942 resultados para Physiology of pigmentation


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Troglobitic (exclusively subterranean) organisms usually present, among their apomorphies related to the subterranean life (troglomorphisms), the regression of eyes and melanic pigmentation. The degree of regression varies among species, from a slight reduction to the complete loss of eyes and dark pigmentation, without a taxonomic correlation. While mechanisms of eye reduction have been intensively investigated in some troglobites such as the Mexican blind tetra characins, genus Astyanax, and the European salamander, Proteus anguinus, few studies have focused on pigmentation. The Brazilian subterranean ichthyofauna distinguishes not only by the species richness (23 troglobitic fishes so far known) but also by the variation in the degree of reduction of eyes and pigmentation. This study focused on Brazilian fishes completely devoid of melanic pigmentation: the characiform Stygichthys typhlops (Characidae) and the siluriforms Ancistrus formoso (Loricariidae), Rhamdiopsis sp.1 (Heptapteridae; from caves in the Chapada Diamantina, Bahia) and Rhamdiopsis sp. 2 (cave in Campo Formoso, Bahia). In order to investigate if such depigmentation is the result of blockage in some step in the melanogenesis, in vitro tests of administration of L-DOPA were done, using caudal-fin fragments extracted from living fish. Except for Rhamdiopsis sp. 2, all the studied species were DOPA(+), i.e., melanin was synthesized after L-DOPA administration. This indicates these fish do have melanophores but they are unable to convert L-tyrosine to L-DOPA. On the other hand, Rhamdiopsis sp. 2, like the albino specimens of Trichomycterus itacarambiensis previously studied (which correspond to one third of the population), are DOPA(-), either because the block of melanin synthesis occurs downstream in melanogenesis, which is probably the case with T. itacarambiensis (monogenic system in view of the phenotypic discontinuity), or because the so-called albinos do no possess melanophores. The physiological loss in the ability to synthesize melanin, apparently caused by different genetic processes in DOPA(+) and in DOPA(-) fishes, may co-exist in subterranean populations with a decrease in the density of melanophores, as observed in the pigmented two thirds of T. itacarambiensis population, a morphological reduction apparently controlled by polygenic systems producing a continuous phenotypic variation.


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The veg1 (vegetative) mutant in pea (Pisum sativum L.) does not flower under any circumstances and gi (gigas) mutants remain vegetative under certain conditions. gi plants are deficient in production of floral stimulus, whereas veg1 plants lack a response to floral stimulus. During long days in particular, these non-flowering mutant plants eventually enter a stable compact phase characterised by a large reduction in internode length, small leaves and growth of lateral shoots from the upper-stem (aerial) nodes. The first-order laterals in turn produce second-order laterals and so on in a reiterative pattern. The apical bud is reduced in size but continues active growth. Endogenous hormone measurements and gibberellin application studies with gi-1, gi-2 and veg1 plants indicate that a reduction in gibberellin and perhaps indole-3-acetic acid level may account, at least partially, for the compact aerial shoot phenotype. In the gi-1 mutant, the compact phenotype is rescued by transfer from a 24- to an 8-h photoperiod. We propose that in plants where flowering is prevented by a lack of floral stimulus or an inability to respond, the large reduction in photoperiod gene activity during long days may lead to a reduction in apical sink strength that is manifest in an altered hormone profile and weak apical dominance.


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zFour rumen-fistulated, multiparous Holstein-Friesian cows in early lactation were offered mixed diets based on rhodes grass hay (Chloris gayana) cv. Callide containing 13, 14, 15 or 16% crude protein (CP) on a dry matter basis, in a 4 x 4 latin square design. The estimated undegradable protein concentration in these diets was similar with rumen degradable protein concentration varying. Cows fed a diet containing 13% CP had lower (P = 0.07) milk yields than cows in other treatments (20.4 vs 21.9, 22.0 and 22.2 L/d for 13, 14, 15 and 16% CP, respectively). A positive linear relationship was found (P = 0.06) between organic matter intake and dietary CP%. There were negative linear relationships between dietary CP% and digestibilities of dry matter (P = 0.09), organic matter (P = 0.06) and neutral detergent fibre (P = 0.02). Feeding a diet containing 13% CP resulted in significantly lower (P = 0.001) molar proportions (%) of rumen valerate in comparison with other treatments. The molar proportions of isovalerate differed (P = 0.001) between treatments (0.66, 0.78, 0.89 and 1.04%) for 13, 14, 15 and 16% CP, respectively). Dietary protein level had no effect on rates of passage, in situ digestion of rhodes grass hay or ratios of allantoin: creatinine in urine. These data showed that increasing the dietary CP concentration of lactating cows fed diets based on rhodes grass hay increased intakes and not significantly improved at dietary CP concentrations above 14% DM.


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Metal contamination of the environment is frequently associated to the presence of two or more metals. This work aimed to study the impact of a mixture of metals (Cd, Pb and Zn) on the physiology of the non-conventional yeast Pichia kudriavzevii. The incubation of yeast cells with 5 mg/l Cd, 10 mg/l Pb and 5 mg/l Zn, for 6 h, induced a loss of metabolic activity (assessed by FUN-1 staining) and proliferation capacity (evaluated by a clonogenic assay), with a small loss of membrane integrity (measured by trypan blue exclusion assay). The staining of yeast cells with calcofluor white revealed that no modification of chitin deposition pattern occurred during the exposure to metal mixture. Extending for 24 h, the exposure of yeast cells to metal mixture provoked a loss of membrane integrity, which was accompanied by the leakage of intracellular components. A marked loss of the metabolic activity and the loss of proliferation capacity were also observed. The analysis of the impact of a single metal has shown that, under the conditions studied, Pb was the metal responsible for the toxic effect observed in the metal mixture. Intracellular accumulation of Pb seems to be correlated with the metals' toxic effects observed.


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El reconocimiento temprano de anormalidades en la transferencia pasiva de inmunidad en equinos es importante para un manejo satisfactorio de los potrillos. La placenta de la yegua, epiteliocorial, no permite el pasaje de inmunoglobulinas.(Igs). La ingesta de calostro es vital ya que provee las Igs necesarias para alcanzar una concentración sérica de IgG mayor a 800 mg por ciento. Se considerara falla parcial con niveles de IgG entre 400 y 800 mgpor ciento; y total con niveles menores a 400 mg por ciento. La absorción de las Igs es máxima hasta 8 hs después del nacimiento y disminuye hasta hacerse nula a las 24 hs posparto. Los objetivos son: a) estudiar la cinética de la transferencia pasiva de Igs determinando la concentración de IgG sérica en potrillos en el primer trimestre de vida. b) relacionar la concentración de IgG del suero y calostro de la yegua con la concentración sérica de IgG en el potrillo. c) Relacionar en calostro la concentración de inmunoglobulina G con la densidad específica y la determinación semicuantitativa de inmunoglobulina G. d) Relacionar en el suero del potrillo a las 18 - 24 hs posparto la concentración de inmunoglobulina G con la densidad específica y la determinación semicuantitativa de inmunoglobulina G. Material y método: Diseño de estudio: de cohorte, observacional, descriptivo. Animales: 70 yeguas y 70 potrillos de raza Puro Polo. Calostros: 70 muestras Toma de muestras: Yeguas: se tomará una muestra de sangre en el periparto y una muestra de calostro posparto, antes del calostrado del potrillo. Potrillos: se tomarán muestras de sangre seriadas: al nacimiento (precalostrado), 6 hs posparto, 12 hs, 18 hs y 24 hs posparto y a los 21, 60 y 90 días posparto. Determinación de IgG (Suero y calostro): a) Técnica de inmunodifusión radial simple, los resultados se expresará en mg por ciento, en muestras seriadas en intervalos de tiempo preestablecidos. b)Refractometría (con refractómetro Modelo RHC-200/ATC- Arcano). c) Test de gluteralehído, Inmuno -G test. Análisis estadístico: Comparaciones de medias con prueba t apareada o de diferencia de medias, Se considera p significativa < 0,05. Se realizará un análisis de componentes principales. Se correlacionará la concentración de Ig G de suero y calostro de la yegua con la concentración en suero de potrillo. Con los resultados de este trabajo se determinarán los valores de inmunoglobulina en las yeguas y potrillos y su comportamiento en el tiempo, y se validará la sensibilidad y especificidad de las técnicas diagnósticas utilizadas. Los resultados permitirán obtener conocimientos para un manejo racional, desde la perspectiva inmunológica, de los potrillos, al establecer mediante técnicas cuantitativas y semicuantitativas los niveles de Igs séricos alcanzados, favoreciendo un diagnóstico precoz de inmunodeficiencia por fracaso de la transferencia de anticuerpos que pondría en riesgo la vida del potrillo.