995 resultados para Perisynaptic Schwann cells


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Opportunistic bacterial infections of the nasal cavity could potentially lead to infection of the brain if the olfactory or trigeminal nerves are colonised. The olfactory nerve may be a more susceptible route because primary olfactory neurons are in direct contact with the external environment. Peripheral glia are known to be able to phagocytose some species of bacteria and may therefore provide a defence mechanism against bacterial infection. As the nasal cavity is frequently exposed to bacterial infections, we hypothesised that the olfactory and trigeminal nerves within the nasal cavity could be subjected to bacterial colonisation and that the olfactory ensheathing cells and Schwann cells may be involved in responding to the bacterial invasion. We have examined the ability of mouse OECs and Schwann cells from the trigeminal nerve and dorsal root ganglia to phagocytose Escherichia coli and Burkholderia thailandensis in vitro. We found that all three sources of glia were equally able to phagocytose E. coli with 75-85% of glia having phagocytosed bacteria within 24h. We also show that human OECs phagocytosed E. coli. In contrast, the mouse OECs and Schwann cells had little capacity to phagocytose B. thailandensis. Thus subtypes of peripheral glia have similar capacities for phagocytosis of bacteria but show selective capacity for the two different species of bacteria that were examined. These results have implications for the understanding of the mechanisms of bacterial infections as well as for the use of glia for neural repair therapies.


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The development of scaffolds for neural tissue engineering application requires an understanding of cell adhesion, proliferation, and migration of neuronal cells. Considering the potential application of carbon as scaffold materials and the lack of understanding of compatibility of amorphous carbon with neuronal cells, the carbon-based materials in the forms of carbon films and continuous electrospun carbon nanofibers having average diameter of approximate to 200 nm are being investigated with or without ultraviolet (UV) and oxy-plasma (OP) treatments for cytocompatibility property using mouse Neuroblastoma (N2a) and rat Schwann cells (RT4-D6P2T). The use of Raman spectroscopy in combination with Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and X-ray diffraction establishes the amorphous nature and surface-bonding characteristics of the studied carbon materials. Although both UV and OP treatments make carbon surfaces more hydrophilic, the cell viability of N2a cells is statistically more significant on OP treated fibers/films compared to UV fiber/film substrates after 4 days in culture. The electrospun carbon fibrous substrate provides the physical guidance to the cultured Schwann cells. Overall, the experimental results of this study demonstrate that the electrospun amorphous carbon nanofibrous scaffolds can be used as a suitable biomaterial substrate for supporting cell adhesion and proliferation of neuronal cells in the context of their applications as artificial nerve implants. (c) 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater, 2013.


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Despite considerable research to develop carbon based materials for biomedical applications, the toxicity of carbon remains a major concern. In order to address this issue as well as to investigate the cell fate processes of neural cells from the perspective of neural tissue engineering applications, the in vitro cytocompatibility of polyacrylonitrile (PAN) derived continuous carbon nanofibers and PAN derived carbon thin films were investigated both quantitatively and qualitatively using in vitro biochemical assays followed by extensive flow cytometry analysis. The experimental results of Schwann cell fate, i.e. cell proliferation, cell metabolic activity and cell apoptosis on amorphous carbon substrates are discussed in reference to the time dependent evolution of intracellular oxidative stress. Apart from providing evidence that an electrospun carbon nanofibrous substrate can physically guide the cultured Schwann cells, this study suggested that continuous carbon nanofibers and amorphous carbon films are not cytotoxic in vitro and do not significantly induce apoptosis of Schwann cells, but in fact even facilitate their proliferation and growth.


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Adult neural crest related-stem cells persist in adulthood, making them an ideal and easily accessible source of multipotent cells for potential clinical use. Recently, we reported the presence of neural crest-related stem cells within adult palatal ridges, thus raising the question of their localization in their endogenous niche. Using immunocytochemistry, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, and correlative fluorescence and transmission electron microscopy, we identified myelinating Schwann cells within palatal ridges as a putative neural crest stem cell source. Palatal Schwann cells expressed nestin, p75(NTR), and S100. Correlative fluorescence and transmission electron microscopy revealed the exclusive nestin expression within myelinating Schwann cells. Palatal neural crest stem cells and nestin-positive Schwann cells isolated from adult sciatic nerves were able to grow under serum-free conditions as neurospheres in presence of FGF-2 and EGF. Spheres of palatal and sciatic origin showed overlapping expression pattern of neural crest stem cell and Schwann cell markers. Expression of the pluripotency factors Sox2, Klf4, c-Myc, Oct4, the NF-κB subunits p65, p50, and the NF-κB-inhibitor IκB-β were up-regulated in conventionally cultivated sciatic nerve Schwann cells and in neurosphere cultures. Finally, neurospheres of palatal and sciatic origin were able to differentiate into ectodermal, mesodermal, and endodermal cell types emphasizing their multipotency. Taken together, we show that nestin-positive myelinating Schwann cells can be reprogrammed into multipotent adult neural crest stem cells under appropriate culture conditions.


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Despite the numerous available possibilities for the surgical treatment of peripheral nerve lesions found in the dog, the success of these treatments is often unsatisfactory. It has been proven that Schwann cells (SC) have a positive influence on the regeneration of nerve stumps. Implanting a guidance channel seeded with autologous SC at the lesion site could be a new therapeutic approach. The aim of this research was to investigate the in vitro cultivation and expansion of canine SC as the main requirement for the treatment referred to above. Biopsies were carried out on 17 nerve samples originating from dogs of different breed, age, gender and condition. The reexplantation method was employed, followed by dissociation using hyaluronidase, collagenase and trypsin and further expansion. The samples were divided into six groups which were treated with a varying combination of mitogens (forskolin, bovine PEX, choleratoxin, heregulin). To obtain the quantities of SC, the specimens were immunostained by a p75-antibody. By employing a growing number of agents it was possible to obtain an increase in both the quantity of cells and purity of cultures. A maximum of 16x10(5) cells per millilitre of suspension was achieved. The largest SC purity measured 27.1%. The maximum SC quantity achieved was 43.3x10(4) SC per millilitre.


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Overlapping cDNA clones spanning the entire coding region of a Na-channel alpha subunit were isolated from cultured Schwann cells from rabbits. The coding region predicts a polypeptide (Nas) of 1984 amino acids exhibiting several features characteristic of Na-channel alpha subunits isolated from other tissues. Sequence comparisons showed that the Nas alpha subunit resembles most the family of Na channels isolated from brain (approximately 80% amino acid identity) and is least similar (approximately 55% amino acid identity) to the atypical Na channel expressed in human heart and the partial rat cDNA, NaG. As for the brain II and III isoforms, two variants of Nas exist that appear to arise by alternative splicing. The results of reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction experiments suggest that expression of Nas transcripts is restricted to cells in the peripheral and central nervous systems. Expression was detected in cultured Schwann cells, sciatic nerve, brain, and spinal cord but not in skeletal or cardiac muscle, liver, kidney, or lung.


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Distinct glial cell types of the vertebrate peripheral nervous system (PNS) are derived from the neural crest. Here we show that the expression of the Ets domain transcription factor Erm distinguishes satellite glia from Schwann cells beginning early in rat PNS development. In developing dorsal root ganglia (DRG), Erm is present both in presumptive satellite glia and in neurons. In contrast, Erm is not detectable at any developmental stage in Schwann cells in peripheral nerves. In addition, Erm is downregulated in DRG-derived glia adopting Schwann cell traits in culture. Thus, Erm is the first described transcription factor expressed in satellite glia but not in Schwann cells. In culture, the Neuregulin1 (NRG1) isoform GGF2 maintains Erm expression in presumptive satellite cells and reinduces Erm expression in DRG-derived glia but not in Schwann cells from sciatic nerve. These data demonstrate that there are intrinsic differences between these glial subtypes in their response to NRG1 signaling. In neural crest cultures, Erm-positive progenitor cells give rise to two distinct glial subtypes: Erm-positive, Oct-6-negative satellite glia in response to GGF2, and Erm-negative, Oct-6-positive Schwann cells in the presence of serum and the adenylate cyclase activator forskolin. Thus, Erm-positive neural crest-derived progenitor cells and presumptive satellite glia are able to acquire Schwann cell features. Given the in vivo expression of Erm in peripheral ganglia, we suggest that ganglionic Erm-positive cells may be precursors of Schwann cells.


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La plasticité synaptique est une importante propriété du système nerveux, impliquée dans l’intégration de l’information. Cette plasticité a généralement été décrite par des changements aux niveaux pré et postsynaptiques. Notamment, l’efficacité présynaptique, soit la probabilité de libération de neurotransmetteurs associée au contenu quantique d’une synapse, peut être augmentée ou diminuée selon l’activité antérieure de la synapse. Malgré cette caractérisation, les mécanismes à l’origine de la détermination de l’efficacité présynaptique demeurent obscurs. Également, la plasticité synaptique reste encore mal définie au niveau glial, limitant, de ce fait, notre compréhension de l’intégration de l’information. Pourtant, la dernière décennie a mené à une redéfinition du rôle des cellules gliales. Autrefois reléguées à un rôle de support passif aux neurones, elles sont désormais reconnues comme étant impliquées dans la régulation de la neurotransmission. Notamment, à la jonction neuromusculaire (JNM), les cellules de Schwann périsynaptiques (CSPs) sont reconnues pour moduler l’efficacité présynaptique et les phénomènes de plasticité. Un tel rôle actif dans la modulation de la neurotransmission implique cependant que les CSPs soient en mesure de s’adapter aux besoins changeants des JNMs auxquelles elles sont associées. La plasticité synaptique devrait donc sous-tendre une forme de plasticité gliale. Nous savons, en effet, que la JNM est capable de modifications tant morphologiques que physiologiques en réponse à des altérations de l'activité synaptique. Par exemple, la stimulation chronique des terminaisons nerveuses entraîne une diminution persistante de l’efficacité présynaptique et une augmentation de la résistance à la dépression. À l’opposé, le blocage chronique des récepteurs nicotiniques entraîne une augmentation prolongée de l’efficacité présynaptique. Aussi, compte tenu que les CSPs détectent et répondent à la neurotransmission et qu’elles réagissent à certains stimuli environnementaux par des changements morphologiques, physiologiques et d’expression génique, nous proposons que le changement d'efficacité présynaptique imposé à la synapse, soit par une stimulation nerveuse chronique ou par blocage chronique des récepteurs nicotiniques, résulte en une adaptation des propriétés des CSPs. Cette thèse propose donc d’étudier, en parallèle, la plasticité présynaptique et gliale à long-terme, en réponse à un changement chronique de l’activité synaptique, à la JNM d’amphibien. Nos résultats démontrent les adaptations présynaptiques de l’efficacité présynaptique, des phénomènes de plasticité à court-terme, du contenu mitochondrial et de la signalisation calcique. De même, ils révèlent différentes adaptations gliales, notamment au niveau de la sensibilité des CSPs aux neurotransmetteurs et des propriétés de leur réponse calcique. Les adaptations présynaptiques et gliales sont discutées, en parallèle, en termes de mécanismes et de fonctions possibles dans la régulation de la neurotransmission. Nos travaux confirment donc la coïncidence de la plasticité présynaptique et gliale et, en ce sens, soulèvent l’importance des adaptations gliales pour le maintien de la fonction synaptique.


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Durant le vieillissement, l’ensemble des fonctions de l’organisme se détériore, que ce soit aussi bien au niveau moteur que cognitif. Le vieillissement s’accompagne d’une diminution de la force, ainsi que de la masse musculaire. Des études récentes tendent à montrer que cette perte de masse musculaire que l’on appelle sarcopénie aurait pour origine un dérèglement de la jonction neuromusculaire. Les changements au niveau du présynaptique et du post synaptiques lors du vieillissement normal font l’objet de plusieurs études, mais les changements relatifs aux cellules de Schwann périsynaptique sont très peu connus. Le but de cette étude est donc d’analyser les modifications des interactions neurone-glie à la jonction neuromusculaire. Dans cette étude, nous montrons que certaines fonctions des cellules gliales de la synapse âgée sont déréglées, en particulier, le type de récepteurs activés par une stimulation nerveuse à haute fréquence. D’autre part, nos résultats montrent que les mécanismes responsables de l’augmentation de la transmission synaptique suite à cette stimulation nerveuse à haute fréquence sont altérés à la synapse âgée. Enfin, outre les modifications de la terminaison axonale et de la fibre musculaire, les cellules gliales montrent des signes de réorganisation structurelle propre à une synapse en réparation. Ces résultats montrent que le fonctionnement de la jonction neuromusculaire et a fortiori les interactions neurones-glie sont altérées lors du vieillissement normal.


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In Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), the SMN1 gene is deleted or inactivated. Because of a splicing problem, the second copy gene, SMN2, generates insufficient amounts of functional SMN protein, leading to the death of spinal cord motoneurons. For a "severe" mouse SMA model (Smn -/-, hSMN2 +/+; with affected pups dying at 5-7 days), which most closely mimicks the genetic set-up in human SMA patients, we characterise SMA-related ultrastructural changes in neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) of two striated muscles with discrete functions. In the diaphragm, but not the soleus muscle of 4-days old SMA mice, mitochondria on both sides of the NMJs degenerate, and perisynaptic Schwann cells as well as endoneurial fibroblasts show striking changes in morphology. Importantly, NMJs of SMA mice in which a modified U7 snRNA corrects SMN2 splicing and delays or prevents SMA symptoms are normal. This ultrastructural study reveals novel features of NMJ alterations - in particular the involvement of perisynaptic Schwann cells - that may be relevant for human SMA pathogenesis.


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AIMS As 4-day-old mice of the severe spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) model (dying at 5-8 days) display pronounced neuromuscular changes in the diaphragm but not the soleus muscle, we wanted to gain more insight into the relationship between muscle development and the emergence of pathological changes and additionally to analyse intercostal muscles which are affected in human SMA. METHODS Structures of muscle fibres and neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) of the diaphragm, intercostal and calf muscles of prenatal (E21) and postnatal (P0 and P4) healthy and SMA mice were analysed by light and transmission electron microscopy. NMJ innervation was studied by whole mount immunofluorescence in diaphragms of P4 mice. RESULTS During this period, the investigated muscles still show a significant neck-to-tail developmental gradient. The diaphragm and calf muscles are most and least advanced, respectively, with respect to muscle fibre fusion and differentiation. The number and depth of subsynaptic folds increases, and perisynaptic Schwann cells (PSCs) acquire a basal lamina on their outer surface. Subsynaptic folds are connected to an extensive network of tubules and beaded caveolae, reminiscent of the T system in adult muscle. Interestingly, intercostal muscles from P4 SMA mice show weaker pathological involvement (that is, vacuolization of PSCs and perineurial cells) than those previously described by us for the diaphragm, whereas calf muscles show no pathological changes. CONCLUSION SMA-related alterations appear to occur only when the muscles have reached a certain developmental maturity. Moreover, glial cells, in particular PSCs, play an important role in SMA pathogenesis.


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Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is characterized by motoneuron loss and muscle weakness. However, the structural and functional deficits that lead to the impairment of the neuromuscular system remain poorly defined. By electron microscopy, we previously found that neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) and muscle fibres of the diaphragm are among the earliest affected structures in the severe mouse SMA model. Because of certain anatomical features, i.e. its thinness and its innervation from the cervical segments of the spinal cord, the diaphragm is particularly suitable to characterize both central and peripheral events. Here we show by immunohistochemistry that, at postnatal day 3, the cervical motoneurons of SMA mice receive less stimulatory synaptic inputs. Moreover, their mitochondria become less elongated which might represent an early stage of degeneration. The NMJs of the diaphragm of SMA mice show a loss of synaptic vesicles and active zones. Moreover, the partly innervated endplates lack S100 positive perisynaptic Schwann cells (PSCs). We also demonstrate the feasibility of comparing the proteomic composition between diaphragm regions enriched and poor in NMJs. By this approach we have identified two proteins that are significantly upregulated only in the NMJ-specific regions of SMA mice. These are apoptosis inducing factor 1 (AIFM1), a mitochondrial flavoprotein that initiates apoptosis in a caspase-independent pathway, and four and a half Lim domain protein 1 (FHL1), a regulator of skeletal muscle mass that has been implicated in several myopathies.


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The growth of neuroblastoma (N2a) and Schwann cells has been explored on polymer derived carbon substrates of varying micro and nanoscale geometries: resorcinol-formaldehyde (RE) gel derived carbon films and electrospun nanofibrous (similar to 200 nm diameter) mat and SU-8 (a negative photoresist) derived carbon micro-patterns. MTT assay and complementary lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) assay established cytocompatibility of RE derived carbon films and fibers over a period of 6 days in culture. The role of length scale of surface patterns in eliciting lineage-specific adaptive response along, across and on the interspacing between adjacent micropatterns (i.e., ``on'', ``across'' and ``off'') has been assayed. Textural features were found to affect 3',5'-cyclic AMP sodium salt-induced neurite outgrowth, over a wide range of length scales: from similar to 200 nm (carbon fibers) to similar to 60 mu m (carbon patterns). Despite their innate randomness, carbon nanofibers promoted preferential differentiation of N2a cells into neuronal lineage, similar to ordered micro-patterns. Our results, for the first time, conclusively demonstrate the potential of RE-gel and SU-8 derived carbon substrates as nerve tissue engineering platforms for guided proliferation and differentiation of neural cells in vitro. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Poly-ε-caprolactone (PCL) is a biodegradable and biocompatible polymer used in tissue engineering for various clinical applications. Schwann cells (SCs) play an important role in nerve regeneration and repair. SCs attach and proliferate on PCL films but cellular responses are weak due to the hydrophobicity and neutrality of PCL. In this study, PCL films were hydrolysed and aminolysed to modify the surface with different functional groups and improve hydrophilicity. Hydrolysed films showed a significant increase in hydrophilicity while maintaining surface topography. A significant decrease in mechanical properties was also observed in the case of aminolysis. In vitro tests with Schwann cells (SCs) were performed to assess film biocompatibility. A short-time experiment showed improved cell attachment on modified films, in particular when amino groups were present on the material surface. Cell proliferation significantly increased when both treatments were performed, indicating that surface treatments are necessary for SC response. It was also demonstrated that cell morphology was influenced by physico-chemical surface properties. PCL can be used to make artificial conduits and chemical modification of the inner lumen improves biocompatibility.


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Peripheral nerve damage is a problem encountered after trauma and during surgery and the development of synthetic polymer conduits may offer a promising alternative to autografts. In order to improve the performance of the polymer to be used for nerve conduits, poly-ε-caprolactone (PCL) films were chemically functionalized with RGD moieties, using a chemical reaction previously developed. In vitro cultures of dissociated dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons provide a valid model to study different factors affecting axonal growth. In this work, DRG neurons were cultured on RGD-functionalized PCL films. Adult adipose-derived stem cells differentiated to Schwann cells (dASCs) were initially cultured on the functionalized PCL films, resulting in improved attachment and proliferation. dASCs were also co-cultured with DRG neurons on treated and untreated PCL to assess stimulation by dASCs on neurite outgrowth. Neuron response was generally poor on untreated PCL films, but long neurites were observed in the presence of dASCs or RGD moieties. A combination of the two factors enhanced even further neurite outgrowth, acting synergistically. Finally, in order to better understand the extracellular matrix (ECM)-cell interaction, a β1 integrin blocking experiment was carried out. Neurite outgrowth was not affected by the specific antibody blocking, showing that β1 integrin function can be compensated by other molecules present on the cell membrane. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.