capacity to act as a cohesive body of opinion and opposition. Nevertheless, the unions’ drive to improve their social capital has increased expectations of transparency and accountability, resulting in demands for greater engagement in decision-making processes.
The complexity of learning implies that learning seldom is about just one thing. It can be said that learning processes are interdisciplinary. Within educational contexts, learning is not limited to constructed school subjects. In drama education, learning is simultaneously about drama as aesthetic expression and content because drama always is about something. The mainly focus can be on form, content or social aspects. The different aspects are always present, but may be more or less foreground or the background depending on the purpose of education. How do development concerning understanding of form, content, and social interaction, interact in a learning process in drama? My research is based on the view that learning at the same time takes place as an individual, internal process and a socially situated, inter-subjective process. Can learning in drama imply learning that can be transferred between different situations, a transformative learning and if so, how? Transformative learning includes cognitive, affective and corporal and social action aspects and means that the individual's frames of reference are transformed, evolved, to become more insightful and flexible which implies a change of personality. It leads to an integrated knowledge that can be applied in different contexts. In the paper that will be presented at the conference, theories about how we learn in drama will be discussed in relation to my empirical research concerning drama and learning.
Despite the rapid agricultural transition that has occurred in the past decade, shifting cultivation remains a widespread agricultural practice in the northern uplands of Lao PDR. Little information is available on the basic socio-economic situation and respective possible patterns in shifting cultivation landscapes on a regional level. On the basis of a recent approximation of the extent of shifting cultivation landscapes for two time periods and disaggregated village level census data, this paper characterizes these landscapes in terms of key socioeconomic parameters for the whole of northern Laos. Results showed that over 550,000 people live in shifting cultivation regions. The poverty rate of this population of 46.5 % is considerably higher than the national rural rate. Most shifting cultivation landscapes are located in remote locations and a high share of the population comprises ethnic minorities, pointing to multi-dimensional marginality of these areas. We discuss whether economic growth and increased market accessibility are sufficient to lift these landscapes out of poverty.