980 resultados para Pierre Janet
Vol. 2 is by F. Raymond and Pierre Janet.
La somme romanesque que représente À la recherche du temps perdu se constitue au prix d’une « recherche » qui est à prendre au pied de la lettre, et qui instaure le sujet connaissant en savant-chercheur face à son objet de savoir. Proust fait en effet du « savoir » la condition même du talent, et fait entreprendre à son héros une exploration qui se présente en priorité comme étant une quête de savoirs. Ce travail se situe dans le sillage de l’épistémocritique qui étudie l’inscription dans le texte littéraire des savoirs en général, tout en insistant sur les savoirs qui relèvent de la science. Notre but est de dégager la posture épistémique qui caractérise le narrateur de la Recherche face aux divers savoirs qu’il récolte au cours de ses observations. Le parcours cognitif du narrateur est examiné suivant les quatre grandes étapes de sa recherche, que nous redéfinissons en termes de paradigmes : le paradigme de l’Exploration, qui définit une « épistémologie de l’observateur » ; le paradigme de la Communication, qui définit une « épistémologie de l’homme social » et une « épistémologie de l’homme moderne » ; le paradigme de l’Introspection, qui prépare à l’élaboration d’une « épistémologie du personnage intérieur » ; et enfin, le paradigme de la Vocation, qui rassemble les réponses trouvées par le narrateur à la plupart des questionnements qui auront jalonné son parcours cognitif. Ce dernier paradigme se présente sous la forme d’une « épistémologie de la création », d’une « épistémologie du réel » et d’une « épistémologie du hasard ». Car en dépit d’une démarche qui apparaît soumise aux médiations culturelles, la recherche du héros proustien se présente comme une « pensée de l’imprévisible » : fortement déterminée par la recherche cognitive du protagoniste, elle demeure pourtant irréductible à cette seule recherche. Nous dégageons, pour terminer, le statut réservé à la science et aux savoirs positifs en regard de la découverte de la vocation, mais aussi par rapport à l’élaboration d’une théorie de la création littéraire : ces deux grands domaines du savoir sont-ils considérés par Proust comme inconciliables avec une priorité évidente de l’un sur l’autre ou, au contraire, participent-ils tous deux d’une manière égale à la connaissance et à la création artistique ?
Publication suspended: 1984-1985.
A palavra monomania provém do grego monos que se traduz por "um" e mania que significa "mania". O emprego do termo em psiquiatria deve-se a Esquirol e mais tarde a Pierre Janet. Contudo, o uso da palavra não se circunscreve ao campo da psiquiatria, o conceito de monomania é também usado para definir as denominadas "manias do eu". Nos dias de hoje, a subjectividade, a particularidade de cada indivíduo apartou-se da noção de Homem como um todo objectivo. A massificação gerou a sociedade do narcisismo. A World Wide Web permitiu ao sujeito dar a conhecer ao mundo a sua individualidade. O sujeito é livre de se mostrar, de se fazer ouvir, de contar as suas histórias e principalmente a sua própria. À semelhança do nosso quotidiano, podemos encontrar na arte contemporânea propostas artísticas que se prendem com o conceito de monomania, como o exemplo das mitologias individuais, auto-narrativas e auto-ficções de Sophie Calle: "de vivre sa vie pour faire ceuvre et de faire ceuvre pour vivre sa vie." ABSTRACT: Etymologically, "monomania" originates from the Greek words "monos" and "mania". The former refers to the notion of "one" and the latter to "mania". The term's introduction in the field of psychiatry is attributed first to Esquirol and later Pierre Janet. Usage of the word isn’t, however, exclusive to psychiatric jargon: the concept of monomania is also used to define so called "manias of the self’. Today, the subjectivity and specificity of each individual have distanced themselves from the notion of Man as an objective whole. Massification has led to a society of narcissism. The World Wide Web has allowed the subject to make her individuality known to the world at large. The subject is free to exhibit herself, make herself heard, tell her stories, and especially her own. ln a way similar to daily life, we find agendas in contemporary art that approach the concept of monomania, such as the personal mythologies, self-narratives and selffictions of Sophie Calle: "de vivre sa vie pour faire oeuvre et de faire oeuvre pour vivre sa vie."
What is the secret mesmerism that death possesses and under the operation of which a modern architect – strident, confident, resolute – becomes rueful, pessimistic, or melancholic?1 Five years before Le Corbusier’s death at sea in 1965, the architect reluctantly agreed to adopt the project for L’Église Saint-Pierre de Firminy in Firminy-Vert (1960–2006), following the death of its original architect, André Sive, from leukemia in 1958.2 Le Corbusier had already developed, in 1956, the plan for an enclave in the new “green” Firminy town, which included his youth and culture center and a stadium and swimming pool; the church and a “boîte à miracles” near the youth center were inserted into the plan in the ’60s. (Le Corbusier was also invited, in 1962, to produce another plan for three Unités d’Habitation outside Firminy-Vert.) The Saint-Pierre church should have been the zenith of the quartet (the largest urban concentration of works by Le Corbusier in Europe, and what the architect Henri Ciriani termed Le Corbusier’s “acropolis”3) but in the early course of the project, Le Corbusier would suffer the diocese’s serial objections to his vision for the church – not unlike the difficulties he experienced with Notre Dame du Haut at Ronchamp (1950–1954) and the resistance to his proposed monastery of Sainte-Marie de la Tourette (1957–1960). In 1964, the bishop of Saint-Étienne requested that Le Corbusier relocate the church to a new site, but Le Corbusier refused and the diocese subsequently withdrew from the project. (With neither the approval, funds, nor the participation of the bishop, by then the cardinal archbishop of Lyon, the first stone of the church was finally laid on the site in 1970.) Le Corbusier’s ambivalence toward the project, even prior to his quarrels with the bishop, reveals...
In its earliest and simplest form queer theory proposes that sexual identity is not essential, but socially constructed, and understandings of identity, gender and sexuality are constructed differently at different times and in different places. Queer theory aims to challenge normative understandings of sex, sexuality and gender, and also normative concepts of knowledge and being. Since its inception, queer theory has been taken up by a number of disciplines as an analytical framework. These include cultural geography, education studies, film studies and sociology. In the last decade queer theory has been used to consider citizenship, diasporas and post colonial experiences. A queer theoretical perspective has also been used to analyse emotions, the Death Drive, phenomenology, and disability. As queer theory enters its third decade Janet Halley and Andrew Parker ask what is after sex? ‘What has queer theory become now that it has a past?’
Photographic documentation of sculpture produces significant consequences for the way in which sculptural space is conceived. When viewed as discrete mediums the interaction of the photograph and its sculptural subject is always framed by notions of loss. However, when taken as a composite system, the sculpture-photograph proposes a new ontology of space. In place of the fixity of medium, we can observe a topology at play: a theory drawn from mathematics in which space is understood not as a static field but in terms of properties of connectedness, movement and differentiation. Refracted through the photographic medium, sculpture becomes not a field of fixed points in space, but rather as a fluid set of relations - a continuous sequence of multiple ‘surfaces’, a network of shifting views. This paper will develop a topological account of studio practice through an examination of the work of the contemporary Belgian sculptor Didier Vermeiren (b. 1951). Since the 1980s, Vermeiren has made extensive use of photography in his sculptural practice. By analysing a series of iterations of his work Cariatide à la Pierre (1997-1998), this paper proposes that Vermeiren’s use of photography reveals patterns of connection that expand and complicate the language of sculpture, while also emphasising the broader topology of the artist’s practice as a network of ‘backward glances’ to previous works from the artist’s oeuvre and the art-historical canon. In this context, photography is not simply a method of documentation, but rather a means of revealing the intrinsic condition of sculpture as medium shaped by dynamic patterns of connection and change. In Vermeiren’s work the sculpture-photograph, has a composite identity that exceeds straightforward categories of medium. In their place, we can observe a practice based upon the complex interactions of objects whose ontology is always underpinned by a certain contingency. It is in this fundamental mobility, that the topology of Vermeiren’s practice can be said to rest.
Background Genome-wide association studies have identified multiple genetic variants associated with prostate cancer risk which explain a substantial proportion of familial relative risk. These variants can be used to stratify individuals by their risk of prostate cancer. Methods We genotyped 25 prostate cancer susceptibility loci in 40,414 individuals and derived a polygenic risk score (PRS).We estimated empirical odds ratios (OR) for prostate cancer associated with different risk strata defined by PRS and derived agespecific absolute risks of developing prostate cancer by PRS stratum and family history. Results The prostate cancer risk for men in the top 1% of the PRS distribution was 30.6 (95% CI, 16.4-57.3) fold compared with men in the bottom 1%, and 4.2 (95% CI, 3.2-5.5) fold compared with the median risk. The absolute risk of prostate cancer by age of 85 years was 65.8% for a man with family history in the top 1% of the PRS distribution, compared with 3.7% for a man in the bottom 1%. The PRS was only weakly correlated with serum PSA level (correlation = 0.09). Conclusions Risk profiling can identify men at substantially increased or reduced risk of prostate cancer. The effect size, measured by OR per unit PRS, was higher in men at younger ages and in men with family history of prostate cancer. Incorporating additional newly identified loci into a PRS should improve the predictive value of risk profiles. Impact:We demonstrate that the risk profiling based on SNPs can identify men at substantially increased or reduced risk that could have useful implications for targeted prevention and screening programs.
This 'project' investigates Janet Cardiff's Whispering Room. It examines how Cardiff deconstructs the privileging of the visual over all other corporeal senses in her work, the Whispering Room. Using sound as a fulcrum, Cardiff explores the links between subjects, collective narratives, memories, experiences and performances. Janet Cardiff destabilizes time and space and fractures the continuum through the use of sound. My 'project' celebrates sound as a transgressive medium — sound not as a gendered medium but as a vehicle in which to speak (to) gender. It explores how sound can destabilize notions of perception and reception and question art and museal practices. In the process this 'project' reveals the complexity of interpreting and representing art as an object. My aim is to reflect the very intertextual and expressionist collage that Cardiff has created in Whispering Room in my own text. Cardiff solicits the viewer's intimacy and participation. Whispering Room is a physical yet metonymic space in which Cardiff creates a place for performatvity, experience, memory, desire and speech, thus she opens up a space for the utterance and performance of the viewer. Viewers construct and create meaning/s for themselves within this mnemonic space by digging up their own memories, desires and reveries. The strength of Cardiff's work is that it relies on a viewer to perform, a body to trigger the pseudo-spectacle and a voice to interrupt the whispers. One might ask of Whispering Room where the illusionistic space begins and where the physical space ends. This 'project' investigates how in Whispering Room there is no one experience but many experiences.
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