343 resultados para Pittosporum undulatum
Dissertação de Mestrado em Ambiente, Saúde e Segurança.
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate historical change of the landscape of Madeira Island and to assess spatial and temporal vegetation dynamics. In current research diverse “retrospective techniques”, such as landscape repeat photography, dendrochronology, and research of historical records were used. These, combined with vegetation relevés, aimed to gather information about landscape change, disturbance history, and vegetation successional patterns. It was found that landscape change, throughout 125 years, was higher in the last five decades manly driven by farming abandonment, building growth and exotic vegetation coverage increase. Pristine vegetation was greatly destroyed since early settlement and by the end of the nineteenth century native vegetation was highly devastated due to recurrent antropogenic disturbances. These actions also helped to block plant succession and to modify floristical assemblages, affecting as well as species richness. In places with less hemeroby, although significant growth of vegetation of lower seral stages was detected, the vegetation of most mature stages headed towards unbalance between recovery and loss, being also very vulnerable to exotic species encroachment. Recovery by native vegetation also occurred in areas formerly occupied by exotic plants and agriculture but it was almost negligible. Vegetation recovery followed the successional model currently proposed, attesting the model itself. Yet, succession was slower than espected, due to lack of favourable conditions and to recurrent disturbances. Probable tempus of each seral stage was obtained by growth rates of woody taxa estimated through dendrochronology. The exotic trees which were the dominant trees in the past (Castanea sativa and Pinus pinaster) almost vanished. Eucalyptus globulus, the current main tree of the exotic forest is being replaced by other cover types as Acacia mearnsii. The latter, along with Arundo donax, Cytisus scoparius and Pittosporum undulatum are currently the exotic species with higher invasive behaviour. However, many other exotic species have also proved to be highly pervasive and came together with the ones referred above to prevent native vegetation regeneration, to diminish biological diversity, and to block early successional phases delaying native forest recovery.
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate historical change of the landscape of Madeira Island and to assess spatial and temporal vegetation dynamics. In current research diverse “retrospective techniques”, such as landscape repeat photography, dendrochronology, and research of historical records were used. These, combined with vegetation relevés, aimed to gather information about landscape change, disturbance history, and vegetation successional patterns. It was found that landscape change, throughout 125 years, was higher in the last five decades manly driven by farming abandonment, building growth and exotic vegetation coverage increase. Pristine vegetation was greatly destroyed since early settlement and by the end of the nineteenth century native vegetation was highly devastated due to recurrent antropogenic disturbances. These actions also helped to block plant succession and to modify floristical assemblages, affecting as well as species richness. In places with less hemeroby, although significant growth of vegetation of lower seral stages was detected, the vegetation of most mature stages headed towards unbalance between recovery and loss, being also very vulnerable to exotic species encroachment. Recovery by native vegetation also occurred in areas formerly occupied by exotic plants and agriculture but it was almost negligible. Vegetation recovery followed the successional model currently proposed, attesting the model itself. Yet, succession was slower than espected, due to lack of favourable conditions and to recurrent disturbances. Probable tempus of each seral stage was obtained by growth rates of woody taxa estimated through dendrochronology. The exotic trees which were the dominant trees in the past (Castanea sativa and Pinus pinaster) almost vanished. Eucalyptus globulus, the current main tree of the exotic forest is being replaced by other cover types as Acacia mearnsii. The latter, along with Arundo donax, Cytisus scoparius and Pittosporum undulatum are currently the exotic species with higher invasive behaviour. However, many other exotic species have also proved to be highly pervasive and came together with the ones referred above to prevent native vegetation regeneration, to diminish biological diversity, and to block early successional phases delaying native forest recovery.
Petroglossum undulatum Schneider
本文报道了Callospermarion在中国山西太原晚石炭世煤核中的首次发现。经过研究,确立了一个新种Callospermarion sinicum sp.nov,另一种Callospermarion sp,并与该属的另外两个种C. pusillum和C. undulatum进行比较。Callospermarion为古生代种子蕨种子,胚珠椭圆形,两侧对称,三层珠被,珠心除在合点处与珠被聚合形成薄壁区外其余部分不与珠被聚合,一般称之游离于珠被。Callospermarion种子着生于Callistophyton的植物营养体上。文中还讨论了该种子蕨的特殊性,以及与其它种子蕨植物的关系和其它裸子植物的关系。
本文报道了在中国山西太原晚石炭世煤核中发现的两种不同类型种子:小类心籽(新命名)Nucellangium minor nom. nov. 和波缘靓籽(比较种)Callospermarion cf. undulatum, 它们分别属于心籽目(Cardiocarpales)的类心籽属(Nucellangium)和靓籽属(Callospermarion)。 小类心籽为科达类植物种子,两侧对称,厚心形,主切面长约4-6mm,宽3-4mm,次切面厚约2.5-3.0mm。成熟种子的珠被由肉质层、硬质层组成,内表层由7-10层大型薄壁细胞组成,只存在于未成熟种子。肉质层外有一角质层和表皮层,肉质层分为两个亚层;外层细胞扁长,有深色内含物,内层无内含物,由薄壁细胞组成,越往内越小,硬质层外缘光滑无刺突,分为两个纤维细胞亚层,外层细胞壁厚直径小,内层细胞直径增大细胞壁变薄,沿纵切方向伸长。珠心除基部外游离于珠被。双维管系统由分布在肉质层的珠被维管束和呈套状分布的珠心维管束组成,组成珠心维管束的管胞为梯纹状加厚。文章对类心籽属的特征作了修正,并以小类心籽的形态、大小和珠被结构等特征为依据,就它的个体发育进行了探讨,证明晚出同名的小心籽(Cardiocarpus minor Wang 1987)为当前小类心籽个体发育的早期阶段。 波缘靓籽(比较种)(Callospermarion cf. undulatum)为靓羊齿植物(Callistophytales)种子,两侧对称,三层珠被,肉质层占据珠被的大部分,有分泌腔分布,肉质层外缘呈波缘状。珠心除了在基部外,游离于珠被。维管束分布在翼部肉质层内侧。首次在太原的靓籽属种子中发现了具有重要意义的特征性结构——分泌腔。还就山西太原发现的波缘靓籽所代表的个体发育阶段进行了讨论。 文中还分别讨论了这两类种子各自的亲缘关系。
三峡库区一些污染严重的工业企业是当地主要的点源污染源,对周围植物群落产生了巨大危害,而植物是生态系统赖以存在的基础,它的生长发育直接影响到生态系统的结构及其正常功能的实现。本研究按照与点源污染源的距离为梯度,通过在三峡库区兴山县白沙河磷化工厂周围布设了32个植物群落固定样地,并以点源污染无法影响到的植物群落为对照,进行样地的野外群落学调查;在每个样地取不同种植物叶片100克左右和样地0~20cm土壤500克,以石灰滤纸法同步进行大气氟化物的取样。样品带回室内应用氟离子选择电极法,测定大气氟化物含量、植物叶片氟的累积量和土壤水溶性氟的含量。同时在野外调查时使用PAM2100叶绿素荧光仪测定植物最大光化学效率即Fv/Fm的值。通过野外调查试验和相关的室内分析,研究了(1):点源污染对三峡库区陆生植物群落组成和物种多样性的影响;(2):点源污染中的主要污染物对植物及土壤环境的影响;(3):不同物种叶片最大光化学效率Fv/Fm对污染胁迫响应的差异。结果如下: 点源污染对植物群落物种丰富度以及Pielou均匀度指数均有不同程度的影响,对于群落结构相对简单的马尾松林和柏木林的不利影响更为显著。相对于污染区来说,对照区中物种重要值的集中程度有所下降。许多物种的重要值在污染区与对照区有明显的变化。马尾松(Pinus massoniana)、檵木(Loropetalum chinense )、铁仔(Myrsine africana)、卷柏(Selaginella tamariscina )等对照区重要值较污染区为高,黄檀(Dalbergia hupeana )、菱叶海桐(Pittosporum truncatum)、君迁子(Diospyros lotus)等污染区的重要值较对照区为高。群落中有些物种比如柏木(Cupressus funebris)的天然更新也受到污染的影响。 污染区土壤pH值大多低于对照区,但是与离污染源距离的相关性不强。污染区有些物种比如马尾松、柏木等叶片中的全氟含量与大气中氟化物的含量和土壤水溶性氟含量明显正相关。但是另外有些物种氟的累积量受点源污染的影响不显著,比如菱叶海桐、翅柃(Eurya alata)等在污染严重的样地内生存状况仍然很好。 在距离点源污染近的样地内,大多数物种的最大光化学效率Fv/Fm的值显著下降。栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis)、马尾松和柏木等的Fv/Fm值与距污染源的距离呈明显的正相关,都是随着离污染源越来越近而逐渐降低。根据污染区相对对照区Fv/Fm值下降幅度的不同,把植物划分为三种类型:对污染敏感型如柏木、铁仔、檵木等,中等敏感型如油桐(Vernicia fordii)、香叶树(Lindera communis)和不敏感型如山胡椒(Lindera glauca)和 蝴蝶花(Iris japonica)等。
The relationships of eight moss species of Dicranum in 31 sites in main ecological systems in the Changbai Mountain with environmental factors were studied by canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The results showed that altitude, soil sand percentage, water percentage, acidity and canopy density were important environmental factors influencing the distribution of the species of Dicranum . The relationships between Dicranum elongatum Schleich. ex Schwaegr ., D.groenlandicum Brid. and altitude,between D.japonicum Mitt., D.scoparium Hedw. and canopy density,between D.polysetum Sw., D. undulatum Schrad. ex Brid. and soil acidity and water percentage,were positively correlative. The niche overlaps among the eight species of Dicranum were calculated. The minimal spanning tree of the eight species on the two-dimensional scatter plot were also drawn based on their niche overlaps, which clearly revealed the ecological similarities of eight species.
Se ha realizado la revisión de ejemplares de Plagiomnium T. Kop., en la Península Ibérica, registrados en los Herbarios de España, Portugal y Francia, así como en algunas colecciones privadas. Siete taxones de Plagiomnium están representados en España: P. affine, P. cuspidatum, P. elatum, P. ellipticum, P. medium subsp. medium, P. rostratum y P. undulatum, y en Portugal cuatro taxones: P. affine, P. medium subsp. mediurn, P. rostratum y P. undulatum. En Mallorca (Illes Balears), queda excluido P. cuspidatum y P. elatum es nuevo para estas islas. P. undulatum, P. affine y P. rostratum son las especies más comunes en los bosques y zonas montañosas de la Península; P. cuspidatum y P. elatum son frecuentes en la mitad septentrional de España, siendo muy escasos en la parte meridional; los más raros son: P. ellipticum y P. medium subsp. medium, que están restringidos a los hábitats mesofíticos, suelos oligotrofos y húmedos de Pirineos, Cordillera Cantábrica y el piso supra-oromediterráneo de los Montes de Cataluña, Sistema Ibérico septentrional (Macizo de La Demanda) y Sistema Central. Se aportan fotografías de las esporas al SEM de P. affine, P. medium subsp. medium, P. rostratum y P. undulatum así como los mapas de distribución de cada taxon.
En esta nota se estudian la ecología y corologia en España de tres especies de musgos nuevas para el Levante español. Una de ellas, Atrichum undulatum (Hedw.) P. Beauv., abundante en las montañas de la península pobres en bases, con rocas del tipo: areniscas, silíceas, granitos, etc. De las otras dos especies, Neckera besseri (Lob.) Jur. y Dichodontium pellucidum (Hedw.) Schimp. var. propagulifera (Corr.) Cas. Gil, se aportan nuevas localidades, ampliando así su área de distribución hacia el sur.
La biomasa planctónica en promedio fue 0,36 mL.m-3; el 95% de los volúmenes fue <0,5 mL.m-3, el fitoplancton fue 35% y se caracterizó por el dominio de diatomeas de afloramiento (Skeletonema costatum, Lithodesmium undulatum, Chaetoceros spp., Thalassiosira subtilis y Thalassionema nit schioides) entre Salaverry- Chancay y Pisco-Ilo (30 mn) y abundancia de diatomeas oceánicas y dinoflagelados termófilos (Guinardia striata, G. flaccida, Cerataulina pelagica, Coscinodiscus wailesii, Proboscia spp., Ceratium massiliense, C. tripos v. atlanticum y Goniodoma polyedricum) entre Puerto Pizarro-Chicama y Punta Mendieta–Ilo hasta 120 mn en la zona norte. La distribución de los indicadores biológicos estuvieron acorde a las condiciones ambientales, Protoperidinium obtusum, indicador de Aguas Costeras Frías se registró desde Punta Falsa hasta Ilo (30 mn). Ceratium praelongum y C. incisum, indicadores de Aguas Subtropicales Superficiales se registraron frente a Punta Falsa y San Juan (60 mn) ampliando su distribución en Atico (120 mn). Ceratium breve, indicador de AES estuvo ampliamente distribuido al norte de 10°S (120 mn), con acercamientos a la costa en Puerto Pizarro y Punta Falsa. Messodinium rubrum se registró desde Punta Mendieta hasta Matarani, concentración de 8756x103 cel.L-1.
Admiralty Bay is located on the western side of King George Island. Although several research teams of different nationalities have carried out surveys in the region for decades, there are only two publications dealing with the seaweed flora of the bay. Here, we report on a taxonomic survey of the seaweeds we collected during the 25th Brazilian Antarctic Expedition (December 2006/November 2007). We discovered 42 species (21 Rhodophyta, 14 Phaeophyceae, and 7 Chlorophyta), corresponding to an increase of about 31% in the seaweed biodiversity hitherto known for the region. Considering that the Antarctic Peninsula, adjacent to King George Island seems to be one of the most rapidly warming spots on the planet, this kind of survey may provide a valuable tool for detecting eventual changes in seaweed biodiversity.
Three new centric diatom species assigned to a new genus are described from Miocene lacustrine deposits of Idaho. Species of the new genus, Mesodictyon, have the areola cribrum in the middle of the loculus, strutted processes and radiating, non-fasciculated striae. The strutted processes of M. magnum (diameter 60-150 μm) have long (2-3 μm) tubular extensions. The strutted processes of M. fovis (diameter 14-80 μm) are in distinct pits near the junction of the face and mantle. The valve face of M. undulatum (diameter 10-44 μm) is weakly tangentially undulate. Preliminary evidence indicates that Mesodictyon has a wide geographic distribution and may be a useful biostratigraphic marker.