947 resultados para Pianificazione radio, MIMO, DAS, Comunicazioni radiomobili
Confronto simulativo tra architetture per la mobilità: analisi simulatore MIPv6 e confronto con ABPS
Il presente elaborato tratta il lavoro di studio, analisi e sperimentazione effettuato dal sottoscritto, Giovanni Sitta, in conclusione al Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Informatica presso l'Università degli Studi di Bologna. Questo ha dapprima previsto un periodo di approfondimento di alcune architetture di supporto alla mobilità dei terminali di rete, in particolare di due protocolli allo stato dell'arte, Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) e Locator/Identifier Separation Protocol (LISP), e di una terza architettura sperimentale denominata Always Best Packet Switching (ABPS). Sono stati in seguito esaminati tre simulatori, uno per ciascuna architettura di supporto alla mobilità considerata, realizzati come estensioni della libreria INET del framework OMNeT++, assicurandosi che fossero conformi alle specifiche del protocollo implementato (almeno entro i limiti di semplificazione rilevanti ai fini del lavoro), e correggendone eventuali problematiche, mancanze e anomalie in caso questi non le rispettassero. Sono poi stati configurati alcuni scenari simulativi utilizzando le tre librerie, in prima battuta di natura molto semplice, utilizzati per verificare il corretto funzionamento dei simulatori in condizioni ideali, e successivamente più complessi, allestendo un ambiente di esecuzione più verosimile, dotato di un maggior numero di host connessi alla rete e di ostacoli per i segnali radio usati nelle comunicazioni wireless. Tramite i risultati sperimentali ottenuti da queste simulazioni è stato infine possibili realizzare un confronto tra le prestazioni di MIPv6, LISP e ABPS.
The effect of antenna separation in a 3×3 MIMO system using RoF DAS technology is investigated. Larger antenna separation is found to improve the throughput due to reduced channel correlation and improved SNR. © 2011 Optical Society of America.
Abstract (40-Word Limit): A novel method for sending MIMO wireless signals to remote antenna units over a single multimode fibre is proposed. MIMO streams are sent via different fibre modes using mode division multiplexing. Combined channel measurements of 2km MMF and a typical indoor radio environment show in principle a 2x2 MIMO link at carrier frequencies up to 6GHz.
A novel method for sending MIMO wireless signals to remote antenna units over a single multimode fibre is proposed. MIMO streams are sent via different fibre modes using mode division multiplexing. Combined channel measurements of 2km MMF and a typical indoor radio environment show in principle a 2×2 MIMO link at carrier frequencies up to 6GHz. © 2012 Optical Society of America.
The effect of antenna separation in a 3×3 MIMO system using RoF DAS technology is investigated. Larger antenna separation is found to improve the throughput due to reduced channel correlation and improved SNR. © OSA/OFC/NFOEC 2011.
This paper examines the impact of two simple precoding schemes on the capacity of 3 × 3 MIMO-enabled radio-over-fiber (RoF) distributed antenna systems (DAS) with excess transmit antennas. Specifically, phase-shift-only transmit beamforming and antenna selection are compared. It is found that for two typical indoor propagation scenarios, both strategies offer double the capacity gain that non-precoding MIMO DAS offers over traditional MIMO collocated antenna systems (CAS), with capacity improvements of 3.2-4.2 bit/s/Hz. Further, antenna selection shows similar performance to phase-only beamforming, differing by <0.5% and offering median capacities of 94 bit/s/Hz and 82 bit/s/Hz in the two propagation scenarios respectively. Because optical DASs enable precise, centralized control of remote antennas, they are well suited for implementing these beamforming schemes. Antenna selection, in particular, is a simple and effective means of increasing MIMO DAS capacity. © 2013 IEEE.
This paper experimentally demonstrates that, for two representative indoor distributed antenna system (DAS) scenarios, existing radio-over-fiber (RoF) DAS installations can enhance the capacity advantages of broadband 3 × 3 multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) radio services without requiring additional fibers or multiplexing schemes. This is true for both single-and multiple-user cases with a single base station and multiple base stations. First, a theoretical example is used to illustrate that there is a negligible improvement in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) when using a MIMO DAS with all N spatial streams replicated at N RAUs, compared with a MIMO DAS with only one of the N streams replicated at each RAU for N ≤ 4. It is then experimentally confirmed that a 3 × 3 MIMO DAS offers improved capacity and throughput compared with a 3 × 3 MIMO collocated antenna system (CAS) for the single-user case in two typical indoor DAS scenarios, i.e., one with significant line-of-sight (LOS) propagation and the other with entirely non-line-of-sight (NLOS) propagation. The improvement in capacity is 3.2% and 4.1%, respectively. Then, experimental channel measurements confirm that there is a negligible capacity increase in the 3 × 3 configuration with three spatial streams per antenna unit over the 3 × 3 configuration with a single spatial stream per antenna unit. The former layout is observed to provide an increase of ∼1% in the median channel capacity in both the single-and multiple-user scenarios. With 20 users and three base stations, a MIMO DAS using the latter layout offers median aggregate capacities of 259 and 233 bit/s/Hz for the LOS and NLOS scenarios, respectively. It is concluded that DAS installations can further enhance the capacity offered to multiple users by multiple 3 × 3 MIMO-enabled base stations. Further, designing future DAS systems to support broadband 3 × 3 MIMO systems may not require significant upgrades to existing installations for small numbers of spatial streams. © 2013 IEEE.
Radio propagation modeling for capacity optimization in wireless relay MIMO systems with partial CSI
The enormous growth of wireless communication systems makes it important to evaluate the capacity of such channels. Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) wireless communication systems are shown to yield significant performance improvement to data rates when compared to the traditional Single Input Single Output (SISO) wireless systems. The benefits of multiple antenna elements at the transmitter and receiver have become necessary to the research and the development of the next generation of mobile communication systems. In this paper we propose the use of Relaying MIMO wireless communication systems for use over long throughput. We investigate how Relays can be used in a "demodulate-and-forward" operation when the transmitter is equipped with spatially correlated multiple antenna elements and the receiver has only partial knowledge of the statistics of the channel. We show that Relays between the source and destination nodes of a wireless communication system in MIMO configuration improve the throughput of the system when compared to the typical MIMO systems, or achieve the desired channel capacity with significantly lower power resources needed.
We consider a linear precoder design for an underlay cognitive radio multiple-input multiple-output broadcast channel, where the secondary system consisting of a secondary base-station (BS) and a group of secondary users (SUs) is allowed to share the same spectrum with the primary system. All the transceivers are equipped with multiple antennas, each of which has its own maximum power constraint. Assuming zero-forcing method to eliminate the multiuser interference, we study the sum rate maximization problem for the secondary system subject to both per-antenna power constraints at the secondary BS and the interference power constraints at the primary users. The problem of interest differs from the ones studied previously that often assumed a sum power constraint and/or single antenna employed at either both the primary and secondary receivers or the primary receivers. To develop an efficient numerical algorithm, we first invoke the rank relaxation method to transform the considered problem into a convex-concave problem based on a downlink-uplink result. We then propose a barrier interior-point method to solve the resulting saddle point problem. In particular, in each iteration of the proposed method we find the Newton step by solving a system of discrete-time Sylvester equations, which help reduce the complexity significantly, compared to the conventional method. Simulation results are provided to demonstrate fast convergence and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
The rapid growth of mobile telephone use, satellite services, and now the wireless Internet and WLANs are generating tremendous changes in telecommunication and networking. As indoor wireless communications become more prevalent, modeling indoor radio wave propagation in populated environments is a topic of significant interest. Wireless MIMO communication exploits phenomena such as multipath propagation to increase data throughput and range, or reduce bit error rates, rather than attempting to eliminate effects of multipath propagation as traditional SISO communication systems seek to do. The MIMO approach can yield significant gains for both link and network capacities, with no additional transmitting power or bandwidth consumption when compared to conventional single-array diversity methods. When MIMO and OFDM systems are combined and deployed in a suitable rich scattering environment such as indoors, a significant capacity gain can be observed due to the assurance of multipath propagation. Channel variations can occur as a result of movement of personnel, industrial machinery, vehicles and other equipment moving within the indoor environment. The time-varying effects on the propagation channel in populated indoor environments depend on the different pedestrian traffic conditions and the particular type of environment considered. A systematic measurement campaign to study pedestrian movement effects in indoor MIMO-OFDM channels has not yet been fully undertaken. Measuring channel variations caused by the relative positioning of pedestrians is essential in the study of indoor MIMO-OFDM broadband wireless networks. Theoretically, due to high multipath scattering, an increase in MIMO-OFDM channel capacity is expected when pedestrians are present. However, measurements indicate that some reductions in channel capacity could be observed as the number of pedestrians approaches 10 due to a reduction in multipath conditions as more human bodies absorb the wireless signals. This dissertation presents a systematic characterization of the effects of pedestrians in indoor MIMO-OFDM channels. Measurement results, using the MIMO-OFDM channel sounder developed at the CSIRO ICT Centre, have been validated by a customized Geometric Optics-based ray tracing simulation. Based on measured and simulated MIMO-OFDM channel capacity and MIMO-OFDM capacity dynamic range, an improved deterministic model for MIMO-OFDM channels in indoor populated environments is presented. The model can be used for the design and analysis of future WLAN to be deployed in indoor environments. The results obtained show that, in both Fixed SNR and Fixed Tx for deterministic condition, the channel capacity dynamic range rose with the number of pedestrians as well as with the number of antenna combinations. In random scenarios with 10 pedestrians, an increment in channel capacity of up to 0.89 bits/sec/Hz in Fixed SNR and up to 1.52 bits/sec/Hz in Fixed Tx has been recorded compared to the one pedestrian scenario. In addition, from the results a maximum increase in average channel capacity of 49% has been measured while 4 antenna elements are used, compared with 2 antenna elements. The highest measured average capacity, 11.75 bits/sec/Hz, corresponds to the 4x4 array with 10 pedestrians moving randomly. Moreover, Additionally, the spread between the highest and lowest value of the the dynamic range is larger for Fixed Tx, predicted 5.5 bits/sec/Hz and measured 1.5 bits/sec/Hz, in comparison with Fixed SNR criteria, predicted 1.5 bits/sec/Hz and measured 0.7 bits/sec/Hz. This has been confirmed by both measurements and simulations ranging from 1 to 5, 7 and 10 pedestrians.
In this paper, a novel 2×2 multiple-input multiple-output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) testbed based on an Analog Devices AD9361 highly integrated radio frequency (RF) agile transceiver was specifically implemented for the purpose of estimating and analyzing MIMO-OFDM channel capacity in vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) environments using the 920 MHz industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) band. We implemented two-dimensional discrete cosine transform-based filtering to reduce the channel estimation errors and show its effectiveness on our measurement results. We have also analyzed the effects of channel estimation error on the MIMO channel capacity by simulation. Three different scenarios of subcarrier spacing were investigated which correspond to IEEE 802.11p, Long-Term Evolution (LTE), and Digital Video Broadcasting Terrestrial (DVB-T)(2k) standards. An extensive MIMO-OFDM V2I channel measurement campaign was performed in a suburban environment. Analysis of the measured MIMO channel capacity results as a function of the transmitter-to-receiver (TX-RX) separation distance up to 250 m shows that the variance of the MIMO channel capacity is larger for the near-range line-of-sight (LOS) scenarios than for the long-range non-LOS cases, using a fixed receiver signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) criterion. We observed that the largest capacity values were achieved at LOS propagation despite the common assumption of a degenerated MIMO channel in LOS. We consider that this is due to the large angular spacing between MIMO subchannels which occurs when the receiver vehicle rooftop antennas pass by the fixed transmitter antennas at close range, causing MIMO subchannels to be orthogonal. In addition, analysis on the effects of different subcarrier spacings on MIMO-OFDM channel capacity showed negligible differences in mean channel capacity for the subcarrier spacing range investigated. Measured channels described in this paper are available on request.