947 resultados para Perineal trauma
Introduction: The purpose of this study was to compare the frequency and severity of perineal trauma during spontaneous birth with or without perineal injections of hyaluronidase (HAase). Methods: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial was conducted in a midwife-led, in-hospital birth center in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Primiparous women (N = 160) were randomly assigned to an experimental (n = 80) or control (n = 80) group. During the second stage of labor, women in the experimental group received an injection of 20.000 turbidity-reducing units of HAase in the posterior region of the perineum, and those in the control group received a placebo injection. The assessment of perineal outcome was performed by 2 independent nurse-midwives. A 1-tailed Fisher exact test was performed, and a P value < .025 was considered statistically significant. Results: Perineal integrity occurred in 34.2% of the experimental group and in 32.5% of the control group, which was not a statistically significant difference (P = .477). First-degree laceration was the most common trauma in the posterior region of the perineum in women in both groups (experimental = 56%, control = 42.6%). Severe perineal trauma occurred in 28.9% of the experimental group and 38.8% of the control group, which also was not a statistically significant difference (P =. 131). The depth of second-degree perineal lacerations in the experimental and control groups, measured by the Peri-Rule, was 1.9 cm and 2.3 cm, respectively. An episiotomy was performed in 11 women (experimental group = 3, control group = 8), and 4 (all in control group) had third-degree lacerations. Discussion: The use of injectable HAase did not increase the proportion of intact perineum and did not reduce the proportion of severe perineal trauma in our sample. J Midwifery Womens Health 2011; 56: 436-445 (C) 2011 by the American College of Nurse-Midwives.
Our objective was to compare the frequency, degree, and location of perineal trauma during spontaneous delivery with or without perineal injections of hyaluronidase (HAase). This was a randomized, controlled pilot study, conducted in a midwifie-led hospital birth center in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Primiparous women (N = 139) were randomly assigned to an intervention group (HAase injection, n = 71) or to a control group (no injection, n = 68). Significant differences were noted between the two groups in frequency of perineal trauma (intervention, 39.4%; control, 76.5%), degree of spontaneous laceration (intervention, 0.0%; control, 82.4%), and laceration located in the posterior region of the perineum (intervention, 54.2%; control, 84.3%). When episiotomy and second-degree lacerations were considered together and women with intact perineum were excluded from the analysis, the difference between the groups was no longer significant. With the use of the HAase enzyme, the relative risk was 0.5 for perineal trauma and 0.0 for second-degree lacerations. The present findings suggest that perineal injection of HAase prevented perineal trauma. These findings provide strong rationale for a larger follow-up study.
Objective To identify the association between perineal trauma and pain in 473 primiparous women. Method Cross-sectional study in which pain was measured by the numerical pain scale (0 to 10 - 0 being no pain and 10 maximal pain). Results The prevalence and mean intensity of pain were 33.0% and 4.7 points (standard deviation = 2.0) in the numeric scale, respectively. Episiotomy represented the most frequent trauma (46.7%). The occurrence and intensity of the pain were associated with perineal trauma and postpartum time. Having perineal trauma tripled the chance of pain. Each hour elapsed following the birth reduced the chance of pain by 4.8%. Conclusion Primiparous women are subject to a high frequency of perineal trauma, with episiotomy being the most prominent. Perineal pain affects approximately one-third of primiparous women and is associated with the postpartum time and perineal traumas.
Aim and objectives. To identify maternal, newborn and obstetric factors associated with birth-related perineal trauma in one independent birth centre. Background. Risk factors for birth-related perineal trauma include episiotomy, maternal age, ethnicity, parity and interventions during labour including use of oxytocin, maternal position at time of birth and infant birth weight. Understanding more about these factors could support the management of vaginal birth to prevent spontaneous perineal trauma, in line with initiatives to reduce routine use of episiotomy. Design. Cross-sectional study. Methods. Data were retrospectively collected from one independent birth centre in Brazil, during 20062009. The dependent variable (perineal trauma) was classified as: (1) intact perineum or first-degree laceration, (2) second-degree laceration and (3) episiotomy (right mediolateral or median). Results. There were 1079 births during the study period. Parity, use of oxytocin during labour, position at time of giving birth and infant birth weight were associated with second-degree lacerations and episiotomies. After adjusting for parity, oxytocin, maternal position at the expulsive stage of labour and infant birth weight influenced perineal outcomes among primiparae only. Conclusions. Although the overall rate of episiotomies in this study was low compared with national data, it was observed that younger women were most vulnerable to this intervention. In this age group in particular, the use of oxytocin as well as semi-upright positions at the time of birth was associated with second-degree lacerations and episiotomies. Relevance to clinical practice. The use of upright alternative positions for birth and avoidance of use of oxytocin could reduce the risk of perineal trauma from lacerations and need to perform episiotomy.
Methods: We conducted a randomized controlled trial at the Amparo Maternal Birth Center in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Study participants included 114 nulliparous women divided into 3 groups (n = 38 per group): experimental (ice packs on the perineum), placebo (water packs at set temperature), and control (no treatment). Results: A numerical scale (0 to 10) was used for pain assessment. A comparison of the average pain at the beginning and after 20 minutes showed a significant reduction of pain (P < .001) in the 3 groups, and the experimental group had a lower average score for pain compared with the control group (1.6 versus 3.3, P = .032). Discussion: The use of ice packs for 20 minutes was effective for perineal pain relief after vaginal birth.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Vaginal birth delivery may result in acute and persistent perineal pain postpartum. This study evaluated the association between catastrophizing, a phenomenon of poor psychological adjustment to pain leading the individual to magnify the painful experience making it more intense, and the incidence and severity of perineal pain and its relationship to perineal trauma. METHOD: Cohort study conducted with pregnant women in labor. We used the pain catastrophizing scale during hospitalization and assessed the degree of perineal lesion and pain severity in the first 24 hours and after 8 weeks of delivery using a numerical pain scale. RESULTS: We evaluated 55 women, with acute pain reported by 69.1%, moderate/severe pain by 36.3%, and persistent pain by 14.5%. Catastrophizing mean score was 2.15 ± 1.24. Catastrophizing patients showed a 2.90 relative risk (RR) for perineal pain (95% CI: 1.08-7.75) and RR: 1.31 for developing persistent perineal pain (95% CI: 1.05-1.64). They also showed a RR: 2.2 for developing acute and severe perineal pain (95% CI: 1.11-4.33). CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of acute and persistent perineal pain after vaginal delivery is high. Catastrophizing pregnant women are at increased risk for developing acute and persistent perineal pain, as well as severe pain. Perineal trauma increased the risk of persistent perineal pain.
The aim was to define post-caesarean dyspareunia as a sexual and pelvic-perineal symptom. Post-caesarean (80 elective, 104 emergency) and 100 vaginally delivered primiparae had domiciliary interviews at 10 months postpartum. A total of 50 (28% and 27%) post-caesarean and 46 (46%) vaginally delivered, reported dyspareunia. Severely impaired general sexual health occurred in 82 (24% elective, 25% emergency, 35% vaginally delivered) as category 3 (dyspareunia with sexual symptoms) and 27 (10% elective, 7% emergency, 12% vaginally delivered) as category 4 (reduced frequency <6). The risk of dyspareunia (RR 1.14, CI 0.73, 1.77) or impaired general sexual health (RR 0.93, CI 0.32, 2.74) was similar among those with or without perineal trauma. Both caesarean and perineal scars were associated with sexual malfunction. Primiparae with new incontinence had a lower risk of dyspareunia than impaired general sexual health. Awareness of the associations of post-caesarean dyspareunia and impaired general sexual health with incontinence would facilitate appropriate obstetric decision-making. Further research is indicated. © 2011 Informa UK, Ltd.
Objetivo. Determinar los efectos del uso de la pelota de parto (PdP) durante el trabajo de parto en relación al tiempo de dilatación y expulsivo, la integridad perineal, la percepción de la intensidad del dolor y la seguridad. Método. Ensayo clínico controlado y aleatorizado. Participantes: nulíparas de 18 a 35 años, bajo riesgo, a término. Intervención: realización de movimientos sentadas sobre PdP durante el parto. Variables resultado: tiempo de dilatación y expulsivo; integridad perineal; percepción del dolor, recuerdo del dolor en el puerperio y pre-post intervención; tipo de parto; motivo de distocia; Apgar; ingreso en UCI neonatal. Análisis: comparación de grupos: t-Student para variables contínuas y Ji-cuadrado para categóricas. Significación p≤0,05. Resultados. 58 participantes (34 grupo experimental y 24 grupo control). El tiempo de dilatación y expulsivo, y la integridad perineal fue similar entre grupos. A los 4 cm el grupo experimental refirió menos dolor que el grupo control; 6,9 puntos vs 8,2 (p = 0,039). La diferencia en la percepción del dolor recordada en el puerperio inmediato fue de 1,48 puntos mayor en el grupo control (p = 0,003). La medición del dolor en el grupo experimental antes del uso de la PdP fue de 7,45 puntos y tras la intervención de 6,07 puntos (p < 0,001). En las variables relacionadas con la seguridad no hubo diferencias entre los grupos. Conclusión. El uso de pelotas de parto disminuye la percepción del dolor de parto y es segura.
Enquadramento – A episiotomia é uma incisão feita no períneo para aumentar o canal vaginal com o objetivo de evitar outros traumas perineais durante o parto. No entanto, esta prática, por si só, já se considera um trauma perineal pelo corte em estruturas que podem desencadear problemas futuros. A Organização Mundial de Saúde (1996) recomenda a utilização limitada da episiotomia uma vez que não existem evidências credíveis de que a utilização generalizada ou de rotina desta prática tenha um efeito benéfico. Objetivos: Demonstrar evidência científica dos determinantes da prática de episiotomia seletiva em mulheres com parto normal/eutócico; identificar a prevalência de episiotomia; analisar os fatores (variáveis sociodemográficas, variáveis relativas ao recém-nascido, variáveis contextuais da gravidez e contextuais do parto) que influenciam na ocorrência de episiotomia. Métodos: O estudo empírico I seguiu a metodologia de revisão sistemática da literatura. Efetuou-se uma pesquisa na EBSCO, PubMed, SciELO, RCAAP de estudos publicados entre janeiro de 2008 e 23 de dezembro de 2014. Os estudos encontrados foram avaliados tendo em consideração os critérios de inclusão previamente estabelecidos. Dois revisores avaliaram a qualidade dos estudos a incluir utilizando a grelha para avaliação crítica de um estudo descrevendo um ensaio clínico prospetivo, aleatorizado e controlado de Carneiro (2008). Após avaliação crítica da qualidade, foram incluídos no corpus do estudo 4 artigos nos quais se obteve um score entre 87,5% e 95%. O estudo empírico II enquadra-se num estudo quantitativo, transversal, descritivo e retrospetivo, desenvolvido no serviço de Obstetrícia do Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira, segundo um processo de amostragem não probabilística por conveniência (n = 382). A recolha de dados efetuou-se através da consulta dos processos clínicos das mulheres com idade ≥ 18 anos que tiveram um parto vaginal com feto vivo após as 37 semanas de gestação. Resultados: Evidência de que a episiotomia não deve ser realizada de forma rotineira, cujo uso deve restringir-se a situações clínicas específicas. A episiotomia seletiva, comparada com a episiotomia de rotina, está relacionada com um menor risco de trauma do períneo posterior, a uma menor necessidade de sutura e a menos complicações na cicatrização. Amostra constituída por 382 mulheres, na faixa etária dos 18-46 anos. Apenas, não se procedeu à episiotomia em 41,7% da amostra, apontando para a presença da episiotomia seletiva. Número significativo de mulheres com parto eutócico (80,5%), com sutura (95,0%), laceração de grau I (64,9%), dor perineal (89,1%) sujeitas a episiotomia (58,3%). A maioria dos recém-nascidos nasceram com peso normal (92,3%), com um valor expressivo de mulheres sujeitas a episiotomia (91,4%). Ainda se constatou a existência de casos, apesar de reduzidos, em que o recém-nascido nasceu macrossómico (5,4%), tendo-se recorrido igualmente a esta prática. Não há uma associação direta entre a realização de episiotomia e os scores do APGAR. Conclusão: Face a estes resultados e com base na evidência científica disponível que recomenda, desde há vários anos, que se faça um uso seletivo da episiotomia, sugere-se que os profissionais de saúde estejam mais despertos para esta realidade, de modo a que se possam anular as resistências e as barreiras de mudanças por parte dos mesmos face ao uso seletivo da episiotomia. Para promover essa mudança de comportamentos é importante não só mostrar as evidências científicas, bem como transpô-las para a prática, capacitando os profissionais de saúde, sobretudo os enfermeiros, na sua atuação. Palavras-chave: Parto Normal/eutócico; Episiotomia; Episiotomia seletiva; Episiotomia de rotina.
Inúmeros estudos têm sido realizados com a finalidade de contribuir para a prevenção do trauma perineal no parto normal. O objetivo do presente estudo foi relacionar a altura do períneo, duração do período expulsivo, variedade de posição no desprendimento cefálico, tipo de puxo, presença de circular de cordão, peso do recém-nascido e ardor na vulva ao urinar com a ocorrência de lacerações perineais. A pesquisa foi realizada em 2003, no Centro de Parto Normal do Amparo Maternal, com uma amostra de 67 parturientes sem partos vaginais anteriores. Os resultados mostraram que não houve diferença estatisticamente significante em relação às variáveis analisadas.
La pregunta clínica d’investigació que s’ha plantejat en un inici ha estat: Resulta eficaç el massatge perineal (MP) per reduir-ne el trauma post-part? Després d’haver realitzat una cerca bibliogràfica per revisar la literatura sobre el tema, s’ha vist que ja existeixen publicacions anteriors. Per aquest motiu s’ha definit millor la pregunta en base a la informació aportada per altres estudis, realitzant variacions en quant a l’etapa del part en la qual aplicar la intervenció. La pregunta clínica d’investigació definitiva ha estat: Resulta eficaç el MP aplicat durant la primera etapa del part per reduir-ne el trauma post-part? Es tracta, doncs, d’una pregunta rellevant, nova i factible que naix d’un problema assistencial justificat a continuació. Pregunta estructurada en format P.I.C.O: P (pacient): gestants primípares. I (Intervenció): MP durant la primera etapa del part. C (Comparació): MP durant la primera etapa del part vs. atenció al part de rutina sense MP. O (Resultats): el MP durant la primera fase del part disminueix el risc de trauma perineal (TP) post-part i les conseqüències que aquest comporta. Objectiu: L’objectiu general d’aquest projecte d’investigació és comprovar l’efectivitat del MP durant la primera fase del part per reduir el TP post-part en dones primípares. Metodologia: Projecte d’assaig clínic experimental, probabilístic, aleatori simple amb control concurrent. Consta de dos grups, un grup experimental i un grup control.
Background: Surgical treatment of lower extremity fractures commonly involves the use of orthopedic table with perineal post for countertraction. However, prolonged application of the perineal post has been associated with significant complications. We describe our experience in the management of genitoperineal cutaneous injuries associated with the use of a traction table. Methods: Six patients with genitoperineal complications attributed to the use of a traction table were treated at our institution over a period of 2 years. The patient`s median age was 25 (range, 2028) years and all had fractures caused by motor vehicle collision. We evaluated the clinical presentation of these perineal injuries, operative time, therapeutic approach, clinical outcomes, and hospitalization time. Results. The mean operative time of the orthopedic surgery was 318 minutes 128 minutes (range, 185-540). All patients developed a partial-thickness necrotic area involving the perineum and scrotum in 2 days to 15 days (mean, 7 +/- 5.4) after the surgery. Three patients developed infection of the necrotic tissue. All patients underwent surgical debridement 16.5 days +/- 6.5 days (range, 13-29) after the orthopedic surgery and only one debridement procedure was nec-sure was possible in one case, and in the other cases the wound healed completely by second intention. The mean hospitalization time was 26.3 days +/- 9.7 days (range, 19-44). conclusion: Genitoperineal skin necrosis induced by perineal traction posttable is a morbid complication that demands surgical debridement and prolonged hospitalization for your treatment. There are many procedures available to reduce the risk of this complication that should be used more liberally by the orthopedic surgeons.
Traunatic perineal hernia remains a rare clinical entity despite an overall increase in blunt trauma. Because of the incidence of other associated injuries, the mortality is high. Most of the perineal defects are repaired during the orthopaedics surgery to reconstitute the pelvis and few patients develop a true perineal hernia without pelvic instability. A 80-year-old woman was involved in a running over accident with disjunction of pubic symphysis, dislocation of sacrum-iliac junction and fracture of pubis and ischium. The patient was submitted to an orthopaedic surgery and latter development an perineal hernia through the genitalia. The diagnosis could be established with physical examination alone. Conventional radiology, computadorized tomography, and ultrasound should also be done to progran the surgery. The repair approach was performed using a marlex mesh, fixed in the pelvic bones, Cooper ligament, and the abdominal wall. The mesh was stood in a retro- peritoneal position, rebuilding the pelvic floor without reconstruction the pelvic bones. We conclude that this is an efficient approach to repair of traumatic postoperative perineal hernia, mainly in patients with high operative risk, when the osseous repair is not necessary.
Aims and objectives. To compare the effect of an ice pack applied for 10, 15 and 20 minutes to relieve perineal pain after birth. Background. Perineal pain after vaginal birth, with or without vaginal trauma, is one of the most common morbidities reported for postnatal women. Cryotherapy has been used in postpartum period to relieve perineal pain and investigated in several studies. However, cryotherapy treatment protocols in perineal care vary widely regarding temperature, frequency and duration of the application. Design. A controlled trial, randomised for two groups and with a third group as a historical control. Method. The intervention was carried out in a maternity hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The study population consisted of three groups of 38 women who used an ice pack on the perineum, in a single application: group A-10 minutes; group B-15 minutes; group C-20 minutes (historical control from another clinical trial). Participants perineal pain magnitude was evaluated through a numerical scale (010), at four different points: before the cryotherapy; immediately after and at 20 and 40 minutes after cryotherapy. Results. After application of the ice pack, there was no statistical difference when comparing the perineal pain among groups in the second, third and fourth evaluations. Most of the postnatal women reported pain relief, with 72.8% reporting a decrease in pain >50%; 21.9% reported a decrease between 3050%. All postnatal women subjected to cryotherapy were favourable to the procedure. Conclusion. There is no difference in pain scores following ice pack application in three different times (10, 15 and 20 minutes) in women who report moderate or intense perineal pain after normal delivery. Relevance for clinical practice. Ice treatment is safe, and application times of 10 or 15 minutes are as beneficial as an application time of 20 minutes to relieve perineal pain.