870 resultados para Phenylalanine Hydroxylase
Phenylalanine hydroxylase converts phenylalanine to tyrosine, a rate-limiting step in phenylalanine catabolism and protein and neurotransmitter biosynthesis. It is tightly regulated by the substrates phenylalanine and tetrahydrobiopterin and by phosphorylation. We present the crystal structures of dephosphorylated and phosphorylated forms of a dimeric enzyme with catalytic and regulatory properties of the wild-type protein. The structures reveal a catalytic domain flexibly linked to a regulatory domain. The latter consists of an N-terminal autoregulatory sequence (containing Ser 16, which is the site of phosphorylation) that extends over the active site pocket, and an alpha-beta sandwich core that is, unexpectedly, structurally related to both pterin dehydratase and the regulatory domains of metabolic enzymes. Phosphorylation has no major structural effects in the absence of phenylalanine, suggesting that phenylalanine and phosphorylation act in concert to activate the enzyme through a combination of intrasteric and possibly allosteric mechanisms.
Phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) is the enzyme that converts phenylalanine to tyrosine as a rate-limiting step in phenylalanine catabolism and protein and neurotransmitter biosynthesis. Over 300 mutations have been identified in the gene encoding PAH that result in a deficient enzyme activity and lead to the disorders hyperphenylalaninaemia and phenylketonuria. The determination of the crystal structure of PAH now allows the determination of the structural basis of mutations resulting in PAH deficiency. We present an analysis of the structural basis of 120 mutations with a 'classified' biochemical phenotype and/or available in vitro expression data. We find that the mutations can be grouped into five structural categories, based on the distinct expected structural and functional effects of the mutations in each category. Missense mutations and small amino acid deletions are found in three categories:'active site mutations', 'dimer interface mutations', and 'domain structure mutations'. Nonsense mutations and splicing mutations form the category of 'proteins with truncations and large deletions'. The final category, 'fusion proteins', is caused by frameshift mutations. We show that the structural information helps formulate some rules that will help predict the likely effects of unclassified and newly discovered mutations: proteins with truncations and large deletions, fusion proteins and active site mutations generally cause severe phenotypes; domain structure mutations and dimer interface mutations spread over a range of phenotypes, but domain structure mutations in the catalytic domain are more likely to be severe than domain structure mutations in the regulatory domain or dimer interface mutations.
The 3-dimensionaI structure determination of rat phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) has identified potentially important amino acids lining the active site cleft with the majority of these having hydrophobic side-chains including several with aromatic side chains. Here we have analyzed the effect on rat PAH enzyme kinetics of in vitro mutagenesis of a number of these amino acids lining the PAH active site. Mutation of F299, Y324, F331, and Y343 caused a significant decrease in enzyme activity but no change in the K-m for substrate or cofactor. me conclude that these aromatic residues are essential for activity but are not significantly involved in binding of the substrate or cofactor. in contrast the PAH mutant, S349T, showed an 18-fold increase in K-m for phenylalanine, showing the first functional evidence that this residue was binding at or near the phenylalanine binding site. This confirms the recently published model for the binding of phenylalanine to the PAH active site that postulated S349 interacts with the amino group on the main chain of the phenylalanine molecule. This result differs with that found for the equivalent mutation (S395T), in the closely related tyrosine hydroxylase, which had no effect on substrate K-m, showing that while the architecture of the two active sites are very similar the amino acids that bind to the respective substrates are different. (C) 2000 Academic Press.
Phenylalanine hydroxylase is regulated in a complex manner, including activation by phosphorylation. It is normally found as an equilibrium of dimeric and tetrameric species, with the tetramer thought to be the active form. We converted the protein to the dimeric form by deleting the C-terminal 24 residues and show that the truncated protein remains active and regulated by phosphorylation. This indicates that changes in the tetrameric quaternary structure of phenylalanine hydroxylase are not required for enzyme activation. Truncation also facilitates crystallization of both phosphorylated and dephosphorylated forms of the enzyme.
Phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) is activated by its substrate phenylalanine and inhibited by its cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4). The crystal structure of PAH revealed that the N-terminal sequence of the enzyme (residues 19-29) partially covered the enzyme active site, and suggested its involvement in regulation. We show that the protein lacking this N-terminal sequence does not require activation by phenylalanine, shows an altered structural response to phenylalanine, and is not inhibited by BH4. Our data support the model where the N-terminal sequence of PAH acts as an intrasteric autoregulatory sequence, responsible for transmitting the effect of phenylalanine activation to the active site, (C) 2001 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) is activated by its substrate phenylalanine, and through phosphorylation by cAMP-dependent protein kinase at Ser 16 in the N-terminal autoregulatory sequence of the enzyme. The crystal structures of phosphorylated and unphosphorylated forms of the enzyme showed that, in the absence of phenylalanine, in both cases the N-terminal 18 residues including the phosphorylation site contained no interpretable electron density. We used nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to characterize this N-terminal region of the molecule in different stages of the regulatory pathway. A number of sharp resonances are observed in PAH with an intact N-terminal region, but no sharp resonances are present in a truncation mutant lacking the N-terminal 29 residues. The N-terminal sequence therefore represents a mobile flexible region of the molecule. The resonances become weaker after the addition of phenylalanine, indicating a loss of mobility. The peptides corresponding to residues 2-20 of PAH have different structural characteristics in the phosphorylated and unphosphorylated forms, with the former showing increased secondary structure. Our results support the model whereby upon phenylalanine binding, the mobile N-terminal 18 residues of PAH associate with the folded core of the molecule; phosphorylation may facilitate this interaction.
The regulatory domain of phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH, EC consists of more than 100 amino acids at the N terminus, the removal of which significantly activates the enzyme. To study the regulatory properties controlled by the N terminus, a series of truncations and site-specific mutations were made in this region of rat PAH. These enzymes were expressed highly in Escherichia coli and purified through a pterin-conjugated Sepharose affinity column. The removal of the first 26 amino acids of the N terminus increased the activity by about 20-fold, but removal of the first 15 amino acids increased the activity by only 2-fold. Replacing serine-29 of rat PAH with cysteine from the same site of human PAH increased the activity by more than 4-fold. Mutation of serine to other amino acids with varying side chains: alanine, methionine, leucine, aspartic acid, asparagine, and arginine also resulted in significant activation, indicating a serine-specific inhibitory effect. But these site-specific mutants showed 30–40% lower activity when assayed with 6-methyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydropterin. Stimulation of hydroxylase activity by preincubation of the enzyme with phenylalanine was inversely proportional to the activation state of all these mutants. Combined with recent crystal structures of PAH [Kobe, B. et al. (1999) Nat. Struct. Biol. 6, 442–448; and Erlandsen, H., Bjorgo, E., Flatmark, T. & Stevens, R. C. (2000) Biochemistry 39, 2208–2217], these data suggest that residues 16–26 have a controlling regulatory effect on the activity by interaction with the dihydroxypropyl side chain of (6R)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobiopterin. The serine/cysteine switch explains the difference in regulatory properties between human and rat PAH. The N terminus as a whole is important for maintaining rat PAH in an optimum catalytic conformation.
It was previously proposed that the activation of rat liver phenylalanine hydroxylase (EC by cAMP-dependent protein kinase-mediated phosphorylation of Ser-16 is due to the introduction of the negatively charged phosphate group. To explore the validity of this proposal, we have applied site-directed mutagenesis to specifically replace Ser-16 with negatively charged amino acids, glutamic and aspartic; with polar uncharged amino acids, asparagine and glutamine; with the positively charged amino acid lysine; and with the nonpolar hydrophobic amino acid alanine. The wild-type and mutant enzymes were purified to homogeneity, and the importance of Ser-16 in the activation of phenylalanine hydroxylase was examined by comparing the state of activation of the phosphorylated form of the wild-type hydroxylase with that of the mutants. The kinetic studies carried out on the wild-type phosphorylated hydroxylase showed that all the activation could be accounted for by an increase in Vmax with no change in Km for either phenylalanine or the pterin cofactor. Replacement of Ser-16 with a negatively charged residue, glutamate of aspartate, resulted in the activation of the hydroxylase by 2- to 4-fold, whereas replacement with glutamine, asparagine, lysine, or alanine resulted in a much more modest increase. Further, lysolecithin was found to stimulate the phosphorylated hydroxylase and the mutant enzymes S16E and S16D by a factor of 6-7. In contrast, the mutants S16Q, S16N, and S16A all showed the same magnitude of activation as the wild-type with lysolecithin. Therefore, this study demonstrates that activation of the enzyme by phosphorylation of Ser-16 by cAMP-dependent protein kinase is due to the introduction of negative charge(s) and strongly suggests the involvement of electrostatic interaction between the regulatory and catalytic domains of the hydroxylase.
Phenylketonuria is an inborn error of metabolism, involving, in most cases, a deficient activity of phenylalanine hydroxylase. Neonatal diagnosis and a prompt special diet (low phenylalanine and natural-protein restricted diets) are essential to the treatment. The lack of data concerning phenylalanine contents of processed foodstuffs is an additional limitation for an already very restrictive diet. Our goals were to quantify protein (Kjeldahl method) and amino acid (18) content (HPLC/fluorescence) in 16 dishes specifically conceived for phenylketonuric patients, and compare the most relevant results with those of several international food composition databases. As might be expected, all the meals contained low protein levels (0.67–3.15 g/100 g) with the highest ones occurring in boiled rice and potatoes. These foods also contained the highest amounts of phenylalanine (158.51 and 62.65 mg/100 g, respectively). In contrast to the other amino acids, it was possible to predict phenylalanine content based on protein alone. Slight deviations were observed when comparing results with the different food composition databases.
Dissertation for the Master Degree in Structural and Functional Biochemistry
A fenilcetonúria (PKU) é uma doença metabólica hereditária resultante da deficiência da enzima fenilalanina hidroxilase (PAH) que converte o aminoácido fenilalanina em tirosina. O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar o metabolismo dos aminoácidosfenilalanina (Phe) e tirosina (Tyr) em heterozigotos para PKU, nas condições de jejum e após uma sobrecarga oral de Phe (25 mg/Kg), aplicando diferentes parâmetros bioquímicos (níveis de Phe e Tyr e as relações Phe/Tyr e Phe²/Tyr), a fim de identificar a melhor variável que discrimine heterozigotos para a PKU de indivíduos normais. O protocolo empregado foi a dosagem de Phe e Tyr plasmática nas situações de jejum, 30, 45, 60 e 90 minutos após a sobrecarga de Phe na dose de 25mg/kg. A amostra foi composta de 50 indivíduos: 23 heterozigotos obrigatórios (10 homens e 13 mulheres) e um grupo controle de 27 indivíduos hígidos (13 homens e 14 mulheres), obedecendo a critérios de pareamento: gênero e faixa etária (18 a 44 anos). Para analisar o efeito da sobrecarga oral de Phe em cada grupo, os resultados dos parâmetros Phe, Tyr, Phe/Tyr e Phe2/Tyr após a sobrecarga foram comparadoscom os observados na situação de jejum. Foram realizadas inferências estatísticas entre os grupos nos aspectos longitudinal e transversal e aplicados os testes t de Student , teste de Wilcoxon , teste t de Student e o seu equivalente não paramétrico e teste U de Mann-Whitney. Na avaliação da Curva ROC das variáveis utilizadas, os três melhores parâmetros para classificar indivíduos heterozigotos de normais foram: a dosagem da Phe a 45 e 90 minutos, assim como o resultado da fração micromolar Phe2/Tyr após 90 minutos da sobrecarga. A função discriminante revelou 86% de acurácia e uma classificação correta de 94,4% dos indivíduos heterozigotos para PKU.