296 resultados para Petroselinum sativum


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A germinação de sementes de salsa (Petroselinum sativum Hoffm.) é lenta e desuniforme, sendo a contagem do teste padrão de germinação recomendada aos 10 e 28 dias e a emergência em campo é relativamente longa, justificando o uso de técnicas que acelerem e uniformizem o processo germinativo: um método promissor é o osmocondicionamento. No presente trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos dos diferentes potenciais de osmocondicionamento, com PEG 6000, na germinação de sementes de salsa e identificar o potencial osmótico ótimo para aumentar a germinação destas sementes. Sementes das cultivares Lisa e Portuguesa de dois lotes, adquiridas no comércio local foram osmocondicionadas pelo método de imersão direta das mesmas em soluções aquosas com potencial hídrico: 0,0, -0,5, -1,0 e -1,5 MPa, obtidos com a adição de PEG 6.000, sob aeração constante a 25ºC por 144 horas, como testemunha utilizaram-se sementes não osmocondicionadas. As variáveis analisadas foram: porcentagem de germinação (10 e 28 dias), velocidade de germinação e índice de velocidade de germinação. O osmocondicionamento aumenta a porcentagem e a velocidade de germinação de sementes de salsa, sendo que, o potencial osmótico indicado situa-se entre -1,0 e -1,5 MPa.


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A espécie vegetal, Petroselinum sativum Hoff, conhecida como salsa, é amplamente utilizada na medicina popular brasileira como diurético. O objetivo desse estudo é verificar se o uso brasileiro do extrato aquoso da salsa tem efeitos semelhantes com investigações que mostram o efeito diurético da P. sativum em ratos. MÉTODOS: 19 Ratos foram anestesiados e canulamos a traquéia, artéria carótida esquerda (para a medição da pressão arterial) e bexiga urinária (para coletar urina). Depois de 40 minutos para adaptação das condições cirúrgicas, ratos anestesiados foram administrados de acordo com seus grupos: controle (CON), administração oral com 1.0 mL de água filtrada, e grupo tratado (AE), administração oral com extrato aquoso de sementes de salsa 20% (AE). Urina foi coletada três vezes (de 30 em 30 minutos) e então esse material foi utilizado para determinações de sódio e potássio, para avaliar a quantidade excretada desses íons. Pressão arterial foi medida pelo manômetro de mercúrio por 9 vezes. Todos os dados foram estatisticamente avaliados. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÃO: nos parâmetros anestesiados, o grupo CON não mostrou nenhuma diferença; mas o grupo AE mostrou um aumento do fluxo urinário e da quantidade excretada de sódio e potássio, e também uma diminuição da pressão arterial. Todos os parâmetros apresentaram essas modificações após 30 minutos de administração do AE (p<0,05). Esses resultados mostram que o tratamento com o AE leva a efeitos natriurético e hipotensor em ratos Wistar anestesiados, confirmando o uso da população brasileira dessa erva como diurético.


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En el presente estudio se analiza la influencia de la inoculación con Azospirillum brasilense, con Pseudomonas fluorescens y la inoculación conjunta con ambas rizobacterias en las especies de plantas aromáticas Ocimum basilicum var. genovesse, Ocimum basilicum var. minimum, Petroselinum sativum var. lisa y Salvia officinalis. Se evaluará su desarrollo morfológico, atendiendo a tres parámetros: la longitud del tallo, el peso fresco y la superficie foliar. Así como el posible incremento en el contenido de aceite esencial que pueda tener la planta tratada. El cultivo se llevó a cabo en alveolos de ForestPot® 300, sobre mezcla de turba y vermiculita 3:1, con riego diario y sin adición de fertilizantes. Los resultados indican que en todas las especies y en todos los apartados estudiados, la inoculación de las rizobacterias produjo un incremento del desarrollo y del contenido de aceite esencial en comparación con el tratamiento Control, excepto en el caso de la longitud de las dos variedades de O. basilicum al inocularlas con P. fluorescens, en las que produjo una ligera disminución respecto al Control. En el caso de P. sativum var. lisa, solo las plantas que fueron inoculadas sobrevivieron. A partir de estos resultados, puede decirse que la inoculación con estas rizobacteras promotoras del crecimiento puede tener una gran importancia como sustitución de fertilizantes minerales, obteniéndose de este modo una producción más ecológica y respetuosa con el medio.


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En México se consumen dos especies de perejil (Petroselinum crispum y Petroselinum sativum), los cuales contienen diferentes compuestos bioactivos entre los que destacan los flavonoides (apíina, luteolina, apigenina y algunos glucósidos), aceites esenciales (apiol y miristicina), cumarinas (bergapteno, imperatorina, xantotoxina, trioxaleno y angelicina). Estos compuestos fenólicos han demostrado efectos antioxidantes en investigaciones in vitro y se observó el papel importante en la prevención de la patogénesis de algunas enfermedades y su interacción en la inhibición o disminución de radicales libres. La apigenina, el flavonoide mayoritario del perejil, tiene capacidad de inhibir mutaciones en las células de mama, riñón y próstata y efectos antiproliferativos en cáncer de colon, pulmón y melanoma de acuerdo a reportes científicos. Existe evidencia de que los compuestos fenólicos sufren cambios que afectan su biodisponibilidad por acción del calor, también existen reportes de que el calor potencializa el contenido de polifenoles en algunos alimentos, no existe información científica sobre las especies de perejil producidos y consumidos en México, los flavonoides que contienen y sus mecanismos de acción y las características estructurales de los compuestos bioactivos, requeridas para demostrar sus actividades biológicas. Por lo que es pertinente investigar si las especies de perejil que se consumen en nuestro país contienen los compuestos que han sido reportados en otras variedades. Objetivo: Caracterizar y cuantificar el contenido de flavonoides en dos especies de perejil (Petroselinum sativum y Peroselinum crispum) cultivadas en México y evaluar el efecto causado por tratamientos térmicos. Métodos: Se analizaron dos especies de perejil fresco y 12 días después (estado de senescencia). El perejil fresco se sometió a dos tratamientos térmicos: a) inmersión (agua destilada a 100 °C) y se tomaron muestras a 1, 5, 15 y 30 minutos y b) cocción a vapor durante 5, 15 y 30 minutos, como control se estudió el perejil sin ningún tratamiento (0 minutos). Las pruebas que se realizaron fueron la determinación de polifenoles totales, flavonoides totales, pruebas fitoquímicas coloridas para la identificación de grupos funcionales y la identificación y cuantificación de flavonoides por HPLC. Resultados: El contenido de polifenoles, flavonoides y apigenina se encontró principalmente en el extracto líquido debido a que se encontraban en forma de glucósidos los cuales son solubles en agua. Entre las especies de perejil en estado fresco se encontró diferencia significativa (p<0.05) en el contenido de flavonoides totales y apigenina pero no de polifenoles totales. En los productos en estado de senescencia no se encontró diferencia significativa entre las especies en el contenido de polifenoles y flavonoides totales, pero si en el contenido de apigenina. El flavonoide mayoritario en las dos especies de perejil fue la apigenina. Se observó que los tratamientos térmicos aumentan el contenido de compuestos fenólicos, los tiempos prolongados de calor reducen el contenido de estos compuestos bioactivos. Al comparar los tratamientos térmicos se encontró que el mayor incremento de polifenoles, flavonoides y apigenina en el tratamiento térmico por inmersión en agua durante un minuto, siendo mayor en la especie Petroselinum crispum respecto a la muestra control (3 veces en polifenoles totales, 19 veces en flavonoides totales y 135 veces en apigenina). Conclusión: Al comparar el contenido de polifenoles totales de las especies de perejil estudiada con investigaciones de otros países se encontró que el P. crispum presenta un mayor contenido de polifenoles y flavonoides. Los flavonoides en las dos especies de perejil se encuentran en forma de glicósidos principalmente de apigenina. Por último, podemos deducir que los métodos de cocción tienen capacidad de incrementar el contenido de compuestos fenólicos en el perejil.


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Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV


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A cDNA encoding the chloroplast/mitochondrial form of glutathione reductase (GR:EC 1,6,4,2) from pea (Pisum sativum L.) was used to map a single GR locus, named GORI. In two domesticated genotypes of pea (cv, Birte and JI 399) it is likely that the GORI locus contains a single gene. However, in a semi-domesticated land race of pea sequences were detected but closely related sets of GR gene sequences were in JI 281 represent either a second intact gene or a partial or pseudogene copy. A GR gene was cloned from ev. Birte, sequenced and its structure analysed. No features of the transcription or structure of the gene suggested a mechanism for generating any more than one form of . From these data plus previously published biochemical evidence was suggested a second, distinct gene encoding for the cytosolic form of GR should be present in peas. The GORI-encoded GR mRNA can be detected in all main organs of the plant and no alternative spliced species was present which could perhaps account for the generation of multiple isoforms of GR. The mismatch between the number of charge-separable isoforms in pea and the proposed number suggests that different GR isoforms arise by some form of post-transnational modification.


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Restriction fragment length polymorphisms have been used to determine the chromosomal location of the genes encoding the glycine decarboxylase complex (GDC) and serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT) of pea leaf mitochondria. The genes encoding the H subunit of GDC and the genes encoding SHMT both show linkage to the classical group I marker i. In addition, the genes for the P protein of GDC show linkage to the classic group I marker a. The genes for the L and T proteins of GDC are linked to one another and are probably situated on the satellite of chromosome 7. The mRNAs encoding the five polypeptides that make up GDC and SHMT are strongly induced when dark-grown etiolated pea seedlings are placed in the light. Similarly, when mature plants are placed in the dark for 48 h, the levels of both GDC protein and SHMT mRNAs decline dramatically and then are induced strongly when these plants are returned to the light. During both treatments a similar pattern of mRNA induction is observed, with the mRNA encoding the P protein of GDC being the most rapidly induced and the mRNA for the H protein the slowest. Whereas during the greening of etiolated seedlings the polypeptides of GDC and SHMT show patterns of accumulation similar to those of the corresponding mRNAs, very little change in the level of the polypeptides is seen when mature plants are placed in the dark and then re-exposed to the light.


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Glucosinolates are sulphur-containing glycosides found in brassicaceous plants that can be hydrolysed enzymatically by plant myrosinase or non-enzymatically to form primarily isothiocyanates and/or simple nitriles. From a human health perspective, isothiocyanates are quite important because they are major inducers of carcinogen-detoxifying enzymes. Two of the most potent inducers are benzyl isothiocyanate (BITC) present in garden cress (Lepidium sativum), and phenylethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC) present in watercress (Nasturtium officinale). Previous studies on these salad crops have indicated that significant amounts of simple nitriles are produced at the expense of the isothiocyanates. These studies also suggested that nitrile formation may occur by different pathways: (1) under the control of specifier protein in garden cress and (2) by an unspecified, non-enzymatic path in watercress. In an effort to understand more about the mechanisms involved in simple nitrile formation in these species, we analysed their seeds for specifier protein and myrosinase activities, endogenous iron content and glucosinolate degradation products after addition of different iron species, specific chelators and various heat treatments. We confirmed that simple nitrile formation was predominantly under specifier protein control (thiocyanate-forming protein) in garden cress seeds. Limited thermal degradation of the major glucosinolate, glucotropaeolin (benzyl glucosinolate), occurred when seed material was heated to >120 degrees C. In the watercress seeds, however, we show for the first time that gluconasturtiin (phenylethyl glucosinolate) undergoes a non-enzymatic, iron-dependent degradation to a simple nitrile. On heating the seeds to 120 degrees C or greater, thermal degradation of this heat-labile glucosinolate increased simple nitrile levels many fold.


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Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) from Pisum sativum purified 28 fold showed two closely moving protein bands on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, both of which have AChE activity. AChE activity occurs in roots, stem and leaves, that in roots varying with age. Activity is optimal at pH 9 and at 30”. The energy of activation is 9.82 x lo3 J per mol and MW is greater than 200000. Although the enzyme can hydrolyze both choline and non-choline esters, it has greater affinity for acetylthiocholine (ATCh) and acetylcholine (ACh). ATCh inhibits the enzyme at higher concentrations and the K, is 0.2 mM with this as substrate. The enzyme is not as sensitive to Eserine as it is to Neostigmine. It is also inhibited by organophosphorus pesticides such as Fensulfothion, Parathion and Dimethoate. Treatment of the seeds with Fensulfothion [O, O-diethyl (p-methylsulfinylphenyl) phosphorothioate] affects growth and secondary root development. This might be explained by its inhibition of AChE and the consequent increase of endogenous levels of ACh.


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Genetic engineering of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Cry proteins has resulted in the synthesis of various novel toxin proteins with enhanced insecticidal activity and specificity towards different insect pests. In this study, a fusion protein consisting of the DI–DII domains of Cry1Ac and garlic lectin (ASAL) has been designed in silico by replacing the DIII domain of Cry1Ac with ASAL. The binding interface between the DI–DII domains of Cry1Ac and lectin has been identified using protein–protein docking studies. Free energy of binding calculations and interaction profiles between the Cry1Ac and lectin domains confirmed the stability of fusion protein. A total of 18 hydrogen bonds was observed in the DI–DII–lectin fusion protein compared to 11 hydrogen bonds in the Cry1Ac (DI–DII–DIII) protein. Molecular mechanics/Poisson–Boltzmann (generalized-Born) surface area [MM/PB (GB) SA] methods were used for predicting free energy of interactions of the fusion proteins. Protein–protein docking studies based on the number of hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic interactions, aromatic–aromatic, aromatic–sulphur, cation–pi interactions and binding energy of Cry1Ac/fusion proteins with the aminopeptidase N (APN) of Manduca sexta rationalised the higher binding affinity of the fusion protein with the APN receptor compared to that of the Cry1Ac–APN complex, as predicted by ZDOCK, Rosetta and ClusPro analysis. The molecular binding interface between the fusion protein and the APN receptor is well packed, analogously to that of the Cry1Ac–APN complex. These findings offer scope for the design and development of customized fusion molecules for improved pest management in crop plants.


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Pisum sativum seeds contain a conserved acetylcholinesterase (AChE) which is active during the early stages of germination. The enzyme activity soon disappears and reappears after 72 hr of germination. A protein devoid of catalytic ability, but exhibiting similar chromatographic and electrophoretic properties as the active AChE, could be detected after 24 hr of germination. The pattern of incorporation of labelled amino acids into AChE and the influence of cycloheximide revealed that the AChE found in the roots from 72 hr onwards was entirely new. During this period of growth, the AChE protein accounts for 4–10% of the total proteins in the root tissue.


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Titration calorimetry measurements of the binding of phenyl-alpha (alpha PhOGlu), 3-methoxy (3MeOGlu), fluorodeoxy and deoxy derivatives of alpha-D-glucopyranose (Glu) to concanavalin A (conA), pea lectin and lentil lectin were performed at approx. 10 and 25 degrees C in 0.01 M dimethylglutaric acid/NaOH buffer, pH 6.9, containing 0.15 M NaCl and Mn2+ and Ca2+ ions. Apparently the 3-deoxy, 4-deoxy and 6-deoxy as well as the 4-fluorodeoxy and 6-fluorodeoxy derivatives of Glu do not bind to the lectins because no heat release was observed on the addition of aliquots of solutions of these derivatives to the lectin solutions. The binding enthalpies, delta H0b, and entropies, delta S0b, determined from the measurements were compared with the same thermodynamic binding parameters for Glu, D-mannopyranoside and methyl-alpha- D-glucopyranoside (alpha MeOGlu). The binding reactions are enthalpically driven with little change in the heat capacity on binding, and exhibit enthalpy-entropy compensation. Differences between the thermodynamic binding parameters can be rationalized in terms of the interactions apparent in the known crystal structures of the methyl-alpha-D-mannopyranoside-conA [Derewenda, Yariv, Helliwell, Kalb (Gilboa), Dodson, Papiz, Wan and Campbell (1989) EMBO J. 8, 2189-2193] and pea lectin-trimanno-pyranoside [Rini, Hardman, Einspahr, Suddath and Carber (1993) J. Biol. Chem. 268, 10126-10132] complexes. Increases in the entropy change on binding are observed for alpha MeOGlu binding to pea and lentil lectin, for alpha PhOGlu binding to conA and pea lectin, and for 3MeOGlu binding to pea lectin relative to the entropy change for Glu binding, and imply that the phenoxy and methoxy substituents provide additional hydrophobic interactions in the complex. Increases in the binding enthalpy relative to that of Glu are observed for deoxy and fluoro derivatives in the C-1 and C-2 positions and imply that these substituents weaken the interaction with the surrounding water, thereby strengthening the interaction with the binding site.


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Titration calorimetry measurements of the binding of methyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside (Me alpha Man), D-mannopyranoside (Man), methyl alpha-D-glucopyranoside (Me alpha Glu), and D-glucopyranoside (Glu) to concanavalin A (Con A), pea lectin, and lentil lectin were performed at 281 and 292 K in 0.01 M dimethylglutaric acid-NaOH buffer (pH 6.9) containing 0.15 M NaCl and Mn+2 and Ca+2 ions. The site binding enthalpies, delta H, are the same at both temperatures and range from -28.4 +/- 0.9 (Me alpha Man) to -16.6 +/- 0.5 kJ mol-1 (Glu) for Con A, from -26.2 +/- 1.1 (Me alpha Man) to -12.8 +/- 0.4 kJ mol-1 (Me alpha Glu) for pea lectin, and from -16.6 +/- 0.7 (Me alpha Man) to -8.0 +/- 0.2 kJ mol-1 (Me alpha Glu) for lentil lectin. The site binding constants range from 17 +/- 1 x 10(3) M-1 (Me alpha Man to Con A at 281.2 K) to 230 +/- 20 M-1 (Glu to lentil lectin at 292.6 K) and exhibit high specificity for Con A where they are in the Me alpha Man:Man:Me alpha Glu:Glu ratio of 21:4:5:1, while the corresponding ratio is 5:2:1.5:1 for pea lectin and 4:2:2:1 for lentil lectin. The higher specificity for Con A indicates more interactions between the amino acid residues at the binding site and the carbohydrate ligand than for the pea and lentil lectin-carbohydrate complexes. The carbohydrate-lectin binding results exhibit enthalpy-entropy compensation in that delta Hb (kJ mol-1) = -1.67 +/- 0.06 x 10(4) + (1.30 +/- 0.12)T(K) delta Sb (J mol-1K-1). Differential scanning calorimetry measurements on the thermal denaturation of the lectins and their carbohydrate complexes show that the Con A tetramer dissociates into monomers, while the pea and lentil lectin dimers dissociate into two submonomer fragments. At the denaturation temperature, one carbohydrate binds to each monomer of Con A and the pea and lentil lectins. Complexation with the carbohydrate increases the denaturation temperature of the lectin and the magnitude of the increases yield binding constants in agreement with the determinations from titration calorimetry.