999 resultados para Philippine Sea slab


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Platinum-group elements (PGE), rhenium and osmium isotope data are reported for basalts from Deep Sea Drilling Project cores in the Philippine Sea Plate (PSP). Lithophile trace element and isotopic characteristics indicate a range of source components including DMM, EMII and subduction-enriched mantle. MORB-like basalts possess smooth, inclined chondrite-normalised PGE patterns with high palladium-PGE/iridium-PGE ratios, consistent with previously published data for MORB, and with the inferred compatibility of PGE. In contrast, while basalts with EMII-type lithophile element chemistry possess high Pt/Ir ratios, many have much lower Pd/Ir and unusually high Ru/Ir of >10. Similarly, back-arc samples from the Shikoku and Parece-Vela basins have very high Ru/Ir ratios (>30) and Pd/Ir as low as 1.1. Such extreme Pd/Ir and Ru/Ir ratios have not been previously reported in mafic volcanic suites and cannot be easily explained by variable degrees of melting, fractional crystallisation or by a shallow-level process such as alteration or degassing. The data appear most consistent with sampling of at least two mantle components with distinct PGE compositions. Peridotites with the required PGE characteristics (i.e. low Pd, but relatively high Ru and Re) have not been documented in oceanic mantle, but have been found in sub-continental mantle lithosphere and are the result of considerable melt depletion and selective metasomatic enrichment (mainly Re). The long-term presence of subduction zones surrounding the Philippine Sea Plate makes this a prime location for metasomatic enrichment of mantle, either through fluid enrichment or infiltration by small melt fractions. The Re-Os isotope data are difficult to interpret with confidence due to low Os concentrations in most samples and the uncertainty in sample age. Data for Site 444A (Shikoku Basin) give an age of 17.7+/-1.3 Ma (MSWD = 14), consistent with the proposed age of basement at the site and thus provides the first robust radiometric age for these samples. The initial 187Os/188Os of 0.1298+/-0.0069 is consistent with global MORB, and precludes significant metasomatic enrichment of Os by radiogenic slab fluids. Re-Os data for Sites 446A (two suites, Daito Basin) and 450 (Parece-Vela Basin) indicate ages of 73, 68 and 43 Ma, which are respectively, 30, 17 and >12 Ma older than previously proposed ages. The alkalic and tholeiitic suites from Site 446A define regression lines with different 187Os/188Osinitial (0.170+/-0.033 and 0.112+/-0.024, respectively) which could perhaps be explained by preferential sampling of interstitial, metasomatic sulphides (with higher time-integrated Re/Os ratios) by smaller percentage alkalic melts. One sample, with lithophile elements indistinguishable from MORB, is Os-rich (146 pg/g) and has an initial 187Os/188Os of 0.1594, which is at the upper limit of the accepted OIB range. Given the Os-rich nature of this sample and the lack of evidence for subduction or recycled crust inputs, this osmium isotope ratio likely reflects heterogeneity in the DMM. The dataset as a whole is a striking indication of the possible PGE and Os isotope variability within a region of mantle that has experienced a complex tectonic history.


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Our rock magnetic analysis of core Ph05 from the West Philippine Sea demonstrates that the core preserves a strong, stable remanent magnetization and meets the magnetic mineral criteria for relative paleointensity (RPI) analyses. The magnetic minerals in the sequence are dominated by pseudosingle-domain magnetite, and the concentration of magnetic minerals is at the same scale. Both the conventional normalizing method and the pseudo-Thellier method were used in conjunction with the examination of the rock magnetic properties and natural remanent magnetization. Susceptibility (chi), anhysteretic remnant magnetization (ARM) and saturation isothermal remnant magnetization (SIRM) were used as the natural remanent magnetization normalizer. However, coherence analysis indicated that only ARM is more suitable for paleointensity reconstruction. The age model of core is established based on oxygen isotope data and AMS(14)C data, which is consistent with the age model estimated from RPI records. The relative paleointensity data provide a continuous record of the intensity variation during the last 200 ka, which correlates well with the global references RPI stacks. Several prominent low paleointensity values are identified and are correlated to the main RPI minima in the SINT-200 record, suggesting that the sediments have recorded the real changes of geomagnetic field.


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We report new geophysical and petrological data collected at the southern tip of the Parece Vela Basin in the Philippine Sea. The Parece Vela Basin, which was formed as a backarc basin behind proto Mariana arc-trench system from late Oligocene to middle Miocene, provides us a good opportunity to study the nature of successive backarc basin formations in the Philippine Sea and the relationship between are and backarc magmatisms. Regional bathymetric map derived from satellite altimetry shows that the southern tip of the basin, now located just west of the Yap arc-trench system, has unique morphological and tectonic features which include: 1) the absence of spreading center or its trace, 2) shallow average depth, and 3) enigmatic curved structures. Our newly collected high-resolution bathymetric data reveal that the spreading fabric similar to the central Parece Vela Basin exists to the north of 9 degrees 20'N. Thus it appears that the present-day Yap arc and backarc region represent the western half of the seafloor that was produced by the early E-W and the following NE-SW spreading in the northern and central Parece Vela Basin, and that the eastern counterpart now lies west of the West Mariana Ridge. Unlike the northern Parece Vela Basin, there appears to be no evidence for a systematic propagation of spreading center in the southern part. Instead two rift segments, one which extends from the central Parece Vela Basin and the other which lies within the western remnant arc (Kyushu-Palau Ridge), overlap at the southern tip of the basin, producing a complex seafloor that includes curvilinear deeps and deformed topographic highs. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Zenisu deep-sea channel originates on the Izu-Ogasawara island arc, and disappears in the Shikoku Basin of the Philippine Sea. The geomorphology, sedimentary processes, and the development of the Zenisu deep-sea channel were investigated on the basis of swath bathymetry, side-scan sonar imagery, submersible observations, and seismic data. The deep-sea channel can be divided into three segments according to the downslope gradient and channel orientation. They are the Zenisu Canyon, the E-W fan channel, and the trough-axis channel. The sediment fill is characterized by turbidite and debrite deposition and blocky-hummocky avalanche deposits on the flanks of the Zenisu Ridge. In the Zenisu Canyon and the Zenisu deep-sea channel, sediment transport by turbidity currents generates sediment waves (dunes) observed during the Shinkai 6500 dive 371. The development of the Zenisu Canyon is controlled by a N-S shear fault, whereas the trough-axis channel is controlled by basin subsidence associated with the Zenisu Ridge. The E-W fan channel was probably affected by the E-W fault and the basement morphology.


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Zenisu deep-sea channel originated from a volcanic arc region, Izu-Ogasawara Island Arc, and vanished in the Shikoku Basin of the Philippine Sea. According to the swath bathymetry, the deep-sea channel can be divided into three,segments. They are Zenisu canyon, E-W fan channel and trough-axis channel. A lot of volcanic detritus were deposited in the Zenisu Trough via the deep-sea channel because it originated from volcanic arc settings. On the basis of the swath bathymetry, submersible and seismic reflection data, the deposits are characterized by turbidite and debrite deposits as those in the other major deep-sea channels. Erosion or few sediments were observed in the Zenisu canyon, whereas a lot of turbidites and debrites occurred in the E-W channel and trough axis channel. Cold seep communities, active fault and fluid flow were discovered along the lower slope of the Zenisu Ridge. Vertical sedimentary sequences in the Zenisu Trough consist of the four post-rift sequence units of the Shikoku Basin, among which Units A and B are two turbidite units. The development of Zenisu canyon is controlled by the N-S shear fault, the E-W fan channel is related to the E-W shear fault, and the trough-axis channel is related to the subsidence of central basin.


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The characteristics and distribution patterns of detrital minerals (0.063 similar to 0.125 mm) in marine sediments provide a significant indicator for the identification of the origin of sediment. The detrital mineral composition of 219 surface sediment samples was analysed to identify the distribution of sediments within the western Philippine Sea. The area can be divided into three mineral provinces: ( 1) province east of the Philippine Trench, the detrital minerals in this province are mainly composed of calcareous or siliceous organisms, with the addition of volcanogenic minerals from an adjacent island arc; (II) middle mineral province, clastic minerals including feldspar, quartz and colorless volcanic glass, sourced from seamounts with intermediate-acid volcanic rock, or erupting intermediate-acid volcano; (III) province west of the Palau-Kyushii Ridge, the matter provenance within this province is complex; the small quantity of feldspar and quartz may be sourced from seamounts or erupting volcano with intermediate - acid composition, with a component of volcanic scoria sourced from a volcano erupting on the Palau-Kyushu Ridge. it is suggested that, ( I) Biogenic debris of the study area is closely related to water depth, with the amount of biogenic debris controlled by carbonate lysocline. (2) Volcaniclastic matter derived from the adjacent island are can be entrained by oceanic currents and transported towards the abyssal basin over a short distance. The weathering products of volcanic rocks of the submarine plateau ( e. g. I Benham Plateau) and adjacent ridges provide an important source of detrital sedimentation, and the influence scope of them is constrained by the intensity of submarine weathering. (3) Terrigenous sediments from the continent of Asia and the adjacent Philippine island arc have little influence on the sedimentation of this study area, and the felsic mineral component is probably sourced from volcanic seamounts of intermediate-acid composition.


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Based upon analyses of grain-size, rare earth element (REE) compositions, elemental occurrence phases of REE, and U-series isotopic dating, the sediment characteristics and material sources of the study area were examined for the recently formed deep-sea clays in the eastern Philippine Sea. The analytical results are summarized as follows. (1) Low accumulation rate, poor sorting and roundness, and high contents of grains coarser than fine silt indicate relatively low sediment input, with localized material source without long distance transport. (2) The REE Contents are relatively high. Shale-normalized patterns of REE indicate weak enrichment in heavy REE (HREE), Ce-passive anomaly, and Eu-positive anomaly. (3) Elemental occurrence phases of REE between the sediments with and without crust are similar. REE mainly concentrate in residual phase and then in ferromanganese oxide phase. The light REE (LREE) enrichment, Ce-positive anomaly, and Eu-positive anomaly occur in residual phase. Ferromanganese oxide phase shows the characteristics of relatively high HREE content and Ce-passive anomaly. (4) There are differences in each above mentioned aspect between the sediments with and without ferromanganese crust. (5) Synthesizing the above characteristics and source discriminant analysis, the study sediments are deduced to mainly result from the alteration of local and nearby volcanic materials. Continental materials transported by wind and/or river (ocean) flows also have minor contributions.


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From systemic research of microstructure, geochemistry, uranium-series and Be-10 isotope dating on a new-type deepwater ferromanganese crust from the East Philippine Sea, the paleoenvironment evolution of the target area since the terminal Late Miocene was recovered. The vertical section changes of microstructure and chemical composition are consistent in the studied crust, which indicate three major accretion periods and corresponding paleoenvironment evolution of the crust. The bottom crust zone was formed in the terminal Late Miocene (5.6 Ma) with loose microstructure, high detritus content and high growth rate. Reductions of mineral element content, accretion rate and positive Ce-anomaly degree at 4.6 Ma indicate temporal warming, which went against the crust accretion and finally formed an accretion gap in the terminal Middle Pliocene (2.8-2.7 Ma). The more active Antarctic bottom seawaters in the Late Pliocene (2.7 Ma) facilitated the fast transfer to the top pure crust zone. Hereafter, with the further apart of volcanic source and the keeping increase of eolian material (1.0 Ma), although surrounding conditions were still favorable, mineral element content still shows an obvious reducing trend. It thereby offers new carrier and data for the unclear paleoceanographic research of the target area since the terminal Late Miocene.


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In this study we describe the velocity structure and transport of the North Equatorial Current (NEC), the Kuroshio, and the Mindanao Current (MC) using repeated hydrographic sections near the Philippine coast. A most striking feature of the current system in the region is the undercurrent structure below the surface flow. Both the Luzon Undercurrent and the Mindanao Undercurrent appear to be permanent phenomena. The present data set also provides an estimate of the mean circulation diagram (relative to 1500 dbar) that involves a NEC transport of 41 Sverdrups (Sv), a Kuroshio transport of 14 Sv, and a MC transport of 27 Sv, inducing a mass balance better than 1 Sv within the region enclosed by stations. The circulation diagram is insensitive to vertical displacements of the reference level within the depth range between 1500 and 2500 dbar. Transport fluctuations are, in general, consistent with earlier observations; that is, the NEC and the Kuroshio vary in the same phase with a seasonal signal superimposed with interannual variations, and the transport of the MC is dominated by a quasi-biennial oscillation. Dynamic height distributions are also examined to explore the dynamics of the current system.


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Early arc volcanism during Eocene to Oligocene in the Izu forearc region was investigated during ODP Legs 125 and 126 in 1989, and effusive and intrusive volcanics were recovered from Leg 125 Site 786. These rocks were all classified into boninites and associated rocks by Leg 125 Shipboard Scientific Party, and they concluded that boninitic volcanism had occurred before 40 Ma, and arc tholeiitic volcanism began after 40 Ma. In this study, lava flows and breccias that classified into boninite series are divided into two groups, tholeiite and boninite, based on petrographical and petrological properties. Both series are also distinguished by bulk rock composition. It is considered that the sources of both rock types have similar depleted compositions because of their similar, very low bulk HFSE concentrations. We suggest that boninitic and tholeiitic volcanism occurred closely in time and space, and reflected different temperature and water condition.