1000 resultados para Phosphocalcic product


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On estime que des calcifications vasculaires (CVs) sont présentes chez 60% des patients avec insuffisance rénale terminale (IRT) et que ces CVs contribuent à l’augmentation de la maladie cardiovasculaire chez ces patients. La maladie cardiovasculaire est la première cause de mortalité chez les patients en IRT. La transplantation rénale est le traitement de choix en IRT mais peut être contre-indiquée pour des raisons chirurgicales liées au CVs ou en raison d’un risque de complications cardiovasculaires postopératoires trop élevé associé à la présence de CVs sévères. Il est donc primordial de déterminer quels facteurs sont associés à la présence de CVs qui rendraient le patient non-éligible pour une greffe rénale. En particulier il serait intéressant de vérifier si un produit phosphocalcique élevé est un facteur de risque de non-éligibilité pour une greffe rénale en raison de CVs. L’étude actuelle utilise la base de données de transplantation du CHUM. C’est une étude de type cas-témoins avec une cohorte de 1472 patients de 1992 à 2009. Les cas sont les patients jugés non-éligibles pour une transplantation rénale en raison de la présence de CVs sévères. Les contrôles sont les patients jugés éligibles: 80 cas et 80 contrôles ont été inclus. Les facteurs de risque qui ont été identifiés pour la non-éligibilité en raison de CVs sont le diabète (adjusted Odds Ratio (OR): 5.55 (1.98 - 15.59)), l’âge (OR: 1.14 (1.09 – 1.2)), le tabagisme (OR: 9.51 (2.55 – 35.51)) et la dialyse (OR: 6.83 (2.33 – 20.05)). La durée de la dialyse a aussi été identifiée comme facteur de risque (OR : 8.61 (2.34-31.68) pour une durée de dialyse de 8 mois et plus, OR : 4.57 (1.42-14.65) pour une durée de dialyse de 1 à 7 mois. Bien que significatif en univarié, le produit phosphocalcique n’a pas été identifié comme facteur de risque significatif dans les analyses multivariées. En conclusion, cette étude montre que le produit phosphocalcique pourrait être un marqueur d’une insuffisance rénale prolongée et moins bien contrôlée plutôt qu’un facteur de risque de calcifications rendant le patient non-éligible à la greffe. De plus cette étude met de l’emphase sur la notion qu’il est primordial 1) de référer précocement les patients à haut risque de CVs vers un centre de transplantation pour une évaluation et 2) de prendre en charge agressivement l’arrêt du tabac chez tous les patients qui sont potentiellement éligibles pour une transplantation.


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The behavior of the hydroxyl units of synthetic goethite and its dehydroxylated product hematite was characterized using a combination of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD) during the thermal transformation over a temperature range of 180-270 degrees C. Hematite was detected at temperatures above 200 degrees C by XRD while goethite was not observed above 230 degrees C. Five intense OH vibrations at 3212-3194, 1687-1674, 1643-1640, 888-884 and 800-798 cm(-1), and a H2O vibration at 3450-3445 cm(-1) were observed for goethite. The intensity of hydroxyl stretching and bending vibrations decreased with the extent of dehydroxylation of goethite. Infrared absorption bands clearly show the phase transformation between goethite and hematite: in particular. the migration of excess hydroxyl units from goethite to hematite. Two bands at 536-533 and 454-452 cm(-1) are the low wavenumber vibrations of Fe-O in the hematite structure. Band component analysis data of FTIR spectra support the fact that the hydroxyl units mainly affect the a plane in goethite and the equivalent c plane in hematite.


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This paper presents a preliminary study on the dielectric properties and curing of three different types of epoxy resins mixed at various stichiometric mixture of hardener, flydust and aluminium powder under microwave energy. In this work, the curing process of thin layers of epoxy resins using microwave radiation was investigated as an alternative technique that can be implemented to develop a new rapid product development technique. In this study it was observed that the curing time and temperature were a function of the percentage of hardener and fillers presence in the epoxy resins. Initially dielectric properties of epoxy resins with hardener were measured which was directly correlated to the curing process in order to understand the properties of cured specimen. Tensile tests were conducted on the three different types of epoxy resins with hardener and fillers. Modifying dielectric properties of the mixtures a significant decrease in curing time was observed. In order to study the microstructural changes of cured specimen the morphology of the fracture surface was carried out by using scanning electron microscopy.


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This paper investigates the effectiveness of virtual product placement as a marketing tool by examining the relationship between brand recall and recognition and virtual product placement. It also aims to address a gap in the existing academic literature by focusing on the impact of product placement on recall and recognition of new brands. The growing importance of product placement is discussed and a review of previous research on product placement and virtual product placement is provided. The research methodology used to study the recall and recognition effects of virtual product placement are described and key findings presented. Finally, implications are discussed and recommendations for future research provided.


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As an understanding of users' tacit knowledge and latent needs embedded in user experience has played a critical role in product development, users’ direct involvement in design has become a necessary part of the design process. Various ways of accessing users' tacit knowledge and latent needs have been explored in the field of user-centred design, participatory design, and design for experiencing. User-designer collaboration has been used unconsciously by traditional designers to facilitate the transfer of users' tacit knowledge and to elicit new knowledge. However, what makes user-designer collaboration an effective strategy has rarely been reported on or explored. Therefore, interaction patterns between the users and the designers in three industry-supported user involvement cases were studied. In order to develop a coding system, collaboration was defined as a set of coordinated and joint problem solving activities, measured by the elicitation of new knowledge from collaboration. The analysis of interaction patterns in the user involvement cases revealed that allowing users to challenge or modify their contextual experiences facilitates the transfer of knowledge and new knowledge generation. It was concluded that users can be more effectively integrated into the product development process by employing collaboration strategies to intensify the depth of user involvement.