996 resultados para Periplaneta-americana
Thelastoma domesticus sp. nov. se halló parasitando a ninfas de Periplaneta americana (Linnaeus, 1758) en la ciudad de La Plata, Província de Buenos Aires, Argentina, en el presente trabajo se describe e ilustra. Esta especie nueva se caracteriza por tener en la boca un estoma simple de paredes gruesas, fuertemente cuticularizada formando tres pares de nodulos en dos filas, sin dientes, el poro excretor es posterior, se ubica al comienzo del intestino, el macho presenta una distribución particular de las papilas genitales: un par grande de papilas preanales y tres pares posanales agrupadas, de las cuales el segundo par se encuentra desplazado lateralmente, configurando así con las otras papilas posanales un círculo.
Investigations were carried out on the host parasitoid interaction between Periplaneta americana, the American cockroach and Tetrastichus hagenowii, an oothecal parasitoid. This gregarious female parasitoid infected and or oviposited in only one host and caused 100 por cento mortality of the infected host. However, increase in parasitoid density decreased the progeny production and influenced the sex ratio. The progenies produced were male biased. When host preference was tested by offering oothecae of different species of cockroaches, T. hagenowii showed a predilection towards the oothecae of P. americana, suggestings its host specificity.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Acentuación en Microbiología) UANL, 2013.
Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias Especialidad en Microbiología) UANL, 2012.
The influence of temperatures on the life parameters of the solitary oothecal parasitoid Evania appendigaster, was investigated in the laboratory. Parasitized oothecae of Periplaneta americana were left to develop under seven constant temperatures: 15, 17, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 degrees C. At the end, we found that: (i) E. appendigaster was able to complete development within the temperature range of 17-34 degrees C; (ii) mean adult longevity decreased as temperature increased, with the temperature of 40 degrees C being fatal in a matter of hours; (iii) males lived longer than females between 15 and 30 degrees C; (iv) adult emergence rate was the highest at 25 degrees C, and (v) no wasps emerged at 15 or 40 degrees C. Non-emerged oothecae contained either unhatched eggs or dead larvae. We determined the theoretical lower developmental threshold and thermal constant for the complete development as 12.9 degrees C and 584.8 day-degrees for males, and 13.1 degrees C and 588.2 day-degrees for females, respectively. A good balance between faster development, maximum adult longevity and good egg viability was obtained between 25-30 degrees C, and that would be the best temperature range for rearing E. appendigaster. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The embryonic development of oothecae of Periplaneta americana was evaluated under four different constant temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 degrees C and also at different exposure times at <5 degrees C. Their suitability as hosts after the treatment for the parasitoids Evania appendigaster and Aprostocetus hagenowii was also assessed. Temperatures of 5, 10, 15, and 35 degrees C adversely affected the development of the cockroaches, and exposure times to <5 degrees C longer than 5 days sufficed to kill all the embryos in the oothecae. The lower thermal threshold for complete development of P. americana was estimated to be 6.8 degrees C, with a required total amount of 900.9 degree-days. Cold-killed oothecae were still fit for the development of parasitoids. Parasitism rates of A hagenowii were higher than those of E appendigaster, although with lower emergence rates. Our results can be useful in aiding mass-rearing of these parasitoids for biological control programmes of A americana, and may help forecast the time of emergence of nymphs of American cockroaches in infested areas. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Entomologia Agrícola) - FCAV
Allergie gegen Schaben ist eine der Hauptursachen für das Auftreten von allergischem Asthma und allergischer Rhinitis. Verursacht werden diese Krankheiten durch die Schabenallergene. Obwohl bisher zahlreiche Allergene identifiziert wurden, ist bisher nicht bekannt, was ein Protein tatsächlich zu einem Allergen macht. Um die intrinsischen Eigenschaften von Allergenen besser verstehen zu können, wurden in dieser Arbeit Reinigungsprotokolle für die zwei Allergenklassen Per a 3 und Per a 9 aus der Amerikanischen Schabe entwickelt und die Allergene biochemisch und immunologisch charakterisiert. Die Besonderheit der Per a 3-Allergene liegt zum einen darin, dass bisher keine kreuzreagierenden Allergene bekannt sind und zum anderen, dass es sich um -hinsichtlich Temperatur, Harnstoff und Hydrolyse- sehr stabile hexamere Proteine handelt. Zudem sind sie in ihrer nativen hexameren Oligomerisierung stärkere Allergene und in dissoziierter Form könnten sie geeignete Kandidaten für eine Immuntherapie sein. Proteinbiochemisch sind die Per a 3-Allergene als Hexamerine einzustufen. Bei Per a 9 handelt es sich um eine monomere Arginin-Kinase mit allergenem Potential. Aufgrund der weiten Verbreitung der Arginin-Kinasen, den hohen Sequenzidentitäten zu weiteren Invertebraten-Arginin-Kinasen und den bisher bekannten Kreuzreaktionen sind diese Proteine aus Invertebraten wahrscheinlich als Pan-Allergene einzustufen.
Background: Evidence indicates that infection with Ascaris lumbricoides may promote development of allergy and asthma. Objective: To study the role of tropomyosin, a pan-allergen in invertebrates, in IgE responses to A lumbricoides. Methods: Recombinant A lumbricoides and Periplaneta americana tropomyosins were expressed in Pichia pastoris. Levels of IgE to tropomyosins from A lumbricoides and P americana were determined by chimeric ELISA in sera from 119 children living in a parasite-endemic area and 112 patients with cockroach allergy from the allergy clinics. Presence of tropomyosin in A lumbricoides larvae at L3 stage was evaluated by immunofluorescence using mAb IA6, directed against mite tropomyosin. Molecular modeling of P americana and A lumbricoides tropomyosins was performed by using the MODELLER program. Results: A lumbricoides tropomyosin showed 69% to 98% sequence identity to tropomyosins from other invertebrates. The predicted structure of A lumbricoides tropomyosin was similar to that of P americana tropomyosin and showed the characteristic coiled-coil structure. Strong correlation was found for IgE antibodies to tropomyosins from A lumbricoides and P americana in sera from children living in a parasite-endemic area and from patients with cockroach allergy. Larvae of A lumbricoides reacted strongly with mAb IA6. Conclusion: Tropomyosin induces IgE responses in A lumbricoides-infected children and in patients allergic to cockroach.
A coleta de baratas na cidade de Manaus resultou em seis espécies associadas às habitações, estabelecimentos comerciais e educacionais, sendo quatro predominantemente dentro das habitações, Blatella germanica (Linnaeus, 1758), Supella longipalpa (Fabricius, 1798), Periplaneta americana (Linnaeus, 1758), P. australasiae (Fabricius, 1775) e duas fora das habitações, Pycnoscelus surinamensis (Linnaeus, 1758) e Blaberus parabolicus Walker, 1868. P. americana foi comum tanto interna como externamente às instalações urbanas; P. australasiae foi predominante em barcos; P. surinamensis e B. parabolicus foram invasoras ocasionais de residências na estação chuvosa. São apresentadas fotos coloridas, em tamanho natural, para reconhecimento das espécies.
The author publishes a comparative study of eleven species of Sarcophagid flies and gives a redescription of the larval stages of Musca domestica L. as a model. The work was made upon material obtained from Sarcophagidae reared in the Laboratory. Some of them were parasitic flies from Insects and other invertebrates. Protodexia was reared using the domestic cockroach (Periplaneta americana) instead of the Orthroptera or Mantodea its true hosts. The larvae obtained by dissection of female abdomen was reared in flesh or agarhorse serum. The last proceeding is very good since the skins of all larval stages can be conserved for study and it is possible to observe the ecdyses. Some of the larvae prefer dead snails (Bulimulus and Fruticicola) and is able to destroy larvae of other species found in the same molluscs. The first stage maggot can be obtained by dissections of dried female specimens and furnishes very good characters to determine the species and establish the philogenetical relationship of the genera in the family. Th pseudocephalon presents very curious ornaments or grooves in some species (Oxysarcodexia). Sometimes there is a pigmented capsule covering a great part of the pseudocephalon (Titanogrypa). The cephaloskeletal sclerietes have a peculiar shape and constitution for every species, mainly in the first stage maggot.
Although asthma has been commonly associated with sensitivity to cockroaches, a clear causal relationship between asthma, allergy to cockroaches and exposure levels has not been extensively investigated. The objective of the present study was to determine whether asthma occurs more frequently in children living in homes with high cockroach infestation. The intensity of household infestation was assessed by the number of dead insects after professional pesticide application. Children living in these houses in the metropolitan area of Recife, PE, were diagnosed as having asthma by means of a questionnaire based on the ISAAC study. All children had physician-diagnosed asthma and at least one acute exacerbation in the past year. Children of both sexes aged 4 to 12 years who had been living in the households for more than 2 years participated in this transverse study and had a good socioeconomic status. In the 172 houses studied, 79 children were considered to have been exposed to cockroaches and 93 not to have been exposed. Children living in residences with more than 5 dead cockroaches after pesticide application were considered to be at high infestation exposure. Asthma was diagnosed by the questionnaire in 31.6% (25/79) of the exposed group and in 11.8% (11/93) of the non-exposed group (P = 0.001), with a prevalence ratio of 3.45 (95%CI, 1.48-8.20). The present results indicate that exposure to cockroaches was significantly associated with asthma among the children studied and can be considered a risk factor for the disease. Blattella germanica and Periplaneta americana were the species found in 96% of the infested houses.
Der täglich Wechsel von Hell- und Dunkelphasen führte während der Evolution zur Entwicklung innerer Uhren in nahezu allen Organismen. In der Schabe Rhyparobia maderae lokalisierten Läsions- und Transplantationsexperimente die innere Uhr in der akzessorischen Medulla (AME). Dieses kleine birnenförmige Neuropil am ventromedianen Rand der Medulla ist mit etwa 240 Neuronen assoziiert, die eine hohe Anzahl an zum Teil kolokalisierten Neuropeptiden und Neurotransmittern exprimieren. Diese Signalstoffe scheinen essentiell zu sein für die Synchronisation der inneren Uhr mit der Umwelt, der Kopplung der beiden bilateralen AME, der Aufrechterhaltung des circadianen Rhythmus sowie der zeitlichen Steuerung bestimmter Verhaltensweisen. Während die Funktion einiger dieser neuronalen Botenstoffe bereits gut untersucht ist, fehlt sie für andere. Zudem ist noch ungeklärt, wann einzelne Botenstoffe im circadianen Netzwerk agieren. Im Fokus dieser Studie lag daher die Erforschung der Funktion von SIFamide und Corazonin im circadianen Netzwerk sowie die weitere Untersuchung der Funktionen der Neuropeptide MIP und PDF. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass SIFamide auch in R. maderae in vier großen neurosekretorischen Zellen in der pars intercerebralis exprimiert wird. Varikosenreiche SIFamide-immureaktive (-ir) Fasern innervieren eine Vielzahl an Neuropilen und finden sich auch in der Hüllregion der AME. Injektionsexperimente resultierten in einer monophasischen Phasen-Antwort-Kurve (PRC) mit einer Verzögerung zur frühen subjektiven Nacht. SIFamide ist also ein Eingangssignal für das circadiane Netzwerk und könnte in der Kontrolle der Schalf/Wach-Homöostase involviert sein. Auch Corazonin fungiert als Eingangssignal. Da die Injektionsexperimente in einer monophasischen PRC mit einem Phasenvorschub zur späten subjektiven Nacht resultierten, ist davon auszugehen, dass die Corazonin-ir AME-Zelle Bestandteil des Morning-Oszillator-Netzwerkes in R. maderae ist. Darüber hinaus zeigten Backfill-Experimente, dass MIP an der Kopplung beider AMAE beteiligt ist. ELISA-Quantifizierungen der PDF-Level im Tagesverlauf ergaben Schwankungen in der Konzentration, die auf eine Ausschüttung des Peptids während des Tages hindeuten – ähnlich wie es in Drosophila melanogaster der Fall ist. Dies spiegelt sich in der vervollständigten bimodalen PDF-PRC wieder. Hier führen Injektionen zu einem Phasenvorschub, bevor maximale Peptidlevel erreicht werden, sowie zu einer Phasenverzögerung, sobald die Peptidlevel wieder zu sinken beginnen. Die PRCs erlauben somit Rückschlüsse auf den Zeitpunkt der maximalen Peptidfreisetzung. PDF-ir Neuriten findet sich zudem in sämtlichen Ganglien des ventralen Strickleiternervensystems, was eine Funktion in der Kontrolle der Prozesse impliziert, die durch die Mustergeneratoren in Thorakal- und Abdominalganglien gesteuert werden.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Evania appendigaster is a cosmopolitan wasp that deposits eggs in the oothecae of some species of cockroaches; its larvae then consume the cockroach eggs and embryos. It is a candidate for the biological control of cockroaches, but little is known about its basic biology. Here we describe the external morphology of all immature stages of E. appendigaster and compare them with the larvae of related species. The life cycle of E. appendigaster includes three larval instars, each with 13 body segments. Their mouthparts were generally reduced, except for the mandibles, which were always sclerotized and toothed, and were especially robust in second-instar larvae. Antennal and mouthpart sensilla were basiconic and difficult to observe. Larvae of E. appendigaster are similar in form to other described evaniid larvae, but quite different from the two available descriptions of larvae of gasteruptiid and aulacid wasps. Further descriptions of evaniid larvae will be useful in determining how widespread this morphology is within the family, and in understanding phylogenetic relationships within Hymenoptera.