232 resultados para Pinning


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We study the vortex matter phase diagram of a layered superconductor in the presence of columnar pinning defects, tilted with respect to the normal to the layers. We use numerical minimization of the free energy written as a functional of the time-averaged vortex density of the Ramakrishnan-Yussouff form, supplemented by the appropriate pinning potential. We study the case where the pin density is smaller than the areal vortex density. At lower pin concentrations, we find, for temperatures of the order of the melting temperature of the unpinned lattice, a Bose glass type phase which at lower temperatures converts, via a first-order transition, to a Bragg glass, while, at higher temperatures, it crosses over to an interstitial liquid. At somewhat higher concentrations, no transition to a Bragg glass is found even at the lowest temperatures studied. While qualitatively the behavior we find is similar to that obtained using the same procedures for columnar pins normal to the layers, there are important and observable quantitative differences, which we discuss.


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The pinning energy due to the elastic interaction of a semicoherent Y2BaCuO5 precipitate with the YBa2Cu3O7 matrix is computed. This is achieved by setting up dislocation arrays at the interface. The elastic stresses generated by such arrays are integrated over a fluxoid volume to obtain the energy. It is seen that this elastic interaction energy makes an additive contribution to the total J(c) value.


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Despite decades of research, it remains to be established whether the transformation of a liquid into a glass is fundamentally thermodynamic or dynamic in origin. Although observations of growing length scales are consistent with thermodynamic perspectives, the purely dynamic approach of the Dynamical Facilitation (DF) theory lacks experimental support. Further, for vitrification induced by randomly freezing a subset of particles in the liquid phase, simulations support the existence of an underlying thermodynamic phase transition, whereas the DF theory remains unexplored. Here, using video microscopy and holographic optical tweezers, we show that DF in a colloidal glass-forming liquid grows with density as well as the fraction of pinned particles. In addition, we observe that heterogeneous dynamics in the form of string-like cooperative motion emerges naturally within the framework of facilitation. Our findings suggest that a deeper understanding of the glass transition necessitates an amalgamation of existing theoretical approaches.


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We suggest a local pinning feedback control for stabilizing periodic pattern in spatially extended systems. Analytical and numerical investigations of this method for a system described by the one-dimensional complex Ginzburg-Landau equation are carried out. We found that it is possible to suppress spatiotemporal chaos by using a few pinning signals in the presence of a large gradient force. Our analytical predictions well coincide with numerical observations.


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An attempt has been made to prepare a YBa2Cu3O 7-δ (YBCO) thin film doped with ferromagnetic CoFe 2O4. Transmission electron microscopy of the resultant samples shows, however, that Y(Fe, Co)O3 forms as a nanoparticulate dispersion throughout the film in preference to CoFe2O4, leaving the YBCO yttrium deficient. As a consequence, the superconducting properties of the sample are poor, with a self-field critical current density of just 0.25 MA cm-2. Magnetic measurements indicate however that the Y(Fe, Co)O3 content, together with any other residual phases, is also ferromagnetic, and some interesting features are present in the in-field critical current behaviour, including a reduced dependence on applied field and a strong c-axis peak in the angular dependence. The work points the way towards future attempts utilising YFeO3 as an effective ferromagnetic pinning additive for YBCO. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We identify a scalable, practical route to fabricating a superconducting diode. The device relies for its function on the barrier to flux vortex entry being reduced at the substrate interface of a superconducting pinning enhanced YBa2 Cu3 O7-δ nanocomposite film. We show that these composite systems provide a practical route to fabricating a useful superconducting diode and demonstrate the rectification of an alternating current. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.


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