990 resultados para Photosynthetic rate


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Previous studies on diurnal photosynthesis of macroalgal species have shown that at similar levels of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, 400-700nm) the photosynthetic rate is lower in the afternoon than in the morning. However, the impacts of solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR, 280-400nm) have been little considered. We investigated the diurnal photosynthetic behaviour of the economically significant red alga Gracilaria lemaneiformis in the absence or presence of UV-A+B or UV-B with a flow-through system. While UV-A and UV-B, respectively, inhibited noontime Pmax by 22% and 14% on the sunny days, UV-A during sunrise (PAR below about 50Wm-2) increased the net photosynthesis by about 8% when compared with PAR alone. UV-A + PAR also resulted in higher apparent photosynthetic efficiency in the morning than in the afternoon period than PAR alone. Nevertheless, integrated daytime photosynthetic production under solar PAR alone was higher than with either PAR + UV-A+B or PAR + UV-A. Relative growth rate in the long term (9 days) matched the integrated photosynthetic production in that UV-A led to 9-15% and UV-B to 19-22% reduction, respectively. UV-absorbing compounds were found to be higher in the thalli exposed to PAR+UV-A+B than under PAR alone, reflecting a protective response to UVR.


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The economic seaweed Hizikia fusiforme (Harv.) Okamura (Sargassaceae, Phaeophyta) usually experiences periodical exposures to air at low tide. Photosynthetic carbon acquisition mechanisms were comparatively studied under submersed and emersed conditions in order to establish a general understanding of its photosynthetic characteristics associated with tidal cycles. When submersed in seawater, H fusiforme was capable of acquiring HCO3- as a source of inorganic carbon (Ci) to drive photosynthesis, while emersed and exposed to air, it used atmospheric CO2 for photosynthesis. The pH changes surrounding the H fusiforme fronds had less influence on the photosynthetic rates under emersed condition than under submersed condition. When the pH was as high as 10.0, emersed H fusiforme could photosynthesize efficiently, but the submersed alga exhibited very poor photosynthesis. Extracellular carbonic anhydrase (CA) played an important role in the photosynthetic acquisitions of exogenous Ci in water as well as in air. Both the concentrations of dissolved inorganic carbon in general seawater and CO2 in air were demonstrated to limit the photosynthesis of H fusiforme, which was sensitive to O-2. It appeared that the exogenous carbon acquisition system, being dependent of external CA activity, operates in a way not enough to raise intracellular CO2 level to prevent photorespiration. The inability of H fusiforme to achieve its maximum photosynthetic rate at the current ambient Ci levels under both submersed and emersed conditions suggested that the yield of aquaculture for this economic species would respond profitably to future increases in CO2 concentration in the sea and air.


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Photosynthetic performance was examined in Skeletonema costatum (Greville) Cleve. under 12: 12-h light: dark (LD) cycle at ambient CO2 (350 muL L-1) and elevated CO2 (1000 muL L-1). At ambient CO2, the cellular chlorophyll a content, the light-saturated photosynthetic rate (P-m), the initial slope of the light saturation curves ( a), the photochemical efficiency of PSII (F-v/F-m), the apparent carboxylating efficiency (ACE) and the photosynthetic affinity for CO2 [1/K-m (CO2)] all showed rhythmical changes with different amplitudes during the light period. The P-m had similar changing pattern in the light period with the ACE and 1/K-m (CO2) rather than with the alpha and F-v/F-m, indicating that rhythmical changes of photosynthetic capacity may be mainly controlled by the activity of C- reduction associated with CO2 uptake during the light period. The CO2 enrichment reduced the ACE and the affinity to CO2, and increased the a, cellular chlorophyll a content and P m based on cell number. By contrast, the changing patterns of all photosynthetic parameters examined here during the light period had almost the same for cells grown at ambient CO2 and elevated CO2, suggesting that the photosynthetic rhythms of S. costatum are not affected by CO2 enrichment.


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The activities of carbonic anhydrase (CA) and photosynthesis of Porphyra haitanensis were investigated in order to see its photosynthetic utilization of inorganic carbon source. Both intra- and extra-cellular CA activities existed in the thallus. CA inhibitors, acetazolamide (AZ) and ethoxyzolamide (EZ), remarkably depressed the photosynthetic oxygen evolution in seawater of pH 8.2 and 10.0, and EZ showed stronger inhibition than AZ. The observed net photosynthetic rate In seawater of pH 8.2 was much higher than that of CO2 supply theoretically derived from spontaneous dehydration of HCO3-. P. haitanensis also showed a rather high pH compensation point (9.9). The results demonstrated that P. haitanensis could utilize bicarbonate as the external inorganic carbon source for photosynthesis. The bicarbonate utilization was closely associated with HCO3- dehydration catalyzed by extracellular CA activity. The inorganic carbon composition in seawater could well saturate the photosynthesis of P. haitanensis. The low K-m value and compensation points for inorganic carbon reflected the existence of CO2-concentrating mechanism in this alga.


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The photosynthetic performances of regenerated protoplasts of Bryopsis hypnoides, which were incubated in seawater for 1, 6, 12, and 24 h, were studied using chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence and oxygen measurements. Results showed that for the regenerated protoplasts, the pigment content, the ratios of photosynthetic rate to respiration rate, the maximal photosystem II (PSII) quantum yield (F-v/F-m), and the effective PSII quantum yield (I broken vertical bar(PSII)) decreased gradually along with the regeneration progress, indicated that during 24 h of regeneration there was a remarkable reduction in PSII activity of those newly formed protoplasts. We assumed that during the cultivation progress the regenerated protoplasts had different photosynthetic vigor, with only some of them able to germinate and develop into mature thalli. The above results only reflected the photosynthetic features of the regenerated protoplasts at each time point as a whole, rather than the actual photosynthetic activity of individual aggregations. Further investigation suggested a relationship between the size of regenerated protoplasts and their viability. The results showed that the middle-sized group (diameter 20-60 mu m) retained the largest number of protoplasts for 24 h of growth. The changes in F-v/F-m and I broken vertical bar(PSII) of the four groups of differently sized protoplasts (i.e. < 20, 20-60, 60-100, and > 100 mu m) revealed that the protoplasts 20-60 mu m in diameter had the highest potential activity of the photosynthetic light energy absorption and conversion for several hours.


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The photosynthetic characteristics of eight contrasting cocoa genotypes were studied with the aim of examining genotypic variation in maximum (light-saturated) photosynthetic rates, light-response curve parameters and water use efficiency. Photosynthetic traits were derived from single leaf gas exchange measurements using a portable infra-red gas analyser. All measurements were conducted in a common greenhouse environment. Significant variation was observed in light-saturated photosynthesis ranging from 3.4 to 5.7 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1 for the clones IMC 47 and SCA 6, respectively. Furthermore, analyses of photosynthetic light response curves indicated genotypic differences in light saturation point and quantum efficiency (i.e. the efficiency of light use). Stomatal conductance was a significant factor underlying genotypic differences in assimilation. Genotypic variation was also observed in a number of leaf traits, including specific leaf area (the ratio of leaf area to leaf weight), chlorophyll concentration and nitrogen content. There was a positive correlation between leaf nitrogen per unit area and light-saturated photosynthesis. Water use efficiency, defined as the ratio of photosynthetic rate to transpiration rate, also varied significantly between clones (ranging from 3.1 mmol mol-1 H2O for the clone IMC 47 to 4.2 mmol mol-1 H2O for the clone ICS 1). Water use efficiency was a negative function of specific leaf area, suggesting that low specific leaf area might be a useful criterion for selection for increased water use efficiency. It is concluded that both variation in water use efficiency and the photosynthetic response to light have the potential to be exploited in breeding programmes.


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Young sporophytes of short-stipe ecotype of Ecklonia cava from a warmer locality (Tei, Kochi Pref., southern Japan) and those of long-stipe ecotype from a cooler locality (Nabeta, Shizuoka Pref., central Japan) were transplanted in 1995 to artificial reefs immersed at the habitat of long-stipe ecotype in Nabeta Bay, Shizuoka Pref., central Japan. The characteristics of photosynthesis and respiration of bladelets of the transplanted sporophytes of the two ecotypes were compared in winter and summer 1997; the results were assessed per unit area, per unit chlorophyllacontent and per unit dry weight. In photosynthesis-light curves at 10–29 °C, light saturation occurred at 200–400 µmol photon m–2s–1in sporophytes from both Tei and Nabeta. The maximum photosynthetic rate (P max) at 10–29 °C and the light-saturation index (I k) at 25–29 °C in sporophytes from both localities were generally higher in winter than in summer.Pmax at 25–29 °C (per unit area and chlorophylla) were higher in sporophytes from Tei than those from Nabeta in both seasons. The optimum temperature for photosynthesis was 25 °C in winter and 27 °C in summer at high light intensities of 100–400 µmol photon m–2s–1. However, at lower light intensities of 12.5–50 µmol photon m–2s–1, it was 20 °C in winter and 25–27 °C in summer for sporophytes from both locations. Dark respiration increased with temperature rise in the range of 10–29 °C in sporophytes from both locations in summer and winter. The sporophytes transplanted from Tei (warmer area) showed higher photosynthetic activities than those from Nabeta (cooler area) at warmer temperatures even under the same environmental conditions. This indicates that these physiological ecotypes have arisen from genetic differentiation.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coffea arabica is considered to be sensitive to low temperatures, being affected throughout its entire life cycle. Injury caused by chilling (low temperatures above zero degree centigrade) is characterized primarily by inhibition of the photosynthetic process. The objective of this work was to evaluate the role of photosynthetic pigments in the tolerance of coffee (C. arabica L.) seedlings to chilling. The evaluation the photosynthetic activity was made by emission of Chl a fluorescence at room temperature (25°C) in vivo and in situ, using a portable fluorometer. The pigment content was obtained by extraction with 80% acetone, while estimation of membrane lipid peroxidation was determined by measuring the MDA content in leaf tissue extracts. The results indicated a generalized reduction in the quantum yield of PSII when the seedlings were maintained in the dark. The reduction occurred in the seedlings submitted to chilling treatment as well as in the control ones. This demonstrates that not only chilling acts to cause an alteration in PSII. It is possible that the tissue storage reserves had been totally exhausted, with the respiratory rate exceeding the photosynthetic rate; the later was nil, since the seedlings were kept in the dark. The efficiency in the capture, transfer and utilization of light energy in PS11 photochemical reactions requires a sequence of photochemical, biochemical and biophysical events which depend on the structural integrity of the photosynthetic apparatus. However, this efficiency was found to be related to the protective action of chloroplastid pigments, rather than to the concentration of these pigments.