994 resultados para Philippe Jaccottet


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Ce mémoire porte sur les carnets, publiés sous le titre La Semaison, du poète Philippe Jaccottet ; il s’attache à dégager les grandes lignes d’une pratique d’écriture qui évolue au fil du temps et à déterminer le statut de La Semaison par rapport au reste de l’œuvre. Les quatre premiers chapitres du mémoire établissent les caractéristiques de l’écriture des carnets, en étudiant de près les textes ainsi que leur évolution au fil des années, et en comparant ces textes avec les œuvres publiées parallèlement. On remarque qu’au fil du temps, les œuvres ressemblent de plus en plus aux textes que l’on trouve dans La Semaison. Les deux derniers chapitres essaient d’apprécier, plus globalement, le travail qui y est à l’œuvre. Non seulement les carnets constituent le lieu le plus approprié pour mener une réflexion sur la poésie, mais encore ce sont eux qui assurent cohésion et validité à l’œuvre.


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In this work, we have considered the theme of landscape in the poetry of Andrea Zanzotto, Philippe Jaccottet and Seamus Heaney within the perspective of a fragmentation of the aesthetics of nature. To that end, the most advanced theories of aesthetics applied to nature, such as environmental Aesthetics and Aesthetik der Natur (also known as ökologische Aesthetik) have been taken into account. The philosophical perspective of Paolo D’Angelo, insights from geography (in particular from the works of Franco Farinelli) and from ecology (considering the contributions of Gilles Clément to this discipline) have also been useful. We have argued that the poetic experiences of Zanzotto, Jaccottet and Heaney follow a similar path, each starting from the fusion between the poetic subject and landscape to reach a two-way relationship between them. In this interpretation, the concept of landscape has been considered, according to Michel Collot’s theory of pensée-paysage, as a phenomenon. The poetic texts have been analysed under the lenses of linguistic, stylistic and rhetorical approaches, consistent with the idea that every text must be studied within its context, as every poetic experience is constituted of three elements: the poetic subject, his language and his world, the latest being shaped by and shaping the subject’s position and the perspectives related to it: that is his discourse to the world and in this world.


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La traduzione poetica viene affrontata sul piano empirico dell'analisi testuale. Una breve introduzione presenta le riflessioni più importanti sulla traduzione del testo poetico, da Benjamin e Steiner fino alle teorie più recenti di Meschonnic, Apel, Berman e Mattioli. Alla luce di queste teorie vengono analizzate le opere di due coppie di poeti e poeti-traduttori. Nel primo esempio troviamo il poeta svizzero (francofono) Philippe Jaccottet alle prese con l'intera opera di Ungaretti; nel secondo il rapporto travagliato di Vittorio Sereni con la poesia di René Char. Oltre a indagare la natura problematica della traduzione poetica come pratica e come esperienza, questa tesi di Letteratura Comparata vuole presentare la traduzione come strumento ermeneutico e come meccanismo rienunciativo: il suo ruolo nella dialettica delle influenze e dell'evoluzione letteraria è da considerarsi infatti essenziale. La vocazione originariamente etica della traduzione è sfondo costante della trattazione.


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Tomás Tamayo de Vargas, historiador espanhol, nasceu em 1588 e morreu em 1641. Cronista do Reino, escreveu essa obra por ordem real, que foi publicada em 1628, utilizando documentação oficial e informações que as relações da época lhe proporcionavam. ‘Restauracion de la ciudad del Salvador, i Baia de Todos-Sanctos, en la Provincia del Brasil’ reflete a opinião oficial espanhola sobre a restauração da Bahia e mostra a repercussão que o acontecimento teve na metrópole espanhola que, na época, dominava o Brasil. Rodrigues considera essa uma edição ‘rara’ e Brunet afirma ser ‘muito rara’. Há uma edição brasileira, difícil de encontrar, publicada em Salvador pela Tipografia de Epifanio Pedroza (1847)


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Eguíluz, Federico; Merino, Raquel; Olsen, Vickie; Pajares, Eterio; Santamaría, José Miguel (eds.)


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As Ordenações Filipinas resultaram da reforma feita por Felipe II da Espanha (Felipe I de Portugal), ao Código Manuelino, durante o período da União Ibérica. Continuou vigindo em Portugal ao final da União, por confirmação de D. João IV. Até a promulgação do primeiro Código Civil brasileiro, em 1916, estiveram também vigentes no Brasil. Blake informa que esta é a primeira edição brasileira deste código.


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On the basis of two indecidable texts (Thomas Clerc, “Paris, musée du XXIe siècle. Le dixième arrondissement”, Gallimard 2007 and Philippe Vasset, “Un livre blanc”, Fayard 2007), we will reflect on new approaches to the city in contemporary French litterature. Clerc and Vasset, in their respective texts, suggest considering litterature as a series of practices connected with the exploration of the city (Clerc) and of the urban area (Vasset) according to the idea of an arbitrary itinerary. The image of the city whose space, subject to a permanent process of museifi cation, is constantly considered to be a work of art (Clerc) contrasts with a project of viewing the deserted areas of the city and of its surroundings as an infinite collection of “artistic installations” created in daily life (Vasset). Clerc’s and Vasset’s artistic mentality leads them to the fascination with “works of involuntary art”, both concrete signs and tangible proof of the transitional period which they try to describe systematically, following, at the same time, the principles of an axonometric city map.


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The dissertation comprises two parts: (a) a musical edition and (b) a performance given on 3 July, 2008 of Philippe Rogier’s Missa Inclita stirps Jesse. The dissertation explores some of the editorial decisions required, how the demands of performers and musicologists differ, and whether they can be reconciled in one single edition. The commentary explains the preparation and realization of the edition. A video recording of the concert performance is attached to the dissertation. The Mass: The Missa Inclita stirps Jesse was published in Madrid in 1598 in a collection entitled Missae Sex. The mass setting is for four voices, except the Agnus Dei, which is for five, and is based on musical material in the motet Inclita stirps Jesse by Jacobus Clemens non Papa (c. 1510-15 – c.1556-6). Rogier’s choice and use of musical material from the motet (published in 1549) are discussed in the dissertation. The Edition: The edition is made from a microfilm copy of the Missae Sex held in the Biblioteca del Conservatorio de Musica “Giuseppe Verdi” in Milan. The Missae Sex was originally dedicated to King Philip II of Spain (1527-1598, reg. 1556-1598), whom Rogier had served as chorister and then maestro de capilla. Both Rogier and King Philip died before the volume was ready for publication. One of Rogier’s pupils, Géry de Ghersem, prepared the volume, which was printed in 1598, dedicated to King Philip III. The Performance: The mass was performed at a concert of Spanish Renaissance music in St. Matthew’s Cathedral, Washington, DC, on 3 July 2008, sung by the ensemble Orpheus directed by Philip Cave as part of the Chorworks summer workshop entitled Kings and Conquistadors: Music of Old and New Spain.


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Drawing on a cultural, transnational and genealogical approach, this article studies the work of a Swiss missionary, Henri-Philippe Junod, between Europe and Africa. It tries not to look at what he brought to Africa, or brought back from Africa, but to see how his back-and-forth movement contributed to the formation of new ideas and institutions globally. The article looks at Junod’s contribution in three domains in particular, namely anthropology, human rights worldwide, and African studies in Switzerland.


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Medievalista [Em linha]. Nº10, (Julho 2011). Direc. José Mattoso. Lisboa: IEM.


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Contient : « Description de la Terre Sainete, compilé l'an 1337,... par frere BROCHART l'Alemant, de l'ordre des Prescheurs, » traduite de même eu 1456 par Jean MIÉLOT ; « Voyage de BERTRANDON DE LA BROQUIERE, qu'il fist en la terre d'oultre mer, l'an de gràce 1432 »