991 resultados para Physics simulation
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática
Abstract not available
The approach presented in this paper consists of an energy-based field-circuit coupling in combination with multi-physics simulation of the acoustic radiation of electrical machines. The proposed method is applied to a special switched reluctance motor with asymmetric pole geometry to improve the start-up torque. The pole shape has been optimized, subject to low torque ripple, in a previous study. The proposed approach here is used to analyze the impact of the optimization on the overall acoustic behavior. The field-circuit coupling is based on a temporary lumped-parameter model of the magnetic part incorporated into a circuit simulation based on the modified nodal analysis. The harmonic force excitation is calculated by means of stress tensor computation, and it is transformed to a mechanical mesh by mapping techniques. The structural dynamic problem is solved in the frequency domain using a finite-element modal analysis and superposition. The radiation characteristic is obtained from boundary element acoustic simulation. Simulation results of both rotor types are compared, and measurements of the drive are presented.
We investigate the statics and dynamics of a glassy,non-entangled, short bead-spring polymer melt with moleculardynamics simulations. Temperature ranges from slightlyabove the mode-coupling critical temperature to the liquidregime where features of a glassy liquid are absent. Ouraim is to work out the polymer specific effects on therelaxation and particle correlation. We find the intra-chain static structure unaffected bytemperature, it depends only on the distance of monomersalong the backbone. In contrast, the distinct inter-chainstructure shows pronounced site-dependence effects at thelength-scales of the chain and the nearest neighbordistance. There, we also find the strongest temperaturedependence which drives the glass transition. Both the siteaveraged coupling of the monomer and center of mass (CM) andthe CM-CM coupling are weak and presumably not responsiblefor a peak in the coherent relaxation time at the chain'slength scale. Chains rather emerge as soft, easilyinterpenetrating objects. Three particle correlations arewell reproduced by the convolution approximation with theexception of model dependent deviations. In the spatially heterogeneous dynamics of our system weidentify highly mobile monomers which tend to follow eachother in one-dimensional paths forming ``strings''. Thesestrings have an exponential length distribution and aregenerally short compared to the chain length. Thus, arelaxation mechanism in which neighboring mobile monomersmove along the backbone of the chain seems unlikely.However, the correlation of bonded neighbors is enhanced. When liquids are confined between two surfaces in relativesliding motion kinetic friction is observed. We study ageneric model setup by molecular dynamics simulations for awide range of sliding speeds, temperatures, loads, andlubricant coverings for simple and molecular fluids. Instabilities in the particle trajectories are identified asthe origin of kinetic friction. They lead to high particlevelocities of fluid atoms which are gradually dissipatedresulting in a friction force. In commensurate systemsfluid atoms follow continuous trajectories for sub-monolayercoverings and consequently, friction vanishes at low slidingspeeds. For incommensurate systems the velocity probabilitydistribution exhibits approximately exponential tails. Weconnect this velocity distribution to the kinetic frictionforce which reaches a constant value at low sliding speeds. This approach agrees well with the friction obtaineddirectly from simulations and explains Amontons' law on themicroscopic level. Molecular bonds in commensurate systemslead to incommensurate behavior, but do not change thequalitative behavior of incommensurate systems. However,crossed chains form stable load bearing asperities whichstrongly increase friction.
Upconverter materials and upconverter solar devices were recently investigated with broad-band excitation revealing the great potential of upconversion to enhance the efficiency of solar cell at comparatively low solar concentration factors. In this work first attempts are made to simulate the behavior of the upconverter β-NaYF4 doped with Er3+ under broad-band excitation. An existing model was adapted to account for the lower absorption of broader excitation spectra. While the same trends as observed for the experiments were found in the simulation, the absolute values are fairly different. This makes an upconversion model that specifically considers the line shape function of the ground state absorption indispensable to achieve accurate simulations of upconverter materials and upconverter solar cell devices with broadband excitations, such as the solar radiation.
Quantum computers promise to increase greatly the efficiency of solving problems such as factoring large integers, combinatorial optimization and quantum physics simulation. One of the greatest challenges now is to implement the basic quantum-computational elements in a physical system and to demonstrate that they can be reliably and scalably controlled. One of the earliest proposals for quantum computation is based on implementing a quantum bit with two optical modes containing one photon. The proposal is appealing because of the ease with which photon interference can be observed. Until now, it suffered from the requirement for non-linear couplings between optical modes containing few photons. Here we show that efficient quantum computation is possible using only beam splitters, phase shifters, single photon sources and photo-detectors. Our methods exploit feedback from photo-detectors and are robust against errors from photon loss and detector inefficiency. The basic elements are accessible to experimental investigation with current technology.
Actualmente, os smartphones e outros dispositivos móveis têm vindo a ser dotados com cada vez maior poder computacional, sendo capazes de executar um vasto conjunto de aplicações desde simples programas de para tirar notas até sofisticados programas de navegação. Porém, mesmo com a evolução do seu hardware, os actuais dispositivos móveis ainda não possuem as mesmas capacidades que os computadores de mesa ou portáteis. Uma possível solução para este problema é distribuir a aplicação, executando partes dela no dispositivo local e o resto em outros dispositivos ligados à rede. Adicionalmente, alguns tipos de aplicações como aplicações multimédia, jogos electrónicos ou aplicações de ambiente imersivos possuem requisitos em termos de Qualidade de Serviço, particularmente de tempo real. Ao longo desta tese é proposto um sistema de execução de código remota para sistemas distribuídos com restrições de tempo-real. A arquitectura proposta adapta-se a sistemas que necessitem de executar periodicamente e em paralelo mesmo conjunto de funções com garantias de tempo real, mesmo desconhecendo os tempos de execução das referidas funções. A plataforma proposta foi desenvolvida para sistemas móveis capazes de executar o Sistema Operativo Android.
Mestrado em Engenharia Informática - Área de Especialização em Sistemas Gráficos e Multimédia
The Container Loading Problem (CLP) literature has traditionally evaluated the dynamic stability of cargo by applying two metrics to box arrangements: the mean number of boxes supporting the items excluding those placed directly on the floor (M1) and the percentage of boxes with insufficient lateral support (M2). However, these metrics, that aim to be proxies for cargo stability during transportation, fail to translate real-world cargo conditions of dynamic stability. In this paper two new performance indicators are proposed to evaluate the dynamic stability of cargo arrangements: the number of fallen boxes (NFB) and the number of boxes within the Damage Boundary Curve fragility test (NB_DBC). Using 1500 solutions for well-known problem instances found in the literature, these new performance indicators are evaluated using a physics simulation tool (StableCargo), replacing the real-world transportation by a truck with a simulation of the dynamic behaviour of container loading arrangements. Two new dynamic stability metrics that can be integrated within any container loading algorithm are also proposed. The metrics are analytical models of the proposed stability performance indicators, computed by multiple linear regression. Pearson’s r correlation coefficient was used as an evaluation parameter for the performance of the models. The extensive computational results show that the proposed metrics are better proxies for dynamic stability in the CLP than the previous widely used metrics.
The work reported in this paper is motivated by the need for developing swarm pattern transformation methodologies. Two methods, namely a macroscopic method and a mathematical method are investigated for pattern transformation. The first method is based on macroscopic parameters while the second method is based on both microscopic and macroscopic parameters. A formal definition to pattern transformation considering four special cases of transformation is presented. Simulations on a physics simulation engine are used to confirm the feasibility of the proposed transformation methods. A brief comparison between the two methods is also presented.
Abstract-The work reported in this paper is motivated by the need for developing swarm pattern transformation methodologies. Two methods, namely a macroscopic method and a mathematical method are investigated for pattern transformation. The first method is based on macroscopic parameters while the second method is based on both microscopic and macroscopic parameters. A formal definition to pattern transformation considering four special cases of transformation is presented. Simulations on a physics simulation engine are used to confirm the feasibility of the proposed transformation methods. A brief comparison between the two methods is also presented.
Today, the trend within the electronics industry is for the use of rapid and advanced simulation methodologies in association with synthesis toolsets. This paper presents an approach developed to support mixed-signal circuit design and analysis. The methodology proposed shows a novel approach to the problem of developing behvioural model descriptions of mixed-signal circuit topologies, by construction of a set of subsystems, that supports the automated mapping of MATLAB (R)/SINIULINK (R) models to structural VHDL-AMS descriptions. The tool developed, named (MSSV)-S-2, reads a SIMULINK (R) model file and translates it to a structural VHDL-AMS code. It also creates the file structure required to simulate the translated model in the SystemVision (TM). To validate the methodology and the developed program, the DAC08, AD7524 and AD5450 data converters were studied and initially modelled in MATLAB (R)/SIMULINK (R). The VHDL-AMS code generated automatically by (MSSV)-S-2, (MATLAB (R)/SIMULINK (R) to SystemVision (TM)), was then simulated in the SystemVision (TM). The simulation results show that the proposed approach, which is based on VHDL-AMS descriptions of the original model library elements, allows for the behavioural level simulation of complex mixed-signal circuits.
Today, the trend within the electronics industry is for the use of rapid and advanced simulation methodologies in association with synthesis toolsets. This paper presents an approach developed to support mixed-signal circuit design and analysis. The methodology proposed shows a novel approach to the problem of developing behvioural model descriptions of mixed-signal circuit topologies, by construction of a set of subsystems, that supports the automated mapping of MATLAB®/SIMULINK® models to structural VHDL-AMS descriptions. The tool developed, named MS 2SV, reads a SIMULINK® model file and translates it to a structural VHDL-AMS code. It also creates the file structure required to simulate the translated model in the System Vision™. To validate the methodology and the developed program, the DAC08, AD7524 and AD5450 data converters were studied and initially modelled in MATLAB®/ SIMULINK®. The VHDL-AMS code generated automatically by MS 2SV, (MATLAB®/SIMULINK® to System Vision™), was then simulated in the System Vision™. The simulation results show that the proposed approach, which is based on VHDL-AMS descriptions of the original model library elements, allows for the behavioural level simulation of complex mixed-signal circuits.
In our experiments, we studied the classical dynamic of a particle in vertical motion subject to a constant gravitational field and the partial shock with an elastic wall with oscillatory motion located below the particle. The motion of the particle was confined to the vertical direction by a glass guide tube, which was initially evacuated, allowing viscous drag forces to be disregarded. The time between impacts, as well as the time between the reference phase of the movement of the base and the moment of impact and the period of oscillation of the base will be acquired by a hardware and software to obtain the phases space to be compared later with the description of the system through mapping discrete variables via the 'particle velocity immediately after shock 'and' phase of the movement of the base at the instant of shock 'obtained by computer simulation. This requires developing an electronic analog system followed by Digital implemented in reconfigurable logic, more specifically a sequential machine able to discriminate the impact with the metal base from the impacts of the glass guide tube, based on the frequency spectrum of the response of the microphone to these different impacts
In the present work, a multi physics simulation of an innovative safety system for light water nuclear reactor is performed, with the aim to increase the reliability of its main decay heat removal system. The system studied, denoted by the acronym PERSEO (in Pool Energy Removal System for Emergency Operation) is able to remove the decay power from the primary side of the light water nuclear reactor through a heat suppression pool. The experimental facility, located at SIET laboratories (PIACENZA), is an evolution of the Thermal Valve concept where the triggering valve is installed liquid side, on a line connecting two pools at the bottom. During the normal operation, the valve is closed, while in emergency conditions it opens, the heat exchanger is flooded with consequent heat transfer from the primary side to the pool side. In order to verify the correct system behavior during long term accidental transient, two main experimental PERSEO tests are analyzed. For this purpose, a coupling between the mono dimensional system code CATHARE, which reproduces the system scale behavior, with a three-dimensional CFD code NEPTUNE CFD, allowing a full investigation of the pools and the injector, is implemented. The coupling between the two codes is realized through the boundary conditions. In a first analysis, the facility is simulated by the system code CATHARE V2.5 to validate the results with the experimental data. The comparison of the numerical results obtained shows a different void distribution during the boiling conditions inside the heat suppression pool for the two cases of single nodalization and three volume nodalization scheme of the pool. Finaly, to improve the investigation capability of the void distribution inside the pool and the temperature stratification phenomena below the injector, a two and three dimensional CFD models with a simplified geometry of the system are adopted.