1000 resultados para Periapical Disease


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To present a case report of a metastasis from cervical cancer to the maxilla, which was misdiagnosed as periapical disease and to caution clinicians that metastases could have a disguised clinical presentation that must be taken into account in the differential diagnosis of periapical disease in oncologic patients. Although metastatic tumours of the jaws are uncommon, they may mimic benign inflammatory processes and reactive lesions. The ability of metastatic lesions to mimic periapical disease is discussed and a brief review of the literature is presented, emphasizing the importance of correct diagnosis to prevent delay in diagnosing cancer. Attention should therefore be given to the patient's medical history, especially of those with a previous history of cancer, and all dental practitioners should be aware of the possibility of metastases that may be confused with periapical disease. Finally, endodontists are well placed to recognize malignant and metastatic oral lesions during the initial clinical stages, given that their treatments are usually based on frequent dental appointments and long-term follow-ups.


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This study examines the role of Th1 (interferon-gamma [IFN-gamma]) and Th2 (interleukin-4 [IL-4] and IL-10) cytokines, an intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM-1), and a chemokine receptor (CCR5) in the pathogenesis of periapical lesions at different stages of development in knockout mice. For lesion induction, the first molar was opened and inoculated with 4 bacterial strains and left open to the oral environment. After 21 and 42 days, the IFN-gamma, IL-10, ICAM-1, and CCR5 knockout animals presented periapical lesions larger than those of wild-type animals. There was no statistically significant difference between periapical lesions induced in IL-4 knockout and wild-type animals during the periods evaluated. Our findings suggest an important role for IFN-gamma, IL-10, ICAM-1, and CCR5 in the pathogenesis of experimentally induced pulp infection and bone destruction as endogenous suppressor of periapical lesion development, whereas IL-4 appears to present a nonsignificant effect on periapical lesion modulation.


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The possible connection between chronic oral inflammatory processes, such as apical periodontitis and periodontal disease (PD), and systemic health is one of the most interesting aspects faced by the medical and dental scientific community. Chronic apical periodontitis shares important characteristics with PD: 1) both are chronic infections of the oral cavity, 2) the Gram-negative anaerobic microbiota found in both diseases is comparable, and 3) in both infectious processes increased local levels of inflammatory mediators may have an impact on systemic levels. One of the systemic disorders linked to PD is diabetes mellitus (DM); is therefore plausible to assume that chronic apical periodontitis and endodontic treatment are also associated with DM. The status of knowledge regarding the relationship between DM and endodontics is reviewed. Upon review, we conclude that there are data in the literature that associate DM with a higher prevalence of periapical lesions, greater size of the osteolityc lesions, greater likelihood of asymptomatic infections and worse prognosis for root filled teeth. The results of some studies suggest that periapical disease may contribute to diabetic metabolic dyscontrol


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Objective. To evaluate the periapical repair after root canal treatment in the teeth of dogs using CT and conventional radiography and to compare these findings with the gold standard microscopic evaluation. Study design. The animals were divided into three groups according to endodontic treatment performed: Group 1, single-visit endodontic treatment in teeth without apical periodontitis; Group 2, single-visit endodontic treatment in teeth with apical periodontitis; and Group 3, endodontic treatment in teeth with apical periodontitis using calcium hydroxide as a root canal dressing. Group 4 consisted of teeth with apical periodontitis not submitted to root canal treatment and Group 5 consisted of healthy teeth without periapical disease. Radiographic, tomographic, and microscopic evaluations were performed by blind examiners. At 180 days experimental time, CT and radiographic measurements of periapical disease were compared with the gold standard microscopic measurement using intraclass correlation coefficient. Intergroup comparisons considering different methods of periapical lesions measurement or different clinical protocols of root canal treatment were performed by Kruskal Wallis test followed by Dunn. Integrity of lamina dura, presence of radiolucent areas, and presence of root resorption were analyzed by Fisher`s exact test. Results. There was discontinuity of the lamina dura and CPD in all teeth from Groups 2, 3, and 4 evaluated by tomography and radiography 45 days after CPD induction. Radiographically, 180 days after root canal treatment, there was no periapical lesion in teeth from Groups 1 and 3, different from groups 2 and 4 (p < .05). The highest reduction in the CPD size was observed on Group 3 (p < .05). According to the tomographic results, there was decrease of the size of the CPD on Group 3 but not on Groups 2 or 4. However, in all groups the periapical lesions presented larger mesio-distal extension if compared with radiography, both 45 days after CPD induction and 180 days after root canal treatment. At 180 days, CT measurements were closely related to microscopic results (ICC = 0.95) differently from radiographic evaluation (ICC = 0.86). Conclusion. CT Scan evaluation of periapical repair following root canal treatment provided similar information than that obtained by microscopic analysis, whereas radiographic evaluation underestimated the size do periapical lesion. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2009; 108:796-805)


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The objective of the present study was to evaluate radiographically and bacteriologically apical and periapical repair in dogs' teeth with induced chronic periapical lesions with the use of two different operative techniques (techniques 1 and 2). The study was conducted on 40 root canals of upper and lower premolars from two dogs aged approximately 12 months. Periapical lesions were induced by leaving the root canals exposed to the oral environment for 5 days and then sealing them with zinc oxide-eugenol for 45 days. After this period, radiographic examination revealed the occurrence of a radiolucent lesion and endodontic treatment was started. The two techniques did not differ in terms of chemomechanical preparation, final filling, or type of cement, but differed in terms of irrigating solution and the presence of an antibacterial dressing. Thus 4% to 6% hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide (10 volumes) were used in technique 1 during chemomechanical preparation and an antibacterial dressing based on calcium hydroxide was applied between sessions, whereas Dakin's fluid (0.5% sodium hypochlorite solution) and a final filling with no antibacterial dressing were used in technique 2. After chemomechanical preparation, the root canals were filled with gutta-percha cones and Sealapex (Sealapex-Sybron, Kerr, Sao Paulo, Brazil), and the animals were killed 270 days after the final filling. Blocks were cut into 6-μm sections and stained by the Brown and Brenn method. Radiographic, histomicrobiologic and statistical analysis permitted us to conclude the following: radiographically there was a marked reduction or even the disappearance of the radiolucent area present before treatment with greater success in the group treated with technique 1 (group I) than in the group treated with technique 2 (group II); the extent of bacterial invasion of dentinal tubules was greater and more intense in group II than in group I; and the amount of microorganisms detected in the ramifications of the apical delta and in the lumen of the root canal was intense in group II and mild or absent in group I. © 1994.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate periapical and apical repair using calcium hydroxide root canal dressings for different lengths of times in teeth with induced chronic periapical lesions. A total of 61 root canals of maxillary and mandibular premolars from 4 dogs were used. After mechanical preparation of the root canals using the crown-down technique, and 5.25% NaOCl as irrigating solution, the apical foramen was enlarged in all cases. A calcium hydroxide root canal dressing was applied. The control group did not receive a root canal dressing. The animals were killed at 7, 15 or 30 days. After histological preparation, serial sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and Mallory's trichrome. The best histopathological results occurred at 15 and 30 days, and the worst results occurred at 7 days and in the control group.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the apical and periapical repair after root canal treatment of dogs' teeth with pulp necrosis and chronic periapical lesion using different root canal sealers. After periapical lesion induction, forty-four root canals of 3 dogs were submitted to biomechanical preparation using 5.25% sodium hypochlorite as an irrigating solution. A calcium hydroxide dressing (Calen PMCC) was applied for 15 days and the root canals were filled using the lateral condensation technique with gutta-percha points and Sealapex, AH Plus or Sealer Plus for sealing. After 180 days, the animals were sacrificed by anesthetic overdose and the obtained histological sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin for optical microscopic analysis of the apical and periapical repair. The groups filled with Sealapex and AH Plus had better histological repair (p < 0.05) than the group filled with Sealer Plus, that had unsatisfactory results.


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Aim: To evaluate the influence of coronal filling and apical perforation on the induction of periapical inflammation. Methodology: Fifty-eight root canals in the teeth of dogs were divided into four groups. Groups I and II: root canals were exposed for 180 days; groups III and IV: root canals were exposed for 7 days and then the access cavity filled for 53 days. The root apices of groups I and III were perforated after the coronal opening, whilst those of groups II and IV remained intact. Standard radiographs were taken before and after the experimental periods. Digital images of the radiographs were created and then analysed by three examiners. After induction of periapical inflammation, the root canal contents were collected using paper points. Microbiologic evaluation of the type of microorganism was carried out by culture in different growth media. The radiographic and microbiologic data were statistically analysed using ANOVA at a 5% significance level. Results: There were a greater total number of microorganisms in groups I and II (P < 0.05). The number of anaerobes was greater than the number of aerobes (P < 0.05). The size of the periapical radiolucencies were not significantly different between the experimental groups. Conclusions: The different methods analysed induced similar areas of periapical radiolucency in dogs with predominantly anaerobic bacteria. However, the time required for induction was less when the method with coronal filling was used. © 2005 International Endodontic Journal.


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Aim: To present an additional case of intraosseous schawannoma involving the apical area in the mandibular alveolar bone mimicking an inflammatory periapical lesion. Summary: This article describes a case of schwannoma periapically located mimicking an inflammatory periapical lesion in the mandible of a 34-year-old female. Diagnostic and therapeutic problems can occur when this lesion is misinterpreted as being endodontic in origin. The diagnosis, radiograph, immunohistochemical aspects and treatment are also discussed. Key learning points: • Intraosseous schwannoma is a rare unilocular radiolucency that when located periapically could be misdiagnosed as an endodontic lesion and result in unnecessary root canal treatment. • The vitality of the pulp is an important test to exclude lesions of inflammatory origin. • Histological examination is important to establish the diagnosis of lesions in the periradicular region. © 2007 International Endodontic Journal.


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This paper describes the clinical courses of three cases with extra-oral sinus tract formation, from diagnosis and treatment to short-term follow-up and evaluation. All teeth involved had periradicular radiolucent areas noted on radiographic examination and extra-oral sinus tracts appearing on the chin with exudation and unpleasant aesthetic appearance. The adopted treatment protocol included treating the sinus tract surface simultaneously with the root canal therapy. After root canal shaping using 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution, calcium hydroxide-based pastes associated with different vehicles were inserted into the root canal for 4 months, and were changed monthly. All the sinus tracts healed in 7 to 10 days. The apical lesions were completely repaired in a maximum period of 24 months. The treatment adopted provided a complete healing of the periapical lesions in a short follow-up period. Surgical repair of the cutaneous sinus tract was therefore unnecessary. © 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2007 Australian Society of Endodontology.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the microbial distribution in the root canal system after periapical lesion induction in dogs' teeth using different methods. Fifty-two root canals were assigned to 4 groups (n=13). Groups I and II: root canals were exposed to the oral cavity for 180 days; groups III and IV: root canals were exposed for 7 days and then the coronal openings were sealed for 53 days. The root apices of groups I and III were perforated, while those of groups II and IV remained intact. After the experimental periods, the animals were euthanized and the anatomic pieces containing the roots were processed and stained with the Brown & Brenn method to assess the presence and distribution of microorganisms. The incidence of microorganisms at different sites of the roots and periapical lesions was analyzed statistically by the chi-square test at 5% significance level. All groups presented microorganisms in the entire root canal system. A larger number of microorganisms was observed on the root canal walls, apical delta and dentinal tubules (p<0.05), followed by cementum and cemental resorption areas. In spite of the different periods of exposure to the oral environment, the methods used for induction of periapical periodontitis yielded similar distribution of microorganisms in the root canal system.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate periapical repair after root canal filling with different endodontic sealers. Sixty four root canals from dog ́s teeth were filled, divided into 4 groups (n=16). Root canals were instrumented with K-type files and irrigated with 1% sodium hypochlorite solution. Root canals were filled in the same session by active lateral condensation of the cones and sealers: Intrafill, AH Plus, Roeko Seal and Resilon/Epiphany System. After 90 days, the animals were euthanized and the tissues to be evaluated were processed and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. For histopathological analysis, the following parameters were evaluated: inflammatory process, mineralized tissue resorption, and apical mineralized tissue deposition. Histopathological analysis demonstrated that Intrafill had less favorable results in terms of apical and periapical repair, compared to the other sealers (p<0.05). AH Plus, Roeko Seal, and Epiphany sealers had similar and satisfactory results (p>0.05). In conclusion, AH Plus and the materials Roeko Seal and Epiphany are good options for clinical use in Endodontics.


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Aim To evaluate the effect of biomechanical preparation with different irrigating solutions and calcium hydroxide dressing in dog root canals containing bacterial endotoxin (lipopolysaccharides; LPS).Methodology One hundred and forty premolar roots from seven dogs were filled with Escherichia coli LPS for 10 days (three roots were lost during histological processing). The following irrigating solutions were used for biomechanical preparation: 1% (group I, n = 20), 2.5% (group II, n = 19) and 5% sodium hypochlorite (group III, n = 19), 2% chlorhexidine digluconate (group IV, n = 20) and physiological saline solution (group V, n = 19). In group VI (n = 20), the LPS solution was maintained in the root canal during the entire experiment and in group VII (n = 20), after biomechanical preparation with saline solution, the root canals were filled with a calcium hydroxide dressing (Calen; control). After 60 days, the animals were sacrificed and the following parameters of periapical disease were evaluated: (a) inflammatory infiltrate, (b) periodontal ligament thickness, (c) cementum resorption and (d) bone resorption. Scores were given and data were analysed statistically with the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests (P < 0.05).Results Histopathological evaluation showed that groups I-VI had more inflammatory infiltrate, greater periodontal ligament thickening and greater cementum and bone resorption (P < 0.05) compared to group VII, which received the calcium hydroxide intracanal dressing.Conclusions Biomechanical preparation with the irrigating solutions did not inactivate the effects of the endotoxin but the calcium hydroxide intracanal dressing did appear to inactivate the effects induced by the endotoxin in vivo.


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This is a case report of Garré's osteomyelitis caused by infection from a lower left molar which was successfully managed by root treatment following several unsuccessful attempts with antibiotic therapy alone. After 18 months there was complete resolution of the bony lesion.