966 resultados para Pinus taeda L.


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The lacewings are very voracious predators of aphids. The objective of this research was to evaluate the occurrence of adult chrysopids in areas of Pinus reforestation where the giant conifer aphid Cinara spp. (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is causing severe damages. A total of 47 specimens were collected during one year and identified as: Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861), Leucochrysa (Nodita) intermedia (Scheneir, 1851) and Leucochrysa (Nodita) vieirana (Navás, 1913). The captures in the area where the plants were one year old represented about 75% of the adults probably due to the high Cinara infestation on the trees in this area. The chrysopids were recorded mostly during the summer, possibly influenced by temperature.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o estudo da variabilidade das propriedades de resistência e rigidez à flexão estática e à densidade aparente (12%) entre a madeira juvenil e adulta de Pinus taeda L., de 37 anos de idade, procedente do Horto Florestal de Manduri, Estado de São Paulo. Na primeira parte do trabalho foram determinadas a região de madeira juvenil, a região de transição e a região de madeira adulta, por meio de estudos anatômicos (comprimento dos traqueídes axiais), segundo as recomendações das normas ABNT e IAWA. Os resultados mostraram que a região de madeira juvenil dessa espécie ocorre aproximadamente até o 18º anel de crescimento. Na segunda parte do trabalho foram analisados a resistência (módulo de ruptura - MOR) à flexão, o módulo de elasticidade (MOE) nessa mesma solicitação e a densidade aparente (12%) para as madeiras juvenil e adulta. Os resultados mostraram que o MOE e o MOR da madeira juvenil foram menores e mais variáveis que aqueles obtidos para madeira adulta. A densidade apresentou a mesma tendência observada nas propriedades avaliadas no ensaio de flexão estática.


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This paper had the objective of studying variability of radial, tangential, longitudinal and volumetric shrinkage between the juvenile and mature wood, from a 35 year-old Pinus taeda L., from Horto Florestal of Manduri at São Paulo State, Brazil. First of all the experimental program determinations were related to the juvenile wood, region of the transition and region of the mature wood, using anatomical analysis (length of the axial tracheids), according to ABNT and IAWA codes. Results had shown that the area of juvenile wood of this species occurs approximately until the 20th growth ring, being more representative until the 12th ring. The transition area of this wood occurs between the 12th and 20th growth ring. In the second part of the work the shrinkage of the juvenile and mature wood were evaluated. Values of the radial, tangential and volumetric shrinkage were smaller and more variable on the juvenile wood. The longitudinal shrinkage did not present significant differences between the two wood types; medium values were slightly inferior and very variable on juvenile wood related to mature wood.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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To design connections between timber parts with metal dowels (nails or bolts), two phenomena must be considered: bending of the metal dowel and the embedment strength in the wood. The Brazilian Standard ABNT NBR 7190:1997 proposes the methods used in the laboratory tests to determine the embedment strength with the metal dowell and, in the absence of testing, specifies relations to calculate the embedment strength from the compression strength. The aim of this research was to compare the embedment strength values obtained by experimental tests and calculated by the relationships established by the Brazilian Standard ABNT NBR 7190:1997. By the results of the hypothesis tests, it was possible to conclude that the estimate of the embedment strength parallel to the grain proposed by the Brazilian standard ABNT NBR 7190:1997, establishing equivalence with the strength compression results in the same direction, must be effective to the wood species Pinus taeda L., however, the same was not found in the perpendicular direction with respect to the grain, possibly explained by the alpha(e) values in the equation to calculed fe(90)


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In this paper it was evaluated the influence of the relative position of logs on the trees, the type of wood (juvenile and mature wood and pith) and the dimension of sawed wood elements on the velocity of propagation of stress waves into the material on condition. P. taeda L wood (43 years old trees) from Horto Florestal of Manduri (latitude 230 00’ south, longitude 400 19’ west and altitude de 700 m) São Paulo State, Brazil were used, considering its easy growth rings visualization and the better ju regions definition. Six trees were randomly chosen in the plantation. Trees were sawed into 4 logs (2,5 m long each. In each log it was delimited the central board (80mm tick) region and the lateral boards (25mm tick) regions, cons right hand. It were evaluated relation between velocity of stress waves on logs and the correspondent lumber (central and lateral boards), on green condition, on the three main region of the elements (mature wood results obtained revealed the concordance between velocities of stress waves in the material before and after the its mechanical processing. It was also revealed statistical differences between the velocity of stress waves at juvenile wood, mature wood and pith regions. Keywords: stress wave method, velocity 17 destrutivos de propagação da propagação de ondas de tensão em toras e madeira serrada de taeda L. Hernando Alfonso Lara Palma - Universidade Estadual Paulista Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas – FCA/UNESP – Botucatu - SP, e-mail: awballarin@fca.unesp.br Luiz Antonio Vasques Hellmeister - Universidade Estadual Paulista - Faculdade de Arquitetura, FAAC/UNESP – Bauru - SP, e-mail: hellmeister@faac.unesp.br Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a influência do tipo de lenho, da posição da tora ao longo do fuste e das dimensões das peças desdobradas, na velocidade de as de tensão (Stress wave method), na condição de madeira verde. P. taeda L., originária de árvores de plantio do Horto Florestal de SP., com idade aproximada de 43 anos, pela facilidade de identificação dos anéis imento e demarcação das regiões de madeira adulta e madeira juvenil. Foram amostradas 6 árvores distintas, escolhidas ao acaso do talhão selecionado. De cada árvore foram retiradas 4 toras com comprimento de 2,5 m cada. Foram demarcadas nas toras a ha central (8 cm de espessura) e 4 tábuas laterais (espessura comercial de 2,5 cm), sendo duas à esquerda e duas à direita da prancha central. Foram avaliadas as relações existentes entre as velocidades de propagação das ondas de tensão na madeira íntegra (toras) e desdobrada (pranchas e tábuas), na condição de madeira verde, nas três regiões distintas do lenho: medula, madeira adulta e madeira juvenil. A análise comparativa dos resultados revelou a concordância entre as velocidades antes e após o desdobr madeira. Houve diferenciação estatisticamente significativa entre as velocidades de propagação das ondas de tensão nos lenhos adulto, juvenil e na medula. -destrutivos, método das ondas de tensão, Pinus taeda stress wave tests on green logs and lumber of Pinus taeda In this paper it was evaluated the influence of the relative position of logs on the trees, the type of wood (juvenile and mature wood and pith) and the dimension of sawed wood elements on the velocity of propagation of stress waves into the material on L wood (43 years old trees) from Horto Florestal of Manduri (latitude 19’ west and altitude de 700 m) São Paulo State, Brazil were used, considering its easy growth rings visualization and the better juvenile and mature wood regions definition. Six trees were randomly chosen in the plantation. Trees were sawed into 4 logs (2,5 m long each. In each log it was delimited the central board (80mm tick) region and the lateral boards (25mm tick) regions, considering 2 boards on the left and 2 at the right hand. It were evaluated relation between velocity of stress waves on logs and the correspondent lumber (central and lateral boards), on green condition, on the three main region of the elements (mature wood, juvenile wood and pith). Comparative analyses of results obtained revealed the concordance between velocities of stress waves in the material before and after the its mechanical processing. It was also revealed statistical differences ty of stress waves at juvenile wood, mature wood and pith regions


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A madeira de Pinus sp. tem utilização crescente na indústria madeireira brasileira. O decréscimo constante do suprimento de árvores adultas com grandes diâmetros, provenientes de florestas naturais, tornou comum a produção de madeira em ciclos curtos, com grande proporção de madeira juvenil. Resultados de diversas pesquisas têm reportado que o módulo de elasticidade e a resistência a diferentes solicitações mecânicas são seriamente afetados pela presença de madeira juvenil. Este trabalho teve por objetivo determinar o módulo de elasticidade da madeira juvenil e adulta de Pinus taeda L. a partir da constante dinâmica C LL, obtida em ensaios não-destrutivos de ultra-som. A madeira de P. taeda era originária de plantios da Estação Experimental de Itapeva - SP, sendo amostrados seis indivíduos arbóreos com 34 anos de idade. Os corpos-de-prova (4 cm x 4 cm x 45 cm) foram obtidos separadamente das regiões de madeira juvenil e adulta da prancha central, previamente submetida à secagem industrial (umidade final de 12%), para a determinação da constante dinâmica por meio de ensaios de ultra-som. Para avaliar a sensibilidade do método do ultra-som, os corpos-de-prova foram ensaiados destrutivamente à compressão paralela. Os resultados mostraram boa sensibilidade do método do ultra-som (R² » 0,90) na avaliação desse parâmetro mecânico da madeira juvenil e adulta.


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Experiments were conducted to investigate physiological mechanisms of solid matrix priming (SMP) on germination enhancement of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) seeds. During SMP, osmotic potential in the embryo decreased by 0.65 MPa, concentration of crystalloid proteins decreased to 62% and concentrations of buffer soluble proteins and free amino acids increased by 22% and by 166%, respectively. Observations under an electron microscope demonstrated protein bodies in the embryo were mobilized. Inhibitor analysis indicated thiol protease was the dominant enzyme among endopiptidases to degrade the reserved proteins. A fragment of thiol protease was cloned from the primed seed embryos and it has high identities to those thiol proteases responsive to water stress. RNA get blot analysis showed a 1.5 kb thiol protease gene was up-regulated by SMP. Treatment with E64, a thiol protease inhibitor, negated SMP effects on germination performance, water potentials and protein profiles. Based on the experimental results, reserve protein mobilization induced by SMP in the embryo before radicle emergence might be one of the mechanisms to enhance germination in loblolly pine seeds.


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Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) forests dominate in Finnish Lapland. The need to study the effect of both soil factors and site preparation on the performance of planted Scots pine has increased due to the problems encountered in reforestation, especially on mesic and moist, formerly spruce-dominated sites. The present thesis examines soil hydrological properties and conditions, and effect of site preparation on them on 10 pine- and 10 spruce-dominated upland forest sites. Finally, the effects of both the site preparation and reforestation methods, and soil hydrology on the long-term performance of planted Scots pine are summarized. The results showed that pine and spruce sites differ significantly in their soil physical properties. Under field capacity or wetter soil moisture conditions, planted pines presumably suffer from excessive soil water and poor soil aeration on most of the originally spruce sites, but not on the pine sites. The results also suggested that site preparation affects the soil-water regime and thus prerequisites for forest growth over two decades after site preparation. High variation in the survival and mean height of planted pine was found. The study suggested that on spruce sites, pine survival is the lowest on sites that dry out slowly after rainfall events, and that height growth is the fastest on soils that reach favourable aeration conditions for root growth soon after saturation, and/or where the average air-filled porosity near field capacity is large enough for good root growth. Survival, but not mean height can be enhanced by employing intensive site preparation methods on spruce sites. On coarser-textured pine sites, site preparation methods don t affect survival, but methods affecting soil fertility, such as prescribed burning and ploughing, seem to enhance the height growth of planted Scots pines over several decades. The use of soil water content in situ as the sole criterion for sites suitable for pine reforestation was tested and found to be a relatively uncertain parameter. The thesis identified new potential soil variables, which should be tested using other data in the future.


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Performances of Pinus taxa were studied to 10 years of age in two trials in each of Misiones and Entre Rios provinces across the Mesopotamia region of Argentina. Taxa comprised 22 populations from sources in Argentina, Australia, Brazil and Zimbabwe including Pinus elliottii var. elliottii (Pee), Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis (Pch), their four, inter-specific hybrids (F-1, F-2 and backcrosses from F-1 to Pch and to Pee-all as broadly based bulks); other Pee and Pinus taeda (Pt) comprised narrower or unspecified bulks. Variable numbers of taxa were missing at each site. Mean survival across sites at age 10 years ranged 53.2-91.3% averaging 74.2%. Analysis of variance of plot means indicated population effect was statistically significant (p < 0.05) for all or most growth and quality traits at all sites. However, significant differences from the nominated check seedlot at the Entre Rios sites (Pee, Australia) were extremely rare, while quite common at the northern, Misiones sites (check seedlot a Pt population). In the Misiones trials, F-1, F-2 and both backcross hybrids showed better stem straightness than Pee and Pt from Argentina, generally with statistically significant differences (p < 0.05). Pt showed lowest forking scores (desirable). Taxon x environment interaction was statistically significant (p < 0.01) for growth traits only (p > 0.05). However, this interaction contributed an average of only 34.1% of the taxon variance suggesting a lack of practical importance. Taxa most suitable for deployment in the Mesopotamia region, Argentina are suggested.


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Somatic embryogenesis (SE) is an asexual form of plant propagation that occurs in nature and mimics many of the events of sexual reproduction. Pinus sylvestris (L.) is an important source of timber in Northern Eurasia but it is recalcitrant to somatic embryogenesis. Several factors important for the success of the P. sylvestris embryogenic cultures have not been thoroughly investigated. In this study, we examined the effects of parental genotypes on the SE in P. sylvestris, the involvement of the gaseous plant growth regulator, ethylene in SE, and also biotic effects on somatic embryos as well as on seedlings. We tested parental effects on immature embryo initiation for different media, storage periods, and on the maturation process. Maternal effects were found to be crucial for SE in the absence of paternal effects. No maternal-paternal interaction was observed at any stage of somatic embryo production. Additionally the role of ethylene at different developmental stages of SE was investigated. Two ACC synthase genes, PsACS1 and PsACS2, were isolated and characterized. PsACS1 was expressed during the proliferation stage in all tested genotypes, whereas PsACS2 was only expressed in somatic embryos of each genotype. Ethylene production in embryos at stage 3 was significantly higher than the other stages. In a parallel study, the response of somatic embryos to fungal elicitors was investigated. Three fungi, a mutualistic ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungus (Suillus bovinus), a weak Scots pine pathogen (Heterobasidion parviporum) and a strong pathogen (H. annosum) were used. The gene expression patterns for embryos exposed to the H. parviporum elicitor were found to be similar to that documented for S. bovinus among the tested genes. By contrast somatic embryos exposed to the H. annosum elicitor had a different pattern of regulation which was marked by a delayed response, and in some cases death of the embryos. Furthermore, interaction without direct contact between P. sylvestris seedlings and microbes (mutualistic and pathogenic fungus, cyanobacterium) were investigated. Several novel genes expressed in seedlings treated with ECM fungus were isolated which suggested that physical contact is not necessary for elicitation of host responses. The results suggest that somatic embryos and seedlings of P. sylvestris are genetically well equipped to respond to fungal elicitor/exudates and could serve as a suitable model for reproducible molecular studies in conifer tree patho- and symbiotic systems.


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Tutkimus on osa Metsäklusteri Oy:n Future Biorefinery –tutkimusohjelmaa, jossa kartoitetaan mahdollisuuksia hyödyntää metsäteollisuuden raaka-aineita aiempaa tarkemmin ja uusissa tuotteissa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää männyn (Pinus sylvestris L.) ja kuusen (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) juurten ja kantopuun rakenne ja ominaisuudet. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään ¶ytyykö männyn ja kuusen juurista reaktiopuuta ja määritetään asetoniliukoisten uuteaineiden osuus kantoja juuripuussa. Tutkimusaineistona oli viisi eri-ikäistä mäntyä ja viisi eri-ikäistä kuusta. Juuri- ja kantoaineisto kerättiin Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen toimesta Parkanon seudulta (62.017°N, 23.017°E) hakkuun jälkeen. Maanalaisista juurista otettiin näytteet kolmelta eri etäisyydeltä juurenniskaan nähden. Kummankaan lajin juurista ei ¶ytynyt varsinaista reaktiopuuta, mutta joissakin näytteissä havaittiin lievää reaktiopuuta. Lievää reaktiopuuta ¶ytyi enemmän männyn kuin kuusen juurista, eikä sitä ¶ytynyt lainkaan kaikkein ohuimmista, noin 2 cm paksuisista juurenosista. Männyn kannoissa uuteaineprosentti oli korkeampi kuin kuusen. Männyn juurissa uuteaineprosentti kasvoi edettäessä kohti juuren kärkeä. Kuusella uuteaineprosentti laski aluksi, mutta ¤hellä juuren kärkeä taas kasvoi. Kuoren uuteainepitoisuus oli molemmilla puulajeilla korkeampi kuin puuaineen. Tutkimusaineisto oli suppea, eikä tutkimuksessa pyritty tilastolliseen yleistettävyyteen. Laajemmasta aineistosta tehdylle tutkimukselle on tarvetta, sillä turvekankailta saatavan puun tarjonta on Suomessa kasvussa, mutta juurten uuteaine- ja reaktiopuututkimuksia on tehty vain kivennäismailta kerätyistä aineistoista.