139 resultados para Pineal


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Following the discovery of the melatonin by Lerner et al. (1958), new research and perspectives were developed in order to improve the knowledge regarding the pineal gland. This hormone is not only related to the circadian control but also influences other behavioral functions such as the reproductive cycle and thermoregulation. In this study the morphology of the pineal gland (epiphysis cerebri) from 20 dogs were analyzed by means of macroscopic and microscopic evaluation. The shape of the gland ranged from conic to ""tongue-like shape"" (in relation to human tongue). The gland color ranged from beige to gray-brownish and it had a gelatinous consistency. The width and length of the glands ranged from 1.38 to 2.39 mm and 1.53 to 2.96 mm, respectively. Capsule, septa, pinealocytes, glial cells and pigment granules were microscopically found in all glands. No calcareous concretions were observed.


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Foi observado haver uma relação entre o estímulo sonoro intenso e alterações morfológicas na glândula (g.l) pineal de ratas adultas. Estes animais foram estimulados por uma campainha elétrica, com nível de intensidade sonora em torno de 110 db, por 1, 2, 4 e 7 dias e como também por mais 10 estímulos sucessivos no sétimo dia. Foram observadas alterações celulares, tais como: núcleos picnóticos, vacuolizações e perda do aspecto lobular da distribuição dos pinealócitos, sendo que estas alterações se agravam com o aumento do número de estimulações.


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São estudados três casos de germinomas cerebrais, sendo um tópico, da região pineal, e dois ectópicos, chamados germinomas supra-selares ou quiasmáticos. Estes últimos parecem ser mais agressivos que os seus congeneres tópicos, pois alem de se disseminarem pelas cisternas basais, costumam infiltrar as paredes do III ventrículo, fórnix, hipotálamo, nervos e quiasma ópticos. Caracteristicamente produzem um enorme aumento das proteínas liquóricas, desacompanhado de uma pleocitose proporcional. As proteínas liquóricas aumentadas sao globulinas cujas reações mostram-se fortemente positivas, possivelmente produzidas pelas celulas de aspecto linfocitario que constituem parte desta neoplasia. O aumento das proteinas liquoricas e tao acentuado que em presenca de uma crianca ou adolescente com sindrome de hipertensão intracraniana, hiperproteinoraquia sem pleocitose e sinais clínicos ou radiológicos sugestivos de localização na base do crânio a possibilidade de um germinoma quiasmático deve ser seriamente considerada, pois o quadro e muito sugestivo.


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The pineal gland functions as a neuroendocrine transducer that coordinate the organism response to changing environmental stimuli such as light and temperature. The main and best known pineal neurohormone is melatonin that is synthesized and released in a circadian fashion with a peak during the night darkness hours. We have recently reported that melatonin exerts important immuno regulatory functions. Here we describe the astonishing property of exogenous melatonin which is able to counteract completely the depressive effect of anxiety-restraint stress and/or of corticosterone on thymus weight, andibody production and antiviral responses. This effect seems to be mediated by antigen-activated T cells via an opiatergic mechanism.


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PURPOSE: To better define outcome and prognostic factors in primary pineal tumors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-five consecutive patients from seven academic centers of the Rare Cancer Network diagnosed between 1988 and 2006 were included. Median age was 36 years. Surgical resection consisted of biopsy in 12 cases and resection in 21 (2 cases with unknown resection). All patients underwent radiotherapy and 12 patients received also chemotherapy. RESULTS: Histological subtypes were pineoblastoma (PNB) in 21 patients, pineocytoma (PC) in 8 patients and pineocytoma with intermediate differentiation in 6 patients. Six patients with PNB had evidence of spinal seeding. Fifteen patients relapsed (14 PNB and 1 PC) with PNB cases at higher risk (p = 0.031). Median survival time was not reached. Median disease-free survival was 82 months (CI 50 % 28-275). In univariate analysis, age younger than 36 years was an unfavorable prognostic factor (p = 0.003). Patients with metastases at diagnosis had poorer survival (p = 0.048). Late side effects related to radiotherapy were dementia, leukoencephalopathy or memory loss in seven cases, occipital ischemia in one, and grade 3 seizures in two cases. Side effects related to chemotherapy were grade 3-4 leucopenia in five cases, grade 4 thrombocytopenia in three cases, grade 2 anemia in two cases, grade 4 pancytopenia in one case, grade 4 vomiting in one case and renal failure in one case. CONCLUSIONS: Age and dissemination at diagnosis influenced survival in our series. The prevalence of chronic toxicity suggests that new adjuvant strategies are advisable.


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PURPOSE: Patients with hereditary retinoblastoma (Rb) develop in 4%-8% a malignant midline tumor called trilateral Rb (TRb). We report in this study on benign pineal cysts observed in patients investigated for TRb. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between September 1990 and December 2001, 172 patients were screened for TRb. Ninty-five had bilateral, 77 unilateral disease. The median age at diagnosis of Rb was 7 months (range 1-26). Treatment included enucleation, local treatment with cryotherapy or photocoagulation, first-line chemotherapy (CT), thermo-chemotherapy (TCT), Ruthenium plaque, and, rarely, external beam radiation (EBR). RESULTS: TRb was found in 5/95 patients (5.3%) with bilateral disease. Interestingly, five other patients (5.3%) presented a pineal cyst on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). No cysts were recorded in the 77 patients with unilateral disease. This difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05). The median age at diagnosis of the pineal cyst was 26 months (range 16-80), much younger than reported in literature for healthy children. Four of five patients with TRb died of the disease, while all the patients with pineal cysts remained stable and asymptomatic during a median follow-up of 41 months (range 37-54). CONCLUSIONS: This report describes benign cystic lesions of the pineal gland in patients with hereditary Rb, suggesting a benign variant of TRb. Underlying possible pathogenetic mechanisms are discussed.


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Acquired isolated accommodation palsy is an uncommon problem which can occur either in patients with an organic lesion, in otherwise healthy patients, or in functional, non-organic patients. We report a healthy 9-year-old girl with an acquired isolated accommodation palsy which was believed to be related to a 10 mm pineal cyst compressing the superior colliculi. A literature search (1932 - 2005) on symptomatic pineal cysts revealed 159 reported cases of symptomatic pineal cysts. Blurred vision was a complaint of 18/ 159 patients, but only three were documented to have an accommodation palsy. Although rarely symptomatic, pineal cysts might be responsible for accommodation palsy.


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Trilateral retinoblastoma (TRb) is a well-known syndrome associating hereditary retinoblastoma (Rb) with an intracranial neuroblastic tumor arising usually in the pineal region, rarely at the suprasellar or parasellar site. It develops in most cases after diagnosis of Rb. The outcome is usually fatal because of secondary spinal dissemination. Pineal cysts have recently been reported as a benign variant of TRb. We report the unusual presentation of a TRb in a 12-month-old boy with extensive bilateral Rb, a voluminous suprasellar tumor, pineal cyst, and leptomeningeal disease. The special features of this "quadrilateral" Rb are discussed.


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Objetivo: avaliar a influência da pineal sobre a ingestão de água e de NaCl em ratas normais e ooforectomizadas. Métodos: utilizaram-se 48 (n = 48) ratas adultas, divididas ao acaso em quatro grupos: GI - mantidas sem manipulação, servindo como controle (n = 20); GII - submetidas à ooforectomia bilateral (n = 8); GIII - submetidas à pinealectomia (n = 12); GIV - submetidas à ooforectomia bilateral e à pinealectomia (n = 8). A seguir, todos os animais foram mantidos em gaiolas individuais; após três semanas. Determinou-se diariamente a fase do ciclo por esfregaço vaginal e anotou-se diariamente o volume ingerido de água e NaCl a 0,25 M, por aproximadamente três meses. Resultados: 1) as ratas submetidas somente à pinealectomia apresentaram maior freqüência da fase de estro, sendo que algumas entraram em estado de estro permanente; 2) o consumo de líquidos (água e solução salina) não se alterou durante as diferentes fases do ciclo estral; 3) as ratas do grupo submetido à ooforectomia tiveram maior consumo de água, sendo que a pinealectomia nesses animais restabeleceu o consumo normal de água; 4) os animais ooforectomizados e os ooforectomizados e pinealectomizados mostraram redução do consumo médio de solução salina. Conclusões: os dados obtidos sugerem que a glândula pineal poderia modular a ação dos esteróides ovarianos sobre a ingestão de sal e água em ratas adultas.


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Pvridoxine deficiency causes physiologically significant decrease in brain serotonin (5-HT) due to decreased decarboxylation of 5- hvdroxvtrvptophan (5-HTP). We have examined the effect of pyridoxine deficiency on indoleamine metabolism in the pineal gland, a tissue with high indoleamine turnover. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed either a pyridoxine-supplemented or pyridoxinedeficient diet for 8 weeks. Pyridoxine deficiency did not alter the pattern of circadian rhythm of pineal 5-HT. 5-hvdroxvindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), V-acetvlserotonin (NAS). and melatonin. However the levels of these compounds were significantly lower in the pineal glands of pyridoxine-deficient animals. Pineal 5-HTP levels were consistently higher in the pyridoxine-deficient animals and a conspicuous increase was noticed at 22.00 h. Increase in pineal NAS and melatonin levels caused by isoproterenol (5 mg kg at 17.00 h) were significantly lower (P < 0.05) in the pyridoxine-deficient animals. Treatment of pyridoxine-deficient rats with pvridoxine restored the levels of pineal 5-HT, 5-HIAA. NAS. and melatonin to values seen in pyridoxine-supplemented control animals. These results suggest that 5-HT availability could be an important factor in the regulation of the synthesis of pineal NAS and melatonin.


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In mammals, the production of melatonin by the pineal gland is mainly controlled by the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN), the master clock of the circadian system. We have previously shown that agents involved in inflammatory responses, such as cytokines and corticosterone, modulate pineal melatonin synthesis. The nuclear transcription factor NFKB, detected by our group in the rat pineal gland, modulates this effect. Here, we evaluated a putative constitutive role for the pineal gland NFKB pathway. Male rats were kept under 12 h: 12 h light-dark (LD) cycle or under constant darkness (DD) condition. Nuclear NFKB was quantified by electrophoretic mobility shift assay on pineal glands obtained from animals killed throughout the day at different times. Nuclear content of NFKB presented a daily rhythm only in LD-entrained animals. During the light phase, the amount of NFKB increased continuously, and a sharp drop occurred when lights were turned off. Animals maintained in a constant light environment until ZT 18 showed diurnal levels of nuclear NFKB at ZT15 and ZT18. Propranolol (20 mg/kg, i.p., ZT 11) treatment, which inhibits nocturnal sympathetic input, impaired nocturnal decrease of NFKB only at ZT18. A similar effect was observed in free-running animals, which secreted less nocturnal melatonin. Because melatonin reduces constitutive NFKB activation in cultured pineal glands, we propose that this indolamine regulates this transcription factor pathway in the rat pineal gland, but not at the LD transition. The controversial results regarding the inhibition of pineal function by constant light or blocking sympathetic neurotransmission are discussed according to the hypothesis that the prompt effect of lights-off is not mediated by noradrenaline, which otherwise contributes to maintaining low levels of nuclear NFKB at night. In summary, we report here a novel transcription factor in the pineal gland, which exhibits a constitutive rhythm dependent on environmental photic information. (Author correspondence: rpmarkus@usp.br)


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Melatonin, an important marker of the endogenous rhythmicity in mammals, also plays a role in the body defence against pathogens and injuries. In vitro experiments have shown that either pro- or anti-inflammatory agents, acting directly in the organ, are able to change noradrenaline-induced pineal indoleamine production. Whereas corticosterone potentiates melatonin production, incubation of the gland with tumour necrosis factor-alpha decreases pineal hormonal production. In the present study, we show that nocturnal melatonin production measured by intra-pineal microdialysis is enhanced in pineals perfused with corticosterone at concentrations similar to those measured in inflamed animals. In vitro experiments suggest that this enhancement may be due to an increase in the activity of the two enzymes that convert serotonin to N-acetylserotonin (NAS) and NAS to melatonin. The present results support the hypothesis that the pineal gland is a sensor of inflammation mediators and that it plays a central role in the control of the inflammatory response.


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The temporal organization of mammals presents a daily adjustment to the environmental light/dark cycle. The environmental light detected by the retina adjusts the central clock in the suprachiasmatic nuclei, which innervate the pineal gland through a polysynaptic pathway. During the night, this gland produces and releases the nocturnal hormone melatonin, which circulates throughout the whole body and adjusts several bodily functions according to the existence and duration of darkness. We have previously shown that during the time frame of an inflammatory response, pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor-a, inhibit while anti-inflammatory mediators, such as glucocorticoids, enhance the synthesis of melatonin, interfering in the daily adjustment of the light/dark cycle. Therefore, injury disconnects the organism from environmental cycling, while recovery restores the light/dark information to the whole organism. Here, we extend these observations by evaluating the effect of a mild restraint stress, which did not induce macroscopic gastric lesions. After 2 h of restraint, there was an increase in circulating corticosterone, indicating activation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. In parallel, an increase in melatonin production was observed. Taking into account the data obtained with models of inflammation and stress, we reinforce the hypothesis that the activity of the pineal gland is modulated by the state of the immune system and the HPA axis, implicating the darkness hormone melatonin as a modulator of defense responses.


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Nuclear factor-kappa B (NFKB), a pivotal player in inflammatory responses, is constitutively expressed in the pineal gland. Corticosterone inhibits pineal NFKB leading to an enhancement of melatonin production, while tumor necrosis factor (TNF) leads to inhibition of Aa-nat transcription and the production of N-acetylserotonin in cultured glands. The reduction in nocturnal melatonin surge favors the mounting of the inflammatory response. Despite these data, there is no clear evidence of the ability of the pineal gland to recognize molecules that signal infection. This study investigated whether the rat pineal gland expresses receptors for lipopolysaccharide (LPS), the endotoxin from the membranes of Gram-negative bacteria, and to establish the mechanism of action of LPS. Here, we show that pineal glands possess both CD14 and toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), membrane proteins that bind LPS and trigger the NFKB pathway. LPS induced the nuclear translocation of p50/p50 and p50/RELA dimers and the synthesis of TNF. The maximal expression of TNF in cultured glands coincides with an increase in the expression of TNF receptor 1 (TNFR1) in isolated pinealocytes. In addition, LPS inhibited the synthesis of N-acetylserotonin and melatonin. Therefore, the pineal gland transduces Gram-negative endotoxin stimulation by producing TNF and inhibiting melatonin synthesis. Here, we provide evidence to reinforce the idea of an immune-pineal axis, showing that the pineal gland is a constitutive player in the innate immune response.