1000 resultados para Photonuclear reactions


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A method of measuring the temperature of the fast electrons produced in ultraintense laser-plasma interactions is described by inducing photonuclear reactions, in particular (gamma,n) and (gamma,3n) reactions in tantalum. Analysis of the gamma rays emitted by the daughter nuclei of these reactions using a germanium counter enables a relatively straightforward near real-time temperature measurement to be made. This is especially important for high temperature plasmas where alternative diagnostic techniques are usually difficult and time consuming. This technique can be used while other experiments are being conducted. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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Recent experiments have shown that the multimode approach for describing the fission process is compatible with the observed results. Asystematic analysis of the parameters obtained by fitting the fission-fragment mass distribution to the spontaneous and low-energy data has shown that the values for those parameters present a smooth dependence upon the nuclear mass number. In this work, a new methodology is introduced for studying fragment mass distributions through the multimode approach. It is shown that for fission induced by energetic probes (E > 30 MeV) the mass distribution of the fissioning nuclei produced during the intranuclear cascade and evaporation processes must be considered in order to have a realistic description of the fission process. The method is applied to study (208)Pb, (238)U, (239)Np and (241)Am fission induced by protons or photons.


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Neutron multiplicities for several targets and spallation products of proton-induced reactions in thin targets of interest to an accelerator-driven system obtained with the CRISP code have been reported. This code is a Monte Carlo calculation that simulates the intranuclear cascade and evaporationl fission competition processes. Results are compared with experimental data, and agreement between each other can be considered quite satisfactory in a very broad energy range of incitant particles and different targets.


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A comprehensive analysis of electrodisintegration yields of protons on Zr90 is proposed taking into account the giant dipole resonance, isovector giant quadrupole resonance (IVGQR), and quasideuteron contributions to the total photoabsorption cross section from 10 to 140 MeV. The calculation applies the MCMC intranuclear cascade to address the direct and pre-equilibrium emissions and another Monte Carlo-based algorithm to describe the evaporation step. The final results of the total photoabsorption cross section for Zr90 and relevant decay channels are obtained by fitting the (e,p) measurements from the National Bureau of Standards and show that multiple proton emissions dominate the photonuclear reactions at higher energies. These results provide a consistent explanation for the exotic and steady increase of the (e,p) yield and also a strong evidence of a IVGQR with a strength parameter compatible with the E2 energy-weighted sum rule. The inclusive photoneutron cross sections for Zr90 and natZr, derived from these results and normalized with the (e,p) data, are in agreement within 10% with both Livermore and Saclay data up to 140 MeV. © 2007 The American Physical Society.


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Neste trabalho foi realizado o estudo do comportamento fotoquímico e fotofísico de complexos mononucleares de rênio do tipo fac-[Re(CO)3(N N)(L)]+(N N = 1,10-fenantrolina, phen, dipirido[3,2-a:2,3-c]fenazina, dppz, L= trans-1,2bis(4-piridil)etileno, trans-bpe, trans-4-estirilpiridina. trans-stpy) e dos complexos binucleares [(CO)3(phen)Re(trans-bpe)Re(phen)(CO)3]2+, [(CO)3(phen)Re(trans-bpe)Fe(CN5]2- e [(phen)(CO)3Re(trans-bpe)Os(terpy)(bpy)]3+. O enfoque principal deste trabalho é a investigação das propriedades fotoquímicas dos complexos fac-[ Re(CO)3(phen)(trans-bpe)]+, fac-[Re(CO)3(phen)(trans-stpy)]+ fac-[Re(CO)3(dppz)(trans-bpe)+ e [(CO)3(phen)Re(trans-bpe)Re(phen)(CO)3]2+. Observou-se que os compostos em solução de acetonitrila, sob irradiação a 313, 334 ou 365 nm, apresentam variação espectral com definição de pontos isosbésticos, resultante do processo de fotoisomerização trans→cis do ligante coordenado trans-piridil etileno. Os rendimentos quânticos, Φ, da reação de fotoisomerização foram calculados com base no decaimento espectral das bandas de absorção das transições eletrônicas. Os valores médios determinados para a fotoisomeriação dos complexos em solução de CH3CN variam de 0,15 - 0,39 sob excitação a 313 nm e de 0,12 - 0,33 sob excitação a 365 nm. As reações de fotoisomerização foram monitoradas também por medidas de emissão e por RMN de 1H. Observou-se um aumento da intensidade de luminescência com o tempo de irradiação dos complexos, consistente com o estado emissivo 3MLCT dπ[(Re)→π*(α-diimina). Após irradiação, as reações de fotoisomerização dos complexos foram monitoradas por RMN de 1H. Os sinais de prótons do isômero trans tiveram um decréscimo gradual, enquanto que a intensidade dos sinais referentes aos prótons da espécie cis aumentaram. Os rendimentos quânticos para o processo de fotoisomerização dos complexos foram calculados através da integração das áreas dos sinais de prótons. Os valores obtidos foram maiores, pelo menos o dobro, que aqueles valores obtidos via espectroscopia UV-Vis. O comportamento fotoquímico dos complexos incorporados em polimetacrilato de metila, PMMA, foi também investigado. A fotólise cios complexos em filmes de PMMA conduz à variação espectral, de absorção e emissão, similar àquela observada em solução de acetonitrila, atribuícla ao processo de fotoisomerização trans → cis do ligante coordenado. Este estudo mostra que a fotoisomerização do ligante coordenado trans-piridil etileno pode ser promovida também em meio rígido. Essa característica. típica de um dispositivo molecular, pode ser convenientemente explorada no desenvolvimento de fotossensores. As medidas de TRIR mostram que o estado excitado de menor energia para o fac-[Re(CO)3(phen)(trans-bpe)+ é o 3ππ*. Para o fac-[Re(CO)3(phen)(cis-bpe)]+ a ordem dos estados excitados aparecem invertidas com o 3MLCT <3ππ*, evidenciado pela emissão do complexo cis à temperatura ambiente. Nas espécies binucleares, [(phen) Re(CO)3(trans-bpe)Os(terpy)(bpy)]3+ e [(CO)3(phen)Re(trans-bpe)Fe(CN)5]2-, a fotoisomerização trans → cis do ligante coordenado trans-bpe, característica da subunidade fac-[Re(CO)3(phen)(trans-bpe)]+, é inibida pela competição de transferência de energia intramolecular. Em meio rígido, em PMMA ou em EPA a 77 K, os máximos de emissão dos complexos fac-[Re(CO)3(phen)(cis-bpe)]+, fac-[Re(CO)3(phen)(cis-stpy)r e [(CO)3(phen)Re(cis-bpe)Re(phen)(CO)3]2+ sofrem um deslocamento hipsocrômico com o aumento da rigidez do meio. As mudanças nas propriedades emissivas, em termos de energia e tempo de vida do estado excitado, são discutidas baseadas no efeito rigidocrômico luminescente. O trabalho mostra uma forma interessante de fotos sensibilizar um substrato orgâmco usando o fato de que a coordenação estende a absorção do ligante a uma região de comprimento de onda maior e promove a fotoisomerização assistida por complexos metálicos em energias menores.


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The one-dimensional propagation of a combustion wave through a premixed solid fuel for two-stage kinetics is studied. We re-examine the analysis of a single reaction travelling-wave and extend it to the case of two-stage reactions. We derive an expression for the travelling wave speed in the limit of large activation energy for both reactions. The analysis shows that when both reactions are exothermic, the wave structure is similar to the single reaction case. However, when the second reaction is endothermic, the wave structure can be significantly different from single reaction case. In particular, as might be expected, a travelling wave does not necessarily exist in this case. We establish conditions in the limiting large activation energy limit for the non-existence, and for monotonicity of the temperature profile in the travelling wave.


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Published accounts of behavioural interventions for grief have relied on exposure and habituation to grief cues as the primary strategy. Such an approach is excessively narrow, since it does not adequately confront the challenges that are posed by a bereavement. Many people cope with a bereavement by themselves, and for those, intervention may well be counterproductive. A cognitive-behavioural intervention, following models for depression/anxiety, can assist vulnerable individuals obtain a more rapid or complete adjustment. The proposed approach differs from dynamic treatments by placing less emphasis on defensive behavior, insight, and interpretation and more emphasis on training of coping skills.


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Despite the severe challenges which are posed by the loss of a close friend or relative, bereavement has a relatively benign outcome in most cases. While the majority of patients cope with bereavement, a significant minority develop problems. A behavioural approach may help the bereaved avoid adverse grief reactions.


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A study among Australian college students gauged their reactions to a television commercial produced for the U.S. Commerce Department to bolster sagging tourism numbers among international visitors. In addition to using traditional measures applied to tourism advertisements, the student also concluded items to measure attitudes toward the U.S. government and its people Pre- and post-viewing results indicated that while the Hollywood-movie-themed commercial was not well received by the Australian students as a tourism message, it did result in more favorable attitudes toward the U.S. government, though not the U.S. people. The findings lend partial support for the potential of tourism advertising efforts to exert a "bleed-over effect" in terms of their contributions to overall attitudes toward a country, regardless of whether viewers plan to visit the country whose travel advertisements they see.


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A study among Australian college students gauged their reactions to a television commercial produced for the US Commerce Department to bolster sagging tourism numbers among international visitors. In additional to using traditional measures applied to tourism advertisements, the study also included items to measure attitudes toward the US government and its people. Pre- and post-viewing results indicated that although the Hollywood-movie-themes commercial was not well received by the Australian students as a tourism message, it did result in more favourable attitudes toward the US government, although not the US people. The findings lend partial support for the potential of tourism advertising efforts to exert a 'bleed-over effect' in terms of their contribution to overall attitudes toward a country, regardless of whether viewers plan to visit the country whose travel advertisements of which they see.


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To assess the effects of any interventions which aim to prevent or manage radiation-induced skin reactions in people with cancer.