985 resultados para Persistently infected animal


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The FOB-3, anew type fiber optic biosensor, is designed to rapidly detect a variety of biological agents or analytes with better stability, sensitivity and specificity. In order to detect Y. Pestis, a sandwich immunoassay was developed by using the purified antibody against antigen FI immobilized on polystyrene probes as the capture antibody and the monoclonal antibody-Cy5 conjugate as the detector. After a series of optimization for the stability, sensitivity and specificity of the FOB-3, 50-1000 ng/ml of antigen FI and 6 x 10(1)-6 x 10(7) CFU/ml Y. pestis could be detected constantly in about 20 min, and Y pestis could be detected specifically from Y. pseudotuberculosis, Y. enterocolitica, B. anthracis and E. coli. Then, 39 blind samples, including 27 tissues of mice infected with Y pestis and 12 tissues of healthy mice as negative control, were detected with the FOB-3. 92.6% infected tissues were identified from the tissues of healthy mice and the tissues containing more than 100 CFU/ml bacteria could be detected by the biosensor. The results demonstrated the feasibility of the FOB-3 as an effective method to detect Y. pestis rapidly and directly from the infected animal specimens with the advantage of portability, simple-operation as well as high sensitivity and specificity. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A recombinant measles virus (MV) expressing red fluorescent protein (MVDsRed1) was used to produce a persistently infected cell line (piNT2-MVDsRed1) from human neural precursor (NT2) cells. A similar cell line (piNT2-MVeGFP) was generated using a virus that expresses enhanced green fluorescent protein. Intracytoplasmic inclusions containing the viral nucleocapsid protein were evident in all cells and viral glycoproteins were present at the cell surface. Nevertheless, the cells did not release infectious virus nor did they fuse to generate syncytia. Uninfected NT2 cells express the MV receptor CD46 uniformly over their surface, whereas CD46 was present in cell surface aggregates in the piNT2 cells. There was no decrease in the overall amount of CD46 in piNT2 compared to NT2 cells. Cell-to-cell fusion was observed when piNT2 cells were overlaid onto confluent monolayers of MV receptor-positive cells, indicating that the viral glycoproteins were correctly folded and processed. Infectious virus was released from the underlying cells, indicating that persistence was not due to gross mutations in the virus genome. Persistently infected cells were superinfected with MV or canine distemper virus and cytopathic effects were not observed. However, mumps virus could readily infect the cells, indicating that superinfection immunity is not caused by general soluble antiviral factors. As MVeGFP and MVDsRed1 are antigenically indistinguishable but phenotypically distinct it was possible to use them to measure the degree of superinfection immunity in the absence of any cytopathic effect. Only small numbers of non-fusing green fluorescent piNT2-MVDsRed1 cells (1 : 300 000) were identified in which superinfecting MVeGFP entered, replicated and expressed its genes.


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Bovine viral diarrhea- and Border disease viruses of sheep belong to the highly diverse genus pestivirus of the Flaviviridae. Ruminant pestiviruses may infect a wide range of domestic and wild cloven-hooved mammals (artiodactyla). Due to its economic importance, programs to eradicate bovine viral diarrhea are a high priority in the cattle industry. By contrast, Border disease is not a target of eradication, although the Border disease virus is known to be capable of also infecting cattle. In this work, we compared single dose experimental inoculation of calves with Border disease virus with co-mingling of calves with sheep persistently infected with this virus. As indicated by seroconversion, infection was achieved only in one out of seven calves with a dose of Border disease virus that was previously shown to be successful in calves inoculated with BVD virus. By contrast, all calves kept together with persistently infected sheep readily became infected with Border disease virus. The ease of viral transmission from sheep to cattle and the antigenic similarity of bovine and ovine pestiviruses may become a problem for demonstrating freedom of BVD by serology in the cattle population.


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BACKGROUND: This study describes the transmission of border disease virus (BDV) from a persistently infected calf to seronegative heifers in early pregnancy, resulting in persistently infected fetuses. On day 50 of pregnancy (= day 0 of the infection phase), six heifers were co-housed in a free stall with a bull calf persistently infected with BDV (pi BVD) for 60 days. The heifers underwent daily clinical examination, and blood samples were collected regularly for detection of pestiviral RNA and anti-pestivirus antibodies. After day 60 (= day 110 of pregnancy), the heifers were slaughtered, and the fetuses and placentae underwent post-mortem and immunohistochemical examination and RT-PCR for viral RNA detection. RESULTS: Three heifers had mild viraemia from day 8 to day 14, and by day 40 all heifers had pestivirus antibodies identified as anti-BDV antibodies in the serum neutralisation test. The placenta of the three viraemic heifers had histological evidence of inflammation, and fetal organs from these heifers were positive for pestivirus antigen by immunohistochemical examination and for BD viral RNA by RT-PCR and sequencing. Thus, co-housing of heifers in early pregnancy with a pi-BDV calf led to seroconversion in all heifers and persistent fetal infection in three. CONCLUSIONS: Considering that pi-BDV cattle can infect other cattle and lead to persistent infection of the fetus in pregnant cows, BDV should not be ignored in the context of the mandatory BVDV eradication and monitoring program. This strongly suggests that BDV should be taken into account in BVD eradication and control programs.


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Classical swine fever (CSF) causes major losses in pig farming, with various degrees of disease severity. Efficient live attenuated vaccines against classical swine fever virus (CSFV) are used routinely in endemic countries. However, despite intensive vaccination programs in these areas for more than 20 years, CSF has not been eradicated. Molecular epidemiology studies in these regions suggests that the virus circulating in the field has evolved under the positive selection pressure exerted by the immune response to the vaccine, leading to new attenuated viral variants. Recent work by our group demonstrated that a high proportion of persistently infected piglets can be generated by early postnatal infection with low and moderately virulent CSFV strains. Here, we studied the immune response to a hog cholera lapinised virus vaccine (HCLV), C-strain, in six-week-old persistently infected pigs following post-natal infection. CSFV-negative pigs were vaccinated as controls. The humoral and interferon gamma responses as well as the CSFV RNA loads were monitored for 21 days post-vaccination. No vaccine viral RNA was detected in the serum samples and tonsils from CSFV postnatally persistently infected pigs for 21 days post-vaccination. Furthermore, no E2-specific antibody response or neutralising antibody titres were shown in CSFV persistently infected vaccinated animals. Likewise, no of IFN-gamma producing cell response against CSFV or PHA was observed. To our knowledge, this is the first report demonstrating the absence of a response to vaccination in CSFV persistently infected pigs.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Isolates of bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) detected in serum samples of two persistently infected animals (PI) identified in a herd located in the southern state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, underwent genetic characterization trough partial nucleotide sequencing and analysis of the 5' Untranslated Region (5'UTR) of the viral genome. The isolates were characterized as belonging to genotype BVDV-1, subgenotype BVDV-1b. The results of this study suggest BVDV-1b as an agent of importance in the occurrence of bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) in the herds of the region. Moreover, the genotypic characterization of isolates of BVDV helps to better understand the epidemiology of the disease, as the genetic variability of BVDV interferes in the serological tests and has implications for the use of vaccines, whose majority is produced only with reference strains of BVDV. Therefore, the investigation on the genetic diversity of BVDV existing in Brazil is required for the improvement of the disease prevention and control measures.


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Viruses that originate in bats may be the most notorious emerging zoonoses that spill over from wildlife into domestic animals and humans. Understanding how these infections filter through ecological systems to cause disease in humans is of profound importance to public health. Transmission of viruses from bats to humans requires a hierarchy of enabling conditions that connect the distribution of reservoir hosts, viral infection within these hosts, and exposure and susceptibility of recipient hosts. For many emerging bat viruses, spillover also requires viral shedding from bats, and survival of the virus in the environment. Focusing on Hendra virus, but also addressing Nipah virus, Ebola virus, Marburg virus and coronaviruses, we delineate this cross-species spillover dynamic from the within-host processes that drive virus excretion to land-use changes that increase interaction among species. We describe how land-use changes may affect co-occurrence and contact between bats and recipient hosts. Two hypotheses may explain temporal and spatial pulses of virus shedding in bat populations: episodic shedding from persistently infected bats or transient epidemics that occur as virus is transmitted among bat populations. Management of livestock also may affect the probability of exposure and disease. Interventions to decrease the probability of virus spillover can be implemented at multiple levels from targeting the reservoir host to managing recipient host exposure and susceptibility.


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A “Border Disease” é uma doença infecciosa causada por um pestivírus que afecta maioritariamente pequenos ruminantes, causando problemas reprodutivos, alterações congénitas e animais persistentemente infectados. Não existem registos da seroprevalência desta patologia em Portugal. O objectivo deste trabalho foi estudar a seroprevalência de “Border Disease” em explorações de pequenos ruminantes na região do Baixo Alentejo e relacioná-la com a raça dos animais, dimensão do efectivo, coabitação com bovinos e localização da exploração. Em 197 animais, observaram-se 10 seropositivos que correspondem a uma seroprevalência de 5%. Em 29 explorações observaram-se 6 positivas nas quais, havia pelo menos um animal seropositivo, que corresponde a 20,6 % das explorações. Não foi observada relação significativa da prevalência nas explorações com as raças dos animais, a dimensão do efectivo e a sua localização geográfica. Existe maior probabilidade de casos seropositivos de “Border Disease” em pequenos ruminantes que coabitem com bovinos. A seroprevalência de “Border Disease” é baixa na região do Baixo Alentejo. Mais estudos devem ser efectuados de forma a identificar a estirpe do vírus “Border Disease” (BDV) presente nesta região, a verificar se a seroconversão poderá ter origem no contacto com o vírus da diarreia viral bovina (BVDV) e estudar o impacto desta doença na produção de pequenos ruminantes no Baixo Alentejo.


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The prevalence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 infection in birds is low but several deliberate inoculation studies show that poultry are readily and persistently infected by this organism indicating a possible threat to public health. The mechanisms of colonisation of poultry are not understood and the aim is to establish models to study the interaction of E. coli O157:H7, at the cellular and whole animal levels. A non-toxigenic E. coli O157:H7 (NCTC 12900) was used in adherence assays with an avian epithelial cell line (Div-1) and used to inoculate 1-day-old SPF chicks. In vitro, NCTC 12900 induced micro-colonies associated with cytoskeletal arrangements and pedestal formation with intimate bacterial attachment. In the 1-day-old SPF chick, a dose of 1 x 10(5) cfu resulted in rapid and extensive colonisation of the gastrointestinal tract and transient colonisation of the liver and spleen. The number of E. coli O157:H7 organisms attained approximately 10(8) cfu/ml caecal homogenate 24 h after inoculation and approximately 10(7) cfu/ml caecal homogenate was still present at day 92. Faecal shedding persisted for 169 days, ceasing 9 days after the birds came into lay and 6% of eggs were contaminated on the eggshell. Histological analysis of tissue samples from birds dosed with 1 x 10(7) cfu gave evidence for E coli O157:H7 NCTC 12900 induced micro-colonies on the caecal mucosa, although evidence for attaching effacing lesions was equivocal. These models may be suitable to study those factors of E. coli O157:H7 that mediate persistent colonisation in avian species.


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Diverse concepts for BVD eradication or control have been applied in several countries with varying success. Results of previous studies conducted in Switzerland have shown that the prevalence of antibody-positive animals is high and that BVDV is widespread in the country causing serious economic losses. A new approach to eradicate BVD in the cattle population in Switzerland was chosen. It consists in testing the whole Swiss cattle population for virus detection in a short period of time, without initial antibody screening. Identified persistently infected (PI) animals have to be slaughtered, and new herd infections should be avoided by movement restrictions. Ear-notches are collected using special tags for labeling the animals, and are analyzed using ELISA or rtRT-PCR methods. Confirmatory tests if needed are performed on blood samples using rtRT-PCR. The eradication program is divided into four phases: (1) Pre-pasturing phase: all young bovines going to transhumance in summer have to be negative tested before. (2) Initial phase: all non-tested bovines have to be tested. Movement restrictions are effective at the same time. (3) Calves phase: all newborn calves have to be tested. (4) Surveillance phase: several strategies will be compared using a modeling approach. After the pre-pasture phase already 595,230 animals (37% of the livestock) have been tested within four months. A prevalence of 1.1% of PIs was observed. The average age of infected animals is 403 days compared to 794 days for non-infected animals, with the oldest PI-animal being over 11 years old. On average PI-animals are slaughtered within 18 days after the last positive result. The pre-pasture phase has shown that sampling and testing a high number of animals in a short time is challenging but possible. The next phase will deal with double the number of animals in a similar time frame. The coordination between all partners as well as the collaboration of farmers is the key factor for ensuring the success of the program.


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Neospora caninum is widely recognized as one of the most important infectious organisms causing abortion and stillbirth in cattle. This parasite causes severe economical losses worldwide. Infection is mostly passed vertically from mother to calf during pregnancy. Under certain circumstances, an infection can lead to abortion, but in most cases it results in a chronically infected calf, which itself will represent the next endogenously infectious generation. So far, no reliable therapeutic or metaphylactic tool has been developed. One possibility to control the problem may consist of treating newborn calves that became vertically infected by a persistently infected mother. This may allow parasite-free offspring. The aim of the present study was to address the questions: (1) can serology be used to assess efficiency of treatment in toltrazuril-medicated animals? and (2) is a strategic prevention measure possible by means of producing N. caninum-free calves from positive cows? Calves from Neospora-seropositive cows and heifers were randomly split into two different medication groups: 36 calves were medicated with toltrazuril and 36 calves obtained a placebo. Medication (20 mg toltrazuril per kg bw) was administered three times, every second day, within the 7 days post natum. Three months after medication, there was no difference in antibody reactivity between the two groups. At later time points (4-6 months), however, significant differences were found, as explained by a strong humoral immunity after chemotherapeutical affection of parasites, while the placebo-treated animals only responded weakly to the persistent infection. In summary, we concluded that (1) serology was not an entirely appropriate tool to answer our initial question and (2) toltrazuril has the potential to eliminate N. caninum in newborn calves. As a consequence, we plan to follow up toltrazuril-medicated calves clinically and serologically over a longer period and investigate if they give birth to Neospora-free calves.


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Neospora caninum represents one of the most frequent abortifaciant organisms worldwide. The parasite is diaplacentally transmitted from the pregnant cow to the fetus, where it normally leads to the delivery of a healthy, however persistently infected calf. Abortion thus is a relative rare event. The transmission of bovine neosporosis occurs in more than 90% of the cases vertically due to the endogenous reactivation of a persistently infected mother. Exogenous infections are therefore responsible for less than 10% of the cases.The question arises about which infection sources may be relevant in this context. In Switzerland, the role of dogs as definitive hosts has been shown to be of low significance in that respect. Recently, discussion focused on the potential of infectious bull semen following natural or artificial insemination. Thus, a few years ago a report documented the detectability of N. caninum-DNA in the semen of naturally infected bulls by nested-PCR. As a consequence, we decided to gain own experience by investigating 5 separate semen specimens per animal, originating from 20 N. caninum-seropositive bulls used for artificial insemination in Switzerland. All probes turned out to be negative by nested PCR. Based upon our laboratory experiences, the potential bull semen-associated Neospora-problem seems not to affect the Swiss bull population, thus there is no evidence to include further respective means of control.