970 resultados para Petronio, m. 66 a.C.


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Resumen: La crueldad, el prejuicio y los estereotipos eran algo comn en la mirada que tenían los romanos de los dems pueblos. En el caso particular de los griegos, la visión que los romanos tenían de ellos era ambivalente: por un lado, admiraban a los escritores, a los filósofos, a los artistas, pero, por el otro, tenían en muy baja consideración al resto de los griegos. Marcaban una gran diferencia entre la Grecia clásica y su herencia y sus sometidos, los griegos contemporáneos. El Satyricon de Petronio, aunque no es una excepción dentro de la tradicional xenofobia contra los restantes pueblos, presenta con relación a los griegos una peculiaridad que lo distancia de la mayoría de los escritores latinos. La causa de esta singularidad quizá podría hallarse en el espíritu filohelénico de la corte de Nerón, de la que Petronio era el elegantiae arbiter.


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A Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM) é a medida de ouro para avaliar alterações na função motora ao longo do tempo ou em resposta a uma intervenção em crianças com Paralisia Cerebral (PC) (Russell D. , Rosenbaum, Avery, & Lane, 2002). Uma das barreiras à utilização mais frequente da GMFM é o seu tempo de administração, que dura entre 40 a 60 minutos. Para responder à necessidade de versões mais reduzidas da GMFM mas sem perder o seu carácter discriminativo e altamente sensível à mudança, foram publicadas as versões Gross Motor Function Measure- Item Sets (GMFM-66 IS) e a Gross Motor Function Measure Basal and Ceiling (GMFM-66-B&C), tornando a avaliação da função motora menos morosa, e assim melhorando a sua aplicabilidade. A GMFM-66 IS baseia-se num algoritmo para determinar quais os itens a serem avaliados e a GMFM-66 B&C tem como abordagem os efeitos de chão e teto de acordo com as idades e níveis do Sistema de Classificação da Função Motora Grosseira (SCFMG) (Brutton & Bartlett, 2011). O objetivo deste estudo foi criar as versões portuguesas da GMFM-IS e GMFM-B&C. Tratou-se de um estudo de natureza metodológica, descritivo, longitudinal em crianças com PC, dividido em duas fases: 1. Tradução e adaptação cultural e linguística da GMFM-66 IS e da GMFM-66 B&C; 2. Estudo de validação com análise da fiabilidade (coerência interna, reprodutibilidade e fiabilidade inter-observador), validade e poder de resposta. A amostra em estudo foi constituída por 100 crianças com PC com idades compreendidas entre os 2 e os 12 anos, representativa de todos os 5 níveis do Sistema de Classificação da Função Motora Global. As versões portuguesas da GMFM-66-IS e da GMFM-66-B&C apresentam equivalência conceptual e semntica com as versões originais revelando fácil aplicabilidade. Demonstrou-se que as versões reduzidas portuguesas da GMFM apresentam muito boa consistência interna, com valores globais do Alfa de Cronbach de 0,998, muito boa concordância entre os avaliadores (ICC de 0,998 para a GMFM-66-B&C e de 0,999 para a GMFM-66-IS), e com valores de fiabilidade intra-observador excelentes (ICC de 0,999 para a GMFM-66-B&C e de 1,000 para a GMFM-66-IS). Quanto ao poder de resposta os resultados não foram tão expressivos, provavelmente comprometidos por uma amostra demasiado pequena. As versões portuguesas da GMFM-66-IS e da GMFM-66-B&C revelaram ter características psicomtricas adequadas à sua aplicação em PC, necessitando, no entanto, de mais investigação relativamente à sua capacidade de detetar mudança como resultado de intervenções.


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Bd. 24. De elegantia Caesaris sive de commentariorum de b. G. et de b. c. differentiis animadversiones / O. Dernoscheck, 1903--Der Zug des Cimbern und Teutonen / A. Helbling, 1898--Unsere Armeesprache im Dienste der Caesar-Übersetzung / M. Hodermann, 1903--Cäsar, der Eroberer Galliens / R. Lange, 1896--Divico oder die von Caesar den Ost-Galliern und Süd-Germanen gegenüber Vertretene Politik, Lfg. I-III / H. von Mllinen, 1898-1901--Die Unterwerfung Galliens durch Cäsar verglichen mit der Bezwingung Frankreichs durch die deutsche Armee im Feldzuge 1870/71 / A. von Oertzen, 1904.


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Deeply conflicting views on the political situation of Judaea under the Roman prefects (6-41 c.e.) have been offered. According to some scholars, this was a period of persistent political unrest and agitation, whilst according to a widespread view it was a quiescent period of political calm (reflected in Tacitus’ phrase sub Tiberio quies). The present article critically examines again the main available sources –particularly Josephus, the canonical Gospels and Tacitus– in order to offer a more reliable historical reconstruction. The conclusions drawn by this survey calls into question some widespread and insufficiently nuanced views on the period. This, in turn, allows a reflection on the non-epistemic factors which might contribute to explain the origin of such views.


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Early to mid-term fetuses heal cutaneous incisional wounds without scars; however, fetal response to burn injury has not been ascertained. We present a fetal model of thermal injury and subsequent analysis of fetal and lamb response to burn injury. A reproducible deep dermal burn injury was created in the fetus by application of water at 66 degrees C for 7 seconds, and at 82 degrees C for 10 seconds to the lamb. Macroscopically, the area of fetal scald was undetectable from day 7 post injury, while all lamb scalds were readily identified and eventually healed with scarring. Using a five-point histopathology scoring system for alteration in tissue morphology, differences were detected between control and scalded skin at all stages in lamb postburn, but no difference was detected in the fetal model after day 7. There were also large differences in content of alpha-smooth muscle actin and transforming growth factor-beta1 between control and scalded lamb and these differences were statistically significant at day 14 (P < 0.01). This novel model of fetal and lamb response to deep dermal injury indicates that the fetus heals a deep burn injury in a scarless fashion. Further elucidation of this specific fetal process of burn injury repair may lead to improved outcome for patients with burn injury.


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Obverse: Silver Half Lira coin. Reverse: A raised reproduction of an ancient silver half-shekel of beaded rim from the third year of the first Jewish revolt against the Romans 66-73 C.E.. At the center of the coin in a chalice inscription in the archaic Hebrew letters.


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Obverse: Silver Half Lira coin. Reverse: A raised reproduction of an ancient silver half-shekel of beaded rim from the third year of the first Jewish revolt against the Romans 66-73 C.E.. At the center of the coin in a chalice inscription in the archaic Hebrew letters.


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This study focuses on the temperature dependent optical band gap changes in the amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST) films. The behavior of the amorphous GST thin films at low temperatures has been studied. The band gap increment of around 0.2 eV is observed at low temperature (4.2 K) compared to room temperature (300 K). The band gap changes associated with the temperature are completely reversible. The other optical parameters like Urbach energy and Tauc parameter (B-1/2) are studied for different temperatures and discussed. The observed changes in optical band gap (E-g) are fitting to Fan's one phonon approximation. Phonon energy ((h) over bar omega) corresponding to a frequency of 3.59 THz is derived from Fan's approximation, which is close to the reported value of 3.66 THz. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present a simple and practical method for the single-ended distributed fiber temperature measurements using microwave (11-GHz) coherent detection and the instantaneous frequency measurement (IFM) technique to detect spontaneous Brillouin backscattered signal in which a specially designed rf bandpass filter at 11 GHz is used as a frequency discriminator to transform frequency shift to intensity fluctuation. A Brillouin temperature signal can be obtained at 11 GHz over a sensing length of 10 km. The power sensitivity dependence on temperature induced by frequency shift is measured as 2.66%/K. (c) 2007 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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We report the cloning of a novel antimicrobial peptide gene, termed rtCATH_1, found in the rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. The predicted 216-residue rtCATH_1 prepropeptide consists of three domains: a 22-residue signal peptide, a 128-residue cathelin-like region containing two identifiable cathelicidin family signatures, and a predicted 66-residue C-terminal cationic antimicrobial peptide. This predicted mature peptide was unique in possessing features of different known (mammalian) cathelicidin subgroups, such as the cysteine-bridged family and the specific amino-acid-rich family. The rtCATH_1 gene comprises four exons, as seen in all known mammalian cathelicidin genes, and several transcription factor binding sites known to be of relevance to host defenses were identified in the 5' flanking region. By Northern blot analysis, the expression of rtCATH_1 was detected in gill, head kidney, and spleen of bacterially challenged fish. Primary cultures of head kidney leukocytes from rainbow trout stimulated with lipopolysaccharide or poly(I (.) C) also expressed riCATH_1. A 36-residue peptide corresponding to the core part of the fish cathelicidin was chemically synthesized and shown to exhibit potent antimicrobial activity and a low hemolytic effect. Thus, rtCATH_1 represents a novel antimicrobial peptide gene belonging to the cathelicidin family and may play an important role in the innate immunity of rainbow trout.


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本工作的目的是希望通过共混技术制备酚酞型聚芳醚砜与双酚A型聚砜(PSF),酚酞型聚芳醚砜与尼龙66共混物,以便改善酚酞聚芳醚砜(PES-C)的加工性能(特别是注射加工性能)。和耐溶剂性能,通过研究共混物的相容性。微观结构,聚集态结构与性能的关系。探索改善PES-C性能的有效途径。第一部分. PES-C/PSF共混物的结构与性能 利用Fox方程推导式计算了PES-C在富PSF相的含量,PSF在富PES-C相的含量。发现PES-C在PSF中有较好的溶解性。采用TEM.相差显微镜。粘度法等手段研究相容性也得到PES-C/PSF共混物是部分相容性体系的结论。在对共混物相容性影响因素的研究中发现,PSF分子量减小,有利于共混体系的相容性。第二部分,尼龙66/PES-C共混物的结构与性能。PES-C相应的玻璃化转变温度向低温移动。说明在尼龙66的非晶共与非结晶高聚物PES-C有一定相容性。在等速降温过程中,结晶机制不尽相同,在同一温度下随着非晶组分的加入影响了尼龙66的结晶成核与增长,降低了其结晶速率。WAXD的结果表明,随着PES-C的加入,共混物的结晶度下降。M.I.指数表明,在尼龙66为连续相时,共混物具有良好的熔融流动性。从TG曲线看出,共混以后提高了尼龙66的起始分解温度。溶解性实验结果表明。尼龙66的混入了提高了PES-C的耐溶剂性。


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Nematodes from a mud-flat in the river Lynher estuary, Cornwall, U.K., have a population density ranging between 8 and 9 × 106 m2 in the winter months, corresponding to a dry weight of 1·4 and 1·6 g m2. They reach a peak abundance of 22·86 × 106 m2 (3·4 g) in May. About 40 species are present, and the species composition remained seasonally stable over the period of study. Analysis of age-structure suggests that the major species have continuous asynchronous reproduction. Respiration rates of 16 species have been determined at 20 °C using Cartesian diver respirometry. For five species, respiration/body size regressions were obtained in the form log10R = log10a+b log10V, where R = respiration in nl O2 ind−1 h−1 and V = body volume in nl: Mesotheristus setosus (log10a = −0·04,b = 0·74), Sphaerolaimus hirsutus (log10a = 0·11, b = 0·68), Axonolaimus paraspinosus (log10a = 0·00, b = 0·79), Metachromadora vivipara (log10a = −0·59, b = 1·07), Praeacanthonchus punctatus (log10a = 0·00, b = 0·55). For the remaining 11 species, several animals were used in each diver and, by assuming b = 0·75, log10a′ values were calculated: Viscosia viscosa (log10a′ = 0·188), Innocuonema tentabundum (−0·012), Ptycholaimellus ponticus (−0·081), Odontophora setosa (−0·092), Sphaerolaimus balticus (−0·112), Dichromadora cephalata (−0·133), Atrochromadora microlaima (−0·142), Cylindrotheristus normandicus (−0·150), Terschellingialongicaudata (−0·170), Sabatieria pulchra (−0·197), Terschellingia communis (−0·277). These values are compared with recalculated values for other species from the literature. Annual respiration of the nematode community is 28·01 O2 m2, equivalent to 11·2 g carbon metabolised. Community respiration is compared with figures from N. American saltmarshes. At 20 °C, a respiration of about 61 O2 m2 year−1 g−1 wet weight of nematodes appears to be typical. Annual production is estimated to be 6·6 g C m2. The correlation between feeding-group, body-size, habitat and the repiration rate of individual species is discussed.


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We present over 900 carbonate system observations collected over four years (2007–2010) in the Western English Channel (WEC). We determined CO2 partial pressure (pCO2), Total Alkalinity (TA) and Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) along a series of 40 km transects, including two oceanographic stations (L4 and E1) within a sustained coastal observatory. Our data follow a seasonal pattern of CO2 undersaturation from January to August, followed by supersaturation in September–October and a return to near-equilibrium thereafter. This pattern is explained by the interplay of thermal and biological sinks in winter and spring–summer, respectively, followed by the breakdown of stratification and mixing with deeper, high-CO2 water in autumn. The drawdown of DIC and inorganic N between March and June with a C:N ratio of 8.7–9.5 was consistent with carbon over-consumption during phytoplankton growth. Monthly mean surface pCO2 was strongly correlated with depth integrated chlorophyll a highlighting the importance of subsurface chlorophyll a maxima in controlling C-fluxes in shelf seas. Mixing of seawater with riverine freshwater in near-shore samples caused a reduction in TA and the saturation state of calcite minerals, particularly in winter. Our data show that the L4 and E1 oceanographic stations were small, net sinks for atmospheric CO2 over an annual cycle (−0.52±0.66 mol C m2 y−1 and −0.62±0.49 mol C m2 y−1, respectively).