175 resultados para Permanganate-periodate


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The Escherichia coli transcriptional regulator MarA affects functions that include antibiotic resistance, persistence, and survival. MarA functions as an activator or repressor of transcription utilizing similar degenerate DNA sequences (marboxes) with three different binding site configurations with respect to the RNA polymerase-binding sites. We demonstrate that MarA down-regulates rob transcripts both in vivo and in vitro via a MarA-binding site within the rob promoter that is positioned between the -10 and -35 hexamers. As for the hdeA and purA promoters, which are repressed by MarA, the rob marbox is also in the "backward" orientation. Protein-DNA interactions show that SoxS and Rob, like MarA, bind the same marbox in the rob promoter. Electrophoretic mobility shift analyses with a MarA-specific antibody demonstrate that MarA and RNA polymerase form a ternary complex with the rob promoter DNA. Transcription experiments in vitro and potassium permanganate footprinting analysis show that MarA affects the RNA polymerase-mediated closed to open complex formation at the rob promoter.


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An IgM mouse monoclonal antibody (McAb) Bf4 was produced to a surface polysaccharide of Bacteroides fragilis NCTC 9343. Immunoblotting showed that McAb Bf4 reacted strongly with a high molecular mass structure which was sensitive to oxidation with periodate but resisted protease treatment. An inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) indicated that McAb Bf4 did not cross react with the sixteen Bacteroides species and strains tested. Cells of B. fragilis NCTC 9343 recovered from the various interfaces of a Percoll discontinuous density gradient were tested in the inhibition ELISA. Bacteria from the 0-20%, 20-40% and 40-60% interfaces inhibited the ELISA; however, cells from the 60-80% interface did not. Electron microscopy with immunogold labelling showed that McAb Bf4 did not react with the extracellular fibrous network on bacteria recovered from the 0-20% interface, or the extracellular electron dense layer on cells from the 60-80% interface; however, it was associated with a surface structure on cells from the 20-40% interface. Growth in vivo did not enrich for bacteria with this structure.


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The haemagglutinating and enzymic activities of the obligately anaerobic pathogenic bacterium Bacteroides fragilis were examined. Outer membrane vesicles are released from the surface of B. fragilis. They can be detected by electron microscopy in ultrathin sections and bacterial suspensions after negative staining. Electron microscopy and immunogold labelling with a MAb specific for surface polysaccharide of B. fragilis confirmed that the vesicles carried outer membrane associated epitopes. The haemagglutinating activity of whole cells from populations of B. fragilis strains NCTC9343, BE3 and LS66 enriched by Percoll density gradient centrifugation for a large capsule (LC), electron dense layer (EDL); non-capsulate by light microscopy) and outer membrane vesicles (OMV) which had been purified by centrifugation from EDL-enriched populations were compared using human and horse erythrocytes. The enzymic activity of OMV, LC- and EDL-enriched populations, as detected by the API ZYM kit, was compared for strains NCTC 9343 and BE3. Purified OMV from the strains examined exhibited both haemagglutinating and enzymatic activity. Haemagglutination by the EDL-enriched population was sensitive to treatment with sodium periodate. The LC-enriched population haemagglutinated only after ultrasonic removal of the capsule. This indicates that the LC masks a haemagglutinin. The results suggest a potential role for OMV in the virulence of B. fragilis.


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fA1122 is a T7-related bacteriophage infecting most isolates of Yersinia pestis, the etiologic agent of plague, and used by the CDC in the identification of Y. pestis. fA1122 infects Y. pestis grown both at 20 °C and at 37 °C. Wild-type Yersinia pseudotuberculosis strains are also infected but only when grown at 37 °C. Since Y. pestis expresses rough lipopolysaccharide (LPS) missing the O-polysaccharide (O-PS) and expression of Y. pseudotuberculosis O-PS is largely suppressed at temperatures above 30 °C, it has been assumed that the phage receptor is rough LPS. We present here several lines of evidence to support this. First, a rough derivative of Y. pseudotuberculosis was also fA1122 sensitive when grown at 22 °C. Second, periodate treatment of bacteria, but not proteinase K treatment, inhibited the phage binding. Third, spontaneous fA1122 receptor mutants of Y. pestis and rough Y. pseudotuberculosis could not be isolated, indicating that the receptor was essential for bacterial growth under the applied experimental conditions. Fourth, heterologous expression of the Yersinia enterocolitica O:3 LPS outer core hexasaccharide in both Y. pestis and rough Y. pseudotuberculosis effectively blocked the phage adsorption. Fifth, a gradual truncation of the core oligosaccharide into the Hep/Glc (L-glycero-D-manno-heptose/D-glucopyranose)-Kdo/Ko (3-deoxy-D-manno-oct-2-ulopyranosonic acid/D-glycero-D-talo-oct-2-ulopyranosonic acid) region in a series of LPS mutants was accompanied by a decrease in phage adsorption, and finally, a waaA mutant expressing only lipid A, i.e., also missing the Kdo/Ko region, was fully fA1122 resistant. Our data thus conclusively demonstrated that the fA1122 receptor is the Hep/Glc-Kdo/Ko region of the LPS core, a common structure in Y. pestis and Y. pseudotuberculosis.


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The joint fluids of 37 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, eight patients with traumatic injuries to their joints, two patients with Reiter's syndrome and three patients with psoriatic arthritis were tested for the presence of B cell colony stimulating activity (B cell CSA). B cell CSA was found in all of the joint fluids from the patients with rheumatoid arthritis but in none of the joint fluids from patients with traumatic injuries to their joints or in the joint fluids from the patients with Reiter's syndrome. A trace of B cell CSA was found in the joint fluid of one of the three patients with psoriatic arthritis. There was a positive correlation (r = 0.796) between the amount of rheumatoid factor present in the joint fluids and the titre of B cell CSA. This correlation was highly significant (P less than 0.001). The B cell CSA was localized to component(s) with molecular weight ranges 115-129 kD and 64-72 kD and an isoelectric point of 6.8. Its activity was sensitive to reduction with 2-mercaptoethanol and to the oxidising action of potassium periodate.


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Os lenhosulfonatos representam um sub-produto formado durante o cozimento ao sulfito ácido, sendo queimados para a regeneração da base e recuperação de energia. No entanto, os lenhosulfonatos são também considerados uma importante matéria-prima para a produção de vários produtos de valor acrescentado. Os objectivos principais deste trabalho foram contribuir para uma melhor compreensão sobre a caracterização química e estrutural dos lenhosulfonatos do Eucalyptus globulus, assim como, para complementar a informação disponível sobre a síntese e a caracterização estrutural e térmica de materiais poliméricos obtidos a partir de compostos modelo dos produtos de oxidação dos lenhosulfonatos. O licor de cozimento ao sulfito foi analisado em termos do teor de cinzas, extractáveis, compostos voláteis, açúcares e lenhosulfonatos. O teor de cinzas e açúcares no licor de cozimento é muito elevado, tendo sido necessário purificar o mesmo (2,8-13,8 % e 3,2-9,1 %, respectivamente). A análise dos açúcares mostrou uma quantidade considerável de pentoses, sendo o açúcar predominante a xilose. Os lenhosulfonatos foram purificados, isolados e caracterizados por química molhada (titulação potenciométrica e oxidação com permanganato), análise elementar, espectroscopia de ultravioleta/visível (UV/Vis), espectroscopia de infravermelho de transformada de Fourier (FTIR), espectroscopia de ressonância magnética nuclear de protão (RMN de 1H) e carbono (RMN de 13C), espectrometria de massa de ionização por electrospray (ESI-MS), cromatografia de permeação em gel (GPC), termogavimetria (TGA) e calorimetria diferencial de varrimento (DSC). Os lenhosulfonatos são constituídos principalmente por unidades S, são parcialmente sulfonados e possuem um peso molecular relativamente baixo (Mw = 1250-2400 Da). A ruptura das ligações β-O-4 e α-O-4 da lenhina do Eucalyptus globulus após cozimento ao sulfito ácido originam olígomeros de baixo peso molecular cuja estrutura foi elucidada por RMN 1D/2D e ESI-MS. A degradação térmica dos lenhosulfonatos apresentou dois máximos de degradação a 188-190ºC e a 315-380ºC. As curvas de DSC mostraram um pico endotérmico para temperaturas inferiores a 130ºC e um pico exotérmico a 300-500ºC. Os lenhosulfonatos foram despolimerizados na presença de oxigénio molecular em meio alcalino. Os produtos de oxidação principais foram o aldeído siríngico, a vanilina, o ácido vanílico e o ácido siríngico. A adição do catalisador (sal de cobre) promoveu a oxidação dos lenhosulfonatos aumentando o rendimento dos aldeídos aromáticos (< 50%). A presença de açúcares nos lenhosulfonatos teve um efeito negativo no rendimento dos produtos de oxidação principais. Alguns compostos modelo dos produtos de oxidação dos lenhosulfonatos foram polimerizados por poliadição (catiónica e radicalar) e policondensação. Os monómeros e os polímeros foram caracterizados por espectroscopia de infravermelho de transformada de Fourier e reflectância total atenuada (FTIR-ATR), RMN em solução e no estado sólido, UV/Vis no estado sólido, GPC, difracção de raios-X (XRD), TGA e DSC. Os compostos modelo estudados foram os estirenos metoxi-substituídos (p-metoxiestireno e 3,4-dimetoxiestireno) e os ácidos hidroxi aromáticos metoxi-substituídos (ácido vanílico e ácido siríngico). O 3,4-dimetoxiestireno foi ainda copolimerizado com o éter isobutil vinílico e os seus copolímeros foram desmetilados, assim como, o poli(p-metoxiestireno) e o poli(3,4-dimetoxiestireno). A polimerização catiónica do p-metoxiestireno e 3,4-dimetoxiestireno é mais rápida e mais completa do que a polimerização radicalar produzindo polímeros com pesos moleculares elevados. O poli(p-metoxiestireno) (Mw = 235000 Da) possui um peso molecular maior do que o poli(3,4-dimetoxiestireno) (Mw = 18800 Da). A estabilidade térmica e a temperatura de transição vítrea diminuiram com a presença do segundo grupo metoxilo. A desmetilação dos homopolímeros foi bem sucedida, tendo sido corroborada por FTIR-ATR e RMN. A policondensação do ácido siríngico foi dificultada pela presença do segundo grupo metoxilo, tendo sido necessário adicionar uma maior quantidade do agente de condensação devido a factores estéricos. O poli(ácido vanílico) e poli(ácido siríngico) são insolúveis na maior parte dos solventes orgânicos, sendo parcialmente solúveis em clorofórmio, ácido triflúoracético, 1,1,2,2- tetracloroetano, dimetilsulfóxido, tetrahidrofurano, N,N’-dimetilformamida e 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexaflúor-2-propanol. A estabilidade térmica diminuiu com a presença do segundo grupo metoxilo e os dois polímeros não exibiram temperatura de transição vítrea. O poli(ácido vanílico) e poli(ácido siríngico) apresentaram uma estrutura muito cristalina (grau de cristalinidade 70% e 50%, respectivamente). O segundo grupo metoxilo aumentou o valor da absorvância, mas a forma do espectro de UV/Vis foi similar. A polimerização catiónica do éter isobutil vinílico resultou na produção de um polímero muito viscoso com peso molecular elevado (Mw = 20400 Da). A degradação térmica do polímero ocorreu em várias gamas de temperatura e foi completa (0% de resíduo a 800ºC). A copolimerização catiónica do 3,4-dimetoxiestireno com o éter isobutil vinílico foi realizada com proporções diferentes 80:20, 50:50 e 20:80. Os copolímeros apresentaram uma viscosidade elevada e um peso molecular baixo (Mw = 2000-4000 Da) que aumentou com a quantidade de éter isobutil vinílico. A degradação térmica dos copolímeros ocorreu também em várias gamas de temperatura, sendo a sua degradação completa (0,9-1,5% de resíduo a 800ºC). A desmetilação dos copolímeros não foi bem sucedida, tendo sido confirmada por FTIR-ATR e RMN.


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The deoxy derivative of pancratistatin 1.10 was prepared in good yield through the use of a [4+2] Diels-Alder cycloaddition and Bischler-Napieralski cyclization approach. The Bischler-Napieralski cyclization was shown to yield two additional side products 2.9, 2.10, however, under slightly modified hydrolysis conditions, the tetracyclic product 2.11 was obtained exclusively in greater than 84% yield. Initial screening of the di-hydroxylatgd derivative, and the other complementary pair analogue 1.10' previously prepared in our laboratories gave interesting results. Both of these compounds were shown to exhibit cytostatic activity; the mono-alcohol was marginally active while the di-hydroxylated analogue proved to be more potent although one to two magnitudes less potent than pancratistatin itself Human tumour cell line assay results indicated that the di-hydroxylated derivative exhibited selective cytotoxic inhibition in the following cell lines: non-small cell lung cancer line NCI-H226 (ED50 - 0.65 ^g/mL), leukemia cell lines CCRF-CEM (ED30 = 0.55 Hg/mL) and HL-60(TB) (ED50 = 0.89^ig/mL). Our results demonstrated that the pharmacophore is not a mono-alcohol, and that the minimum pharmacophore contains the hydroxyl group at the C4 position in addition to either, or both, of the hydroxyl groups present at C2 and C3.' The minimum pharmacophore has been narrowed to only three possibilities which are current synthetic targets in several research groups. The controlled Grignard addition to the tartaric acid derived bis-Weinreb amide 1.25 afforded a direct entry to a host of 1,4-diflferentiated tartaric acid derived intermediates (2.12-2.18). This potentially usefiil methodology was demonstrated through the efficient synthesis of the naturally occurring lactone 2.23, which bears the inherent syn-dio\ subunit. Based on this result, a similar approach to the synthesis of syn-dio\ bearing natural products looks very promising? A direct 2,3-diol desymmetrization method using TIPS-triflate was shown to be effective on the selective differentiation of Z,-methyl tartrate (and diisopropyl tartrate). The mono-silyl-protected intermediates 2.31 also proved to be useful when they were selectively differentiated at the 1,4-carboxyl position (2.35, 2.36) through the use of a borohydride reducing agent. Furthermore, the mono-silyl-protected derivative underwent periodate cleavage affording two synthetically useful a,P-unsaturated esters 2.43, 2.44, with one of esters being obtained via a silyl-migration method.''


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Thèse réalisée en cotutelle avec Michèle Prévost (Ph.D), Professeure titulaire au département des génies civil, géologique et des mines de l'École Polytechnique de Montréal.


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The nature of the diperiodatocuprate(III) (DPC) species present in aqueous alkaline medium has been investigated by a kinetic and mechanistic study on the oxidation of iodide by DPC. The reaction kinetics were studied over the 1.0 ´ 10)3±0.1 mol dm)3 alkali range. The reaction order with respect to DPC, as well as iodide, was found to be unity when [DPC] [I)]. In the 1.0 ´ 10)3±1.0 ´ 10)2 mol dm)3 alkali region, the rate decreased with increase in the alkali concentration and a plot of the pseudo-®rst order rate constant, k versus 1/[OH)] was linear. Above 5.0 ´ 10)2 mol dm)3, a plot of k versus [OH)] was also linear with a non-zero intercept. An increase in ionic strength of the reaction mixtures showed no e ect on k at low alkali concentrations, whereas at high concentrations an increase in ionic strength leads to an increase in k. A plot of 1/k versus [periodate] was linear with an intercept in both alkali ranges. Iodine was found to accelerate the reaction at the three di erent alkali concentrations employed. The observed results indicated the following equilibria for DPC.


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A simple fiber optic concentration sensor based on the coupling of light f rom one fiber to another through a solution is discussed. The operational characteristics of the sensor are illustrated by taking the solutions of potassium permanganate and fast green dye as samples.The extrinsic type sensor described here shows linearity at lower concentrations.


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The selective oxidation of alkylaromatics is one of the main processes since the reaction products are important as intermediates in numerous industrial organic chemicals. Side-chain oxidation of alkyl aromatic compounds catalyzed by heterogeneous catalysts using cleaner peroxide oxidants is an especially attractive goal since classical synthetic laboratory procedures preferably use permanganate or acid dichromate as stoichiometric oxidants. In spite of many studies, there are very few which use hydrogen peroxide as a source of oxygen in the C-H activation of alkanes. Eflective utilization of ethylbenzene, available in the xylene stream of the petrochemical industry to more value added products is a promising one in chemical industry. The oxidation products of ethylbenzene are widely employed as intermediates in organic, steroid and resin synthesis.


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Chemiluminescence was observed during the manganese(III), (IV) and (VII) oxidations of sodium tetrahydroborate, sodium dithionite, sodium sulfite and hydrazine sulfate in acidic aqueous solution. From the corrected chemiluminescence spectra, the wavelengths of maximum emission were 689±5 and 734±5 nm when the reactions were performed in sodium hexametaphosphate and sodium dihydrogenorthophosphate/ orthophosphoric acid environments, respectively. The corrected phosphorescence spectrum of manganese(II) sulfate in a solution of sodium hexametaphosphate at 77 K exhibited two peaks with maxima at 688 and 730 nm. The chemical and spectroscopic evidence presented strongly supported the postulation that the emission was an example of solution-phase chemically induced phosphorescence of manganese(II) thereby, confirming earlier predictions that the chemiluminescence from acidic potassium permanganate reactions originated from an excited manganese(II) species.


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LabVIEW®-based software for the automation of a sequential injection analysis instrument for the determination of morphine is presented. Detection was based on its chemiluminescence reaction with acidic potassium permanganate in the presence of sodium polyphosphate. The calibration function approximated linearity (range 5 × 10 -10 to 5 × 10 -6M) with a line of best fit of y = 1.05 x + 8.9164 (R2 = 0.9959), where y is the log10 signal (mV) and x is the log10 morphine concentration (M). Precision, as measured by relative standard deviation, was 0.7% for five replicate analyses of morphine standard (5 × 10-8M). The limit of detection (3 σ) was determined as 5 × 10-11 M morphine.


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The determination of the amino acids proline, histidine, tyrosine, arginine, phenylalanine and tryptophan using flow injection analysis (FIA) with chemiluminescence detection is described. Proline was the only amino acid to exhibit chemiluminescence with the tris(2,2-bipyridyl)ruthenium(III) reaction at pH 10. While, histidine was found to selectively enhance the reaction of luminol with Mn(II) salts in a basic medium. Acidic potassium permanganate chemiluminescence was able to selectively determine tyrosine at pH 6.75. Low pressure separations using a C18 guard column allowed the simultaneous determination of tyrosine and tryptophan or phenylalanine and tryptophan with acidic potassium permanganate and copper(II)–amino acid–hydrogen peroxide chemiluminescence, respectively. Precision for each method was less than 3.9% (R.S.D.) for five replicates of a standard (1×10−5 M) and the detection limits ranged between 4×10−9 and 7×10−6 M. Preliminary investigations revealed that the methodology developed was able to selectively determine the individual amino acids in an equimolar mixture of the 20 naturally occurring amino acids.


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Ofloxacin is a synthetic fluoroquinolone antibiotic that has been used in the treatment of respiratory tract, urinary tract and tissue-based infections. Methodology for the determination of ofloxacin based on chemiluminescence detection can be divided into: direct oxidation with tris(2,2′-bipyridyl)ruthenium(III) or permanganate; and enhancement of the emission from either the oxidation of sulfite or the reaction between sodium nitrite and hydrogen peroxide. In this paper, we compare the analytical methodology and evaluate the light-producing pathways that have been proposed for these reactions.