10 resultados para Phlorotannins


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We evaluated the effects of high molecular-weight phlorotannins from Sargassum thunbergii (STP) on ADP-induced platelet aggregation and arachidonic acid (AA) metabolism in New Zealand white rabbits and Wistar rats. The inhibition of STP on platelet aggregation was investigated using a turbidimetric method, and the levels of the terminal products of AA metabolism were measured using the corresponding kits for maleic dialdehyde (MDA), thromboxane B-2 (TXB2) and 6-keto-prostaglandin F-1 alpha (6-keto-PGF(1 alpha)) by colorimetry and radioimmunoassay, as appropriate. We found that STP could inhibit ADP-induced platelet aggregation, and the inhibitory ratio was 91.50% at the STP concentration of 4.0 mg/mL. Furthermore, STP markedly affected AA metabolism by decreasing the synthesis of MDA (P < 0.01) and increasing the synthesis of 6-keto-PGF(1 alpha), thus changing the plasma TXB2/6-keto-PGF(1 alpha) balance when the platelets were activated (P < 0.01). Therefore, STP altered AA metabolism and these findings


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The inhibitory effects of high molecular weight phlorotannins (HMP) from Sargassum kjellmanianum on mouse liver lipid peroxidation were investigated by spectrophotometric methods. The content of malondialdehyde (MDA) in liver samples was measured by TBA (thiobarbituric acid) assay. It showed that HMP significantly inhibited the generation of MDA in vivo and in situations induced by CCl4 and Fe2+-Vc ( ascorbic acid), and significantly decreased membrane swelling of mouse liver mitochondria, compared with controls ( p < 0.01). HMP were found to have strong anti-oxidative activity in inhibiting mouse liver lipid peroxidation.


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Known only in the Phaeophyceae, phlorotannins (brown algal polyphenols) are a class of natural products with potential uses in pharmacology. This study reports that phlorotannins from Sargassum kjellmanianum can prevent fish oil from rancidification; the antioxidation activity was about 2.6 times higher than that of 0.02% BHT (tertbutyl-4-hydroxytoluene).


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The use of surfactants to improve enzymatic hydrolysis of the macroalgae Sargassum muticum has been investigated. Visible absorption spectroscopy has been used to quantify the solubilization of both polysaccharides and phlorotannins in the hydrolysates.   After total extraction, results showed that Sargassum muticum contained 2.74% (expressed in percent of the dry weight of the algae) of phlorotannins whose 32 % were in the cell wall. This result shows that it is important to access to the parietal phlorotannins. To reach this objective, we chose the enzymatic approach for destructurating the cell wall of the algae. The use of 5% dry weight (DW - 5% by weight of hydrolyzed algae) of an enzymatic mix containing a commercial beta-glucanase, a commercial protease and an alginate lyase extracted from Pseudomonas alginovora led after 3 hours of hydrolysis to the solubilization of 2.43% DW polysaccharides and 0.52% DW phlorotannins. The use of 0.5% volume of the surfactant Triton® X-100 with 10% DW of the enzymatic mix has allowed to reaching the value of 2.63% DW of solubilized phlorotannins, that is 96% of the total phenolic content.   The use of non-ionic surfactant, combined to enzymatic hydrolysis, showed an increased efficiency in disrupting cell wall and solubilizing phlorotannins in Sargassum muticum.


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The ecological interaction of brown algae are important as these macroalgae are common and often keystone members in many benthic marine communities.This review highlights their chemical interactions,particularly with potential herbivores,but also with fouling oranganisms,with potential pathogens,with each other as gametes,and with their microenvironments when they are spores.Phlorotannins,which are phenolic compounds unique to brown algae,have been studied hesvily in many of these respects and sre highlightes here.This includes recent controversy about their roles as defences against herbivory,as well as new understanding of their roles in primary cellular functions that may,in many instances,be more important than ,and which at least have to be considered in convert with,any possible ecological functions.Brown algae have also been useful models for testing theoties about the evolution of and ecological constraints on chemical defence.Furthermore,their mocroscopic motile gametes and spores have the ability to react to their chemical environments behavirourally.


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Biological invasions are an important issue of global change and an increased understanding of invasion processes is of crucial importance for both conservation managers and international trade. In this thesis, I have studied the invasion of the brown seaweed Fucus evanescens, to investigate the fate and effect of a perennial, habitat-forming seaweed introduced to a coastal ecosystem. A long-term study of the spread of F. evanescens in Öresund (southern Sweden) showed that the species was able to expand its range quickly during the first 20 years after the introduction, but that the expansion has been slow during the subsequent 30 years. Both in Öresund and in Skagerrak, the species is largely restricted to sites where native fucoids are scarce. Laboratory experiments showed that the restricted spread of F. evanescens cannot be explained by the investigated abiotic factors (wave exposure and salinity), although salinity restricts the species from spreading into the Baltic Sea. Neither did I find evidence for that herbivores or epibiota provide biotic resistance to the invader. On the contrary, F. evanescens was less consumed by native herbivores, both compared to the native fucoids and to F. evanescens populations in its native range, and little overgrown by epiphytes. Instead, the restricted spread may be due to competition from native seaweeds, probably by pre-occupation of space, and the establishment has probably been facilitated by disturbance. The studies provided little support for a general enemy release in introduced seaweeds. The low herbivore consumption of F. evanescens in Sweden could not be explained by release from specialist herbivores. Instead, high levels of chemical anti-herbivore defence metabolites (phlorotannins) could explain the pattern of herbivore preference for different fucoids. Likewise, the low epibiotic colonisation of F. evanescens plants could be explained by high resistance to epibiotic survival. This shows that colonisation of invading seaweeds by native herbivores and epibionts depends on properties of the invading species. The large differences between fucoid species in their quality as food and habitat for epibionts and herbivores imply that invasions of such habitat-forming species may have a considerable effect on a number of other species in shallow coastal areas. However, since F. evanescens did not exclude other fucoids in its new range, its effect on the recipient biota is probably small.


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To be able to interpret patterns of biodiversity it is important to understand the processes by which new species evolve and how closely related species remain reproductively isolated and ecologically differentiated. Divergence and differentiation can vary during speciation and it can be seen in different stages. Groups of closely related taxa constitute important case studies to understand species and new biodiversity formation. However, it is important to assess the divergence among them at different organismal levels and from an integrative perspective. For this purpose, this study used the brown seaweeds genus Fucus as a model to study speciation, as they constitute a good opportunity to study divergence at different stages. We investigated the divergence patterns in Fucus species from two marginal areas (northern Baltic Sea and the Tjongspollen area), based on phenetic, phylogenetic and biological taxonomical criteria that are respectively characterised by algal morphology, allele frequencies of five microsatellite loci and levels of secondary polyphenolic compounds called phlorotannins. The results from this study showed divergence at morphological and genetic levels to certain extent but complete lack of divergence at biochemical level (i.e. constitutive phlorotannin production) in the Baltic Sea or Norway. Morphological divergence was clearly evident in Tjongspollen (Norway) among putative taxa as they were identified in the field and this divergence corresponds with their neutral genetic divergence. In the Baltic, there are some distinguishable patterns in the morphology of the swedish and finnish individuals according to locality to certain extent but not among putative taxa within localities. Likewise, these morphological patterns have genetic correspondence among localities but not within each locality. At the biochemical level, measured by the phlorotannin contents there were neither evidence of divergence in Norway or the Baltic Sea nor any discernable aggregation pattern among or within localities. Our study have contributed with further understanding of the Baltic Sea Fucus system and its intriguingly rapid and recent divergence as well as of the Tjongspollen area systems where formally undescribed individuals have been observed for the first time; in fact they appear largely differentiated and they may well warrant a new species status. In current times, climate change threatens, peripheral ecosystems, biodiversity, and increased knowledge of processes generating and maintaining biodiversity in those ecosystems seem particularly important and needed.


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Kelp forests are strongly influenced by macroinvertebrate grazing on fleshy macroalgae. In the North Pacific Ocean, sea otter predation on macroinvertebrates substantially reduces the intensity of herbivory on macroalgae. Temperate Australasia, in contrast, has no known predator of comparable influence. These ecological and biogeographic patterns led us to predict that (i) the intensity of herbivory should be greater in temperate Australasia than in the North Pacific Ocean; thus (ii) Australasian seaweeds have been under stronger selection to evolve chemical defenses and (iii) Australasian herbivores have been more strongly selected to tolerate these compounds. We tested these predictions first by measuring rates of algal tissue loss to herbivory at several locations in Australasian and North Pacific kelp forests. There were significant differences in grazing rates among sea otter-dominated locations in the North Pacific (0-2% day-1), Australasia (5-7% day-1), and a North Pacific location lacking sea otters (80% day-1). The expectations that chronically high rates of herbivory in Australasia have selected for high concentrations of defensive secondary metabolites (phlorotannins) in brown algae and increased tolerance of these defenses in the herbivores also were supported. Phlorotannin concentrations in kelps and fucoids from Australasia were, on average, 5-6 times higher than those in a comparable suite of North Pacific algae, confirming earlier findings. Furthermore, feeding rates of Australasian herbivores were largely unaffected by phlorotannins, regardless of the compounds' regional source. North Pacific herbivores, in contrast, were consistently deterred by phlorotannins from both Australasia and the North Pacific. These findings suggest that top-level consumers, acting through food chains of various lengths, can strongly influence the ecology and evolution of plantherbivore interactions.


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Desde tempos remotos que as macroalgas marinhas são utilizadas por comunidades humanas, nomeadamente as orientais, como parte importante da sua dieta alimentar. A composição química das diferentes macroalgas marinhas (algas castanhas – Phaeophyta, algas vermelhas – Rhodophyta e algas verdes – Chlorophyta) confirma que além de terem um valor nutricional satisfatório podem ser uma fonte muito interessante de compostos bioativos como, por exemplo, os compostos fenólicos. Quimicamente os compostos fenólicos caracterizam-se por apresentarem um ou mais grupos hidroxilo ligados a um anel aromático. Estes compostos englobam desde moléculas simples até moléculas poliméricas de grandes dimensões. A maioria dos compostos fenólicos apresenta atividade antioxidante. O interesse pelo estudo de metabolitos secundários das macroalgas com propriedades antioxidantes surgiu, numa primeira fase, como uma tentativa de encontrar substitutos para os antioxidantes sintéticos usados como aditivos alimentares (nomeadamente o BHA e o BHT) que demonstravam possuir efeitos carcinogénicos. No entanto, rapidamente a comunidade científica reconheceu que a aplicação de novos compostos fenólicos naturais é muito mais vasta. Sabe-se hoje que é crucial para a promoção da saúde de um indivíduo que se verifique a manutenção do equilíbrio entre a produção de radicais livres e as respetivas defesas antioxidantes. Quando esse equilíbrio se altera e ocorre uma acumulação de radicais livres no organismo, este entra em stress oxidativo, situação que pode conduzir a danos dos lípidos celulares, proteínas e ácidos nucleicos, o que favorece o aparecimento de diversas doenças e acelera o envelhecimento celular. Assim, atualmente existe um crescente interesse por parte da indústria farmacêutica e da indústria da cosmética no estudo dos compostos fenólicos isolados de macroalgas. De entre estes, destacam-se os florotaninos, que para além das propriedades antioxidantes têm demonstrado possuir outras atividades farmacológicas importantes, tais como atividade antibacteriana, anti-viral, antineoplásica, anti-hipertensora e anti-diabética. Este trabalho consiste numa revisão bibliográfica sobre os diversos compostos fenólicos com atividade antioxidante isolados de macroalgas marinhas e que demonstraram vantagens na sua incorporação, quer em formulações cosméticas, quer em medicamentos, debatendo as suas ações farmacológicas, mecanismos de ação e possíveis aplicações futuras.