743 resultados para Personal Digital Assistant


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This paper presents a software prototype of a personal digital assistant 2.0. Based on soft computing methods and cognitive computing this mobile application prototype improves calendar and mobility management in cognitive cities. Applying fuzzy cognitive maps and evolutionary algorithms, the prototype represents a next step towards the realization of cognitive cities (i.e., smart cities enhanced with cognition). A user scenario and a test version of the prototype are included for didactical reasons.


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Service innovations in retailing have the potential to benefit consumers as well as retailers. This research models key factors associated with the trial and continuous use of a specific self-service technology (SST), the personal shopping assistant (PSA), and estimates retailer benefits from implementing that innovation. Based on theoretical insights from prior SST studies, diffusion of innovation literature, and the technology acceptance model (TAM), this study develops specific hypotheses and tests them on a sample of 104 actual users of the PSA and 345 nonusers who shopped at the retail store offering the PSA device. Results indicate that factors affecting initial trial are different from those affecting continuous use. More specifically, consumers' trust toward the retailer, novelty seeking, and market mavenism are positively related to trial, while technology anxiety hinders the likelihood of trying the PSA. Perceived ease of use of the device positively impacts continuous use while consumers' need for interaction in shopping environments reduces the likelihood of continuous use. Importantly, there is evidence on retailer benefits from introducing the innovation since consumers using the PSA tend to spend more during each shopping trip. However, given the high costs of technology, the payback period for recovery of investments in innovation depends largely upon continued use of the innovation by consumers. Important implications are provided for retailers considering investments in new in-store service innovations. Incorporation of technology within physical stores affords opportunities for the retailer to reduce costs, while enhancing service provided to consumers. Therefore, service innovations in retailing have the potential to benefit consumers as well as retailers. This research models key factors associated with the trial and continuous use of a specific SST in the retail context, the PSA, and estimates retailer benefits from implementing that innovation. In so doing, the study contributes to the nascent area of research on SSTs in the retail sector. Based on theoretical insights from prior SST studies, diffusion of innovation literature, and the TAM, this study develops specific hypotheses regarding the (1) antecedent effects of technological anxiety, novelty seeking, market mavenism, and trust in the retailer on trial of the service innovation; (2) the effects of ease of use, perceived waiting time, and need for interaction on continuous use of the innovation; and (3) the effect of use of innovation on consumer spending at the store. The hypotheses were tested on a sample of 104 actual users of the PSA and 345 nonusers who shopped at the retail store offering the PSA device, one of the early adopters of PSA in Germany. Data were analyzed using logistic regression (antecedents of trial), multiple regression (antecedents of continuous use), and propensity score matching (assessing retailer benefits). Results indicate that factors affecting initial trial are different from those affecting continuous use. More specifically, consumers' trust toward the retailer, novelty seeking, and market mavenism are positively related to trial, while technology anxiety hinders the likelihood of trying the PSA. Perceived ease of use of the device positively impacts continuous use, while consumers' need for interaction in shopping environments reduces the likelihood of continuous use. Importantly, there is evidence on retailer benefits from introducing the innovation since consumers using the PSA tend to spend more during each shopping trip. However, given the high costs of technology, the payback period for recovery of investments in innovation depends largely upon continued use of the innovation by consumers. Important implications are provided for retailers considering investments in new in-store service innovations. The study contributes to the literature through its (1) simultaneous examination of antecedents of trial and continuous usage of a specific SST, (2) the demonstration of economic benefits of SST introduction for the retailer, and (3) contribution to the stream of research on service innovation, as against product innovation.


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随着实时系统越来越多地应用于各种快速更新系统,尤其是各种片上系统,如PDA(personal digital assistant),PSP(play station portable)等,性价比已成为系统设计者的主要关注点.实际应用中,实时系统通常仅支持较少的优先级,常出现系统优先级数小于任务数的情况(称为有限优先级),此时,需将多个任务分配到同一系统优先级,RM(rate monotonic),DM(deadline monotonic)等静态优先级分配算法不再适用.为此,静态有限优先级分配是研究在任务集合静态优先级可调度的情况下,可否以及如何用较少或最少的系统优先级保持任务集合可调度.已有静态有限优先级分配可分为两类:固定数目优先级分配和最少优先级分配.给出了任意截止期模型下任务静态有限优先级可调度的充要条件以及不同静态有限优先级分配间转换时的几个重要性质,指出了系统优先级从低到高分配策略的优越性,定义了饱和任务组与饱和分配的概念,证明了在任务集合静态优先级可调度的情况下,最少优先级分配比固定数目优先级分配更具一般性.最后提出一种最少优先级分配算法LNPA(least-number priority assignment).与现有算法相比,LNPA适用范围更广,且复杂度较低.


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This book originally accompanied a 2-day course on using the LATEX typesetting system. It has been extensively revised and updated and can now be used or self-study or in the classroom. It is aimed at users of Linux, Macintosh, or Microsoft Windows but it can be used with LATEX systems on any platform, including other Unix workstations, mainframes, and even your Personal Digital Assistant (PDA).


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L’objectiu principal d’aquest projecte consisteix en realitzar l’estudi, l' anàlisi, el disseny, i el desenvolupament d’una aplicació que millori i faciliti la tasca d’un empleat que treballi fora de l’empresa. Es fa una anàlisi dels requeriments de l’aplicació, es fa el model d’anàlisi i tot seguit el model de disseny, i s’implementarà mitjançant les eines que utilitza la nostra empresa o les que millor s’adaptin a ella. S’analitza també el tipus i el volum d’informació que haurà de manejar. Durant el procés de cada una de les etapes de desenvolupament s’aniran realitzant les corresponents proves per, finalment, realitzar una posada en marxa sobre un empleat a mode de proves en un entorn real. Degut a la necessitat de mobilitat dels comercials s’utilitzen dispositius PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) per al desenvolupament de l’aplicació que els permetrà realitzar les seves tasques. En canvi, l’aplicació corporativa de gestió de l’empresa està situada en un servidor Windows, i per centralitzar i gestionar la informació de les PDA s’utilitzarà una aplicació sota el sistema Windows. L’aplicació s’haurà de confeccionar en funció de les dades que es vulgui que el comercial pugui consultar sobre un client, obra, ... Per millorar-ne la seva funcionalitat, es permetrà l’opció de multi-llenguatge. L’aplicació de la PDA tindrà a grans trets les següents funcionalitats: gestió de clients, gestió de contactes, consultar gestions comercials, consultar obres dels clients, consultar el planning i l’estat dels muntadors. Altres processos que haurà de permetre l’aplicació son: la configuració i instal·lació de l’aplicació en els dispositius PDA i la càrrega i el traspàs de les dades entre l’aplicació del PDA i l’aplicació corporativa de l’empresa


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El proyecto trata de confeccionar una herramienta que permita al personal docente universitario una gestión más cómoda de las tareas de gestión de la información docente. Todo esto realizado desde la plataforma web y PDAS (Personal Digital Assistant). Se ha constatado la variedad de herramientas necesarias y se han restringido a un conjunto importante de herramientas de ayuda DIEM (Gestión Docente Integrada en Entorno Móvil). Se ha evaluado en general el marco de computación móvil como muy favorable y en concreto la adecuación de este tipo de herramientas, concretamente DIEM, a las necesidades de gestión de información docente.


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Una empresa destinada al sector de la informàtica vol crear un nou producte basat en PDA (Personal Digital Assistant), per tal d’oferir noves prestacions als clients actuals, així com poder ampliar la cartera de clients. El producte està destinat a clients de servei tècnic d’instal·lacions (gas, llum, aigua...), els quals tenen diferents tècnics que, basant-se en una ruta establerta, realitzen tasques de manteniment i reparació de les diferents instal·lacions dels clients. Utilitzant la tecnologia .NET amb l’entorn de desenvolupament Visual Studio 2005 i base de dades SQL Server 2005, s’ha creat una aplicació per a PDA que permeti la informatització de tots els processos de gestió de rutes per part dels tècnics


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At the age of multi-media, portable electronic devices such as mobile phones, personal digital assistant and handheld gaming systems have increased the demand for high performance displays with low cost production. Inkjet printing color optical filters (COF) for LCD applications seem to be an interesting alternative to decrease the production costs. The advantage of inkjet printing technology is to be fast, accurate, easy to run and cheaper than other technologies. In this master thesis work, we used various disciplines such as optical microscopy, rheology, inkjet printing, profilometering and colorimetry. The specific aim of the thesis was to investigate the feasibility of using company-A pigment formulation in inkjet production of COF for active matrix LCD applications. Ideal viscosity parameters were determined from 10 to 20mPa·s for easy inkjet printing at room temperature. The red pigments used are fully dispersed into the solvent and present an excellent homogenous repartition after printing. Thickness investigations revealed that the printed COF were equal or slightly thicker than typically manufactured ones. The colorimetry investigations demonstrated color coordinates very close to the NTSC red standard. LED backlighting seems to be a valuable solution to combine with the printed COF regarding to the spectrum and color analysis. The results on this thesis will increase the understanding of inkjet printing company-A pigments to produce COF for LCD applications.


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Background: Voice processing in real-time is challenging. A drawback of previous work for Hypokinetic Dysarthria (HKD) recognition is the requirement of controlled settings in a laboratory environment. A personal digital assistant (PDA) has been developed for home assessment of PD patients. The PDA offers sound processing capabilities, which allow for developing a module for recognition and quantification HKD. Objective: To compose an algorithm for assessment of PD speech severity in the home environment based on a review synthesis. Methods: A two-tier review methodology is utilized. The first tier focuses on real-time problems in speech detection. In the second tier, acoustics features that are robust to medication changes in Levodopa-responsive patients are investigated for HKD recognition. Keywords such as Hypokinetic Dysarthria , and Speech recognition in real time were used in the search engines. IEEE explorer produced the most useful search hits as compared to Google Scholar, ELIN, EBRARY, PubMed and LIBRIS. Results: Vowel and consonant formants are the most relevant acoustic parameters to reflect PD medication changes. Since relevant speech segments (consonants and vowels) contains minority of speech energy, intelligibility can be improved by amplifying the voice signal using amplitude compression. Pause detection and peak to average power rate calculations for voice segmentation produce rich voice features in real time. Enhancements in voice segmentation can be done by inducing Zero-Crossing rate (ZCR). Consonants have high ZCR whereas vowels have low ZCR. Wavelet transform is found promising for voice analysis since it quantizes non-stationary voice signals over time-series using scale and translation parameters. In this way voice intelligibility in the waveforms can be analyzed in each time frame. Conclusions: This review evaluated HKD recognition algorithms to develop a tool for PD speech home-assessment using modern mobile technology. An algorithm that tackles realtime constraints in HKD recognition based on the review synthesis is proposed. We suggest that speech features may be further processed using wavelet transforms and used with a neural network for detection and quantification of speech anomalies related to PD. Based on this model, patients' speech can be automatically categorized according to UPDRS speech ratings.


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As telecomunicações no mundo têm avançado a passos largos na oferta de novas tecnologias e padrões que viabilizam e flexibilizam a transmissão / recepção de informações entre pessoas e a Internet. Em especial, no que tange à ubiqüidade, o uso de dispositivos de comunicações móveis sem fio, como telefones celulares e PDAs (Personnal Digital Assistant), tem permitido às empresas alcançarem seus clientes a qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar. Muitos padrões de comunicação wireless têm surgido, inicialmente na indústria de telefonia móvel celular e, em seguida, na indústria de computadores e PDAs, habilitando a comunicação wireless de dados em banda larga e o comércio eletrônico móvel (m-commerce). Em especial, o padrão Wi-Fi tem sido difundido mundialmente através da expansão de redes públicas sem fio (PWLANs). Assim, os fabricantes de equipamentos de telecomunicações, as empresas operadoras de serviços de telefonia fixa e móvel e até provedores de acesso à Internet têm manifestado grande interesse nessa área por perceberem novas oportunidades de aumento de receita através da tecnologia Wi-Fi. Todos estes aspectos da recente história do Wi-Fi têm gerado questionamentos quanto a seu futuro sucesso e real geração de vantagem competitiva sustentável, não obstante o volume de negócios relativos a esta tecnologia estar em franco crescimento. Este trabalho propõe-se a analisar o mercado de serviços PWLAN Wi-Fi brasileiro, identificando os principais atores e os modelos de negócio praticados por eles, comparando esses modelos aos modelos identificados por Shubar e Lechner. O estudo propõe-se, também, a avaliar tais empresas e seus respectivos modelos de negócio segundo o framework VRIO desenvolvido por Barney com base na visão estratégica baseada em recursos (RBV- Resource Based View).


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Il proliferare di dispositivi di elaborazione e comunicazione mobili (telefoni cellulari, computer portatili, PDA, wearable devices, personal digital assistant) sta guidando un cambiamento rivoluzionario nella nostra società dell'informazione. Si sta migrando dall'era dei Personal Computer all'era dell'Ubiquitous Computing, in cui un utente utilizza, parallelamente, svariati dispositivi elettronici attraverso cui può accedere a tutte le informazioni, ovunque e quantunque queste gli si rivelino necessarie. In questo scenario, anche le mappe digitali stanno diventando sempre più parte delle nostre attività quotidiane; esse trasmettono informazioni vitali per una pletora di applicazioni che acquistano maggior valore grazie alla localizzazione, come Yelp, Flickr, Facebook, Google Maps o semplicemente le ricerche web geo-localizzate. Gli utenti di PDA e Smartphone dipendono sempre più dai GPS e dai Location Based Services (LBS) per la navigazione, sia automobilistica che a piedi. Gli stessi servizi di mappe stanno inoltre evolvendo la loro natura da uni-direzionale a bi-direzionale; la topologia stradale è arricchita da informazioni dinamiche, come traffico in tempo reale e contenuti creati dagli utenti. Le mappe digitali aggiornabili dinamicamente sono sul punto di diventare un saldo trampolino di lancio per i sistemi mobili ad alta dinamicità ed interattività, che poggiando su poche informazioni fornite dagli utenti, porteranno una moltitudine di applicazioni innovative ad un'enorme base di consumatori. I futuri sistemi di navigazione per esempio, potranno utilizzare informazioni estese su semafori, presenza di stop ed informazioni sul traffico per effettuare una ottimizzazione del percorso che valuti simultaneamente fattori come l'impronta al carbonio rilasciata, il tempo di viaggio effettivamente necessario e l'impatto della scelta sul traffico locale. In questo progetto si mostra come i dati GPS raccolti da dispositivi fissi e mobili possano essere usati per estendere le mappe digitali con la locazione dei segnali di stop, dei semafori e delle relative temporizzazioni. Queste informazioni sono infatti oggi rare e locali ad ogni singola municipalità, il che ne rende praticamente impossibile il pieno reperimento. Si presenta quindi un algoritmo che estrae utili informazioni topologiche da agglomerati di tracciati gps, mostrando inoltre che anche un esiguo numero di veicoli equipaggiati con la strumentazione necessaria sono sufficienti per abilitare l'estensione delle mappe digitali con nuovi attributi. Infine, si mostrerà come l'algoritmo sia in grado di lavorare anche con dati mancanti, ottenendo ottimi risultati e mostrandosi flessibile ed adatto all'integrazione in sistemi reali.


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Previous research has shown dietary intake self-monitoring, and culturally tailored weight loss interventions to be effective tools for weight loss. Technology can be used to tailor weight loss interventions to better suit adolescents. There is a lack of research to date on the use of personal digital assistants (PDAs) to self-monitor dietary intake among adolescents. The objective of this study was to determine the difference in dietary intake self-monitoring frequency between using a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) or paper logs as a diet diary in obese adolescent females; and to describe differences in diet adherence, as well as changes in body size and self-efficacy to resist eating. We hypothesized dietary intake self-monitoring frequency would be greater during PDA use than during paper log use. This study was a randomized crossover trial. Participants recorded their diet for 4 weeks: 2 weeks on a PDA and 2 weeks on paper logs. Thirty-four obese females ages 12-20 were recruited for participation. Thirty were included in analyses. Participants recorded more entries/day while using the paper logs (4.10 entries/day ± 0.63) than while using the PDA (3.01 entries/day ±0.75) (p<0.001). Significantly more meals and snacks were skipped during paper log use (0.81/day ± 0.65) than during PDA use (0.23/day ± 0.22) (p=0.011). Changes in body size (BMI, weight, and waist circumference) and self-efficacy to resist eating did not differ significantly between PDA and paper log use. When compared to paper logs, participants felt the PDA was more convenient (p=0.020), looked forward to using the PDA more (p=0.008), and would rather continue using the PDA than the paper logs (p=0.020). The findings of this study indicate use of a PDA as a dietary intake self-monitoring tool among adolescents would not result in increased dietary intake self-monitoring to aid in weight loss. Use of paper logs would result in greater data returned to clinicians, though use of PDAs would likely get adolescents more excited about adhering to recommendations to record their diet. Future research should look at updated communication devices, such as cell phones and other PDAs with additional features, and the role they can play in increasing dietary intake self-monitoring among adolescents.^


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This thesis investigates the role of personal Digital Stories shared in public spaces as catalysts for social change. By analysing the influence of workshop facilitators, organisations, digital platforms and networked publics on voice and self-representation, it sheds light on shifting meanings of publicness and privacy, both face to face and online. This thesis argues that, despite numerous obstacles, the cumulative influence of diverse voices dispersed among networked publics shape new cultural norms, thereby contributing to gradual social change.


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Digital Storytelling is a powerful means for enabling communication and social participation. Ordinary people work with expert creative practitioners to create first person narratives for a wide and growing range of purposes, including community building, cultural engagement, brand identification and public communication. A digital story usually combines 15-30 still images and a recorded script of 100-250 words to create an original personal digital story in the form of a 2-3 minute digital video. This form of co-creative media takes advantage of newly accessible technologies but is based in the ancient and universal tradition of storytelling. Digital storytelling is being adopted internationally in a variety of institutional contexts. It was introduced at QUT by Distinguished Professor John Hartley in 2004 when he brought well known UK based digital storytelling expert Daniel Meadows to the Creative Industries Faculty to trainer researchers and Faculty in the technique. Since 2005 Creative Industries Faculty researchers have adapted digital storytelling for use in a variety of research contexts including heritage, youth welfare, health, and international development, in collaboration with a range of external partner organisations. More than 300 digital stories have been produced by QUT researchers, staff and students. These have been presented on the World Wide Web, broadcast on community media, released on DVD and exhibited in various forms. In addition CIF researchers have produced numerous journal articles, conference papers and books reporting the outcomes of research projects utilising digital storytelling in research. As a result of research activity the Creative Industries Faculty is now well positioned as a leading site for teaching and learning in digital storytelling. Faculty research activity in digital storytelling has generated interest in adapting the form for use in undergraduate and postgraduate Creative Industries curriculum and in service teaching, including short courses for external clients.


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A practical use of personal digital cameras for taking digital photographs in the microsurgical field through an operating microscope is described. This inexpensive and practical method for acquiring microscopic images at the desired magnification combines the advantages of the digital camera and the operating microscope.