952 resultados para Pino intra-radicular - Resistência à fratura
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the fracture resistance of simulated immature teeth after different intra-radicular treatments. Crowns and roots of bovine incisors were cut transversally and removed to simulate immature teeth. Root canal preparation and flaring were performed using a bur in crown-apex and apex-crown direction. The samples were distributed into 5 groups (n=10): Positive control (PoC) - no root canal flaring or filling; Negative control (NeC) - teeth were sectioned and their root canals were flared; Direct anatomical glass fiber post (RaP) - #2 Reforpost main glass fiber post relined with composite resin; Double tapered conical glass fiber posts (ExP) - #3 Exacto glass fiber post; and #2 Reforpost main glass fiber + Reforpin accessory glass fiber posts (RrP). In RaP, ExP and RrP, 4.0-mm apical plugs were done with MTA Angelus. The specimens were embedded in polystyrene resin inside cylinders and the periodontal ligament was simulated with a polyether-based impression material. The specimens were submitted to compressive fracture strength test (0.5 mm/min at 135° relative to the long axis of the tooth) in a servo-hydraulic mechanical testing machine MTS 810. Data were subjected to one-way ANOVA and Dunnett's C or Tukey's tests (α=0.05). The control groups (PoC and NeC) showed lower fracture strength than the experimental groups. NeC presented the lowest resistance and ExP presented the highest resistance among the experimental groups. The flaring procedures produced a detrimental effect on the fracture resistance of the bovine teeth. Glass fiber intra-radicular posts increased significantly the fracture resistance of simulated immature teeth.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Os cães, por fatores diversos, acabam por apresentar dentes fraturados com ou sem exposição de polpa. Estas fraturas basicamente são identificadas como fraturas recuperáveis não complicadas, recuperáveis complicadas ou irrecuperáveis. As fraturas recuperáveis (localizadas apenas no esmalte e dentina) são tratadas com dentística restauradora. As recuperáveis complicadas (com lesões em esmalte, dentina e exposição do canal radicular) passam por tratamento endodôntico, podendo ser seguidas de restaurações metálicas. Os dentes mais comumente acometidos são os dentes caninos, superiores ou inferiores. Este trabalho em dentes artificiais simulando considerável destruição de sua porção coronal objetivou testar, após a adaptação da restauração metálica fundida, a resistência às fraturas no dente canino. Os dentes artificiais foram padronizados com uma técnica de replicação de raízes artificiais em molde de resina acrílica quimicamente ativada. Oitenta réplicas iguais de resina composta fotopolimerizável, padronizadas em tamanho e forma, foram construídas a partir desta técnica. Antes da reconstrução protética, aplicou-se o tratamento endodôntico, desobturação, preparo do canal radicular e moldagem. Proteticamente, um pino intrarradicular reto e outro curvo, ambos com núcleo para sustentar a coroa metálica fundida foram cimentados na porção coronal de cada raiz-réplica. Os núcleos e coroa metálica foram ambos ferulados ou estojados. Avaliou-se os dois tipos de restauração com pino intrarradicular curvos ou retos cimentados com cimento de fosfato de zinco ou resinoso para identificar o melhor conjunto restaurador. Os testes de resistência biomecânica de 80 raízes-réplicas foram divididos em 4 grupos com 20 corpos de prova para cada um dos grupos. Grupo 1: das raízes-réplicas com pino intrarradicular curvo cimentados com cimento resinoso. Grupo 2: das raízes-réplicas com pino intrarradicular curvo cimentados com cimento de fosfato de zinco. Grupo 3: das raízes-réplicas com pino intrarradicular reto cimentados com cimento resinoso. Grupo 4: das raízes-réplicas com pino intrarradicular reto cimentados com cimento de fosfato de zinco. Estes grupos foram submetidos a teste de força com pré-carga de 1,5 N, com velocidade de avanço constante de 0,05 mm por minuto em ponto pré- determinado (mésio-lateral vestibularizada) até ocorrência de fratura do conjunto ou parte dele em uma Máquina Universal Kratos. Com a avaliação biomecânica e estudo estatístico de Kruskall-Wallis, identificou-se que os dados obtidos não seguiram distribuição normal. Esta diferença mostrou-se com o p<0,05 na interpretação do teste. No caso de dados não paramétricos o post-hoc do Kruskal-Wallis foi o teste de U de Mann-Withney. Paralelamente, um estudo com análise de elementos finitos comparou os resultados obtidos. Não houve diferença significativa sobre o tipo de cimento utilizado ou que favorecesse o uso do pino reto ou do pino curvo, recaindo a escolha para o operador decidir de acordo com a melhor indicação para cada caso clínico
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT
The effects of estrogen deficiency on bone characteristics are site-dependent, with the most commonly studied sites being appendicular long bones (proximal femur and tibia) and axial bones (vertebra). The effect on the maxillary and mandibular bones is still inconsistent and requires further investigation. This study was designed to evaluate bone quality in the posterior maxilla of ovariectomized rats in order to validate this site as an appropriate model to study the effect of osteoporotic changes. Methods: Forty-eight 3-month-old female Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into two groups: an ovariectomized group (OVX, n=24) and Sham-operated group (SHAM, n=24). Six rats were randomly sacrificed from both groups at time points 8, 12, 16 and 20 weeks. The samples from tibia and maxilla were collected for Micro CT and histological analysis. For the maxilla, the volume of interest (VOI) area focused on the furcation areas of the first and second molar. Trabecular bone volume fraction (BV/TV, %), trabecular thickness (Tb.Th.), trabecular number (Tb.N.), trabecular separation (Tb.Sp.), and connectivity density (Conn.Dens) were analysed after Micro CT scanning. Results: At 8 weeks the indices BV/TV, Tb.Sp, Tb.N and Conn.Dens showed significant differences (P<0.05) between the OVX and SHAM groups in the tibia. Compared with the tibia, the maxilla developed osteoporosis at a later stage, with significant changes in maxillary bone density only occurring after 12 weeks. Compared with the SHAM group, both the first and second molars of the OVX group showed significantly decreased BV/TV values from 12 weeks, and these changes were sustained through 16 and 20 weeks. For Tb.Sp, there were significant increases in bone values for the OVX group compared with the SHAM group at 12, 16 and 20 weeks. Histological changes were highly consistent with Micro CT results. Conclusion: This study established a method to quantify the changes of intra-radicular alveolar bone in the posterior maxilla in an accepted rat osteoporosis model. The degree of the osteoporotic changes to trabecular bone architecture is site-dependent and at least 3 months are required for the osteoporotic effects to be apparent in the posterior maxilla following rat OVX.
Aim To evaluate, using an experimental immature tooth model, the fracture resistance of bovine incisors submitted to different reinforcement treatments with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA).Methodology An immature tooth model was created by sectioning the coronal and apical portions of 40 bovine incisors 8 mm above and 12 mm below the cementoenamel junction. The root canals were irrigated with 1.0% sodium hypochlorite. They were enlarged both coronally and apically using number 703 carbide burs (ISO: 500-104-168-007-021) and their internal diameter was standardized to 2.1 mm. The specimens were assigned to four groups (n = 10): GI-control (without filling); GII-apical MTA plug + filling with gutta-percha and endodontic sealer; GIII-filling with MTA; GIV-apical MTA plug + filling with MTA + metallic post (Reforpost I). A polyether impression material was used to simulate the periodontal ligament. The specimens were submitted to a compressive load at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm min(-1) in a servo-hydraulic universal testing machine (MTS 810) applied at 45 degrees to the long axis of the tooth until failure. Data were submitted to statistical analysis by the Kruskal-Wallis test at 5% significance level.Results GIV presented the highest fracture resistance (32.7N) and differed significantly from the other groups (P < 0.05). No statistically difference was found between GII (16.6N) and GIII (23.4N) (P > 0.05). GIII had a significantly higher fracture resistance than GI (P < 0.05).Conclusions the use of MTA + metallic post as an intra-radicular reinforcement treatment increased the resistance to fracture of weakened bovine teeth in an experimental immature tooth model.
Objective: To evaluate and compare the fracture strength of different composite resins used for core buildup. Method: Thirty-six bovine teeth were decoronated at the cervical third to standardize the length of specimens at 20 mm. Under constant irrigation, the canals were prepared with #5 Largo drills corresponding to the size and diameter of #3 Reforpost fiberglass post. The posts were cemented with Enforce resin sealer, being 16 mm inside the root canal and 4 mm outside the root canal, and the material was light-activated for 30 seconds at each side. The specimens were divided into 3 groups (n=12), in which cores (4 mm diameter and 5 mm high) were prepared from a prefabricated standard with three types of composite resins: Group 1: Z100 (3M), Group 2: Z250 (3M) and Group 3: P60 (3M). The specimens were fixed in a cylindrical device with an adaptor at 45o inclination. This device was adapted to a universal testing machine (EMIC) to simulate the force until fracture of the specimen. Data were subjected to ANOVA (p<0.05). Results: The Z250 resin cores presented the highest mean fracture strength (45.453 kgf), while the mean fracture strengths in Group 1 and Group 3 were 38.014 and 39.506 kgf, respectively. P60 caused the largest number of root fractures. Conclusion: Considering the characteristics and properties of the tested resins, Z250 appears as the most indicated for core buildup.
Avaliação da resistência à fratura torcional de diferentes instrumentos rotatórios de níquel-titânio
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)