998 resultados para Perioperative Nursing


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This chapter introduces the beginning perioperative nurse to the key concepts and principles informing perioperative practice within Australasia. It describes the patient care roles of the nurse as well as the perioperative context and culture that inform the delivery of care during the surgical patient's journey. Aspects of the regulatory environment are examined, such as advocacy, accountability, delegation and scope of practice. In addition, the chapter explores the role of professional associations and highlights the importance of practice standards for perioperative nursing. The role of evidence-based practice (EBP) is also acknowledged. As this dynamic nursing speciality continues to evolve, the chapter concludes with a discussion of emerging advanced-practice roles for perioperative nurses.


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The study was descriptive and exploratory utilising survey methodology. The major outcome was a list of recommendations encompassing educational, professional, and management issues.


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This research aimed to investigate the main concern facing nurses in minimising risk within the perioperative setting and to generate an explanatory substantive theory of how they resolve this through anticipatory vigilance. In the context of the perioperative setting, nurses encounter challenges in minimising risks for their patients on a continuous basis. Current explanations of minimising risk in the perioperative setting offers insights into how perioperative nurses undertake their work. Currently research in minimising risk is broadly related to dealing with errors as opposed to preventing them. To date, little is known about how perioperative nurses practice and maintain safety. This study was guided by the principles of classic grounded theory as described by Glaser (1978, 1998, 2001). Data was collected through individual unstructured interviews with thirty seven perioperative nurses (with varying lengths of experiences of working in the area) and thirty three hours of non-participant observation within eight different perioperative settings in the Republic of Ireland. Data was simultaneously collected and analysed. The theory of anticipatory vigilance emerged as the pattern of behaviour through which nurse’s deal with their main concern of minimising risk in a high risk setting. Anticipatory vigilance is enacted through orchestrating, routinising and momentary adapting within a spirit of trusting relations within the substantive area of the perioperative setting. This theory of offers an explanation on how nurses resolve their main concern of minimising risk within the perioperative setting. The theory of anticipatory vigilance will be useful to nurses in providing a comprehensive framework of explanation and understanding on how nurses deal with minimising risk in the perioperative setting. The theory links perioperative nursing, risk and vigilance together. Clinical improvements through understanding and awareness of the theory of anticipatory vigilance will result in an improved quality environment, leading to safe patient outcomes.


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The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of post-operative mediastinitis with the purpose to contribute to nursing care knowledge. To do this, an analysis was performed on 896 medical records of patients who underwent heart surgery involving sternotomy at the Cardiology Emergency Room of Recife-PE, in the period between June 2007 and June 2009. The following variables were considered: gender, age, type of surgery, personal history, length of stay, use of antibiotics, and culture of the surgical wound. A high death rate from mediastinitis was observed (33.3%). Several risk factors were identified, including: systemic arterial hypertension (80.9%); smoking (61.9%); diabetes mellitus (42.8%); and obesity (33.3%), most of which (76.2%) were identified in patients who underwent surgery for myocardial revascularization. It is concluded that mediastinitis is a serious infection that needs continuous nursing supervision and preventive measures to assure an early diagnosis and, thus, reduce mortality.


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In his 2013 three-minute speech on unacceptable behaviour in the workplace, Lieutenant General David Morrison makes the above insightful statement. While the context of the speech is the defence force, the meaning of the powerful message holds true for perioperative nursing. Perioperative nurses are part of a profession. Professions Australia, a national organisation of professional associations which aims to advance and promote professionalism for the benefit of the community, provides us with a definition of a profession2 and perioperative nurses meet this definition. Perioperative nurses possess special knowledge and skills grounded in a widely recognised body of discipline knowledge derived from research, education and high-level training. We control and regulate our own boundaries of work. We adhere to ethical and professional standards and values. Specialty professional practice standards define perioperative nurses as a community of professionals — assisting perioperative nurses when advocating for consistency in quality patient care3. It is an imperative for every professional perioperative nurse to model practice underpinned by the ACORN Standards throughout their workplace. Hence, Lieutenant General Morrison’s profound statement is a mantra each perioperative nurse could readily adopt and model in their practice environment...


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"Standards are living documents which reflect progress in science, technology and systems" - Standards Australia.


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Falar da humanização é retomar a tradição do ocidente de pensar o lugar que o ser humano ocupa no mundo, nas inter-relações com seus semelhantes, na esfera social e também de saúde, em uma ética e solidariedade. Para uma prática de cuidados humanizada, o início destes cuidados deve ocorrer com o acolhimento do usuário em todos os setores, entre eles o Centro Cirúrgico. Este estudo tem como objetivo geral: compreender o processo de acolhimento no cotidiano da assistência de enfermagem no Centro Cirúrgico a partir da diretriz: acolhimento, ambiência e clínica ampliada da Política Nacional de Humanização. E como objetivos específicos: descrever o acolhimento do usuário durante as práticas cotidianas do cuidado de enfermagem no Centro Cirúrgico; analisar as experiências de acolhimento na perspectiva dos usuários no Centro Cirúrgico durante as práticas cotidianas do cuidado de enfermagem e identificar as estratégias utilizadas durante o cuidado de enfermagem no Centro Cirúrgico que concretizam a viabilização da diretriz: acolhimento, ambiência e clínica ampliada. Para dar conta do estudo selecionamos a abordagem etnometodológica, caráter exploratório. O cenário do estudo foi um hospital da rede estadual do Rio de Janeiro e os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista semiestruturada realizada com 18 usuários em pós-operatório e observação participante no Centro Cirúrgico. Em seguida submetidos à análise de conteúdo de Bardin, emergindo três categorias: A recepção do usuário no Centro Cirúrgico; caracterização da realização do acolhimento na recepção do Centro Cirúrgico na perspectiva do usuário e estratégias de cuidado direcionadas para ambiência, acolhimento e clínica ampliada. Conclui-se que compreender o processo de acolhimento no cotidiano da assistência de enfermagem somente foi possível pelo compartilhamento de experiências de usuários que utilizaram os serviços da unidade. O cuidado de enfermagem neste ambiente foi identificado a partir de duas práxis: na recepção do paciente para cirurgia eletiva e diferentemente para cirurgia de emergência. O ambiente do Centro Cirúrgico gera no usuário uma gama de sentimentos e há um imaginário em torno do evento cirúrgico e deste espaço. No que se refere à diretriz, o cuidado de enfermagem neste setor atende parcialmente ao que esta estabelecido. Um caminho para a viabilização da PNH e da diretriz: acolhimento, ambiência e clínica ampliada é a educação continuada em serviço que deve não somente dispor da política em sua teoria, mas desenvolver métodos para que a torne concreta e palpável promovendo melhoria no cuidado de enfermagem.


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This study aimed to compare the efficiency of the thermal blanket and thermal mattress in the prevention of hypothermia during surgery. Thirty-eight randomized patients were divided into two groups (G1 - thermal blanket and G2 - thermal mattress). The variables studied were: length of surgery, length of stay in the post-anesthetic care unit, period without using the device after thermal induction, transport time from the operating room to post-anesthetic care unit, intraoperative fluid infusion, surgery size, anesthetic technique, age, body mass index, esophageal, axillary and operating room temperature. In G2, length of surgery and starch infusion longer was higher (both p=0.03), but no hypothermia occurred. During the surgical anesthetic procedure, the axillary temperature was higher at 120 minutes (p=0.04), and esophageal temperature was higher at 120 (p=0.002) and 180 minutes (p=0.03) and at the end of the procedure (p=0.002). The thermal mattress was more effective in preventing hypothermia during surgery.


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Patient discharge from post-anesthetic recovery (PAR) depends, among other factors, on normothermia and the patient's score on the Aldrete-Kroulik index. The objective of this study was to verify the relationship between the Aldrete-Kroulik index and body temperature in patients. This study was performed at the University of Sao Paulo University Hospital. Convenience sampling was used, and the sample consisted of 60 patients of ages between 18 and 60 years who underwent general anesthesia. The patients' body temperature was obtained by tympanic measurement, and the Aldrete-Kroulik index was measured on admission and at discharge from post-anesthetic recovery. The data were processed using SPSS, considering a significance level of 5%, and the Spearman and Wilcoxon tests were applied. In conclusion, no significant correlation was found between the two parameters for discharge.


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This is a quasi-experimental study performed using a short-term educational intervention involving nursing aides working in a Surgery Department, with the objective to identify the social and professional characteristics of the nursing aides, identify the differences in their knowledge regarding hypothermia following the educational intervention, and relate the nursing actions to the studied variables. It was found that the educational intervention was effective, considering that the difference in the mean nursing actions was 5.35 following the intervention. However, no significant difference was found regarding the nursing actions related to the studied variables. Further studies should be performed to investigate the education of nursing professionals considering their significant learning requirements in different units.


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Este artigo tem por objetivos apresentar uma síntese da evolução do conteúdo de bloco cirúrgico na Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo (EEUSP) e uma reflexão sobre as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem (DCN). O estudo se desenvolveu a partir de um breve histórico do desenvolvimento da enfermagem em centro cirúrgico na prática profissional e sua inserção no currículo de graduação da EEUSP. As Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais têm seu mérito ao assegurar às instituições de ensino superior a liberdade na composição da carga horária a ser cumprida para a integralização dos currículos e na especificação das unidades de estudo a serem ministradas, porém, as competências e habilidades propostas são inespecíficas. Entendemos que o enfermeiro generalista é aquele que tem oportunidades de aprendizado teórico prático para atuar em todos os cenários de cuidado, área e níveis de atenção em saúde.


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Este trabalho trata-se de um estudo quase experimental aplicado em uma intervenção educativa de curta duração aos auxiliares de enfermagem do Centro Cirúrgico, cujos objetivos foram conhecer as características sociais e de formação dos auxiliares de enfermagem; identificar a diferença no conhecimento sobre hipotermia no auxiliar de enfermagem após a intervenção educativa e relacionar as ações de enfermagem às variáveis estudadas. A intervenção educativa foi efetiva, uma vez que a diferença na média das ações de enfermagem foi de 5,35 após a intervenção educativa. Entretanto, não se verificou diferença significativa das ações de enfermagem quando relacionadas às variáveis estudadas. Recomenda-se realizar estudos sobre educação nos profissionais de Enfermagem, baseado na aprendizagem significativa nas diferentes unidades.