231 resultados para Phyllorhiza punctata
Phyllorhiza punctata (P. punctata) is a jellyfish native to the southwestern Pacific. Herewith we present the biochemical and pharmacological characterization of an extract of the tentacles of P. punctata. The tentacles were subjected to three freezethaw cycles, homogenized, ultrafiltered, precipitated, centrifuged and lyophilized to obtain a crude extract (PHY-N). Paralytic shellfish poisoning compounds such as saxitoxin, gonyautoxin-4, tetrodotoxin and brevetoxin-2, as well as several secretory phospholipase A2 were identified. PHY-N was tested on autonomic and somatic neuromuscular preparations. In mouse vas deferens, PHY-N induced phasic contractions that reached a peak of 234 +/- 34.7% of control twitch height, which were blocked with either 100 mu m of phentolamine or 1m m of lidocaine. In mouse corpora cavernosa, PHY-N evoked a relaxation response, which was blocked with either L-NG-Nitroarginine methyl ester (0.5 m m) or 1m m of lidocaine. PHY-N (1, 3 and 10 mu g ml(-1)) induced an increase in tonus of the biventercervicis neuromuscular preparation that was blocked with pre-treatment of galamine (10 mu m). Administration of 6 mg kg(-1) PHY-N intramuscularly produced death in broilers by spastic paralysis. In conclusion, PHY-N induces nerve depolarization and nonspecifically increases neurotransmitter release. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Ao longo das últimas décadas verificou-se um aumento do mercado de organismos ornamentais, tornando-se num mercado bastante lucrativo. Os cnidários são um dos grupos com maior interesse e valorização dentro dos organismos ornamentais, dentro destes as medusas têm captado a atenção como organismos ornamentais, apresentando uma grande margem de progressão, sendo atualmente consideradas como uma espécie emergente na indústria da aquariofilia. Embora existam muitas espécies de medusa com potencial ornamental, a seleção de uma espécie alvo para o uso em aquários domésticos obriga a que sejam eleitos alguns critérios de adequabilidade, nomeadamente não ser letal ou perigosa para o Homem. A espécie Phyllorhiza punctata é uma das espécies com muita procura no mercado ornamental. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar as condições ideais para obter medusas a partir da fase de pólipo. Neste sentido foram realizados vários ensaios de forma a otimizar cada fase do processo. Durante todo o processo de produção de medusas é necessário retirar os pólipos de um lugar para outro, colocando-os em novos substratos e esperar que se fixem. Neste sentido é importante que os pólipos se fixem aos substratos, para que ao serem manipulados não se soltem. Assim, foi realizado um estudo relativo à fixação de pólipos em diferentes substratos, nomeadamente: placa de 6 poços, caixa de petri, gobelet de vidro e de plástico. Verificou-se que os pólipos desta espécie não apresentam preferência por nenhum dos substratos em estudo, apresentando ao final de 7 dias uma taxa de fixação superior a 90% independentemente dos substratos usados. Definido o substrato a utilizar nos ensaios, procedeu-se ao estudo das condições ótimas de temperatura e alimentação na reprodução assexuada por gemulação, tendo sido estudadas três temperaturas (20, 24 e 26ºC), combinadas com duas condições de alimento (com e sem alimentação). Verificou-se que a produção de novos pólipos por gemulação obtém-se fornecendo alimento aos pólipos e mantendo-os a 24 ou 26ºC. Do ponto de vista de desenvolvimento de éfiras em pequenas medusas, testaram-se diferentes alimentações ((A) náuplios de artémia (10 Ind/ml), (B) rotíferos (20 Ind/ml), (C) náuplios de artémia (5 Ind/ml) + rotíferos (10 Ind/ml), (D) Microalga (Nannochloropsis sp., 5x105células/ml), (E) Microalga (Nannochloropsis sp., 5x105células/ml) + náuplios de artémia (10 Ind/ml), (F) Microalga (Nannochloropsis sp., 5x105células/ml) + rotíferos (20Ind/ml)), verificando-se que a utilização de Microalgas + Rotíferos, maximiza o crescimento e a sobrevivência, comparativamente com as restantes dietas em estudo. O presente trabalho permitiu aumentar o conhecimento sobre a reprodução assexuada de pólipos e crescimento de éfiras de P. punctata. Ao longo do trabalho foi possível observar que existem condições chave que permitem otimizar o processo de produção desta espécie em aquacultura. Especialmente a importância da alimentação dos pólipos durante o processo de reprodução assexuada por gemulação, bem como da alimentação das éfiras com microalga e rotíferos conjuntamente.
Jellyfishes have functionally replaced several overexploited commercial stocks of planktivorous fishes. This is paradoxical, because they use a primitive prey capture mechanism requiring direct contact with the prey, whereas fishes use more efficient visual detection. We have compiled published data to show that, in spite of their primitive life-style, jellyfishes exhibit similar instantaneous prey clearance and respiration rates as their fish competitors and similar potential for growth and reproduction. To achieve this production, they have evolved large, water-laden bodies that increase prey contact rates. Although larger bodies are less efficient for swimming, optimization analysis reveals that large collectors are advantageous if they move through the water sufficiently slowly.
Samples of 11,000 King George whiting (Sillaginodes punctata) from the South Australian commercial and recreational catch, supplemented by research samples, were aged from otoliths. Samples were analyzed from three coastal regions and by sex. Most sampling was undertaken at fish processing plants, from which only fish longer than the legal minimum length were obtained. A left-truncated normal distribution of lengths at monthly age was therefore employed as model likelihood. Mean length-at-monthly-age was described by a generalized von Bertalanffy formula with sinusoidal seasonality. Likelihood standard deviation was modeled to vary allometrically with mean length. A range of related formulas (with 6 to 8 parameters) for seasonal mean length at age were compared. In addition to likelihood ratio tests of relative fit, model selection criteria were a minimum occurrence of high uncertainties (>20% SE), of high correlations (>0.9, >0.95, and >0.99) and of parameter estimates at their biological limits, and we sought a model with a minimum number of parameters. A generalized von Bertalanffy formula with t0 fixed at 0 was chosen. The truncated likelihood alleviated the overestimation bias of mean length at age that would otherwise accrue from catch samples being restricted to legal sizes.
The metric and meristic characters of Drepane punctata from Versova Fish Landing Centre of Bombay have been studied. The meristic characters showed considerable variations. The number of dorsal fin rays were relatively stable characters. Statistical interpretation of metric data indicated that there is a direct relationship between the preanal, predorsal in relation to total length and eye-diameter in relation to head length.
The study of the length weight relationship is highly useful to the fishery biologists in the study of population dynamics of fish and for determining the pattern of growth of stock. The parabolic equation for the length-weight relationship of Drepane punctata juveniles off the Bombay coast, expresses the value of "n" 2.83, indicating that the growth rate is less than the cube length.
The nervous systems of helminths are predominantly peptidergic in nature, although it is likely that the full range of regulatory peptides used by these organisms has yet to be elucidated. Attempts to identify novel helminth neuropeptides are being made using immunocytochemistry with antisera raised against peptides isolated originally from insects. One of these antisera was raised against allatostatin III, a peptide isolated originally from the cockroach, Diploptera punctata, and a member of a family of related peptides found in insects. Allatostatin immunoreactivity was found throughout the nervous systems of Mesocestoides corti tetrathyridia, and adult Moniezia expansa, Diclidophora merlangi, Fasciola hepatica, Schistosoma mansoni, Ascaris suum and Panagrellus redivivus. Immunostaining was observed in the nerve cords and anterior ganglia of all the helminths. It was also apparent in the subtegumental nerves and around the reproductive apparatus of the flatworms, in neurones in the pharynx of D. merlangi, F. hepatica, A. suum and P. redivivus, and in fibres innervating the anterior sense organs in the nematodes. Immunostaining in all species was both reproducible and specific in that it could be abolished by pre-absorption of the antiserum with allatostatins I-IV. These results suggest that molecules related to the D. punctata allatostatins are important components in the nervous systems of a number of helminth parasites, and a free-living nematode. Their distribution within the nervous system suggests they function as neurotransmitters/ neuromodulators with roles in locomotion, feeding, reproduction and sensory perception.
The allatostatins are a family of peptides isolated originally from the cockroach, Diploptera punctata. Related peptides have been identified in Periplaneta americana and the blowfly, Calliphora vomitoria. These peptides have been shown to be potent inhibitors of juvenile hormone synthesis in these species. A peptide inhibitor of juvenile hormone biosynthesis has also been isolated from the moth, Manduca sexta; however, this peptide has no structural homology with the D. punctata-type allatostatins. Investigations of the phylogeny of the D. punctata allatostatin peptide family have been started by examining a number of nonarthropod invertebrates for the presence of allatostatin-like molecules using immunocytochemistry with antisera directed against the conserved C-terminal region of this family. Allatostatin-like immunoreactivity (ALIR) was demonstrated in the nervous systems of Hydra oligactis (Hydrozoa), Moniezia expansa (Cestoda), Schistosoma mansoni (Trematoda), Artioposthia triangulata (Turbellaria), Ascaris suum (Nematoda), Lumbricus terrestris (Oligochaeta), Limax pseudoflavus (Gastropoda), and Eledone cirrhosa (Cephalopoda). ALIR could not be demonstrated in Ciona intestinalis (Ascidiacea). These results suggest that molecules related to the allatostatins may play an important role in nervous system function in many invertebrates as well as in insects and that they also have an ancient evolutionary lineage. (C) 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Com o objetivo de verificar na planta aquática Spirodela punctata o efeito de diferentes concentrações (0,005; 0,05; 0,5 e 5 mgL-1 de ingrediente ativo) dos herbicidas butachlor, glyphosate e propanil sobre os teores de clorofila a, b e na razão clorofila a/b, foram conduzidos, por sete dias completos, bioensaios em sala climatizada. Determinou-se os teores de clorofilas através de leituras espectrofotométricas nas absorbâncias A645 e A663 nm. Os resultados mostraram que o butachlor diminuiu o teor de clorofila b, o glyphosate o teor de clorofila a, enquanto o propanil diminuiu os teores de clorofila a, b e a razão a/b, provocando a maior redução de pigmentos na espécie.
Cellular and humoral immune response, as well as cytokine gene expression, was assessed in Nelore cattle with different degrees of resistance to Cooperia punctata natural infection. One hundred cattle (male, weaned, 11-12 months old), kept together on pasture, were evaluated. Faecal and blood samples were collected for parasitological and immunological assays. Based on nematode faecal egg counts (FEC) and worm burden, the seven most resistant and the eight most susceptible animals were selected. Tissue samples of the small intestine were collected for histological quantification of inflammatory cells and analysis of cytokine gene expression (IL-2, IL-4, IL-8, IL-1 2p35, IL-13, TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, MCP-1, MCP-2, and MUC- 1) using real-time RT-PCR. Mucus samples were also collected for IgA levels determination. Serum IgG1 mean levels against C. punctata antigens were higher in the resistant group, but significant differences between groups were only observed 14 days after the beginning of the experiment against infective larvae (1-3) and 14 and 84 days against adult antigens. The resistant group also presented higher IgA levels against C. punctata (L3 and adult) antigens with significant difference 14 days after the beginning of the trial (P < 0.05). In the small-intestine mucosa, levels of IgA anti-L3 and anti-adult C. punctata were higher in the resistant group, compared with the susceptible group (P < 0.05). Gene expression of both T(H)2 cytokines (IL-4 and IL-13) in the resistant group and T(H)1 cytokines (IL-2, IL-1 2p35, IFN-gamma and MCP-1) in the susceptible group was up-regulated. Such results suggested that immune response to C. punctata was probably mediated by TH2 cytokines in the resistant group and by T(H)1 cytokines in the susceptible group. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
O presente trabalho visa conhecer a taxa de multiplicação e o índice de mortalidade de S. punctata a diversas concentrações do butaclora, propanila e glifosato bem como comparar dois métodos diferentes de investigações (ensaio 1 e 2). Os dados indicaram que no ensaio 1 as concentrações foram pouco tóxicas provocando baixos índices de mortalidade embora tenha ocorrido inibição do crescimento nas concentrações mais fortes. O ensaio 2 mostrou que a butaclora e a propanila são mais tóxicas que o glifosato, com valores de mortalidade de 100% em apenas 48 horas. A taxa de multiplicação, neste ensaio, somente foi determinada para o glifosato, pois os demais herbicidas foram altamente tóxicos para a espécie. Verificou-se, na comparação dos dois métodos diferentes, que os recipientes utilizados no ensaio 2 foram mais adequados ao cultivo da espécie e que os efeitos tóxicos devem ser observados em frondes consideradas individualmente e não em plantas inteiras.
Sordellina punctata occurs throughout south and southeastern Brazil in the Atlantic Forest domain (states of São Paulo, Paraná and Santa Catarina). Records from the states of Rio de Janeiro and Mato Grosso do Sul are questionable. A new record from southwestern São Paulo extends its distribution west and northward, probably indicating a wider range in the past. Habitat use in S. punctata implies that it may be more associated with wetlands and other saturated areas than truly aquatics ones.
The broad spectrum of endectocides and the easy use mode of their pour-on formulations are factors that have stimulated a higher frequency of use these drugs in cattle. In this study was evaluated the efficacy of ivermectin pour-on using the dose of 500mcgkg(-1), against nematodes in naturally infected cattle from different herds. Twelve calves were brought from each of the four farms selected. All the 48 calves used showed mean of eggs per gram of feces (EPG) greater than 500 considering three consecutive counts. Subsequently, animals from each herd were divided into two groups of six animals each, one treated pour-on with ivermectin 500mcgkg(-1) and other kept as untreated control. Calves were euthanized 14 days after treatment for counting the endoparasites. Ivermectin showed null effect against H. placei in all the herds evaluated. The drug was also ineffective against C. punctata in the herds from Jaboticabal, SP and Formiga, MG, and reached efficacy of 75.8% and 58.4% in herds from Sao Jose do Rio Pardo, SP and Sao Sebastiao do Para so, MG, respectively. Efficacies of 94.2% (Jaboticabal), 0.0% (Sao Jose do Rio Pardo), 94.2% (Formiga) and 39.2% (Sao Sebastiao do Para so) were detectedagainstO. radiatum. Based on these results obtained on the present study, the four populations of Haemonchus placei and Cooperia punctata evaluated were resistant to ivermectin pour-on using a dose of 500mcgkg(-1). Ivermectin-resistant strains of Oesophagostomum radiatum were found in two of the four herds evaluated.