456 resultados para Phosphates.


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Purpose: In the present study, we consider mechanical properties of phosphate glasses under high temperatureinduced and under friction-induced cross-linking, which enhance the modulus of elasticity. Design/methodology/approach: Two nanomechanical properties are evaluated, the first parameter is the modulus of elasticity (E) (or Young's modulus) and the second parameter is the hardness (H). Zinc meta-, pyro - and orthophosphates were recognized as amorphous-colloidal nanoparticles were synthesized under laboratory conditions and showed antiwear properties in engine oil. Findings: Young's modulus of the phosphate glasses formed under high temperature was in the 60-89 GPa range. For phosphate tribofilm formed under friction hardness and the Young's modulus were in the range of 2-10 GPa and 40-215 GPa, respectively. The degree of cross-linking during friction is provided by internal pressure of about 600 MPa and temperature close to 1000°C enhancing mechanical properties by factor of 3 (see Fig 1). Research limitations/implications: The addition of iron or aluminum ions to phosphate glasses under high temperature - and friction-induced amorphization of zinc metaphosphate and pyrophosphate tends to provide more cross-linking and mechanically stronger structures. Iron and aluminum (FeO4 or AlO4 units), incorporated into phosphate structure as network formers, contribute to the anion network bonding by converting the P=O bonds into bridging oxygen. Future work should consider on development of new of materials prepared by solgel processes, eg., zinc (II)-silicic acid. Originality/value: This paper analyses the friction pressure-induced and temperature–induced the two factors lead phosphate tribofilm glasses to chemically advanced glass structures, which may enhance the wear inhibition. Adding the coordinating ions alters the pressure at which cross-linking occurs and increases the antiwear properties of the surface material significantly.


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In this research, we have used vibrational spectroscopy to study the phosphate mineral kosnarite KZr2(PO4)3. Interest in this mineral rests with the ability of zirconium phosphates (ZP) to lock in radioactive elements. ZP have the capacity to concentrate and immobilize the actinide fraction of radioactive phases in homogeneous zirconium phosphate phases. The Raman spectrum of kosnarite is characterized by a very intense band at 1,026 cm−1 assigned to the symmetric stretching vibration of the PO4 3− ν1 symmetric stretching vibration. The series of bands at 561, 595 and 638 cm−1 are assigned to the ν4 out-of-plane bending modes of the PO4 3− units. The intense band at 437 cm−1 with other bands of lower wavenumber at 387, 405 and 421 cm−1 is assigned to the ν2 in-plane bending modes of the PO4 3− units. The number of bands in the antisymmetric stretching region supports the concept that the symmetry of the phosphate anion in the kosnarite structure is preserved. The width of the infrared spectral profile and its complexity in contrast to the well-resolved Raman spectrum show that the pegmatitic phosphates are better studied with Raman spectroscopy.


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This research was undertaken on phosphophyllite sample from the Hagendorf Süd pegmatite, Bavaria, Germany. Chemical analysis was carried out by Scanning Electron Microscope in the EDS mode and indicates a zinc and iron phosphate with partial substitution of manganese, which partially replaced iron. The calculated chemical formula of the studied sample was determined to be: Zn2(Fe0.65, Mn0.35)P1.00(PO4)2- �4(H2O). The intense Raman peak at 995 cm�1 is assigned to the m1 PO3� 4 symmetric stretching mode and the two Raman bands at 1073 and 1135 cm�1 to the m3 PO3� 4 antisymmetric stretching modes. The m4 PO3� 4 bending modes are observed at 505, 571, 592 and 653 cm�1 and the m2 PO3� 4 bending mode at 415 cm�1. The sharp Raman band at 3567 cm�1 attributed to the stretching vibration of OH units brings into question the actual formula of phosphophyllite. Vibrational spectroscopy enables an assessment of the molecular structure of phosphophyllite to be assessed.


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High microwave susceptibility of NaH2PO4 . 2H(2)O has been discovered, This hydrated acid phosphate of sodium can be heated upto 1000 K or more when exposed to 2.45 GHz microwaves. Using this, a novel microwave-assisted preparation of a number of important crystalline and glassy materials with NASICON-type chemistry has been accomplished in less than 8 min which is only a fraction of the time required for conventional synthetic procedures, The present single-shot approach to the preparation of phosphates is attractive in terms of its simplicity, rapidity, and general applicability, A ''step-ladder'' heating mechanism has been proposed to account for the high microwave absorbing ability of NaH2PO4 . 2H(2)O.


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Free parasites of Plasmodium berghei were found to incorporate labeled inorganic phosphate into high-energy phosphates by substrate linked and oxidative hosphorylation. But the parasites also appear to utilize the reserve ATP of the host cells when they are within the host cells which may indicate the dependence of the parasite on the host cells for provision of energy. This investigation formed part of the thesis submitted in 1965 for the doctoral degree at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 12, India, and was supported in part by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India.


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The modes of binding of Gp(2',5')A, Gp(2',5')C, Gp(2',5')G and Gp(2',5')U to RNase T1 have been determined by computer modelling studies. All these dinucleoside phosphates assume extended conformations in the active site leading to better interactions with the enzyme. The 5'-terminal guanine of all these ligands is placed in the primary base binding site of the enzyme in an orientation similar to that of 2'-GMP in the RNase T1-2'-GMP complex. The 2'-terminal purines are placed close to the hydrophobic pocket formed by the residues Gly71, Ser72, Pro73 and Gly74 which occur in a loop region. However, the orientation of the 2'-terminal pyrimidines is different from that of 2'-terminal purines. This perhaps explains the higher binding affinity of the 2',5'-linked guanine dinucleoside phosphates with 2'-terminal purines than those with 2'-terminal pyrimidines. A comparison of the binding of the guanine dinucleoside phosphates with 2',5'- and 3',5'-linkages suggests significant differences in the ribose pucker and hydrogen bonding interactions between the catalytic residues and the bound nucleoside phosphate implying that 2',5'-linked dinucleoside phosphates may not be the ideal ligands to probe the role of the catalytic amino acid residues. A change in the amino acid sequence in the surface loop region formed by the residues Gly71 to Gly74 drastically affects the conformation of the base binding subsite, and this may account for the inactivity of the enzyme with altered sequence i.e., with Pro, Gly and Ser at positions 71 to 73 respectively. These results thus suggest that in addition to recognition and catalytic sites, interactions at the loop regions which constitute the subsite for base binding are also crucial in determining the substrate specificity.


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2',3'-cyclic nucleotides are intermediates and substrates of Ribonuclease (RNase)-catalysed reactions. The characterization of the equilibrium conformation as well as the flexibility inherent in these molecules helps in understanding the enzymatic action of RNases. The present study explores parameters like phase angle, glycosydic torsion angle and hydrogen bond to find possible interrelationship between them through Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations on 3'-GMP, 3'-UMP, A>p, G>p, U>p, C>p, GpA>p and UpA>p. Interesting results of the effect of cyclisation and other constraints such as hydrogen bond between certain groups on the equilibrium ribose conformation have emerged from this study.


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Transformations of the layered zinc phosphates of the compositions [C6N4H22](0.5) [Zn-2 (HPO4)(3)], I, [C3N2H12][Zn-2 (HPO4)(3)], II and [C3N2OH12][Zn-2 (HPO4)(3)], III, containing triethylenetetramine, 1,3-diaminopropane, and 1,3-diamino-2-hydroxypropane, respectively, have been investigated under different conditions. On heating in water, I transforms to a one-dimensional (1-D) ladder and a three-dimensional (3-D) structure, while II gives rise to only a two-dimensional (2-D) layered structure. In the transformation reaction of I with zinc acetate, the same ladder and 3-D structures are obtained along with a tubular layer. Under similar conditions II gives a layered structure formed by the joining of two ladder motifs. III, on the other hand, is essentially unreactive when heated with water and zinc acetate, probably because the presence of the hydroxy group in the amine which hydrogen bonds to the framework. In the presence of piperazine, I, II and III give rise to a four-membered, corner-shared linear chain which is likely to be formed via the ladder structure. In addition, 2-D and 3-D structures derived from the 1-D linear chain or ladder structures are also formed. The primary result from the study is that the layers produce 1-D ladders, which then undergo other transformations. It is noteworthy that in the various transformations carried out, most of the products are single-crystalline.


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Three one-dimensional zinc phosphates, [C5N2H14][Zn(HPO4)2], I, [C10N4H26][Zn(HPO4)2].2H2O II, and [C4N2H6]2[Zn(HPO4)], III, have been prepared employing hydro/solvothermal methods in the presence of organic amines. While I and II consist of linear chains of corner-shared four-membered rings, III is a polymeric wire where the amine molecule is directly bonded to the metal center. The wire, as well as the chain in these structures, are held together by hydrogen bond interactions involving the amine and the framework oxygens. The polymeric zinc phosphate with wire-like architecture, III, is only the second example of such architecture. Crystal data: I, monoclinic, P21/c (no. 14), a=8.603(2), b=13.529(2), c=10.880(1) Å, β=94.9(1)°, V=1261.6(1) Å3, Z=4, ρcalc.=1.893 gcm−3, μ(MoKα)=2.234 mm−1, R1=0.032, wR2=0.086, [1532 observed reflections with I>2σ(I)], II, orthorhombic, Pbca (no. 61), a=8.393(1), b=15.286(1), c=22.659(1) Å, V=2906.9(2) Å3, Z=8, ρcalc.=1.794 gcm−3, μ(MoKα)=1.957 mm−1, R1=0.055, wR2=0.11, [1565 observed reflections with I>2σ(I) and III, monoclinic, P21/c (no. 14), a=8.241(1), b=13.750(2), c=10.572(1) Å, β=90.9(1)°, V=1197.7(2) Å3, Z=4, ρcalc.=1.805 gcm−3, μ(MoKα)=2.197 mm−1, R1=0.036, wR2=0.10, [1423 observed reflections with I>2σ(I)].


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Acid degradation of 3D zinc phosphates primarily yields a one-dimensional ladder compound, an observation that is significant considering that the latter forms 3D structures on heating in water.


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Valence fluctuations of Fe2+ and Fe3+ were studied in a solid solution of LixFePO4 by nuclear resonant forward scattering of synchrotron x rays while the sample was heated in a diamond-anvil pressure cell. The spectra acquired at different temperatures and pressures were analyzed for the frequencies of valence changes using the Blume-Tjon model of a system with a fluctuating Hamil- tonian. These frequencies were analyzed to obtain activation energies and an activation volume for polaron hopping. There was a large suppression of hopping frequency with pressure, giving an anomalously large activation volume. This large, positive value is typical of ion diffusion, which indicates correlated motions of polarons, and Li+ ions that alter the dynamics of both.

In a parallel study of NaxFePO4, the interplay between sodium ordering and electron mobility was investigated using a combination of synchrotron x-ray diffraction and nuclear resonant scattering. Conventional Mossbauer spectra were collected while the sample was heated in a resistive furnace. An analysis of the temperature evolution of the spectral shapes was used to identify the onset of fast electron hopping and determine the polaron hopping rate. Synchrotron x-ray diffraction measurements were carried out in the same temperature range. Reitveld analysis of the diffraction patterns was used to determine the temperature of sodium redistribution on the lattice. The diffraction analysis also provides new information about the phase stability of the system. The temperature evolution of the iron site occupancies from the Mossbauer measurements, combined with the synchrotron diffraction results give strong evidence for a relationship between the onset of fast electron dynamics and the redistribution of sodium in the lattice.

Measurements of activation barriers for polaron hopping gave fundamental insights about the correlation between electronic carriers and mobile ions. This work established that polaron-ion interactions can alter the local dynamics of electron and ion transport. These types of coupled processes may be common in many materials used for battery electrodes, and new details concerning the influence of polaron-ion interactions on the charge dynamics are relevant to optimizing their electrochemical performance.


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Various phosphates and their mixtures were screened for their efficiency of preventing drip loss in frozen prawns. The effectiveness of the phosphates decreased in the following order: Sodium tripolyphosphate — Sodium pyrophosphate — Sodium hexametaphosphate Sodium metaphosphate — Sodium dihydrogen phosphate; the last two being ineffective. Even though thaw drip loss was reduced by the above treatments the organoleptic quality of the thawed as well as cooked products was unsatisfactory, discoloration being the major defect. A solution of a mixture of 12% sodium tripolyphosphate and 8.6% sodium dihydrogen phosphate or 2% citric acid in water when used as dip prevented thaw drip loss, improved cooked yield and organoleptic quality without adversely affecting the biochemical characteristics. Commercial scale trials showed that the results are highly reproducible.


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Two organically templated trivalent metal-containing crystalline zirconium phosphate materials FeZrPO-8 and AlZrPO-8 have been prepared hydrothermally by using fluoride as a mineralizer, and 1,6-diaminohexane (DAH) as templates. The powder XRD patterns indicate that the as-synthesized products are new materials. Substitutions of Al3+ or Fe3+ into Zr4+ sites were confirmed by a combination of powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies. The thermal behavior of the title compounds have been investigated using TG-DTA and X-ray thermodiffractometry, which indicated that the inorganic framework of the compounds are thermally stable up to similar to400 degreesC. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.