59 resultados para Periphere arterielle Verschlusskrankheit
Universität Magdeburg, Univ., Dissertation, 2016
Magdeburg, Univ., Med. Fak., Diss., 2012
Universität Magdeburg, Univ., Dissertation, 2016
Normalerweise eine Störung der ersten Schwangerschaft, ist die Präeklampsie charakterisiert durch eine arterielle Hypertonie (> 140 mmHg systolisch oder > 90 mmHg diastolisch), die in der Regel nach der 20. Schwangerschaftswoche auftritt und von einer Proteinurie begleitet wird [1]. Die Präeklampsie wird als ,,schwer" bezeichnet, wenn sie mit einer wesentlichen Erhöhung des Blutdrucks (> 160 mmHg systolisch oder > 110 mmHg diastolisch), schwerer Proteinurie, Oligurie, Lungenödem, abdominalen Schmerzen, Leberfunktionsstörungen, Thrombozytopenie und visuellen oder zerebralen Symptomen einhergeht. Eine Eklampsie wiederum ist durch die Entwicklung von tonisch-klonischen Anfällen bei einer präeklamptischen Patientin charakterisiert. Bei der Alpha-Thalassämie tritt ein Defekt von 2 oder mehr der 4 Alpha-Globin-Gene auf. Von einer Alpha-Thalassämie minor spricht man, wenn 2 Alpha-Ketten-Gene deletiert sind. Sie tritt häufig bei Menschen aus Afrika, Südostasien, dem westindischen und mediterranen Raum auf. Die Alpha-Thalassämie minor verursacht eine milde bis moderate mikrozytäre Anämie. Wir berichten über eine Patientin mit peripherer okklusiver Vaskulopathie im Rahmen einer kombinierten Präeklampsie und Alpha-Thalassämie minor.
Only half of hypertensive patients has controlled blood pressure. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is also associated with low blood pressure control, 25-30% of CKD patients achieving adequate blood pressure. The Community Preventive Services Task Force has recently recommended team-based care to improve blood pressure control. Team-based care of hypertension involves facilitating coordination of care among physician, pharmacist and nurse and requires sharing clinical data, laboratory results, and medications, e.g., electronically or by fax. Based on recent studies, development and evaluation of team-based care of hypertensive patients should be done in the Swiss healthcare system.
Severe hypertension represents a frequent problem for the general practitioner. One has to decide if the blood pressure needs to be decreased immediately (hypertensive emergency), or if the blood pressure maybe progressively decreased in a few hours and normalized in a few days (hypertensive crisis). Thus it is crucial to identify on the basis of the clinical history and a careful physical examination, the patients for whom the arterial blood pressure elevation represents an acute danger for organ damage or a vital threat in the absence of immediate blood pressure control. In the case of hypertensive crisis, oral medication is usually sufficient (slow release or GITS nifedipine, nitroglycerin, labetalol, captopril). The hypertensive emergency sometimes requires an oral medication before the admission to the emergency room, then followed by intravenous drug administration (sodium nitroprussiate, nitroglycerin, labetalol).
Essential hypertension is a very heterogeneous disease. The availability of antihypertensive drugs lowering blood pressure by various mechanisms allows most often to tailor the treatment, i.e. to find for each patient a drug regimen that is both efficient and well tolerated. Frequently medications given as monotherapy are not effective enough so that the use of drug combinations is required. When combined, low doses of antihypertensive agents are generally sufficient, so that tolerability is optimally preserved. Unfortunately many patients do not have their blood pressure controlled during antihypertensive therapy. These patients therefore do not benefit maximally from the cardiovascular protection afforded by blood pressure lowering. It is also imperative to correct all cardiovascular risk factors in each hypertensive patient. Such a multifactorial approach is known to improve effectively the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
In approximately 10% of adults, ambulatory blood pressures recorded during everyday activities or selfmeasured blood pressures are abnormally elevated whereas office blood pressures are in a normal range. This type of blood pressure behavior, known as masked hypertension, is associated with an increased cardiovascular risk. It may be pertinent to search for the presence of masked hypertension in individuals having sometimes elevated, sometimes normal office blood pressures, as well as in very high risk patients and in patients requiring an optimal blood pressure control, such as for instance in those with diabetes or nephropathy.
Captopril, or SQ 14,225 an orally active inhibitor of angiotensin-converting enzyme, produced a significant blood pressure reduction in 26 hypertensives. This new drug, alone or combined with a diuretic, has normalized the blood pressure of the 22 patients on long-term treatment.
Today two largely new approaches are available for the treatment of clinical hypertension. First, captopril, an orally active angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, makes possible chronic blockade of the renin-angiotensin system. This compound, given alone or in combination with a diuretic, normalizes the blood pressure of most hypertensive patients. Unfortunately, because captopril may induce serious adverse effects the use of this inhibitor must be restricted to patients with high blood pressure refractory to conventional antihypertensive drugs. Second, compounds such as verapamil and nifedipine are capable of producing a marked vasodilating effect by inhibiting the entry of calcium into the vascular smooth muscle cells. However, the role of calcium channel blockers in the treatment of hypertensive disease awaits more precise definition.